AUstralian gun ban did not save lives...told you it didn't...

Yep...the anniversary of the shooting that caused the confiscation of The guns from people who did not use them to commit any crimes....the lives saved.........

JUst like we said.....

I found the article but the link now takes you to a pay wall...I grabbed the article and the quote before it walled up....

To get a look at the article without the have to look up port Arthur gun ban....

No Cookies | The Courier Mail

hear it said repeatedly that there have been no mass shootings in Australia since 1996, which supposedly demonstrates the effectiveness of our gun laws.

The truth is quite different. There have been eight shootings in Australia with three or more victims during that time.


By contrast New Zealand, a country very similar to Australia in history, culture, and economic trends, has experienced no mass shooting events despite the ongoing widespread availability of the types of firearms Australia banned.

Moreover, there is sound research into the impact of Australia’s 1996 gun laws. Some of it comes from anti-gun groups, some from pro-gun groups, and some from groups who have no personal connections to firearms one way or the other.

Using the same ABS data and a range of statistical methods, not a single study has found any change in the rate of firearm homicides as a result of the changed gun laws.

The simple fact is that firearm homicides were decreasing well before the laws were implemented, and the decline simply continued at the same rate after the legislative changes.

At least two other Commonwealth countries (Canada and New Zealand) have had similar or greater declines even though these countries have far less restrictive gun laws than Australia.

And without denying it has an overall much higher level of homicides (non-firearm as well as firearm related), the US has had an even larger rate of decline in the face of very substantial liberalisation of its gun laws, in particular allowing carrying firearms for self-defence.

And yet, despite all the evidence to the contrary, the anti-gun lobby continues to promote untruths. Despite the massive price tag attached to Australia’s gun laws, rational debate remains impossible.

How ridiculous and untrue,Australia has had a much lower incidence of Gun Crime since the Gun Ban.......You are merly a Lackie for the NRA who were kicked out of Australia,God knows what it would be like today if we had allowed the NRA to stay in Australia.......You can keep your Guns in America with the resulting are like a Despot 3rd World Banana Republic where Guns are concerned.steve..your comments are Mad.

Wow. The United States has been a great friend to and defender of Australia for many decades. I'm sorry you feel that we're a "banana" republic.
Yep...the anniversary of the shooting that caused the confiscation of The guns from people who did not use them to commit any crimes....the lives saved.........

JUst like we said.....

I found the article but the link now takes you to a pay wall...I grabbed the article and the quote before it walled up....

To get a look at the article without the have to look up port Arthur gun ban....

No Cookies | The Courier Mail

hear it said repeatedly that there have been no mass shootings in Australia since 1996, which supposedly demonstrates the effectiveness of our gun laws.

The truth is quite different. There have been eight shootings in Australia with three or more victims during that time.


By contrast New Zealand, a country very similar to Australia in history, culture, and economic trends, has experienced no mass shooting events despite the ongoing widespread availability of the types of firearms Australia banned.

Moreover, there is sound research into the impact of Australia’s 1996 gun laws. Some of it comes from anti-gun groups, some from pro-gun groups, and some from groups who have no personal connections to firearms one way or the other.

Using the same ABS data and a range of statistical methods, not a single study has found any change in the rate of firearm homicides as a result of the changed gun laws.

The simple fact is that firearm homicides were decreasing well before the laws were implemented, and the decline simply continued at the same rate after the legislative changes.

At least two other Commonwealth countries (Canada and New Zealand) have had similar or greater declines even though these countries have far less restrictive gun laws than Australia.

And without denying it has an overall much higher level of homicides (non-firearm as well as firearm related), the US has had an even larger rate of decline in the face of very substantial liberalisation of its gun laws, in particular allowing carrying firearms for self-defence.

And yet, despite all the evidence to the contrary, the anti-gun lobby continues to promote untruths. Despite the massive price tag attached to Australia’s gun laws, rational debate remains impossible.

How ridiculous and untrue,Australia has had a much lower incidence of Gun Crime since the Gun Ban.......You are merly a Lackie for the NRA who were kicked out of Australia,God knows what it would be like today if we had allowed the NRA to stay in Australia.......You can keep your Guns in America with the resulting are like a Despot 3rd World Banana Republic where Guns are concerned.steve..your comments are Mad.

Wow. The United States has been a great friend to and defender of Australia for many decades. I'm sorry you feel that we're a "banana" republic.
I don't actually just part of the Poisonous Dialogue with some......I will correct your prose if I may ...Australia and America ARE Good Friends....your comment implied a One Way Street...which it isn't as you know..steve
I didn't imply anything. Yes, I know that Australia is and has been a great friend to America too.

On another note, do you understand why the "founding fathers" created the second ammendment?
I didn't imply anything. Yes, I know that Australia is and has been a great friend to America too.

On another note, do you understand why the "founding fathers" created the second ammendment?
I do,it was to defend your selves against the English........Not Your Own People or Each Other Today........steve
You should keep in mind that the creation of a democratic republic was a novelty in that era. The founding fathers shared a concern that their democratic experiment could be destroyed by someone who might take power, dismiss the congress and make themselves into a monarch. Therefore, they wanted to make it the law of the land that citizens could possess guns.

The late Japanese Admiral Yamamoto once said that it would be impossible to invade America because "there would be a rifle behind every blade of grass". He was right.
It's not possible but, for the sake of argument, let's say America could confiscate every single gun in America. Obviously, gun violence would all but disappear. However, I believe that many good people would suddenly find themselves vulnerable to any violent thug that decided to inflict harm upon them. I do believe that the thought that someone might have a gun is a deterrent to some or perhaps even many.