Bachmann's husband got $137,000 in Medicaid funds



Something like that is commonly said by someone who is afraid to have the debating balls of a butterfly get stuck in a corner and you put the onus on the opponent to make the next move.

You are way out of your league with me Vanquish.....I suggest you stay down in the minors until you are ready to play with the big boys.

Right right right. You'll be one of the big boys when I become a black female. Ain't gonna happen.

You say partisan shill shit all the time and you call someone else out on it? Get real. Nobody's buying that loadabull.

Funny...I say partisan shill sh*t all the time?

Lets see...

I have posted on here that I disagree with anyone that calls Obama a Marxist
I posted and gave kudos to Obama for his leadership during the Arizona shooting
I hit on every Rangel thread and said it was a GOP witch hunt
I posted and gave Weiner a pass on his texting....although I called him out for lying about it
I made it clear on several threads that I disagree with Bachmann as it pertains to gay rights
I have always posted and said that whereas I am personall;y against abortion I will never vote against a womans right to choose
I posted and said that Boehner is a poor choice for speaker as he is one that spins in an effort to make the democrats look bad

I can go on....but I believe my pooint was made.

Unless, of course, you refer to things I believe as partisan shill sh*t if it happens to be similar to what the GOP believes.
My true nature is that of a truth-seeker. And neither side, conservative or liberal has the absolute corner on that.
So show me where you are advocating the truth in this situation? I've been called a liar a few times in this thread, but yet no proof.

Find me truth oh brave seeker. Are you willing to admit this 'scandal' is not truth, yet?
My true nature is that of a truth-seeker. And neither side, conservative or liberal has the absolute corner on that.

What does that mean?

I am a conservative and I see truth in what some on the left say and what some on the right say.

My ideology does not prevent me from seeking or finding the truth.

I started as a full conservastive...through and through....and as I seeked the truth, I have not changed my values, but changed my understanding of how others feel.

And so whereas I believe abortion is a conservsative I also believe all should do with their lives as they see best for I will not get in the way NOR WILL I JUDGE anyone who wants to abort.
I'll spot you these truths.

Bachmann and Associates LLC provided services for patients who could not afford to pay their going rate and entered into contract with the US Government to supplement the patients fee. This is true.

They have stated that this money was given to the "ASSOCIATES" part of the business and appropriate expenses. This is also true, for I have personal inside knowledge of the operation of said business.

What is in limbo here, and is lacking the proof to show truth is that Marcus Bachmann DIRECTLY PROFITED, and thereby Michele Bachmann INDIRECTLY profited from these payments by the government for services rendered as a charitable function of Bachmann & Associates. This has not been proven one iota.

Also what has not been shown is that any criminal activity or fraud has occurred to obtain said funds.

Even more surprising is that there are those alleging that because Bachmann and Associates, independent from the Congresswoman, took these legally agreed upon funds from the state of MN and the Federal Government, this invalidates her position that Medicare SHOULD be ended as a waste of taxpayer money on an unconstitutional program. This is a leap of faith with no logic, and only partisan demagoguery and sophistry.

Now, how am I lying and/or how is this a scandal?

On a logical non-sequiter, I do have tiger repellant rocks on sale for $25k each. There has never been a tiger within 10 miles of it in the history of its existence. It will keep your life tiger free for the rest of time.
I bet she didnt even know this.

She doesnt seem to know much of anything

Yeh no one can compare themselves to the almighty Obama..... :eusa_hand:
The more the left attacks her the more I like her as a candidate.... :tongue:

Good, vote for her because she will she will never win New York.
Or California, Massatwoshits, Vermont, Main, Washington, Illinois (fucking FIBS) Delaware and Rhode Island.

But she would probably win in Texas, Alaska, Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania and the mountain states save New Mexico (what their problem is nobody fucking knows).

Just sayin your point is moot.
That $137,000.00 was reimbursement for tending to the impoverished folks who got some help from the Bachmanns' clinic.

What were th e Bachmanns' options?

To NOT take the patients because they couldn't pay on their own? :cuckoo:

Take the patients and not get paid? :cuckoo:

Or, take the patients and accept some relatively small yearly settlement checks (amounting to only about $25,000.00 on a good year)?

What is so terrible (and OMG! "inconsistent") about denouncing socialism in government policy but taking some of that filthy lucre while it's still being spent, anyway?

I mean, holy chit. More than half of you "libruls" denounce the petrochemical industry, but you still drive cars, burn electricty (e.g. the internetz). Ya flaming Hypocrites. :D
That $137,000.00 was reimbursement for tending to the impoverished folks who got some help from the Bachmanns' clinic.

What were th e Bachmanns' options?

To NOT take the patients because they couldn't pay on their own? :cuckoo:

Take the patients and not get paid? :cuckoo:

Or, take the patients and accept some relatively small yearly settlement checks (amounting to only about $25,000.00 on a good year)?

What is so terrible (and OMG! "inconsistent") about denouncing socialism in government policy but taking some of that filthy lucre while it's still being spent, anyway?

I mean, holy chit. More than half of you "libruls" denounce the petrochemical industry, but you still drive cars, burn electricty (e.g. the internetz). Ya flaming Hypocrites. :D
been saying that for 10 pages. They still won't get it cause it fucks up the agenda. Maybe this is what was meant by 'transparency (in partisanship) in government'.
That $137,000.00 was reimbursement for tending to the impoverished folks who got some help from the Bachmanns' clinic.

What were th e Bachmanns' options?

To NOT take the patients because they couldn't pay on their own? :cuckoo:

Take the patients and not get paid? :cuckoo:

Or, take the patients and accept some relatively small yearly settlement checks (amounting to only about $25,000.00 on a good year)?

What is so terrible (and OMG! "inconsistent") about denouncing socialism in government policy but taking some of that filthy lucre while it's still being spent, anyway?

I mean, holy chit. More than half of you "libruls" denounce the petrochemical industry, but you still drive cars, burn electricty (e.g. the internetz). Ya flaming Hypocrites. :D
been saying that for 10 pages. They still won't get it cause it fucks up the agenda. Maybe this is what was meant by 'transparency (in partisanship) in government'.

I confess I was too damn lazy to read all 10 pages. But I'm glad you had already touched on that point. It does seem pretty obvious.
This is an excellent opportunity for Bachmann to educate some of the more rabid folks in her party on the important role Medicaid plays in 1) providing access to needed health services for low-income folks, and 2) keeping the doors open at small clinics. Let's see if she takes advantage.

well said.

as to the issue...

so over 5 and half years he billed 137K?:eusa_eh:

I have a feeling that that didn't mean a great deal in their income, and if he had REFUSED to see medicare patients I suspect we'd be hearing howls of how he hates po' people and the elderly....*shrugs*...everyone incl. obama has said medicare is being scammed, so?
This is an excellent opportunity for Bachmann to educate some of the more rabid folks in her party on the important role Medicaid plays in 1) providing access to needed health services for low-income folks, and 2) keeping the doors open at small clinics. Let's see if she takes advantage.

well said.

as to the issue...

so over 5 and half years he billed 137K?:eusa_eh:

I have a feeling that that didn't mean a great deal in their income, and if he had REFUSED to see medicare patients I suspect we'd be hearing howls of how he hates po' people and the elderly....*shrugs*...everyone incl. obama has said medicare is being scammed, so?
When a cut rate is 50 bucks a session and they have DOZENS of therapists working for them... yeah.... not so much.
seems bachman has more trouble than stealing petty's music

While Rep. Michelle Bachmann, R-Minn., has forcefully denounced the Medicaid program for swelling the "welfare rolls," the mental health clinic run by her husband has been collecting annual Medicaid payments totaling over $137,000 for the treatment of patients since 2005, according to new figures obtained by NBC News.

blah blah blah

"She's giving hypocrisy a bad name," said Ron Pollock, executive director of Families USA, a consumer health care advocacy group, when asked about the Medicaid payments to Bachmann & Associates. "It's clear when it feathers her nest she's happy for Medicaid expenditures. But people that really need it — folks with disabilities and seniors — she's turning their backs on them."

Bachmann's husband got $137,000 in Medicaid funds - politics - Decision 2012 -

YOU KNOW--never trust a liberal to give correct information WITHOUT reading the LINK they've linked.

Here's one of my favorites. While Barack Obama was claiming that we were in the WORST economic crisis since the GREAT depression-- he signed off on another 450 BILLION dollars that included over 9000 earmarks--special goodies--and political pay-offs--stating that it was last years business--LOL


450 BILLION dollars in earmarks.
seems bachman has more trouble than stealing petty's music

While Rep. Michelle Bachmann, R-Minn., has forcefully denounced the Medicaid program for swelling the "welfare rolls," the mental health clinic run by her husband has been collecting annual Medicaid payments totaling over $137,000 for the treatment of patients since 2005, according to new figures obtained by NBC News.

blah blah blah

"She's giving hypocrisy a bad name," said Ron Pollock, executive director of Families USA, a consumer health care advocacy group, when asked about the Medicaid payments to Bachmann & Associates. "It's clear when it feathers her nest she's happy for Medicaid expenditures. But people that really need it — folks with disabilities and seniors — she's turning their backs on them."

Bachmann's husband got $137,000 in Medicaid funds - politics - Decision 2012 -

YOU KNOW--never trust a liberal to give correct information WITHOUT reading the LINK they've linked.

Here's one of my favorites. While Barack Obama was claiming that we were in the WORST economic crisis since the GREAT depression-- he signed off on another 450 BILLION dollars that included over 9000 earmarks--special goodies--and political pay-offs--stating that it was last years business--LOL

View attachment 13924

450 BILLION dollars in earmarks.

After a while that kind of money could actually add up to something significant....

(My apologies to Sen. Dirksen if he ever uttered the famous phrase.)
seems bachman has more trouble than stealing petty's music

While Rep. Michelle Bachmann, R-Minn., has forcefully denounced the Medicaid program for swelling the "welfare rolls," the mental health clinic run by her husband has been collecting annual Medicaid payments totaling over $137,000 for the treatment of patients since 2005, according to new figures obtained by NBC News.

blah blah blah

"She's giving hypocrisy a bad name," said Ron Pollock, executive director of Families USA, a consumer health care advocacy group, when asked about the Medicaid payments to Bachmann & Associates. "It's clear when it feathers her nest she's happy for Medicaid expenditures. But people that really need it — folks with disabilities and seniors — she's turning their backs on them."

Bachmann's husband got $137,000 in Medicaid funds - politics - Decision 2012 -

YOU KNOW--never trust a liberal to give correct information WITHOUT reading the LINK they've linked.

Here's one of my favorites. While Barack Obama was claiming that we were in the WORST economic crisis since the GREAT depression-- he signed off on another 450 BILLION dollars that included over 9000 earmarks--special goodies--and political pay-offs--stating that it was last years business--LOL

View attachment 13924

450 BILLION dollars in earmarks.

After a while that kind of money could actually add up to something significant....

(My apologies to Sen. Dirksen if he ever uttered the famous phrase.)

Yeah the real ham and eggs are in the numbers.

18,000 babyboomers entering social security/medicare daily--and which will continue for the next 15 YEARS--resulting in another 64 TRILLION in unfunded liabilites--on top of the 14.3 trillion in red ink we're at now--and we have liberals wanting to discuss a measly 137K--LOL.

Typical--left wing brain DEAD.

That $137,000.00 was reimbursement for tending to the impoverished folks who got some help from the Bachmanns' clinic.

What were th e Bachmanns' options?

To NOT take the patients because they couldn't pay on their own? :cuckoo:

Take the patients and not get paid? :cuckoo:

Or, take the patients and accept some relatively small yearly settlement checks (amounting to only about $25,000.00 on a good year)?

What is so terrible (and OMG! "inconsistent") about denouncing socialism in government policy but taking some of that filthy lucre while it's still being spent, anyway?

I mean, holy chit. More than half of you "libruls" denounce the petrochemical industry, but you still drive cars, burn electricty (e.g. the internetz). Ya flaming Hypocrites. :D

Oh for pete's forgot to add that she could have explained why they were taking the money. She could have been honest about that. Why wasn't she?

I don't think they did anything wrong with taking the money, but they should just have been upfront about it. It is the BS that makes her look like a hypocrite.
From Fact Check.

She claimed government money received by her husband's counseling clinics did not benefit the business, because the funds paid for employee training. It's true the clinics received $24,041 for training, but the business received thousands more in government funds, including money for treating crime victims.

Bachmann falsely claimed that she and her husband "have never gotten a penny" from a family farm that received federal subsidies. But she reported income from the farm in 2006, 2008 and 2009 — the most recent year available — on her congressional financial disclosure statements.

Bachmann’s Waterloo |

Here is a link to her financial disclosure statements. Please feel free to knock yourself out.

Michele Marie Bachmann (R-Minn) | Personal Finance Disclosure | OpenSecrets

Plain and simple...she's a liar.
That $137,000.00 was reimbursement for tending to the impoverished folks who got some help from the Bachmanns' clinic.

What were th e Bachmanns' options?

To NOT take the patients because they couldn't pay on their own? :cuckoo:

Take the patients and not get paid? :cuckoo:

Or, take the patients and accept some relatively small yearly settlement checks (amounting to only about $25,000.00 on a good year)?

What is so terrible (and OMG! "inconsistent") about denouncing socialism in government policy but taking some of that filthy lucre while it's still being spent, anyway?

I mean, holy chit. More than half of you "libruls" denounce the petrochemical industry, but you still drive cars, burn electricty (e.g. the internetz). Ya flaming Hypocrites. :D

Oh for pete's forgot to add that she could have explained why they were taking the money. She could have been honest about that. Why wasn't she?

I don't think they did anything wrong with taking the money, but they should just have been upfront about it. It is the BS that makes her look like a hypocrite.

When was she questioned in particular about it?

when did she fail to be honest?

You guys look mighty petty to be sniping over 5 1/2 years worth of government payments amounting to only $137K.

If the government does a stupid thing that means they are going to spend taxpayer dollars, why on Earth shouldn't we take some of our money back even if we are against the stupid government policy in the first place? If we don't take it, it's still gonna be spent.

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