Bad Gaslighting Epidemic Sweeps The Elite


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Bad Gaslighting Epidemic Sweeps The Elite

Bad Gaslighting Epidemic Sweeps The Elite
17 Oct 19 ~ By Kurt Schlichter
There are three questions that our terrible, terrible ruling class raises whenever it opens its collective kale-hole to lecture us: 1) Does the elite think we are really, really stupid, or 2) Is the elite really, really stupid, or 3) Is the elite all of the above? The last week has been eventful, even by Age O’ Trump standards, and the one enduring takeaway is just how bad these people are at gaslighting us with inept lies that demand we disbelieve what’s happening right in front of us. But it should come as no surprise that our alleged betters are no good at gaslighting because they have proven themselves to be no good at anything. Here’s a fun test: can you name something – anything – major in the last two decades that our best and brightest have not screwed up?
It’s bad enough that they lie to us, directly and by omission, all the time. But what makes it worse is how their lies are such glaringly obvious fabrications and/or dissimulations that the deepest insult is that they think we might believe them.


Gaslighting works best when its intended victims are carpet bombed with it from multiple sources. This is where Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats get a helping hand from their grifter accomplices in the mainstream media, academia, the liberal courts, our big tech overlords, entertainment and sadly now even sports.
At its core we all recognize gaslighting when we see it but the Democrats’ bombast governance has cowed many into submission and silence. Over time the silent devolve into the brainwashed as they internalize and ultimately accept the big lies they’re being force fed. For those of us over the age of 25, ask yourselves how many of your high school biology teachers would have been able to keep their jobs (teachers’ union be damned) telling students there were more sexes than Heinz has varieties of ketchup or that the world was going to end in 12 years?
Now anyone who dares publicly question that “settled science” is ridiculed as an ignorant hater and if that doesn’t force the victim to renounce his apostasy he becomes an outcast less welcome than a leper in the Middle Ages.
The only way to defeat gaslighting is to call it out every time we encounter it. As the Leftists love to claim, sun light is the best disinfectant. Time for our PMS/DSA Democrat minion intellectual betters to get a long overdue colonoscopy.
1) Does the elite think we are really, really stupid, or 2) Is the elite really, really stupid, or 3) Is the elite all of the above?​
1) Yes they think you're stupid. It's why Trump knew that telling you Ted Cruz's dad helped murder JFK would benefit his campaign.
2) It's a spectrum. Some advanced humankind, others made trash TV and thought Mexico would pay for a border wall
3) Answered in #2

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