Barack Obama 2005 before he "evolved" into a Liberal.

Obama was probably the toughest person on illegal immigration. He just chose not to be a racist asshole about it like Drumpf and the rest of the conservative losers.

#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

shawn carter kendrick lamar barack obama.jpg

Hello, Asclepias. Respectfully, I am curious to learn your opinion of my firm, unwavering belief that illogical thinking, apparent 'PRO BLACK' minded President Mr. Barack “My Brother’s Keeper” Obama and First Lady Mrs. Michelle “Girl Power” Obama WILLFULLY promoted GUN VIOLENCE, racism, bigotry, hate, as well as FEAR of black or American citizens of African descent...

...when they invited to their children's and Nation's home apparent or admitted emotionally troubled/ill/disturbed American urban story-TRUTH-tellers composing, performing and promoting American music art vividly describing the VIOLENT, SUIC*DAL, HOMIC*DAL 'people and community harming behaviors' they actively participated in, or witnessed other emotionally ill American citizens engaging in? (*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic*de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*)

Asclepias, I am referring to American urban-TRUTH-tellers and 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victims Shawn "Jay Z" Carter and Nasir "Nas" Jones, as well as admitted emotionally ill Kendrick Lamar, to name a 'few' Obama friends and WH guests composing and promoting female demeaning American music art HATEFULLY informing our world that black or American girls and women of African descent, aka the MATERNAL HALF of our population, should be viewed as less than human *itches and treated like "hoes" or *hores unworthy of basic human respect.

Asclepias, do you believe President Barack Obama and his apparent star-struck "Girl Power" wife were acting in the best interests of our Nation, as well as our peaceful, responsible black or American neighbors, friends and co-workers of African descent, OR their apparent or admitted emotionally ill urban story-TRUTH-tellers friends...

...when America's First "cool" Presidential Couple actively promoted VIOLENT, FEMALE DEMEANING, HATEFUL music, as well as promoting the recording careers of their admitted or apparent emotionally ill urban-TRUTH-teller WH guests and friends who compose HATEFUL, VIOLENCE RIDDLED American music artistry?

Asclepias, one final question. Do YOU believe President Barack "My Brother's Keeper" and Mrs. Michelle "GIRL POWER" Obama were acting in the best interests of, or promoting a positive HEALTHY image of our black or American friends, neighbors, co-workers or family relatives of African descent...

...when they CHOSE to invite to their children's and Nation's home, more than a dozen apparent or admitted emotionally ill American music recording artists and urban story-TRUTH-tellers composing and promoting American music art portraying black or African American citizens, in particular teen boys and adult men... depressed, angry, frustrated, violent, female hating, sometimes suic!dal, homic!dal thinking teen and adult citizens (*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic!de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*) largely lacking compassion, empathy and respect for their peaceful, as well as less fortunate neighbors?

kendrick lamar barack obama my brothers keeper.jpg

Watch it for yourself. It's not photo shopped, it is a C-span video record of Senator Barack Obama actually making sensible statements about illegal immigration. I wonder what happened?

Sen Barack Obama Illegal Immigration | User Clip |

Oblamma hadn't yet focused on who his target audience was and was caught making sense. Then the radical left appeared and offered him support as a democrat and all clear thinking flew out the window and he became a politician.
One does not "evolve" into a libturd anymore than one can "evolve" into a neanderthal.

The meat puppet faggot was repeating something his marketing staff wrote for him.

Obama doesn't evolve.....he adapts and fools....and suckers slurp it up.....he is nothing but a broken promise.....he loves himself way to much to care about you.....
Obama was probably the toughest person on illegal immigration. He just chose not to be a racist asshole about it like Drumpf and the rest of the conservative losers.

#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

Hello, Asclepias. Respectfully, I am curious to learn your opinion of my firm, unwavering belief that illogical thinking, apparent 'PRO BLACK' minded President Mr. Barack “My Brother’s Keeper” Obama and First Lady Mrs. Michelle “Girl Power” Obama WILLFULLY promoted GUN VIOLENCE, racism, bigotry, hate, as well as FEAR of black or American citizens of African descent...

...when they invited to their children's and Nation's home apparent or admitted emotionally troubled/ill/disturbed American urban story-TRUTH-tellers composing, performing and promoting American music art vividly describing the VIOLENT, SUIC*DAL, HOMIC*DAL 'people and community harming behaviors' they actively participated in, or witnessed other emotionally ill American citizens engaging in? (*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic*de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*)

Asclepias, I am referring to American urban-TRUTH-tellers and 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victims Shawn "Jay Z" Carter and Nasir "Nas" Jones, as well as admitted emotionally ill Kendrick Lamar, to name a 'few' Obama friends and WH guests composing and promoting female demeaning American music art HATEFULLY informing our world that black or American girls and women of African descent, aka the MATERNAL HALF of our population, should be viewed as less than human *itches and treated like "hoes" or *hores unworthy of basic human respect.

Asclepias, do you believe President Barack Obama and his apparent star-struck "Girl Power" wife were acting in the best interests of our Nation, as well as our peaceful, responsible black or American neighbors, friends and co-workers of African descent, OR their apparent or admitted emotionally ill urban story-TRUTH-tellers friends...

...when America's First "cool" Presidential Couple actively promoted VIOLENT, FEMALE DEMEANING, HATEFUL music, as well as promoting the recording careers of their admitted or apparent emotionally ill urban-TRUTH-teller WH guests and friends who compose HATEFUL, VIOLENCE RIDDLED American music artistry?

Asclepias, one final question. Do YOU believe President Barack "My Brother's Keeper" and Mrs. Michelle "GIRL POWER" Obama were acting in the best interests of, or promoting a positive HEALTHY image of our black or American friends, neighbors, co-workers or family relatives of African descent...

...when they CHOSE to invite to their children's and Nation's home, more than a dozen apparent or admitted emotionally ill American music recording artists and urban story-TRUTH-tellers composing and promoting American music art portraying black or African American citizens, in particular teen boys and adult men... depressed, angry, frustrated, violent, female hating, sometimes suic!dal, homic!dal thinking teen and adult citizens (*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic!de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*) largely lacking compassion, empathy and respect for their peaceful, as well as less fortunate neighbors?

It's the thing I just can't figure out with all the butt kissing of these bad role models in life.

I mean is it that these people are all they got in their minds ??? I mean just because Hollyweird puts them on high, then they must be great people right, and therefore they must be allowed to be these great role models for the children to follow because "look at their wealth that the devil has given them in life, but all in exchange for their very souls", so they should be followed as leaders or as role models because of ???? I mean how sick is that ????
Originally Obama was considering the effect of cheap labor on his constituents. The Law of "supply and demand" works for labor and he was trying to reduce the unemployment rate. Then the progressives said "hey you're deporting democrat voters". So Obama became an open border devote'.

Trump wants unskilled wages to increase, so he wants only merit based immigration. You would think that voters would vote their pocketbooks??
Obama a HYPOCRITE??? No, say it ain't so! President Rainbow was also against Gay Marriage, before he was for it.
It's difficult to believe that the answer to this question is not universally known.

The Democrat Party has DECIDED that its future lies in the legalization of the thirty million illegals currently living in the U.S., and bestowing U.S. citizenship on all of them, thus purchasing their votes for all time, on the backs of American taxpayers.

It won't happen this year, or maybe next year, but at some point in the next decade, there will be a Democrat President, and Democrats will control both the House and the Senate. AND THE MINUTE that situation exists, there will be a general amnesty law.

Every Democrat politician in the country is fully aware of this strategy, and it overwhelms every other cause or initiative because it is the FUTURE of the Party. They don't really give a shit about the so-called "white vote," because that constituency will be a minor sub-group of the voters in due course. Their strategy will make the United States a one-party country - just like the old Soviet Union - in perpetuity.

How anyone with a high two-digit IQ or above cannot see this is beyond me.
As President, the Great Obama supported immigration laws

But he also supported developing a sensible immigration strategy with an eventual pathway to citizenship
As President, the Great Obama supported immigration laws

But he also supported developing a sensible immigration strategy with an eventual pathway to citizenship
The great Obama... ROTFLMBO.
In a Trumpian society we refer to politicians by their main attributes

Lying Ted
Little Marco
Rocket Man
Crooked Donnie
The Great Obama

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