Barack Obama Killed Osama Bin Laden. Period.

Actually Obamination isn't part of the team when he steps into the spotlight and keeps taking the credit for it like he was there. He lost that angle when he twists this into a political gain to show he is a "tough guy."

Giving the ok on a mission that has to be done doesn't make him a hero or a tough guy. :cuckoo:

Sure it does. President Obama now ranks up there with those great military commanders... Churchill, Patton,
MacArthur, Eisenhower, Montgomery.

Please tell me you're not serious. :lol::lol::lol:

Oh, he's serious alright....seriously misinformed!
That's the kind of thing that goes without saying because the actual ISSUE is people who want so badly to deny that the President gave the order, they will say anything, no matter how irrational.

In other words, people are trying to say the Seal Team would have done it without his say-so. There is not even a glimmer of truth in that allegation. He couldn't have done it without them, and vice-versa.

Strangely enough, I've read several comments here so far that acknowledge, even praise him for having given the order. What people are "denying" obama is the way he and his worshipers insist on wording things in such a way that they misrepresent obama's very limited participation and fail to praise, or even acknowledge the brave men who put their lives on the line to execute that order.

Warrior, the one constant in all this is the word "team" if one were to read the facts on this operation they would soon find out that this operation involved many people from the CIA to the JSOC ( Joint Special Operations Command), USAF, etc. over a long period of time all the way up to the White House. However the one constant is "team", ironic that a Seal "Team" would in the end be the warriors that carry the operation out. While I have said over and over again, that the President deserves due credit for making what was I am sure a very hard decision for making that decision to proceed with this operation. To highlight that at the expense of ALL those involved is insulting to those young warriors as well as all those invloved. While I have no problem at all with the President getting his due for having the where with all to proceed into a sovereign nation, putting at risk those warriors at the tip of the spear, in the end it was those same warriors who were the mechanism by which the operation would succeed or fail and as such it was their lives on the line and they are the hero's here and that word should be reserved for them.

I'm 100% with you and agree with all you have written here about the subject. Credit where credit is due, obama did give the go-ahead for the mission. But as you have observed, the little guys are the heroes. They are the men whose lives were on the line, down range in the line of fire. The teamwork that goes into a military operation of this nature is the key to success.
What I find absolutely repulsive in this entire charade is the fact that the CinC puffs out his scrawny chest and struts about like some barnyard fowl, preening himself as a "hero" because he killed bin Laden. He played his position in the team, no more, no less. He and his handlers give no further credit to the guys who go that job done. And the media continues to play along.
I'm not sure what you did in the military, but thank you for your service. (I'm a retired Army 1SG.)
Lets not forget Bill Clinton could have taken out OBL before 9/11 but chose not to despite knowing OBL was a serious threat...

Untill 1998 no one was claiming OBL was a serious threat. By then he was in Afghanistan. But I will not give President Clinton a pass. He should have attacked the Taliban and al Queda after Oct 12 2000. He should have put the Israelis and Palestinians on hold. Who knows, Gore may have even won that November.

Al Queda was absolutely - and without question - considered a serious threat.

In a sense of irony the United States actually created Al Queda during the Afghan/Soviet war...

Not until they bombed the U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania were they considered a serious threat.

Obama deserves little, if any credit for the success of the mission.

And that's when I know who the partisan hack is.
That goes only to show that you misjudge both me and Obama. If Obama ever does anything to make me proud, I'll say so. Until then, don't count on any praise from me for a goddamned Marxist asshole like Obama.

I doubt any of those great men would have used their actions and commands as a campaign prop either.

Can you imagine Eisenhower using his command at Normandy to get just one vote.... his actions spoke all by themselves.
Heroes dont brag about it.

Real heroic of him....

I just googled "Why the fuck did Obama send the bust of Churchill back to the UK", minus a choice word, and this is what I got:

1) The bust was on loan during the Bush administration
2) Obama prefers to put a bust of Abe Lincoln, an American, in the Oval Office
3) Obama's Kenyan grandfather was tortured by the colonial regime when they suppressed the Mau Mau rebellion.

so it was to bitch slap the Brits.. we got that several minutes ago. and p double s.. there's room in the WH for MORE than ONE BUst..

Now see if it was Obama who was accepting the Churchill bust into the White House, he'd be accused by right-wingers of not being a loyal American.
Strangely enough, I've read several comments here so far that acknowledge, even praise him for having given the order. What people are "denying" obama is the way he and his worshipers insist on wording things in such a way that they misrepresent obama's very limited participation and fail to praise, or even acknowledge the brave men who put their lives on the line to execute that order.

Warrior, the one constant in all this is the word "team" if one were to read the facts on this operation they would soon find out that this operation involved many people from the CIA to the JSOC ( Joint Special Operations Command), USAF, etc. over a long period of time all the way up to the White House. However the one constant is "team", ironic that a Seal "Team" would in the end be the warriors that carry the operation out. While I have said over and over again, that the President deserves due credit for making what was I am sure a very hard decision for making that decision to proceed with this operation. To highlight that at the expense of ALL those involved is insulting to those young warriors as well as all those invloved. While I have no problem at all with the President getting his due for having the where with all to proceed into a sovereign nation, putting at risk those warriors at the tip of the spear, in the end it was those same warriors who were the mechanism by which the operation would succeed or fail and as such it was their lives on the line and they are the hero's here and that word should be reserved for them.

I'm 100% with you and agree with all you have written here about the subject. Credit where credit is due, obama did give the go-ahead for the mission. But as you have observed, the little guys are the heroes. They are the men whose lives were on the line, down range in the line of fire. The teamwork that goes into a military operation of this nature is the key to success.
What I find absolutely repulsive in this entire charade is the fact that the CinC puffs out his scrawny chest and struts about like some barnyard fowl, preening himself as a "hero" because he killed bin Laden. He played his position in the team, no more, no less. He and his handlers give no further credit to the guys who go that job done. And the media continues to play along.
I'm not sure what you did in the military, but thank you for your service. (I'm a retired Army 1SG.)

Bear in mind...if the mission were to take place in the sand pit, he likely would not have even been advised of the mission. It would have been nothing more than a military operation..and he would have been briefed after the fact if anything.

As Navy said...his involvement had to do with the approval of the invasion of a sovereign nation without its permission.

CiC's do not get involved in military missions at the front. They have nothing to offer.
The right wing gave President Obama no credit when bin Laden was killed. None. And they are giving him no credit now. But you can bet your sweet %#& that if it had been GWB, his praises would have been sung to the high heavens. And you can take that to the damn bank!!!

Warrior, the one constant in all this is the word "team" if one were to read the facts on this operation they would soon find out that this operation involved many people from the CIA to the JSOC ( Joint Special Operations Command), USAF, etc. over a long period of time all the way up to the White House. However the one constant is "team", ironic that a Seal "Team" would in the end be the warriors that carry the operation out. While I have said over and over again, that the President deserves due credit for making what was I am sure a very hard decision for making that decision to proceed with this operation. To highlight that at the expense of ALL those involved is insulting to those young warriors as well as all those invloved. While I have no problem at all with the President getting his due for having the where with all to proceed into a sovereign nation, putting at risk those warriors at the tip of the spear, in the end it was those same warriors who were the mechanism by which the operation would succeed or fail and as such it was their lives on the line and they are the hero's here and that word should be reserved for them.

I'm 100% with you and agree with all you have written here about the subject. Credit where credit is due, obama did give the go-ahead for the mission. But as you have observed, the little guys are the heroes. They are the men whose lives were on the line, down range in the line of fire. The teamwork that goes into a military operation of this nature is the key to success.
What I find absolutely repulsive in this entire charade is the fact that the CinC puffs out his scrawny chest and struts about like some barnyard fowl, preening himself as a "hero" because he killed bin Laden. He played his position in the team, no more, no less. He and his handlers give no further credit to the guys who go that job done. And the media continues to play along.
I'm not sure what you did in the military, but thank you for your service. (I'm a retired Army 1SG.)

Bear in mind...if the mission were to take place in the sand pit, he likely would not have even been advised of the mission. It would have been nothing more than a military operation..and he would have been briefed after the fact if anything.

As Navy said...his involvement had to do with the approval of the invasion of a sovereign nation without its permission.

CiC's do not get involved in military missions at the front. They have nothing to offer.

But that being said...I am confused about something else......

How is it possible that the White House was not made aware of the fact that we intentionally sold weapons to the enemy of a sovereign antion by exporting such weapons over their border?
I'm 100% with you and agree with all you have written here about the subject. Credit where credit is due, obama did give the go-ahead for the mission. But as you have observed, the little guys are the heroes. They are the men whose lives were on the line, down range in the line of fire. The teamwork that goes into a military operation of this nature is the key to success.
What I find absolutely repulsive in this entire charade is the fact that the CinC puffs out his scrawny chest and struts about like some barnyard fowl, preening himself as a "hero" because he killed bin Laden. He played his position in the team, no more, no less. He and his handlers give no further credit to the guys who go that job done. And the media continues to play along.
I'm not sure what you did in the military, but thank you for your service. (I'm a retired Army 1SG.)

Bear in mind...if the mission were to take place in the sand pit, he likely would not have even been advised of the mission. It would have been nothing more than a military operation..and he would have been briefed after the fact if anything.

As Navy said...his involvement had to do with the approval of the invasion of a sovereign nation without its permission.

CiC's do not get involved in military missions at the front. They have nothing to offer.

But that being said...I am confused about something else......

How is it possible that the White House was not made aware of the fact that we intentionally sold weapons to the enemy of a sovereign antion by exporting such weapons over their border?
The WH WAS aware. The plan backfired! Therefore, the decision makers that instigated the plan now disavow any knowledge of the players....sort of like the tape at the beginning of Mission Impossible.
I just googled "Why the fuck did Obama send the bust of Churchill back to the UK", minus a choice word, and this is what I got:

1) The bust was on loan during the Bush administration
2) Obama prefers to put a bust of Abe Lincoln, an American, in the Oval Office
3) Obama's Kenyan grandfather was tortured by the colonial regime when they suppressed the Mau Mau rebellion.

so it was to bitch slap the Brits.. we got that several minutes ago. and p double s.. there's room in the WH for MORE than ONE BUst..

Now see if it was Obama who was accepting the Churchill bust into the White House, he'd be accused by right-wingers of not being a loyal American.

Bear in mind...if the mission were to take place in the sand pit, he likely would not have even been advised of the mission. It would have been nothing more than a military operation..and he would have been briefed after the fact if anything.

As Navy said...his involvement had to do with the approval of the invasion of a sovereign nation without its permission.

CiC's do not get involved in military missions at the front. They have nothing to offer.

But that being said...I am confused about something else......

How is it possible that the White House was not made aware of the fact that we intentionally sold weapons to the enemy of a sovereign antion by exporting such weapons over their border?
The WH WAS aware. The plan backfired! Therefore, the decision makers that instigated the plan now disavow any knowledge of the players....sort of like the tape at the beginning of Mission Impossible.

yes...I know...I was just having some fun.

LOL...Holder said he was a busy man and not able to stay on top of all operations under his jurisidiction....

I wonder what he deemed more important to be on top of other than selling arms to the enemy of an ally using the coimmon border we have with that ally to ship those arms...without that ally aware...

I know I saw him on the news attending the Obama speech at the Womens event.....

I guess photo ops are more important.
Strangely enough, I've read several comments here so far that acknowledge, even praise him for having given the order. What people are "denying" obama is the way he and his worshipers insist on wording things in such a way that they misrepresent obama's very limited participation and fail to praise, or even acknowledge the brave men who put their lives on the line to execute that order.

Warrior, the one constant in all this is the word "team" if one were to read the facts on this operation they would soon find out that this operation involved many people from the CIA to the JSOC ( Joint Special Operations Command), USAF, etc. over a long period of time all the way up to the White House. However the one constant is "team", ironic that a Seal "Team" would in the end be the warriors that carry the operation out. While I have said over and over again, that the President deserves due credit for making what was I am sure a very hard decision for making that decision to proceed with this operation. To highlight that at the expense of ALL those involved is insulting to those young warriors as well as all those invloved. While I have no problem at all with the President getting his due for having the where with all to proceed into a sovereign nation, putting at risk those warriors at the tip of the spear, in the end it was those same warriors who were the mechanism by which the operation would succeed or fail and as such it was their lives on the line and they are the hero's here and that word should be reserved for them.

I'm 100% with you and agree with all you have written here about the subject. Credit where credit is due, obama did give the go-ahead for the mission. But as you have observed, the little guys are the heroes. They are the men whose lives were on the line, down range in the line of fire. The teamwork that goes into a military operation of this nature is the key to success.
What I find absolutely repulsive in this entire charade is the fact that the CinC puffs out his scrawny chest and struts about like some barnyard fowl, preening himself as a "hero" because he killed bin Laden. He played his position in the team, no more, no less. He and his handlers give no further credit to the guys who go that job done. And the media continues to play along.
I'm not sure what you did in the military, but thank you for your service. (I'm a retired Army 1SG.)

I thought I might toss a name out there for people to give a little "job well done" too.

Adm. McRaven is the ninth commander of United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), headquartered at MacDill Air Force Base, Fla. USSOCOM ensures the readiness of joint special operations forces and, as directed, conducts operations worldwide.

McRaven served from June 2008 to June 2011 as the 11th commander of Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) headquartered at Fort Bragg, N.C. JSOC is charged to study special operations requirements and techniques, ensure interoperability and equipment standardization, plan and conduct special operations exercises and training, and develop joint special operations tactics.

Don't get me wrong I have the highest respect for the President it goes with the territory I suppose. " laughs*. I'll try to explain that one, as an old A-6 B/N you tend to look at the man in the White House not as a person but more as the top of the chain of command. As such he and as I tell my daughter "she" is entitled to the utmost respect. That does not mean I have to nor do I always agree with him on a political level. That said I have thought since this operation was announced that it is always more dignified to hold the position that the warriors need to be honored here and any credit due from the CIC's part should be more humble. As I have said several times here however, I won't be dismissive enough to say that the President had nothing to do with it at all as well as he was part of the team and every team member deserves praise for this, but I tend to praise those at the end of the spear a little more than those throwing it.

Thank you 1SGT for your service to this nation you have mine and my families utmost respect and admiration for your dedication and honorable service to this nation. As I said up there, I'm just and old broken down (retired) B/N, they put me out to pasture when they retired the A-6 both of us are now baking in the desert. *laughs*

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