Bags of Broken Bricks Appear in D.C.

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
Posted in current Events because they showed up TODAY.

Why would BAGS OF BRICKS appear in D.C. on this important day? Does Antif plan to confront the PEACEFUL PROTESTERS?

Clearly you can see underneath the pallets of concrete pads are concrete pads which is what you do with pads of concrete....Astonishingly very weak on the propaganda dial of achievements via covert acts of naughtiness.

Posted in current Events because they showed up TODAY.

Why would BAGS OF BRICKS appear in D.C. on this important day? Does Antif plan to confront the PEACEFUL PROTESTERS?

View attachment 438053
Those are not bricks sorry old chum...
If you ever happen to add anything of substance on this forum, i wont be surprised to see pigs fly that day!
I laid bricks for 37 years those are not bricks and there went a flying pig..
Posted in current Events because they showed up TODAY.

Why would BAGS OF BRICKS appear in D.C. on this important day? Does Antif plan to confront the PEACEFUL PROTESTERS?

View attachment 438053

I am sure they have other applications as well, but I know that the “bricks” pictured here are commonly used as ballast on solar power installations. The two different rooftop racking systems I've worked with are specifically made to use those bricks to weigh them down.
Now that patriots know where they are, protect them and use them against the communists.
The broken pieces in the bags are waiting removal since they is debris...I wouldn't expect you indoorsy office workers to know what goes on with materials used in construction.
Similar materials were showing up unexplained, in anticipated locations for Black Lies Matter/Antifa riots. I think the intent there, was clearly that the rioters would use them as tools of violence and destruction.

I have little doubt that those responsible for providing these materials to the subhuman left wrong-wing criminal filth are responsible for these recent appearances as well; either they are hoping that conservatives will behave like subhuman left wrong-wing criminal filth, so that they can be exploited for propaganda purposes; or, more likely, they anticipate that left wrong-wing criminal filth will show up to “peacefully counter-protest”, and intend for them to use these materials.
This protest is mostly peaceful, isnt that right CNN?

Why is it a big deal? Just let it happen like in every liberal city. Why do liberals care now?

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