Baltimore democrats vote against keeping violent gun criminals in jail...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The problem in this country isn't law abiding gun owners having guns and even carrying them for self defense.

Our problem is that the democrat party refuses to keep violent gun offenders in jail

Some wonder why they refuse to keep violent gun criminals in jail...from California to Baltimore, they are constantly lowering sentences for criminals caught with illegal guns, granting bail to criminals who use guns....and then they blame law abiding gun owners when these criminals use guns to murder people....

What's with that?

Maryland's new crime bill is a start, but remains weak tea

Senators voted 36-8 to approve the legislation, which was put together by Sen. Bobby Zirkin, a Baltimore County Democrat who chairs the Judicial Proceedings Committee, as a comprehensive response to a surge in violent crime in Baltimore last year.

Much of the opposition came from Baltimore, where a majority of the delegation voted no.

A couple of things to note in here. First, the bill passed by a wide margin in the Senate (still needs House approval) but almost all of the opposition came from the state senators from the Baltimore area.


Sadly, even if this makes it into law it’s missing some key items. They’re increasing penalties for repeat gun offenders, but not for first-time gun crimes. As their own police have said repeatedly, the key to curbing these trends is to get to the gang members when they are young and try to turn them away from violence at the first signs of trouble. Giving shooters a slap on the wrist doesn’t send a very powerful message.

They also rejected the Governor’s call for increased mandatory minimums for gun crimes.

The same lesson applies here. Community outreach and neighborhood involvement in projects such as the “no murder weekends” is a very good thing. Getting more cops out on foot patrol where they can get to know the law-abiding members of the community is great too. But it can’t all be carrots. You need a stick to go with that. And until they start getting more serious about rooting out gun violence where it really happens and getting the shooters off the street, measures like this are going to continue to come up short.

How is refusing to lock up criminals who use guns, a "crime bill"?

Baltimore is getting the government they deserve.
We need to open up the litigation lanes for retribution over these RESIST Trump hating zombies...If an illegal alien harms someone you care about find a hungry lawyer and sue them to hell and back...
The problem in this country isn't law abiding gun owners having guns and even carrying them for self defense.

Our problem is that the democrat party refuses to keep violent gun offenders in jail

Some wonder why they refuse to keep violent gun criminals in jail...from California to Baltimore, they are constantly lowering sentences for criminals caught with illegal guns, granting bail to criminals who use guns....and then they blame law abiding gun owners when these criminals use guns to murder people....

What's with that?

Maryland's new crime bill is a start, but remains weak tea

Senators voted 36-8 to approve the legislation, which was put together by Sen. Bobby Zirkin, a Baltimore County Democrat who chairs the Judicial Proceedings Committee, as a comprehensive response to a surge in violent crime in Baltimore last year.

Much of the opposition came from Baltimore, where a majority of the delegation voted no.

A couple of things to note in here. First, the bill passed by a wide margin in the Senate (still needs House approval) but almost all of the opposition came from the state senators from the Baltimore area.


Sadly, even if this makes it into law it’s missing some key items. They’re increasing penalties for repeat gun offenders, but not for first-time gun crimes. As their own police have said repeatedly, the key to curbing these trends is to get to the gang members when they are young and try to turn them away from violence at the first signs of trouble. Giving shooters a slap on the wrist doesn’t send a very powerful message.

They also rejected the Governor’s call for increased mandatory minimums for gun crimes.

The same lesson applies here. Community outreach and neighborhood involvement in projects such as the “no murder weekends” is a very good thing. Getting more cops out on foot patrol where they can get to know the law-abiding members of the community is great too. But it can’t all be carrots. You need a stick to go with that. And until they start getting more serious about rooting out gun violence where it really happens and getting the shooters off the street, measures like this are going to continue to come up short.

I've often thought that it was a scheme to further their agenda in gun control...A true Alinsky tactic.
How is refusing to lock up criminals who use guns, a "crime bill"?

Baltimore is getting the government they deserve.
Knowing that these gun criminals will continue to commit crimes is to the benefit of the democrats, as the criminals who commit additional gun crimes, will further their agenda to point to their violence and demand all guns be confiscated.
Are you people blind? You talk shit about democrats but don't ever have any substance about the issue in the article...Including the twinsting of intent from the OP......

Sadly, even if this makes it into law it’s missing some key items. They’re increasing penalties for repeat gun offenders, but not for first-time gun crimes. As their own police have said repeatedly, the key to curbing these trends is to get to the gang members when they are young and try to turn them away from violence at the first signs of trouble. Giving shooters a slap on the wrist doesn’t send a very powerful message.

They also rejected the Governor’s call for increased mandatory minimums for gun crimes. The same lesson applies here. Community outreach and neighborhood involvement in projects such as the “no murder weekends” is a very good thing. Getting more cops out on foot patrol where they can get to know the law-abiding members of the community is great too. But it can’t all be carrots. You need a stick to go with that. And until they start getting more serious about rooting out gun violence where it really happens and getting the shooters off the street, measures like this are going to continue to come up short
How is refusing to lock up criminals who use guns, a "crime bill"?

Baltimore is getting the government they deserve.
Knowing that these gun criminals will continue to commit crimes is to the benefit of the democrats, as the criminals who commit additional gun crimes, will further their agenda to point to their violence and demand all guns be confiscated.

But it's a zero-sum game they're playing. Confiscation only takes firearms away from lawful citizens, leaving the criminals to do as they please. I shudder to think how it would be if the whole country were like Chicago or Baltimore.
The problem in this country isn't law abiding gun owners having guns and even carrying them for self defense.

Our problem is that the democrat party refuses to keep violent gun offenders in jail

Some wonder why they refuse to keep violent gun criminals in jail...from California to Baltimore, they are constantly lowering sentences for criminals caught with illegal guns, granting bail to criminals who use guns....and then they blame law abiding gun owners when these criminals use guns to murder people....

What's with that?

Maryland's new crime bill is a start, but remains weak tea

Senators voted 36-8 to approve the legislation, which was put together by Sen. Bobby Zirkin, a Baltimore County Democrat who chairs the Judicial Proceedings Committee, as a comprehensive response to a surge in violent crime in Baltimore last year.

Much of the opposition came from Baltimore, where a majority of the delegation voted no.

A couple of things to note in here. First, the bill passed by a wide margin in the Senate (still needs House approval) but almost all of the opposition came from the state senators from the Baltimore area.


Sadly, even if this makes it into law it’s missing some key items. They’re increasing penalties for repeat gun offenders, but not for first-time gun crimes. As their own police have said repeatedly, the key to curbing these trends is to get to the gang members when they are young and try to turn them away from violence at the first signs of trouble. Giving shooters a slap on the wrist doesn’t send a very powerful message.

They also rejected the Governor’s call for increased mandatory minimums for gun crimes.

The same lesson applies here. Community outreach and neighborhood involvement in projects such as the “no murder weekends” is a very good thing. Getting more cops out on foot patrol where they can get to know the law-abiding members of the community is great too. But it can’t all be carrots. You need a stick to go with that. And until they start getting more serious about rooting out gun violence where it really happens and getting the shooters off the street, measures like this are going to continue to come up short.

Hotair?? Get real.

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