Barr Says He Doesn't Expect Criminal Investigation Of Obama or Biden As Result of Durham Probe

If they could bring charges, they would bring charges.

Maybe this means that talk radio is hiding / ignoring / distorting contrary and/or exculpatory evidence in order to make the sheep as angry as possible.

As usual.

Gee, ya think?
Not quite. They won't bring charges because we are not going to set the precedent of prosecuting former presidents and their VPs. once they leave office. You can see how doing that would be abused by political party partisans.
They won’t bring charges because they aren’t idiots and don’t believe the dumb crap Trump says about Obama.
More spitballs? Whatever...
If they could bring charges, they would bring charges.

I don't buy that. Barry is being protected, just as he and his administration protected Hillary.

For all the BS snowflakes on this board spew in her defense, there is not 1 single truth to the fact that she did NOT break laws. Attempting to argue that it was not illegal for her to have TS-SCI material on her unauthorized, unencrypted, unsecured server and that 'just because the FBI publicly declared they found THOUSANDS of SUBPOENAED OFFICIAL documents she never turned over to the State Dept for archival (criminal counts against the FOIA and Federal Records Act) doe snot mean she committed a crime' are 2 of the STUPIDEST and most FALSE damn things ever suggested in human history.

Barry was the United States President who ran / directed the DOJ, NIA (17 different Intel Agencies), the CIA, and FBI. For someone to suggest that he had NO CLUE that his UN Ambassador was unmasking political candidates and their team, that the DOJ+NIA+CIA+FBI had gone 'ROGUE' and were illegally spying on US citizens, reporters, the media, US SENATORS, USSC Justices, Presidential candidates and their team, and a newly elected President in his team - especially when the DD-CIA stated he was a MICRO-MANAGER over every agency - IS officially the DUMBEST and MOST FALSE BS ever.

That is demanding everyone believe that while being a self-proclaimed Constitutional scholar an brilliant man and President, Barry was also a naïve idiot...which he definitely was not.
Oh, that's right. Deep State Fake News Commie Hitlers.

Got it.
Obama, and Holder, did not know about fast and furious, until after that fact.... that was proven....

I know right??? So not only is Obama characterized as a stumbling, bumbling, incompetent, incurious boob, who never knows anything going on around him inside his own administration, until he hears it about it on the evening news.... but now, Obama's own wingman, Holder, was also a incurious ignoramus like Obama

Obama wasn’t clueless. He purposefully maintained a distance from the DoJ which is what every president has done. Politicians should stay out of justice.

It takes a special type of stupid to think the two should be mixed.
So Obama's DOJ was so off the leash, that it was allowed to spy on the the news media and staffers who worked for the opposition presidential campaign? Obama's top officials in FBI, CIA, NSA, etc... did not even respect Obama enough to even inform him of this unprecedented use of federal power?

Yeah I know. On the one hand Obama was a brilliant, wise, quick witted, hands on and laser focused president, but when it's politically convenient.... Obama was an incompetent, incurious boob, who never knew what his own administration was doing, until he heard about it on the CBS evening news hour like the rest of us folks did?

Sort of like when he spent twenty years sitting in the pews of Rev. Wright's church, where Obama presumably just counted ceiling tiles, and was oblivious to anything Wright said.

I don't buy the 'Obama didn't know' BS.

The Deputy Director for the CIA stated in an interview that the difference between CIA Ops under Obama and CIA Ops under Trump is that Obama was a MICRO-MANAGER. He said Barry CONTROLLED absolutely EVERYTHING from what type of furniture they were allowed to purchase to WHO TO INVESTIGATE.

When I hear shit like that I immediately remember hos Brennan and the CIA was caught illegally spying on US citizens, reporters, the media, US SENATORS, USSC Justices, candidates, and a newly elected president and his team. By what the DD-CIA said, all of it was BARRY.

Again, the Chicago scumbag was officially acknowledged ads having the most FOIA & FRA criminally non-compliant administration EVER, initiated the largest corrupt / criminal political scandal in US history, and perpetrated the largest criminal / Un-Constitutional Abuse of Power in US history.

Rice being caught lying her ass off about 'not knowing' is the same BS defense being afforded / cast over Barry, and it could not be farther from the actual truth.

Obama administration sets new record for withholding FOIA requests - PBS

Obama’s legacy will be one of secrecy and hostility toward the press - The Hill

If people actually look back on the Obama admin without the partisan colored glasses, they will see an administration which was very secretive, hostile to the press, and used police state powers against his political opponents.
Feels like a very hypocritical criticism.

If they could bring charges, they would bring charges.

Maybe this means that talk radio is hiding / ignoring / distorting contrary and/or exculpatory evidence in order to make the sheep as angry as possible.

As usual.

Gee, ya think?
Not quite. They won't bring charges because we are not going to set the precedent of prosecuting former presidents and their VPs. once they leave office. You can see how doing that would be abused by political party partisans.
They won’t bring charges because they aren’t idiots and don’t believe the dumb crap Trump says about Obama.
More spitballs? Whatever...
You know I’m right. You just are looking for excuses to keep believing what you want to believe.

Literally, the evidence against Obama is that he said don’t break any laws.
Not quite. They won't bring charges because we are not going to set the precedent of prosecuting former presidents and their VPs. once they leave office. You can see how doing that would be abused by political party partisans.

Agreed - THIS DOJ will not set the precedence of prosecuting a former President - especially the 1st Black President in US history - and/or his VP after they leave office.

You can damn-well bet, however, once president Trump leaves office the insane TDS-obsessed Democrats will sure-as-hell attempt to Prosecute HIM.

It has not even been 5 months since the House Democrats attempted the 1st EVER admitted PARTISAN Impeachment of a US President - based on ZERO crime/evidence/witnesses...and horrifically FAILED...and already Schiff and Nadler are declaring they are mounting ANOTHER such attempt.

If they could bring charges, they would bring charges.

Maybe this means that talk radio is hiding / ignoring / distorting contrary and/or exculpatory evidence in order to make the sheep as angry as possible.

As usual.

Gee, ya think?
Not quite. They won't bring charges because we are not going to set the precedent of prosecuting former presidents and their VPs. once they leave office. You can see how doing that would be abused by political party partisans.
They won’t bring charges because they aren’t idiots and don’t believe the dumb crap Trump says about Obama.
More spitballs? Whatever...
You know I’m right. You just are looking for excuses to keep believing what you want to believe.

Literally, the evidence against Obama is that he said don’t break any laws.
Would you give Trump a pass, if he said the same thing? Obviously not, since the nation suffered for three years over the Trump-Russia collusion hoax.
Obama, and Holder, did not know about fast and furious, until after that fact.... that was proven....

I know right??? So not only is Obama characterized as a stumbling, bumbling, incompetent, incurious boob, who never knows anything going on around him inside his own administration, until he hears it about it on the evening news.... but now, Obama's own wingman, Holder, was also a incurious ignoramus like Obama

Obama wasn’t clueless. He purposefully maintained a distance from the DoJ which is what every president has done. Politicians should stay out of justice.

It takes a special type of stupid to think the two should be mixed.
So Obama's DOJ was so off the leash, that it was allowed to spy on the the news media and staffers who worked for the opposition presidential campaign? Obama's top officials in FBI, CIA, NSA, etc... did not even respect Obama enough to even inform him of this unprecedented use of federal power?

Yeah I know. On the one hand Obama was a brilliant, wise, quick witted, hands on and laser focused president, but when it's politically convenient.... Obama was an incompetent, incurious boob, who never knew what his own administration was doing, until he heard about it on the CBS evening news hour like the rest of us folks did?

Sort of like when he spent twenty years sitting in the pews of Rev. Wright's church, where Obama presumably just counted ceiling tiles, and was oblivious to anything Wright said.

I don't buy the 'Obama didn't know' BS.

The Deputy Director for the CIA stated in an interview that the difference between CIA Ops under Obama and CIA Ops under Trump is that Obama was a MICRO-MANAGER. He said Barry CONTROLLED absolutely EVERYTHING from what type of furniture they were allowed to purchase to WHO TO INVESTIGATE.

When I hear shit like that I immediately remember hos Brennan and the CIA was caught illegally spying on US citizens, reporters, the media, US SENATORS, USSC Justices, candidates, and a newly elected president and his team. By what the DD-CIA said, all of it was BARRY.

Again, the Chicago scumbag was officially acknowledged ads having the most FOIA & FRA criminally non-compliant administration EVER, initiated the largest corrupt / criminal political scandal in US history, and perpetrated the largest criminal / Un-Constitutional Abuse of Power in US history.

Rice being caught lying her ass off about 'not knowing' is the same BS defense being afforded / cast over Barry, and it could not be farther from the actual truth.

Obama administration sets new record for withholding FOIA requests - PBS

Obama’s legacy will be one of secrecy and hostility toward the press - The Hill

If people actually look back on the Obama admin without the partisan colored glasses, they will see an administration which was very secretive, hostile to the press, and used police state powers against his political opponents.
Feels like a very hypocritical criticism.

That's weak. Trump has no power over the redactions done by the DOJ. Obama's admin simply ignored FOIA requests.

Are you suggesting that Trump should overrule the DOJ and our intel agencies and declassify everything? You folks have been screaming like stuck pigs every time some document is declassified.

Don't be silly, if classified information, or grand jury material is requested thru FOIA, then of course there will be redactions.
Obama, and Holder, did not know about fast and furious, until after that fact.... that was proven....

I know right??? So not only is Obama characterized as a stumbling, bumbling, incompetent, incurious boob, who never knows anything going on around him inside his own administration, until he hears it about it on the evening news.... but now, Obama's own wingman, Holder, was also a incurious ignoramus like Obama

Obama wasn’t clueless. He purposefully maintained a distance from the DoJ which is what every president has done. Politicians should stay out of justice.

It takes a special type of stupid to think the two should be mixed.
So Obama's DOJ was so off the leash, that it was allowed to spy on the the news media and staffers who worked for the opposition presidential campaign? Obama's top officials in FBI, CIA, NSA, etc... did not even respect Obama enough to even inform him of this unprecedented use of federal power?

Yeah I know. On the one hand Obama was a brilliant, wise, quick witted, hands on and laser focused president, but when it's politically convenient.... Obama was an incompetent, incurious boob, who never knew what his own administration was doing, until he heard about it on the CBS evening news hour like the rest of us folks did?

Sort of like when he spent twenty years sitting in the pews of Rev. Wright's church, where Obama presumably just counted ceiling tiles, and was oblivious to anything Wright said.
The DoJ operates with a certain degree of independence from politicians. It’s one of the things that has made our country great.

You may want politicians calling the shots in criminal prosecutions, but I’d prefer to keep Away from the corrupt nonsense that characterizes failed states and dictatorships.
That assumption falls flat, when Obama knew all about the call between Kislyak and Flynn in December, before Sally Yates did, and it seems Obama knew before Flynn was officially unmasked. Also the texts by FBI employees saying "potus wants to know everything we're doing," shows Obama was actively involved at all levels.
You folks have been screaming like stuck pigs every time some document is declassified.

Its the typical reaction of cockroaches when the kitchen light is turned on at 2am....
LOL, yup. Only in the mind of partisan Democrats is it a cover up when we declassify documents to shine the light on the truth and reveal the facts.
Obama, and Holder, did not know about fast and furious, until after that fact.... that was proven....

I know right??? So not only is Obama characterized as a stumbling, bumbling, incompetent, incurious boob, who never knows anything going on around him inside his own administration, until he hears it about it on the evening news.... but now, Obama's own wingman, Holder, was also a incurious ignoramus like Obama

Obama wasn’t clueless. He purposefully maintained a distance from the DoJ which is what every president has done. Politicians should stay out of justice.

It takes a special type of stupid to think the two should be mixed.
So Obama's DOJ was so off the leash, that it was allowed to spy on the the news media and staffers who worked for the opposition presidential campaign? Obama's top officials in FBI, CIA, NSA, etc... did not even respect Obama enough to even inform him of this unprecedented use of federal power?

Yeah I know. On the one hand Obama was a brilliant, wise, quick witted, hands on and laser focused president, but when it's politically convenient.... Obama was an incompetent, incurious boob, who never knew what his own administration was doing, until he heard about it on the CBS evening news hour like the rest of us folks did?

Sort of like when he spent twenty years sitting in the pews of Rev. Wright's church, where Obama presumably just counted ceiling tiles, and was oblivious to anything Wright said.
The DoJ operates with a certain degree of independence from politicians. It’s one of the things that has made our country great.

You may want politicians calling the shots in criminal prosecutions, but I’d prefer to keep Away from the corrupt nonsense that characterizes failed states and dictatorships.
That assumption falls flat, when Obama knew all about the call between Kislyak and Flynn in December, before Sally Yates did, and it seems Obama knew before Flynn was officially unmasked. Also the texts by FBI employees saying "potus wants to know everything we're doing," shows Obama was actively involved at all levels.
The president knows a lot about national security and foreign intelligence. Obama knowing about the call doesn’t have anything to do with criminal investigations. It has to do with him making foreign policy.

Sally Yates didn’t know about the call precisely because it WASN’T part of a justice investigation at that time. As you see, the deeper you look, the more your assumptions fall apart.
You folks have been screaming like stuck pigs every time some document is declassified.

Its the typical reaction of cockroaches when the kitchen light is turned on at 2am....
LOL, yup. Only in the mind of partisan Democrats is it a cover up when we declassify documents to shine the light on the truth and reveal the facts.
Selective declassification is a political weapon.

You won’t see him declassify the phone call between Flynn and Kislyak.
Barr Says He Doesn't Expect Criminal Investigation Of Obama or Biden As Result of Durham Probe

18 May 2020 ~~ By Brooke Singman
Attorney General Bill Barr said Monday he does not expect U.S. Attorney John Durham’s review into the origins of the Russia probe will lead to a “criminal investigation” of either former President Barack Obama or former Vice President Joe Biden -- while noting that their concern of “potential criminality” in the conduct of that probe is “focused on others.”
Barr, during a press conference otherwise focused on the December 2019 shooting at Naval Air Station Pensacola, spoke at length about the Durham investigation. He said he has a “general idea” of how the investigation is going and confirmed that “some aspects are being investigated as potential crimes.”
Barr did say, however, that “not every abuse of power, no matter how outrageous, is necessarily a federal crime.”
“As for President Obama and Vice President Biden, whatever their level of involvement based on what I know, I don’t expect Durham’s work will lead to a criminal investigation of either man,” Barr said. “Our concern of potential criminality is focused on others.”
One source said that the "pattern of conduct" Durham is investigating includes misrepresentations made to the FISA court to obtain warrants to surveil Trump campaign associate Carter Page, as well as the "unmasking" of Flynn's identity.
“Barr talks to Durham every day,” one source recently told Fox News. “The president has been briefed that the case is being pursued, and it’s serious.”

AS I've expressed before, I don't believe that Barack Hussein Obama aka, Barry Soetoro, aka Barry Dunham will be indicted for any crimes committed as president. However, many of his willing sycophants that participated in the seditious acts of the failed coup d' etat will be prosecuted.
This all hinges at this point as to whether Trump will be re-elected.
Doing so, could set a precedent that would be followed by every incoming Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat administration—investigate and indict their predecessors. I do, however, think that everybody else involved, no matter how far up or down the food chain, needs to swing for this.
There's no doubt that those that violated the oath to protect the Constitution and Bill of Rights need to be prosecuted, the question still remains to whether or not they will be. People like Brennan, Clapper, Lynch, Rice, Power, Rhodes, Comey, McCabe, Baker, Priestap, Strzok, and Page need to pay the piper....
One has to wonder if Barry signed off on "Get out of Jail Cards" for all of the above.
When the elites exempt other elites from the rule of law, they are perpetrating a silent tyranny on the rest of us.
The unmasking was not a crime and likely no prosecution for such unmasking is to come because if it was being investigated as a possible crime, the names released by the NSA would not have been done, on an ongoing investigation....

it politically served their purpose, but would have been a no no, if any of them were being investigated for it, in any kind of criminal manner.
Ah yes, the brown turd and the groper are "ABOVE THE LAW"....i really hate you dumbass liberals for being such retarded folks.
What law do you think he broke? Be specific.....
You won't accept any reply that doesn't agree with you.
Barr Says He Doesn't Expect Criminal Investigation Of Obama or Biden As Result of Durham Probe

18 May 2020 ~~ By Brooke Singman
Attorney General Bill Barr said Monday he does not expect U.S. Attorney John Durham’s review into the origins of the Russia probe will lead to a “criminal investigation” of either former President Barack Obama or former Vice President Joe Biden -- while noting that their concern of “potential criminality” in the conduct of that probe is “focused on others.”
Barr, during a press conference otherwise focused on the December 2019 shooting at Naval Air Station Pensacola, spoke at length about the Durham investigation. He said he has a “general idea” of how the investigation is going and confirmed that “some aspects are being investigated as potential crimes.”
Barr did say, however, that “not every abuse of power, no matter how outrageous, is necessarily a federal crime.”
“As for President Obama and Vice President Biden, whatever their level of involvement based on what I know, I don’t expect Durham’s work will lead to a criminal investigation of either man,” Barr said. “Our concern of potential criminality is focused on others.”
One source said that the "pattern of conduct" Durham is investigating includes misrepresentations made to the FISA court to obtain warrants to surveil Trump campaign associate Carter Page, as well as the "unmasking" of Flynn's identity.
“Barr talks to Durham every day,” one source recently told Fox News. “The president has been briefed that the case is being pursued, and it’s serious.”

AS I've expressed before, I don't believe that Barack Hussein Obama aka, Barry Soetoro, aka Barry Dunham will be indicted for any crimes committed as president. However, many of his willing sycophants that participated in the seditious acts of the failed coup d' etat will be prosecuted.
This all hinges at this point as to whether Trump will be re-elected.
Doing so, could set a precedent that would be followed by every incoming Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat administration—investigate and indict their predecessors. I do, however, think that everybody else involved, no matter how far up or down the food chain, needs to swing for this.
There's no doubt that those that violated the oath to protect the Constitution and Bill of Rights need to be prosecuted, the question still remains to whether or not they will be. People like Brennan, Clapper, Lynch, Rice, Power, Rhodes, Comey, McCabe, Baker, Priestap, Strzok, and Page need to pay the piper....
One has to wonder if Barry signed off on "Get out of Jail Cards" for all of the above.
When the elites exempt other elites from the rule of law, they are perpetrating a silent tyranny on the rest of us.

There is no evidence of any crimes committed by anyone you mentioned. There was no coup. Trump and the Republicans have ignored the oath they took to uphold the Constitution.
You folks have been screaming like stuck pigs every time some document is declassified.

Its the typical reaction of cockroaches when the kitchen light is turned on at 2am....
LOL, yup. Only in the mind of partisan Democrats is it a cover up when we declassify documents to shine the light on the truth and reveal the facts.
Selective declassification is a political weapon.

You won’t see him declassify the phone call between Flynn and Kislyak.

Or declassify how many members of the Trump Administration have made unmasking requests.
If they could bring charges, they would bring charges.

Maybe this means that talk radio is hiding / ignoring / distorting contrary and/or exculpatory evidence in order to make the sheep as angry as possible.

As usual.

Gee, ya think?
Not quite. They won't bring charges because we are not going to set the precedent of prosecuting former presidents and their VPs. once they leave office. You can see how doing that would be abused by political party partisans.
They won’t bring charges because they aren’t idiots and don’t believe the dumb crap Trump says about Obama.
More spitballs? Whatever...
You know I’m right. You just are looking for excuses to keep believing what you want to believe.

Literally, the evidence against Obama is that he said don’t break any laws.
if you're gonna roll the dice on barr, stay with it to the end and stop getting mad when it doesn't go "your" way. (not you but all those now mad at barr. i agree with you he needs to wait til done and just do it all at once)
Not quite. They won't bring charges because we are not going to set the precedent of prosecuting former presidents and their VPs. once they leave office. You can see how doing that would be abused by political party partisans.

Agreed - THIS DOJ will not set the precedence of prosecuting a former President - especially the 1st Black President in US history - and/or his VP after they leave office.

You can damn-well bet, however, once president Trump leaves office the insane TDS-obsessed Democrats will sure-as-hell attempt to Prosecute HIM.

It has not even been 5 months since the House Democrats attempted the 1st EVER admitted PARTISAN Impeachment of a US President - based on ZERO crime/evidence/witnesses...and horrifically FAILED...and already Schiff and Nadler are declaring they are mounting ANOTHER such attempt.


It was not partisan. Republicans were the ones who were partisan. They have abused their powers. Trying to get a foreign government to investigate your political rival is very impeachable. Actually it did not fail as it exposed more corruption in the Trump Administration. What they are defending is the power of oversight and the ability to hold a President accountable.
You folks have been screaming like stuck pigs every time some document is declassified.

Its the typical reaction of cockroaches when the kitchen light is turned on at 2am....
LOL, yup. Only in the mind of partisan Democrats is it a cover up when we declassify documents to shine the light on the truth and reveal the facts.
Selective declassification is a political weapon.

You won’t see him declassify the phone call between Flynn and Kislyak.

Or declassify how many members of the Trump Administration have made unmasking requests.
B....b...b...BUT TRUMP....

If they could bring charges, they would bring charges.

Maybe this means that talk radio is hiding / ignoring / distorting contrary and/or exculpatory evidence in order to make the sheep as angry as possible.

As usual.

Gee, ya think?
Not quite. They won't bring charges because we are not going to set the precedent of prosecuting former presidents and their VPs. once they leave office. You can see how doing that would be abused by political party partisans.
They won’t bring charges because they aren’t idiots and don’t believe the dumb crap Trump says about Obama.
More spitballs? Whatever...
You know I’m right. You just are looking for excuses to keep believing what you want to believe.

Literally, the evidence against Obama is that he said don’t break any laws.
if you're gonna roll the dice on barr, stay with it to the end and stop getting mad when it doesn't go "your" way. (not you but all those now mad at barr. i agree with you he needs to wait til done and just do it all at once)
So far Barr has proven much more capable in not prosecuting people than he has in prosecuting people.

I’ll weigh my judgement of Barr based on what he proves in court, not what he sneers at in interviews.

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