Authoritarian Hypocrisy : Admission Privileges Without Requirements To Admit


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2018
" Authoritarian Hypocrisy : Admission Privileges Without Requirements To Admit "

* Private Facilities Declining To Grant Admission Privileges For Patients Miles Away *

Admitting Privileges Are Back at the U.S. Supreme Court with Serious Implications for Abortion Access

The ruse is to allow private health care providers decline admission privileges for abortion practitioners .

The ruse is for government to issue authoritarian dictum that admission privileges be required to practice abortion procedures without issuing an additional authoritarian dictum that acceptance of admission privileges upon petition is required .

* Anti-Choice Safety Knock Off Of Taxation With Out Representation *

There are those boastful that limits of a state role are to ensure public safety and public security .

Any concedes that for a law to be placed into effect to ensure public safety or public security must have a valid basis in reason to justify its implementation .

Justice blackumun whom wrote the majority opinion for roe v wade and drew the following three conclusions :

( i ) first trimester abortions did not represent a statistically significant health concern for the state and first trimester abortions were private issues between a patient and their doctor
( ii ) second trimester abortions did represent a statistically significant health concern for the state and in the second trimester a state could regulate abortion procedures to ensure their safety
( iii ) third trimester abortions could be regulated for safety and states could proscribe ( outlaw ) abortion in the third trimester , post viability

For a state to pass a law requiring admission privileges to a local hospital , a state must meet a burden of proof that a particular regulation is legitimate in its necessity .

An abortion clinic that performs only first trimester abortions would not be required to have admission privileges as that is clearl as stare decisis from conclusion ( i ) .

For a state to justify a law requiring admission privileges for abortion providers , a state must meet a burden of proof that patient safety is a significant risk in second trimester abortions ; a similar burden of proof would be required for third trimester abortions .

Which data is available to establish that a doctor with admission privileges represents a significant advantage over patients admitting themselves into an urgent care facility as a consequence of abortion treatment ?

The following is a link to the number of deaths per year resulting from abortion between 1973 and 2014 - Abortion Surveillance --- United States, 2015 .

Maternal death - Wikipedia
A specific target is to achieve a global maternal mortality ratio of less than 70 per 100,000 live births. So far, specific progress has been made in births attended by a skilled provider, now at 80% of births worldwide compared with 62% in 2005.[65]

Abbreviation: CFR = case-fatality rate.
* Number of legal induced abortion-related deaths per 100,000 reported legal induced abortions.
Not all abortion providers are doctors. Hospitals that grant admission privileges limited to licensed medical doctors are the issue. Some states like Maine and Illinois allow non doctors to perform abortions. These abortionists can be nurse practitioners, physician assistants, midwives or a hire off the street given a bit of training. No hospital is going to give any one of these admitting privileges. Requiring such privilege is one way to limit abortionists to just doctors.
" Theocratic Self Validation "

* Flatulence Of Wanna Be Dictators *
Not all abortion providers are doctors. Hospitals that grant admission privileges limited to licensed medical doctors are the issue. Some states like Maine and Illinois allow non doctors to perform abortions. These abortionists can be nurse practitioners, physician assistants, midwives or a hire off the street given a bit of training. No hospital is going to give any one of these admitting privileges. Requiring such privilege is one way to limit abortionists to just doctors.
That midwives or a hire off the street is the issue is a bold faced lie as that is more likely the consequence of outlawing abortion procedures .

Admission privileges serves the purpose of preemptive care , where hospitals are prepared for the possibility of certain medical situations through advanced notification as perhaps special training , or supplies , or priority of treatment , may need to be available .

Practitioners are licensed and each state has physician licensing requirements that should define the necessary expertise rather than the witless endeavors of legislators feigning medical competency : The State Physician Practice Laws Licensing Guide , Nurse Practitioner vs. Doctor: A Side-by-Side Comparison .

Policy Finder | AMA
Our AMA reaffirms that: (1) abortion is a medical procedure and should be performed only by a duly licensed physician and surgeon in conformance with standards of good medical practice and the Medical Practice Act of his state;

Abortion in Maine - Wikipedia
Abortions need to be performed by a licensed physician.

Abortion Surveillance --- United States, 2015
§ An abortion is defined as legal if it was performed by a licensed clinician within the limits of state law.
¶ An abortion is defined as illegal if it was performed by any person other than a licensed clinician.

Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers

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