Banning Abortion- A fool's errand

The legislature in TX passed the law as it is following the will of its constituents. I am actually pro choice and agree that people will just find other ways. But if this is what the voters in TX want it’s what they get.

Except that most Texans don't agree with a law this extreme.

And you can't talk about the Will of the Constiuients after supporting Trump... a guy who never won the popular vote.
ust quit your Libtard whining.

You Liberal filth lost this. Learn to live with it.

The children get to live for now. That is a good thing.

We human beings had to put up with you Libtard scum being able to kill the children for decades.

If it sucks for you filth not to be able to kill the children then you will just have to learn to embrace the suck.
This law will not prevent one abortion from happening. Women will just cross state lines or find a doctor who is discreet.
Huge mistake.
The right to privacy has always existed, and is always about the single most important right.
The mistake you are making is the assumption that rights do not exist until there is specific legislation to defend them.
That is not the case and can never be the case because rights are infinite and can never be even enumerated, much less fully protected by specific legislation.
That is the whole point of executive and judicial discretion.
There are all these generic laws, like disorderly conduct, assault, etc. that are intentionally unspecific.
So the right to privacy always existed.

Except we have a bunch of laws that don't. Take Prostitution laws. It's always been absurd that you can have sex with a stranger for free, but if you do it for money, it becomes a crime. Of course, the intent is good. You are preventing women from being exploited, controlling the spread of STD's, etc. Of course, those things could all be better accomplished by legalizing prostitution and regulating it. At the end of the day , it's a bunch of moral scolds wanting to control the population.

As far as when life begins, that is not relevant.
The point is life or not, no one can legally be forced to support the life of another.
If you have a rare blood type that would save the life of another, no one can demand you donate any of that blood.
Except that's not a good analogy. You can find SOMEONE to donate that blood.

If you accept that a fetus is a person at some point in it's development, then you force a woman to carry it to term.

Instead, we have this bizarre law where a woman can terminate a pregnancy at 8 months, but if someone unknowingly causes a woman to miscarry, he can be charged with murdering the fetus. (Fetal Homicide Laws).

We have limited resources, and fossil fuel is running out completely.
When that starts to happen in about 20 years, food production will drop by 75%.
We desperately need to cut the population by at least 2/3rds.
That's just crazy talk. The population bomb was predicting worldwide famine in the 1980's, and it never happened.
This law will not prevent one abortion from happening. Women will just cross state lines or find a doctor who is discreet.

If it won't prevent the abortions then you assholes can continue to kill the children so what are you bitching about?
The real COWARDS in the abortion argument are (mostly) liberal men who coerce or bully or threaten their wives, other wives, girlfriends, other girlfriends and significant and unsignificant others into hiring someone to kill the life inside them and abandoning them to a lifetime of PTSD symptoms and physical problems so they can erase their future responsibilities at the stroke of a scalpel.
Except that most Texans don't agree with a law this extreme.

And you can't talk about the Will of the Constiuients after supporting Trump... a guy who never won the popular vote.
and being from the shithole of chicago you would know that how??
The real COWARDS in the abortion argument are (mostly) liberal men who coerce or bully or threaten their wives, other wives, girlfriends, other girlfriends and significant and unsignificant others into hiring someone to kill the life inside them and abandoning them to a lifetime of PTSD symptoms and physical problems so they can erase their future responsibilities at the stroke of a scalpel.
I dunno…I think the real cowards are the (mostly) conservative men who hide behind the laws they created to force pregnant women to bear an unwanted child then slash all the programs designed to help her raise that child.
he real COWARDS in the abortion argument are (mostly) liberal men who coerce or bully or threaten their wives, other wives, girlfriends, other girlfriends and significant and unsignificant others into hiring someone to kill the life inside them and abandoning them to a lifetime of PTSD symptoms and physical problems so they can erase their future responsibilities at the stroke of a scalpel.

I've known several women who have had abortions. Not a one of them was coerced by the sperm donor. Babies just weren't where they wanted to be at that point in their lives.

Now, we actually DO have a cultural problem. Used to be, you were considered an adult at 18. You graduated high school, you went down to the Union Hall, got a good union job, married your High School Sweetheart and started a family. Mom could stay home for a few years and jump back into the workforce in her late 20's after the kids started going to school.

Today- it's kind of the opposite. We don't really come into our own until we hit 26 or so, then we spend all our time building up your careers. We can't start families until all that student debt is paid down... both husband and wife need to work and OH MY GOD, My biological clock is about to run out, I'd better have a baby before all I am producing art Trig Palin-grade retards.
Typical tactics of pro-abortionists. Use the victims of rape and incest as human shields to protect the 99 percent of convenience abortions. And make the threat, "Pay for my baby or I will kill it!"

You people are sick in the head.

Just so you know, I founded two non-profit charities to help feed and house the hungry and homeless in my community. I walk the walk.
How many unwanted children have YOU adopted? Be honest.
It has zero to do with “right” and “moral”.

If it did, they would be demanding services to help pregnant women and women with children, they demanding access to affordable healthcare, they would be asking why their legislatures keep cutting funding to help women and children, why they don’t make contraception readily available if not free…and at least should be asking what is “right” and “moral” about a 12 yr old incest victim being forced to bear a baby,
I'm in favor of cash payouts for sterilization, sterilization of both parents before collecting any sort of welfare, and probably contraceptives in the water supply.
Just follow the links.

Health Problems & Outcomes for 24-Week Old Preemies​

In general, infants that are born very early are not considered to be viable until after 24 weeks gestation. This means that if you give birth to an infant before they are 24 weeks old, their chance of surviving is usually less than 50 percent.

Some infants are born before 24 weeks gestation and do survive. But these infants have a very high chance of severe long-term health problems. About 40 percent of these preemies will suffer long-term health complications because they were born prematurely.
My brother was born at 25 or 26 weeks. He spent 5 weeks in the neonatal ICU.

35 years later, he has no long term health problems, and never really did except for always being the shortest student in his grade at school. (As an adult, he's 5'3".)
I'm in favor of cash payouts for sterilization, sterilization of both parents before collecting any sort of welfare, and probably contraceptives in the water supply.
Good to hear from someone who values freedom, privacy and self determination and who has such a deep understanding of the social and economic forces that drive unwanted pregnancy and the desire for abortion. Your compassion overwhelmes me. You are truely a gem.
So the Supreme Court just overturned Roe v. Wade in the most cowardly way possible.

Of course, Roe was always based on some legal jiggery-pokery, in that it found a "right to privacy" that never really existed without addressing the issue of when life begins.

The reason why the court did this was because they knew the laws on the books in most states in 1973 were unworkable and had to go, because no one was following them. But like all failed ideas, this time will be different, the advocates say.

Okay, let's get real here.

For the anti-abortion crowd, what is your real solution? Are you going to put pregnant women under house arrest to make sure they don't get abortions? Or are you just going to overturn Roe v. Wade and pretend you accomplished something.

How about prostitution? Prostitution is illegal in 49 states. Yet it is believed that there are 1 million working prostitutes in the United States today, and you can find massage parlors, strip joints and escort services pretty easily.

Okay, how about alcohol? Remember prohibition? (Well, even I'm not *that* old.) Well guess what, that didn't stop people from drinking. People found all sorts of imaginative ways to get around that law, Al Capone was pretty much openly smuggling alcohol into the country or making it illegally and the only way the government actually got him was on income tax evasion.

How's that war on drugs working out for you? Well, not so well. According to estimates, 19.1 million Americans over the age of 12 have used drugs within the last 30 days. "Just Say No (not today)" We spend billions on it, lock up more people than any country in the world. Hey, how many drug users are you going to want to cut loose to make room for the abortion patients?

Now, taking all of these factors into account- Exactly what mechanism are you guys going to use to ban abortion? Because none of these other prohibitions seem to work terribly well, especially when law enforcement is already stretched pretty thin.
Cant stop murder, rape or kidnapping.
Might as well legalize it

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