
Too bad the Ghost is gone. :(

Now I hate all of them.
I recently watched the posted video clip of Liz writhing in the thrall of orgasm and it's very obvious that Austin is screwing her one way or another.

Last night I noticed that Liz's occupation is that of Marketing Coordinator, which means all of her co-workers, including her employer, along with about 75% of Americans with television sets, have watched Little Lizzie being boffed by an extremely freaky fellow under the most un-romantic circumstances imaginable.

What this implies is Liz either will be out of a job or she will be the topic of many toilet-wall adages and aphorisms. In a sense, Liz has fallen into competition with Monica Lewinsky.
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Yup. And that is what Twitter and SS and many other websites are saying as well. Liz is fucked. Figuratively and otherwise. Maybe she can get a job doing porn when the show is over.
What a stupid STUPID thing to do.
Austin without his matty nasty hair.


Wow, he does look a lot like a nastier Bob Saget.

Well, this game is his to lose, or Liz's - she is the lynch pin holding together two alliances. Her affair with Austin is just gross.
Double eviction this week. If James wins veto, he can stay alive to win. Good lord, I've never seen a season where they let a three person alliance intact this late in the game. Vanessa must not be as BB savvy as she thinks.

James and Meg are on the block.
I wanted to let you all know you can get the live feeds free the last week of the competitions or whatever week you want. When you order, you get a week free trial. Just make sure you cancel after the 7 days are up. Keep the email they send you so you know how to cancel.
James winning veto is good. James playing the game correctly is bad.
If they don't get the austwins of them will win because it will most likely be austin and liz.
Not meg. She shouldn't be on the show, period. Bad knees, can't win shit, sleeps all the time. Yuck. Fingered Liz, hell no! Julia...meh. Just another floater like Steve. I'm still rooting for James.
Not meg. She shouldn't be on the show, period. Bad knees, can't win shit, sleeps all the time. Yuck. Fingered Liz, hell no! Julia...meh. Just another floater like Steve. I'm still rooting for James.
Last night she was giving him a handy. After, she hugged him and she said I really like you. :)

I need her gone, I swear.
James lost his bed, too. Why? He was complaining there are cum stains all over it.

Those two use all the beds, jack off all over them, don't bother to wash the sheets and expect everyone to lay in it. Its disgusting.
Vanessa was up there with steve asking him what he would do in different scenarios and he was just telling her everything she wanted to know.
I like Meg because she's a goofy Brooklyn babe and James is her only buddy, so I am sorry to see them go. I think the Twins are going to prevail and I'm hoping to see Vanessa and Steve go next. I dislike them both.
I haven't kept up much cuz the ones left are skanky in so many ways. Meg, I liked at first, but the more I read of the shit she was saying, the more I disliked her.
I like James, but he played a very bad game.
It is what it is. Now they can sleep, eat, play in Jury since they all were so bad that is where they ended up.
I haven't kept up much cuz the ones left are skanky in so many ways. Meg, I liked at first, but the more I read of the shit she was saying, the more I disliked her.
I like James, but he played a very bad game.
It is what it is. Now they can sleep, eat, play in Jury since they all were so bad that is where they ended up.
Oh it's hilarious. Steve got HOH and put Austin and Liz up.Liz is the target. She is crying and sobbing SO loud. :lol:

I saw a tweet on Hamsterwatch that said, Liz is crying and Live Feeders everywhere are celebrating!

We're waiting for them to play VETO today to see who goes out on Thursday.
Looks like they're playing now. In about 4 hours, we'll know. I'll place the answer as a spoiler when I find out.
Austin won, I think he'll save himself and Steve will put Julia up.

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