Baldwin Street Interview

New video interview with Baldwin and his nagging wife today......He blamed everything and everyone but himself.

I must say he seems pretty composed for just shooting someone he called his friend.

This guy is the posterchild for self-entitled prick. Sounds to me like he did it premeditated in order to usher in some kind of new gun control on movie sets. And his wife? She's bloody hilarious.
New video interview with Baldwin and his nagging wife today......He blamed everything and everyone but himself.

I must say he seems pretty composed for just shooting someone he called his friend.

As Baldwin is like many urban Americans who are unfamiliar with firearms. He/they aren't aware of the very basic safety measures when handling them.
I'm sure he considered the prop guns to be as safe as fake guns. Bottom line: Ignorance of the inherent dangers.
He is right to blame others, the Head Armorer and the Assistant Director. He is basically guilty of believing that the Head Armorer was very professional and the Assistant Director knew that it was a "cold gun" on the set. He learned a valuable lesson, don't play with them. They aren't toys.
Frankly, with today's CGI photographic realism, there is no reason that the firearms can't be complete fakes and the CGI people simply add in a flame discharge when an actor pretends to fire the weapon, adding in a slight jerk to make it seem real.
Looks like he is now woke concerning his horrible attitude. His past has now come to haunt him, so he is keeping a lid on his temper. His wife? Not so much. Maybe she is the reason he is such a prick.
As Baldwin is like many urban Americans who are unfamiliar with firearms. He/they aren't aware of the very basic safety measures when handling them.
I'm sure he considered the prop guns to be as safe as fake guns. Bottom line: Ignorance of the inherent dangers.
He is right to blame others, the Head Armorer and the Assistant Director. He is basically guilty of believing that the Head Armorer was very professional and the Assistant Director knew that it was a "cold gun" on the set. He learned a valuable lesson, don't play with them. They aren't toys.
Frankly, with today's CGI photographic realism, there is no reason that the firearms can't be complete fakes and the CGI people simply add in a flame discharge when an actor pretends to fire the weapon, adding in a slight jerk to make it seem real.
Well reports are it wasn't a 'prop gun' it was a single action revolver that was obviously capable of firing live rounds. Lots of 'urban' folks (except maybe gang bangers) are schooled by the MSM and Democrat party that guns are dangerous and should be either severely limited or taken away from law abiding citizens. This makes them afraid of guns so they don't bother to learn how to handle them. It seems that Baldwin was ignorant and trusted the armorer a bit too much. I can tell you one thing, I have guns and whenever I pick one up I assume they are loaded and ready to shoot until I inspect the breech, magazine and absolutely make sure there is not a round in the chamber. Baldwin was the one shooting the gun, he is the one that is responsible, IMO.

Not only that but Baldwin said (in that interview) that the cast and crew were 'well oiled' but reports are that his union crew quit and he hired scabs. Other than that, a person died so the 'well oiled' comment is DOA anyway.
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Well his wife is a rather angry woman, but I really think he did okay. The more interesting thing for me is that he said he didn't think production on this movie would resume. I am not sure the completion bond will pay off under these circumstances since a behind the scenes person isn't integral to the film's completion. My understanding is that it has to be a principal performer getting seriously killed or injured to get the pay out.
Well his wife is a rather angry woman, but I really think he did okay. The more interesting thing for me is that he said he didn't think production on this movie would resume. I am not sure the completion bond will pay off under these circumstances since a behind the scenes person isn't integral to the film's completion. My understanding is that it has to be a principal performer getting seriously killed or injured to get the pay out.
His wife seemed more upset than him, IMO.
The big question is: Who put live ammunition on the table and in the firearm? A partial print can be obtained from cartridges, so I'm curious if they are checking in to this.
New video interview with Baldwin and his nagging wife today......He blamed everything and everyone but himself.

I must say he seems pretty composed for just shooting someone he called his friend.

Why do you care about what happens in Hollywood?
Seems like he handled it as well as he could have.

It was a freak accident and he's not allowed to comment on the on-going investigation. He's upset about it and so is everyone involved. Not much more to pester him about.
Why do you care about what happens in Hollywood?
Most folks, like me, wonder how this could happen. It's a big story in the news and I thought I'd start a thread on it. It's not really about all of Hollywood anyway're a bit off base. You got a problem with that?
Most folks, like me, wonder how this could happen. It's a big story in the news and I thought I'd start a thread on it. It's not really about all of Hollywood anyway're a bit off base. You got a problem with that?
Why do you care about what happens in Hollywood?

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