Bannon calls for deconstructing the US government

Bannon has called for the deconstruction of the US government:
Bannon Says Cabinet Picks Intended to ‘Deconstruct’ Regulation and Agencies

Not only destroying policies, but whole agencies: not only the EPA, but it seems the FCC and Department of Energy are also at risk.

It just reeks of treason to me. Like really really stinks very bad.
cry baby.jpg
Destroying the United States so Mother Russia can surpass it...
I see Trump shaved off about $22 million dollars off the White House more czars and Melania only has five staffers instead of the twenty two Mooch felt she needed.

That's winning
Bannon has called for the deconstruction of the US government:
Bannon Says Cabinet Picks Intended to ‘Deconstruct’ Regulation and Agencies

Not only destroying policies, but whole agencies: not only the EPA, but it seems the FCC and Department of Energy are also at risk.

It just reeks of treason to me. Like really really stinks very bad.
We have gone so far away from the original intent and scope of the Federal Government the founding Fathers if alive would think they were in another country.
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Bannon has called for the deconstruction of the US government:
Bannon Says Cabinet Picks Intended to ‘Deconstruct’ Regulation and Agencies

Not only destroying policies, but whole agencies: not only the EPA, but it seems the FCC and Department of Energy are also at risk.

It just reeks of treason to me. Like really really stinks very bad.
I love it! His goal is to destroy what the liberals have built! Awesome. Plus it will make it damn near impossible to rebuild it IF President Trump loses reelection. Imagine having 8 years to destroy this liberal elitist establishment wet dream!
For once I agree with Bannon.

How is decentralizing power back to the states and people treason? Federalism, limited government, and individual rights are what this nation was built on
How is decentralizing power back to the states and people treason?

True......because state Christie lounging on a beach sure looking out for the common slob among that state's citizenry.
Destroying the United States so Mother Russia can surpass it...

It looks like fiscal sense is back in charge.. how did this hurt America?

You know, you seem very much a part of the same program as these guys:
‘Illegals’ Network Famed in Russian Spying Lore
except for trying to insert someone much dumber in American society, in your case.

lol... another one accuses me of being a Russian spy?

I don't go by knee jerk reactions to laws and regulations...I go by known facts.

We are trying to save you from your self..

Bannon has called for the deconstruction of the US government:
Bannon Says Cabinet Picks Intended to ‘Deconstruct’ Regulation and Agencies

Not only destroying policies, but whole agencies: not only the EPA, but it seems the FCC and Department of Energy are also at risk.

It just reeks of treason to me. Like really really stinks very bad.

I think that bannon is ALSO proposing to raise taxes on the very wealthy.....and surely right wingers on here will agree with THAT also....otherwise.....well, otherwise they may be hypocrites????.................LOL

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