Australian Wildflowers


Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
Walker County, TX
For the last few days, I've been working on finding worthy greenhouses mostly from the USA and Europe. In the searches, I found all these wonderful flowers that are unique to Australia, so I thought I'd like to show some of the good things about English speaking people on the opposite hemisphere of planet Earth, aka Terra. One of the search engines I used provided this "for starters" teaser about Australian wildfloers:

By the way, I'm not much of a horticulturalist, but I'd like to start a garden this year because my years of quilting shop ownership gave me an irreversible susceptibility to good fabric and fiber art, the color wheel, and all things beautiful in printed materials, photographs, and designs. I have no idea of the names of any of the above flowers, but I'm going to see if I can identify the flowers from Down Unter better when all is said and done.

1. Desert Flame Chrysocephalum apiculatum

Desert Flame




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Oh, I read that one of the Australian provinces/states/territories (?) has 900 native flower species. My thoughts that entry #1 was all-knowing is not so.

One more for the road this morning that got my attention and is called "Pussy Tails"




For the last few days, I've been working on finding worthy greenhouses mostly from the USA and Europe. In the searches, I found all these wonderful flowers that are unique to Australia, so I thought I'd like to show some of the good things about English speaking people on the opposite hemisphere of planet Earth, aka Terra. One of the search engines I used provided this "for starters" teaser about Australian wildfloers:

Here are some more you might like;

Australian Native Flowers: A Guide to Australian Flowers

Beautiful, vibrant colours.
Striking plants and flowers.

No 14...The Golden Wattle...the national flower of Australia...hence our national sporting colours...Green and Gold.

No 15... The Waratah...the floral emblem of New South Wales [NSW] state.

No 16...Sturt's Desert Pea...very colourful.

Sturt's desert pea is the floral emblem for South Australia, famous for its eye-catching blood-red petals, each with a black pea-like centre.

Charles Sturt was an early explorer of colonial times.



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