'Baton Passed' At U.N. - Obama Throws Tantrum As Putin Rises


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Obama has turned Putin into the worldā€™s most powerful leader

Obamaā€™s daddy dreamed of a world where the United States was no longer a world power or influenceā€¦Mission accomplished, Barry! The baton was officially transferred Monday to the worldā€™s new sole superpower ā€” and Vladimir Putin willingly picked it up.

President Obama (remember him?) embraced the ideals espoused by the United Nationsā€™ founders 70 years ago: Diplomacy and ā€œinternational orderā€ will win over time, while might and force will lose.

Putin, too, appealed to UN laws (as he sees them), but he also used his speech to announce the formation of a ā€œbroad international coalitionā€ to fight ISIS in Syria and Iraq.

ā€œSimilar to the anti-Hitler coalition, it could unite a broad range of forcesā€ to fight ā€œthose who, just like the Nazis, sow evil and hatred of humankind,ā€ he said. Putin made it clear: ā€œNo one but President [Bashar al-]Assadā€™s armed forces and Kurd militia are fighting the Islamic State.ā€

And whoā€™d lead this new coalition? Hint: Moscow has always celebrated the Alliesā€™ World War II victory as a Russian-led fete.

While Putin displayed an air of leadership and diplomacy, rallying the worldā€™s nations to come together to fight a common enemy, President Obama displayed an air of bitterness by focusing on his own failed foreign policy. He seemed to blame and scolded Putin for it. He first criticized Putin for annexing Crimea, which was done with no opposition from Obama despite a US pledge to the Ukraine that America would help defend its sovereign border. Next President Obama criticized Russiaā€™s support of Assad, who Obama blames for the conflict there, despite his own failure to oust Assad from the country after his embarrassing ā€˜Red Lineā€™ debacle.

But even as he chided Russia, China and even Iran for being steeped in the policies of the past, it was Obama who at times sounded like a throwback to days of yore. His celebration of the United Nations was reminiscent of scenes from 1950s movies that portrayed it as a place where problems are actually resolved. In reality, along the decades (and even more so in the last six years), the UN became so paralyzed that it can no longer serve as arbiter of global security.

Obamaā€™s speech was, as ever, full of promise. By contrast, Putinā€™s deployment of forces in Syria and arming of Assad create facts on the ground. They have also propelled him to the top by taking initiative on todayā€™s most consequential world fight.

Although Obama received much less applause during his Monday speech than in past years, heā€™s still well-liked at the world body. Because as forceful as Obamaā€™s words are, theyā€™re rarely backed by action. Putin? Nobody applauded him. Heā€™s more interested in being feared than liked. Then again, his words, at most, are meant to explain forceful action. Thatā€™s how Putin seized leadership from America.


Exploits vacuum...
Hey Barry....

The 1980s Just Calledā€¦They said You Should Have Listened When Romney Warned You About Putinā€¦Now Vlad Owns Your @$$!

Let Putin step in and fix the middle east
Obama did promise to fundamentally transform American, he never once said it would be for the better

Let Putin step in and fix the middle east

are we going to like his "fix" though idiot????

I can see bedowin62's point: Putin holds Syria important because they are a HUGE customer and are like-minded. Putin is not our buddy, but he is willing to team with Syria (not our buddy), China (not our buddy), and Iran (not our buddy). All of them are willing to join together to fight ISIS...because even THEY are smart enough to see how big of a threat they and their 'movement' is.

Liberals have said over and over the US is not the world's policeman, that the 'world' should take a bigger lead in cleaning up 'messes'. Here ya go. Let them join in to fight ISIS.

One problem at a time - Get rid of ISIS, then worry about Russia, Syria, Iran, and China. (While they are focused on fighting ISIS we can focus more on THEM.

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