Authorities Say Nashville Shooter Left Suicide Note, 19 Journals, and Other Docs — All Kept from the Public


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Authorities Say Nashville Shooter Left Suicide Note,

19 Journals, and Other Docs

All Kept from the Public

18 Apr 2023 ~~ By AWR HAWKINS

The 28-year-old transgender attacker who shot and killed six in a Nashville Christian school March 27, 2023, left behind a suicide note, 19 journals, and other items, all of which have been kept from the public.
Breitbart News reported that the transgender shooter carried legally purchased firearms into the school, where she walked the halls with a pistol caliber carbine looking for victims.
She was shot and killed on the second floor of the school by Metropolitan Nashville Police Department officers.
The attacker left behind “cellphones and laptops, as well as a suicide note, three folders and 19 journals,” NBC News noted. But none of the writings have been released for the public to see. NBC News observed:

The potential release of the journals has become a point of friction in the case: While local investigators said they are continuing to analyze the writings with assistance from the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit in Quantico, Virginia, some in the community said the writings must be made public without delay to help people understand the carnage and Hale’s state of mind.
To date, federal law enforcement claims no clear motive has emerged behind the transgender’s deadly attack on the Christian school.
Author and pundit Byron York weighed in on the situation, tweeting, “Instead of hinting that the motive ‘remains unclear,’ why don’t police just release the evidence?”
What are Maoist Democrats, FBI/Stasi and the Quisling Media afraid we will learn?
Is the FBI covering up lies with more lies and more lies?
Why are they withholding the information? Something tells me they have something to hide!
Surely, the authorities are just being thorough and making sure every scrap of evidence is safely in their hands and secured away somewhere deep in an FBI/Stasi top secret vault in D.C. protected from “disinformation” by super ultra MAGA types with FOIA requests. To protect “Our” democracy and uphold “Our” values as a nation.
Perhaps they are still busy investigating the J6 bomber, leaker of the Supreme Court Leaker and death threats to Supreme Court Justices?
Then again it wouldn't surprise anyone if Audrey Hale's suicide note, laptops, cellphones, and journals are in a box parked next to Biden’s Corvette? Complements of the FBI/Stasi.
We've spoken with 2 major law firms in Nashville who said they'd send retainer letters to represent us suing FBI and the Nashville PD to obtain the manifesto of the Nashville shooter, only to back out at the last second.

Sounds like another threat coming from the Biden DOJ. Wonder how many Christians the Left are willing to sacrifice to cover up for their beloved trannies? Could it be because the administration is filled with them?
They are terrified people might start thinking trannies are seriously deranged & dangerous sexual deviants instead of brave & gentle practitioners of a totally not insane "lifestyle choice"
If another one of these freaks goes off on a bunch of innocents, they may just find that the "genocide" they think they've been exposed to, is a real possibility. People are tired of this insanity and evil pushing its way into their daily lives.
Backlash is bound to happen at some point and when it does, I doubt very seriously that a minority of their size is going to survive it unscathed.
And if it were to, the blame wouldn't be only with the crazies. In fact, the primary blame would be the media corporations and corrupt politicians that have fanned the flames with lying propaganda.
I'm still waiting to read the psych-tranny murderer's manifesto.
The only way that'll ever happen is if it's leaked and that is highly unlikely. The very fact that they are protecting it and hiding it tells us all we really need to know. That hate-filled freak wanted to die and didn't mind taking children with it. IMO, those who supported her and those like her are the same as her.

Authorities Say Nashville Shooter Left Suicide Note,

19 Journals, and Other Docs

All Kept from the Public

18 Apr 2023 ~~ By AWR HAWKINS

The 28-year-old transgender attacker who shot and killed six in a Nashville Christian school March 27, 2023, left behind a suicide note, 19 journals, and other items, all of which have been kept from the public.
Breitbart News reported that the transgender shooter carried legally purchased firearms into the school, where she walked the halls with a pistol caliber carbine looking for victims.
She was shot and killed on the second floor of the school by Metropolitan Nashville Police Department officers.
The attacker left behind “cellphones and laptops, as well as a suicide note, three folders and 19 journals,” NBC News noted. But none of the writings have been released for the public to see. NBC News observed:

The potential release of the journals has become a point of friction in the case: While local investigators said they are continuing to analyze the writings with assistance from the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit in Quantico, Virginia, some in the community said the writings must be made public without delay to help people understand the carnage and Hale’s state of mind.
To date, federal law enforcement claims no clear motive has emerged behind the transgender’s deadly attack on the Christian school.
Author and pundit Byron York weighed in on the situation, tweeting, “Instead of hinting that the motive ‘remains unclear,’ why don’t police just release the evidence?”
What are Maoist Democrats, FBI/Stasi and the Quisling Media afraid we will learn?
Is the FBI covering up lies with more lies and more lies?
Why are they withholding the information? Something tells me they have something to hide!
Surely, the authorities are just being thorough and making sure every scrap of evidence is safely in their hands and secured away somewhere deep in an FBI/Stasi top secret vault in D.C. protected from “disinformation” by super ultra MAGA types with FOIA requests. To protect “Our” democracy and uphold “Oukids?r” values as a nation.
Perhaps they are still busy investigating the J6 bomber, leaker of the Supreme Court Leaker and death threats to Supreme Court Justices?
Then again it wouldn't surprise anyone if Audrey Hale's suicide note, laptops, cellphones, and journals are in a box parked next to Biden’s Corvette? Complements of the FBI/Stasi.
Why do you need to read them. Do you seek a guide on how to kill elementary school kids?
Why do you need to read them. Do you seek a guide on how to kill elementary school kids?

Why do people want to know the truth about who killed JFK and why he was murdered? Because we need a guide on how to kill Presidents? Or did we need to learn how to fly airliners into New York City buildings? Should what happened on 9/11 have deliberately been kept secret for fear of retribution against Muslims?

There has to be a reason the information about the Nashville murderer is not being released. The crime appears to have been solved and the shooter is dead, right? So why all the secrecy? Are the authorities investigating something else they found in the manifesto, and they don't want to release the details because their investigation isn't over? Was there some kind of a plot that involved other possible shooters? Should we have to be concerned about another possible shooting incident?

Authorities Say Nashville Shooter Left Suicide Note,

19 Journals, and Other Docs

All Kept from the Public

18 Apr 2023 ~~ By AWR HAWKINS

The 28-year-old transgender attacker who shot and killed six in a Nashville Christian school March 27, 2023, left behind a suicide note, 19 journals, and other items, all of which have been kept from the public.
Breitbart News reported that the transgender shooter carried legally purchased firearms into the school, where she walked the halls with a pistol caliber carbine looking for victims.
She was shot and killed on the second floor of the school by Metropolitan Nashville Police Department officers.
The attacker left behind “cellphones and laptops, as well as a suicide note, three folders and 19 journals,” NBC News noted. But none of the writings have been released for the public to see. NBC News observed:

The potential release of the journals has become a point of friction in the case: While local investigators said they are continuing to analyze the writings with assistance from the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit in Quantico, Virginia, some in the community said the writings must be made public without delay to help people understand the carnage and Hale’s state of mind.
To date, federal law enforcement claims no clear motive has emerged behind the transgender’s deadly attack on the Christian school.
Author and pundit Byron York weighed in on the situation, tweeting, “Instead of hinting that the motive ‘remains unclear,’ why don’t police just release the evidence?”
What are Maoist Democrats, FBI/Stasi and the Quisling Media afraid we will learn?
Is the FBI covering up lies with more lies and more lies?
Why are they withholding the information? Something tells me they have something to hide!
Surely, the authorities are just being thorough and making sure every scrap of evidence is safely in their hands and secured away somewhere deep in an FBI/Stasi top secret vault in D.C. protected from “disinformation” by super ultra MAGA types with FOIA requests. To protect “Our” democracy and uphold “Our” values as a nation.
Perhaps they are still busy investigating the J6 bomber, leaker of the Supreme Court Leaker and death threats to Supreme Court Justices?
Then again it wouldn't surprise anyone if Audrey Hale's suicide note, laptops, cellphones, and journals are in a box parked next to Biden’s Corvette? Complements of the FBI/Stasi.
Gotta cover up the fact it was a trans because trans people might get hurt. The deep state is on top of this.
1. For how long had it been seeing the shrink?

2. Was its shrink actually a theologian and not a professional?

3. Had it been taking opposite-sex hormones?

4. When did it start collecting guns, and how does this time frame fit for the deaths of two of its friends?

If the time window for 4. is larger than that of the deaths of the two friends, then claiming depression is suspect, and was likely a cold, calculated plan. duh

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