Bachman Says Obama Wrong...Waterboarding Uncomfortable

That insane bitch. I wonder if she would volunteer for it to show her committment.

Have you ever been waterboarded? It really does feel like you are going to drown but its not that bad...
You sound like Chris Hitchens.....before HE got straightened-OUT!!!!!

[ame=]Watch Christopher Hitchens Get Waterboarded (VANITY FAIR) - YouTube[/ame]​
That insane bitch. I wonder if she would volunteer for it to show her committment.

I understand that she is willing to do a Double Billed Headliner for Charity with Sean Hannity.
Hell....that was....

[ame=]Sean Hannity Volunteers To Be Waterboarded!!! - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]"I'll waterboard Hannity and get him to say KeithO's is his fav show" says SERE Instructor - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Jesse Ventura Bitch Slaps Hannity - YouTube[/ame]​
Have you ever been waterboarded? It really does feel like you are going to drown but its not that least after there are no lasting physical effects is what I mean by not that bad.

You ever been hit in the head with a bat? You ever been clocked in the eye with a tire iron? Ever been stabbed?

None of that really hurts all that much when it initially happens. So basically it's not effective torture.

Yes i've been hit in the head with a bat along with waterboarded.

You ever been hit in the head with a bat? You ever been clocked in the eye with a tire iron? Ever been stabbed?

None of that really hurts all that much when it initially happens. So basically it's not effective torture.

Yes i've been hit in the head with a bat along with waterboarded.

I would consider hitting someone with a bat to get information far more torture than waterboarding.....cracked skull, bruising, cuts, concussion, death all can/do result from batting someone in the head, waterboarding on the other hand leaves no physical damage.

I'm sure getting hit in the eye with a tire iron and being stabbed are just as bad if not worse than the bat thing.

^^^^^ to this post. I agree with Bachmann and only if there is a strongly suspected reason to do so.
"....strongly suspected....", huh......based on WHAT?????


[ame=]Jesse Ventura: You Give Me a Water Board, Dick Cheney and One Hour - YouTube[/ame]*
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You ever been hit in the head with a bat? You ever been clocked in the eye with a tire iron? Ever been stabbed?

None of that really hurts all that much when it initially happens. So basically it's not effective torture.

Yes i've been hit in the head with a bat along with waterboarded.

I would consider hitting someone with a bat to get information far more torture than waterboarding.....cracked skull, bruising, cuts, concussion, death all can/do result from batting someone in the head, waterboarding on the other hand leaves no physical damage.

I'm sure getting hit in the eye with a tire iron and being stabbed are just as bad if not worse than the bat thing.

Trust me on this. You ain't going to get much information from a person that got hit with a bat. I did. I was in no mood for talking afterwards. Same with the stabbing and tire iron thingie.

Part of the "effectiveness" of Torture is to either cause so much pain or fear of death that the person talks. That's what waterboarding does. It creates a massive sense of fear of death. Pulling a persons fingernails out would cause excrutiating pain without necessarily causing them to pass out. Which is why it's much more effective then a bat to the head.

That's why both those techniques are torture. And are "effective".

I wish I was standing close to you...we would torture each other. That's the way it works where I come from. It's not one sided.
Given that Michelle Bachmann, Rick Santorum, Herman Cain and Rick Perry all claim that God has called them to run for president, its time that the Republican/Tea Party actually put "waterboarding" to good use to determine which, if any of them, is telling the truth!
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That insane bitch. I wonder if she would volunteer for it to show her committment.

Have you ever been waterboarded? It really does feel like you are going to drown but its not that least after there are no lasting physical effects is what I mean by not that bad.

Whether waterboarding "is" torture or not really is not the important question. At the very least, it's meant to simulate torture, right? So then, the fact remains that such methods are NOT effective for obtaining information. Torture, nor anything designed to simulate it, is most likely to get a person to say whatever they think you want to hear in order to get you to stop. The Pope would "confess" to being an atheist if you waterboarded him enough.
That insane bitch. I wonder if she would volunteer for it to show her committment.

Have you ever been waterboarded? It really does feel like you are going to drown but its not that least after there are no lasting physical effects is what I mean by not that bad.

Whether waterboarding "is" torture or not really is not the important question. At the very least, it's meant to simulate torture, right? So then, the fact remains that such methods are NOT effective for obtaining information. Torture, nor anything designed to simulate it, is most likely to get a person to say whatever they think you want to hear in order to get you to stop. The Pope would "confess" to being an atheist if you waterboarded him enough.

Yep...the defining moment to me was when John McCain flat declared that it is torture. That man should know what he's talking about. A war hero in the Republican party these days is as rare as a 30 ct diamond. Come to think of it war heroes in either party have gotten to be as rare as hen's teeth. I guess when the rich folks stopped going to war the picture changed.
You ever been hit in the head with a bat? You ever been clocked in the eye with a tire iron? Ever been stabbed?

None of that really hurts all that much when it initially happens. So basically it's not effective torture.

Yes i've been hit in the head with a bat along with waterboarded.

I would consider hitting someone with a bat to get information far more torture than waterboarding.....cracked skull, bruising, cuts, concussion, death all can/do result from batting someone in the head, waterboarding on the other hand leaves no physical damage.

I'm sure getting hit in the eye with a tire iron and being stabbed are just as bad if not worse than the bat thing.

^^^^^ to this post. I agree with Bachmann and only if there is a strongly suspected reason to do so.

I do not take issue with our military using waterboarding on enemy combatants. I personally volunteered to be waterboarded in the past, to find out what it was like, and it is some seriously scary stuff....but it doesn't do any physical damage so I'm not as against it as I would be against say beating someone to get some info.

[Yes i've been hit in the head with a bat along with waterboarded.


lol, and who was trying to get information out of you?

LOL the bat was a pathetic jerk who, while being physically larger than me, felt the need to grab a bat when he wanted a fight at a party in the woods in High School.

The waterboarding was a think I volunteered to do out of curiousity, I wouldn't reccomend just "trying it to see" because it wasn't fun.

You ever been hit in the head with a bat? You ever been clocked in the eye with a tire iron? Ever been stabbed?

None of that really hurts all that much when it initially happens. So basically it's not effective torture.

Yes i've been hit in the head with a bat along with waterboarded.

I would consider hitting someone with a bat to get information far more torture than waterboarding.....cracked skull, bruising, cuts, concussion, death all can/do result from batting someone in the head, waterboarding on the other hand leaves no physical damage.

I'm sure getting hit in the eye with a tire iron and being stabbed are just as bad if not worse than the bat thing.

Trust me on this. You ain't going to get much information from a person that got hit with a bat. I did. I was in no mood for talking afterwards. Same with the stabbing and tire iron thingie.

Part of the "effectiveness" of Torture is to either cause so much pain or fear of death that the person talks. That's what waterboarding does. It creates a massive sense of fear of death. Pulling a persons fingernails out would cause excrutiating pain without necessarily causing them to pass out. Which is why it's much more effective then a bat to the head.

That's why both those techniques are torture. And are "effective".

I understand that point. And yes, to an extent, when you use these type of techniques people may just say things to avoid getting any more and thast stuff isn't always going to be true.

That insane bitch. I wonder if she would volunteer for it to show her committment.

Have you ever been waterboarded? It really does feel like you are going to drown but its not that least after there are no lasting physical effects is what I mean by not that bad.

Whether waterboarding "is" torture or not really is not the important question. At the very least, it's meant to simulate torture, right? So then, the fact remains that such methods are NOT effective for obtaining information. Torture, nor anything designed to simulate it, is most likely to get a person to say whatever they think you want to hear in order to get you to stop. The Pope would "confess" to being an atheist if you waterboarded him enough.

See what I said above...i am not denying that what you claim happens does happen. I am just saying that out of the "enhanced interrogation techniques" that i've heard waterboarding isn't really all that bad in the end for the reasons you've already read me state.
There's better ways to deal with this entire mess other than torturing people who might actually be innocent. We've lost our morals with what's been going on in Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay.
I guess Liberals are more concerned with the torture of Islamic terrorists than American troops, because I never heard them complaining when we were waterboarding our troops.

Liberals are so devout to their liberal religion, that they're willing to put themselves and other Americans at risk, if it makes for an opportunity to tells us how evil America is.

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