Barack Obama's Presidency Is A Complete Failure

Saved the economy

Saved GM

Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act

Health care reform

Ended the fiasco war that is Iraq

Winding down Afghanistan

Got Bin laden

Ghaddafi dead

Failure? Doesn't look like a failure to me.

It's obvious you are one of those legendary shlubs who DOES judge books by their covers!

Oh, and once you look beyond the sensation packed death of Ghaddafi you MIGHT come to spot a typical Obama pattern.

He makes enemies of our allies and makes friend with our enemies.

And this may be twisted to seem, ON THE SURFACE, as though he is a peace maker.


He is a DEAL maker.

He is selling US down the river.

Ghaddafi was playing nice with US when Obama shat upon Libya and then, POOF!...he was gone and Obama wiped his ass and smiled that shit eating grin and then offered all the aid and friendship he possibly could to Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

The Brotherhood was, is and will always be a radical Islamic group.

The Egyptian people drove them from power because they don't want Shariah law.

But Obama saw them as partners.


And if you haven't heard, ALL of the al Qaeda major leadership came from the Muslim Brotherhood and the Brotherhood has assumed the job of manning and staffing all the Mosques in the US IIRC. The Saudis pay to build these huge Mega-Mosques they are calling 'enclaves' around the US. And their numbers doubled from the year 2000 until just after 9/11.

One Mega-Mosque in Nashville, TN is the spiritual meeting place for roughly 120 Muslims in the area.

Why such a huge Mosque for so few worshipers?

They ain't tallkin!

But you can bet they have plans.

And their friend, Obama's real agenda won't be divulged voluntarily while he has any power to keep it secret.

So, you can take false pride in his getting rid of Khadaffi all you want. But when we true Patriots check beneath the surface, something you are too lazy or too gullible or too much a secret foreign agent for unknown others or for Obama, to do it will become plain to see that Obama's foreign policy is designed to strip away from us any and as many of our allies as possible and to strengthen our adversaries.

So, yeah. Crow about Khadaffy.

We know better.
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*How to create a social state by Saul Alinsky

*There are 8 levels of control that must be obtained before
you are able to create a social state. The first is the most

**1) Healthcare – **
*Control healthcare and you control the people*(Let them die)

2) Poverty –
*Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people
are easier to control and will not fight back if you are
providing everything for them to live.*(OK, Republicans have succeeded there. Now they want the poor to starve. Literally starve.)

3) Debt –
*Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you
are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.*(Bush tax cuts, two unfunded wars, a drugs for votes bill, the cost of tens of thousands maimed in Iraq, rebuilding other countries. Republicans created enormous debt. But they do that. They are good at it.)

4) Gun Control –
*Remove the ability to defend themselves from the
Government. That way you are able to create a police state.*(It's the criminals who are the danger, not the government. Besides they can use drones.)

5) Welfare –
*Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing,
and Income)*(Deny poor women contraception. Get into gays and women's bedrooms.)

6) Education –
*Take control of what people read and listen to – take
control of what children learn in school.(Replace science with the occult and rewrite history books.)
7) Religion –
*Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools*

8) Class Warfare –
*Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will
cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax)
the wealthy with the support of the poor.*(The income gap is widening by leaps and bounds. GOP policies have worked.)

Does any of this sound like what is happening to the United
States ?*

A lot of it sounds like GOP policies. The damage they have caused the country has been wildly successful.

Nice try. If you don't see the difference in these 8 things since Obama took office, you must be on the kool-aid my friend.
And the Black race was so proud when Obama took office, but now shame covers their faces.

Pfffffft. His legacy will be used against the GOP for years to come, and the GOP has no one to blame but themselves.

Bush vs obama? Bush by far. To be true to obama, you should say obama vs carter.

Please refer to the results of the 2012 election. If Bush were better than Obama, Obama would not have won. Conservatives are living in denial. Bush's Presidency has damaged the GOP brand severely. Why can't you learn that?

Our elections, the way they now stand (underscored by the Obama elections) prove that if allowed to legally lie and mislead and obfuscate in the campaign, any candidate, on any ist Tuesday in November can win the POTUS popularity contest.

A snapshot in time.

The real measure of a presidential administration, however, is how those administrations are evaluated over time.

George W. Bush's administration already stands up as at least above average.

As for Obama, well, let's not be too quick to judgment.

After all he hasn't concluded his "Shitting On America" tour.
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And the Black race was so proud when Obama took office, but now shame covers their faces.

I beg your pardon? I'm black and I have never supported this clown. Shame? Sorry, but I have no shame. I warned everyone I knew about this guy.
And the Black race was so proud when Obama took office, but now shame covers their faces.

I beg your pardon? I'm black and I have never supported this clown. Shame? Sorry, but I have no shame. I warned everyone I knew about this guy.

I'm Black, too.

Here's an approximation of how I'd have voted the day after he was elected in 2008:

Proud to have a Black POTUS = 12%

Convinced we had a lot to worry about with Obama in the WH = 51%

Wait and see attitude with a healthy dose of "hope for the best" = 37%

In 2012:

Stop Him! Stop Him!! Stop Him!!! = 100%

He's been a failure in the echo-chamber since he was elected in 2008. He also caused the economic crisis too. Everything bad that has ever happened in the country since before he beat the snot out of McCain and Palin, is all his fault.

My daughters cat was killed by a speeding car in our neighborhood. It was all Obama's fault......Damn him.
It's a failure if your goals were for more conservative policies. For liberals, it's been pretty much a success. Less stupid wars of choice, and more insured Americans. Higher taxes on the overpaid leisure classes. A chemical weapons-free Syria, and a good temp nuclear deal with Iran. No more 'don't ask, don't tell' in the military. There are more.

I'd like to thank the actual failed Presidency of George Dumbya Bush, The Cross Eyed War Monkey, for making the Presidency of Barack Obama a reality. I agree with most voters: It's just best to keep the GOP as far from the White House as possible.


You're lying. Obamacare was supposed to be the success that defined his presidency. It's failure did more to destroy it. In your desperation, you must deflect to Bush, which has been out of office for nearly 6 years, to avoid acknowledging Obama's presidency as a failure.

The ACA is successful . The tempoarary website glitches weren't the death knell conservatives were hoping it would be. The conservative media blew it way out of proportion. Nice try though.

What is it with people getting insurance that gets conservatives so mad? Stupid wars in the Middle East, and conservatives write blank checks, but provide medical services to Americans, and conservatives become Ebenezer Scrooges. No wonder Mitt lost.

How much can you walk between the raindrops in a storm and not manage to get wet?

How can you post here with everyone else getting informed and increasingly educated about these issues but you somehow manage to remain in the dark?

Maybe you are just stoopid.

ACA is a ruse.

A ruse to gain control over Americans by the Executive branch of government.

Yes, it is a real health care plan.

But it was always intended by Obama and the Dems as a mechanism, when it finally plays out completely, to give the Federal government total control of our health care.

And when you control people's health care you control them.

Got it now?

It's not a matter of US being Scrooges.

It's Obama trying to grab power.

It's about our hired hand trying to depose US, (his employers!) to become our boss.

Do you get it now?

He's staged a peaceful coup d'etat without your knowing it.

And you are defending his right to continue on the present course.

Full speed ahead!

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Just that one line proves you are a dipshit. Obama said during the presidential primaries that if he found Bin Laden, he would take him out no matter where Bin Laden was. Republicans called him "inexperienced" saying, "What if Bin Laden was in a sovereign country like Pakistan? You can't send a military force into a sovereign country. That proves Obama wasn't ready for prime time.

As soon as Obama became president, he started up the arm of the CIA that Bush disbanded, the one dedicated to finding Bin Laden. And Bin Laden was located. A force was sent in against GOP advice and Bin Laden was taken out. One helicopter didn't make it. That only shows what a dangerous mission it was and Obama gambled and won.

Republicans, the chicken hawks we know them to be, were willing to let a mass murderer who attacked this country to go scott free. Obama wasn't.

So what do right wingers do? The fuckers try to take credit for what Obama did and they advised against. That makes them scum suckers. And anyone who doesn't give Obama his due for what Republicans would have bungled, are shitstains. It's just that simple. That cut and dried.

Again, You're full of shite.

How do Republicans look at something so recent. Something so covered by the news. Something on every TV during a presidential election. Something this big, including sending a military force into another country......

.....and pretend it never happened???? How do they do it? Is it the denial? Determined ignorance? Brain damage? Racism? What? What can it be?

Who knows how minds caught in the echo-chamber function?

McCain, Romney and Bush Wouldn't, Shouldn't, Couldn't Get Bin Laden in Pakistan | Crooks and Liars

He's been a failure in the echo-chamber since he was elected in 2008. He also caused the economic crisis too. Everything bad that has ever happened in the country since before he beat the snot out of McCain and Palin, is all his fault.

My daughters cat was killed by a speeding car in our neighborhood. It was all Obama's fault......Damn him.


I finally get it.

YOU are Blind Boo's eyes.

He is YOUR brain.

Frankly, with your inability to see what Obama has done and is doing to this country, I think Boo is getting the short end of the stick.

He's smarter than you and he can see better than you!

What good are you to him???
Again, You're full of shite.

How do Republicans look at something so recent. Something so covered by the news. Something on every TV during a presidential election. Something this big, including sending a military force into another country......

.....and pretend it never happened???? How do they do it? Is it the denial? Determined ignorance? Brain damage? Racism? What? What can it be?

Who knows how minds caught in the echo-chamber function?

McCain, Romney and Bush Wouldn't, Shouldn't, Couldn't Get Bin Laden in Pakistan | Crooks and Liars

Look, you are over playing your hand.

Sure he issued the order that led to bin Laden's death.


But OBL was no longer in operational command of al Qaeda, so he was just a symbolic target when he was double tapped. An IMPORTANT symbolic target, to be sure, but it isn't like he had invaded Kuwaiit and Obama had to orchestrate a massive multi-national force to kick him out.

And if you will recall, even after that spectacular and globally celebrated and much more difficult decision and operation, George HW Bush was defeated in his re-election bid.

So, Obama's pulling the trigger on OBL was okay.

But certainly not the big deal you'd like to make it be.

I bet you use superlatives to try to describe your "junk," to drunken girls at last call, don'tcha?

Maybe next time out we can elect a Commander-in-Chief instead of another Apologist-in-Chief.

Please site any apology President Obama made to a foreign power.

[ame=]Obama tells Russian PM "After Election I Have More Flexibilty" 3/26/2012 - YouTube[/ame]

And it should be, "CITE."

Not site.

And not sight!

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He's been a failure in the echo-chamber since he was elected in 2008. He also caused the economic crisis too. Everything bad that has ever happened in the country since before he beat the snot out of McCain and Palin, is all his fault.

My daughters cat was killed by a speeding car in our neighborhood. It was all Obama's fault......Damn him.


I finally get it.

YOU are Blind Boo's eyes.

He is YOUR brain.

Frankly, with your inability to see what Obama has done and is doing to this country, I think Boo is getting the short end of the stick.

He's smarter than you and he can see better than you!

What good are you to him???

You just don't get Blindboo at all. She was deaf at birth and couldn't see very well. A near Lethal White that the breeder should have never broken the sack on, but his wife kept her alive. At 6 weeks they were going to kill her anyway and we took her. She developed epilepsy at about 2 but we were able to control her seizures. But she eventually went mostly blind. Not seeing too well meant that we could easily fool her when we'd play fetch, but her nose would always sniff out the truth of where we threw her ball or pull toy. Reminds me of the American Public, easily fooled by the TV and mass media but eventually they sniff out the truth. She was a very smart dog. We taught her a few signs for No. Stay. Come. Good Girl. The vet said she wouldn't live more that 5 to 7 years but she fooled them too, she live to be 14.

I disagree with Obama on a host of issues. However the nonsense coming from the echo-chamber is just as bad as the nonsense we heard about Bush and Clinton before him. Get a grip on reality.
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How do Republicans look at something so recent. Something so covered by the news. Something on every TV during a presidential election. Something this big, including sending a military force into another country......

.....and pretend it never happened???? How do they do it? Is it the denial? Determined ignorance? Brain damage? Racism? What? What can it be?

Who knows how minds caught in the echo-chamber function?

McCain, Romney and Bush Wouldn't, Shouldn't, Couldn't Get Bin Laden in Pakistan | Crooks and Liars

Look, you are over playing your hand.

Sure he issued the order that led to bin Laden's death.


But OBL was no longer in operational command of al Qaeda, so he was just a symbolic target when he was double tapped. An IMPORTANT symbolic target, to be sure, but it isn't like he had invaded Kuwaiit and Obama had to orchestrate a massive multi-national force to kick him out.

And if you will recall, even after that spectacular and globally celebrated and much more difficult decision and operation, George HW Bush was defeated in his re-election bid.

So, Obama's pulling the trigger on OBL was okay.

But certainly not the big deal you'd like to make it be.

I bet you use superlatives to try to describe your "junk," to drunken girls at last call, don'tcha?


The issue here is that the Republicans criticized him for saying he would go into Pakistan to get him. When in fact it was President Bush who conceived the notion that we (the USA) would hunt down the motherfuckers who attacked us on 9-11 no matter where they tried to hide. I would have been even happier had that fucking piece of shit been killed at Tora Bora than in Pakistan years later.

"Junk" jokes?

:razz: Really?
Maybe next time out we can elect a Commander-in-Chief instead of another Apologist-in-Chief.

Please site any apology President Obama made to a foreign power.

[ame=]Obama tells Russian PM "After Election I Have More Flexibilty" 3/26/2012 - YouTube[/ame]

And it should be, "CITE."

Not site.

And not sight!


Ah the grammy/speiling police nales me again!!!!

Maybe next time out we can elect a Commander-in-Chief instead of another Apologist-in-Chief.

Please site any apology President Obama made to a foreign power.

[ame=]Obama tells Russian PM "After Election I Have More Flexibilty" 3/26/2012 - YouTube[/ame]

And it should be, "CITE."

Not site.

And not sight!


Don't you think an apology(tour) should have the word "we apologize" or" we're sorry" in there somewhere?????
Barack Obama's Presidency Is A Complete Failure By His Own, Self-Imposed Standards

Barack Obama's Presidency Is A Complete Failure By His Own, Self-Imposed Standards - Forbes

And the sun rises in the East.

Both make me happy :lol:



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