Australian army hauls 38 citizens to quarantine facility over some positive COVID tests

Somewhere down the line Australians and other peoples of the "civilized" Western World decided surrendering their ability to fight back against tyranny, in exchange for "cool stuff" was the way to go. Frankly, the jury is still out here in America. We have guns (Americans), lots and lots of them. End of the day, however, would most average gun owning Americans actually use them against the government if and when jackbooted government stormtroopers showed up on their front porches to haul them away to a camp?
No, but I imagine guerilla war fare type engagements and "removal" of certain more accessible SS members is.
Hitler would be proud.

I am disgusted. :mad-61:
It's not Auschwitz!
It's a quarantine centre, like hotel quarantine.
It's there to save lives, not kill people.

Army trucks were probably the only and best vehicles in which to transport the patients and close contacts.
This is the Northern Territory...not uptown Manhattan.

Got Covid? a close contact? in Australia you have to quarantine exceptions.

Infant tests positive for COVID-19 while at Howard Springs quarantine facility | NT Independent

An infant under one who was repatriated to Australia last Tuesday from India has tested positive for COVID-19, NT health authorities say.

The NT Government said the child had tested negative for the virus upon arrival at the Howard Springs quarantine facility but turned positive at some point over the last nine days. The child’s mother and young sibling had tested positive for coronavirus last week.

“The family continues to be well and asymptomatic and remains under the care of the AUSMAT at the Centre for National Resilience,” a government statement said.
It’s the sixth case of COVID-19 detected in passengers aboard the flight from New Delhi, India that landed in Darwin on October 27.
It's not Auschwitz!
It's a quarantine centre, like hotel quarantine.
It's there to save lives, not kill people.

Army trucks were probably the only and best vehicles in which to transport the patients and close contacts.
This is the Northern Territory...not uptown Manhattan.

Got Covid? a close contact? in Australia you have to quarantine exceptions.

Infant tests positive for COVID-19 while at Howard Springs quarantine facility | NT Independent

An infant under one who was repatriated to Australia last Tuesday from India has tested positive for COVID-19, NT health authorities say.

The NT Government said the child had tested negative for the virus upon arrival at the Howard Springs quarantine facility but turned positive at some point over the last nine days. The child’s mother and young sibling had tested positive for coronavirus last week.

“The family continues to be well and asymptomatic and remains under the care of the AUSMAT at the Centre for National Resilience,” a government statement said.
It’s the sixth case of COVID-19 detected in passengers aboard the flight from New Delhi, India that landed in Darwin on October 27.

Are Australian citizens "taken" to COVID camps free to leave at any time of their own choosing? If not then all the Nazi comparisons are warranted.
Australia is going to have to have a full scale rebellion.
NO it's not.
The country is opening up again in a slow and controlled manner...with the great majority of the population happy with that.
High vaccination rates, new cases lowering slowly, 169 or so in NSW the other day.
The idea is that the government thugs would think twice about doing that in the first place BECAUSE we have the guns. Once we give them up, there's nothing stopping them.
Yet you did nothing to stop the steal, the biggest act of tyranny in America's history.
Your guns didn't stop the steal, the govt. laughed at you and you pussied.
I know you struggle with Trump addiction, but I do appreciate you reminding everyone that DemoKKKrats stole the 2020 election.
Are Australian citizens "taken" to COVID camps free to leave at any time of their own choosing? If not then all the Nazi comparisons are warranted.
You need to watch some Nazi concentration camp videos on YouTube.


If only those in Auschwitz had been so lucky....
Howard Springs;

Deborah Tellis
"So glad to be home, with a space outside, comfy room & good internet."

Peter Hall
"Clean, greenery, good size rooms, excellent facilities & staff helpful."

Luc MJ
"Good servings of food (never went hungry) and generally quite tasty."

Then after 14 days you can leave and go to your home.
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They don't need to take it, they know you're too pussy to actually use it, rather than just parade around with it to show everyone how tough you are while you brag.
I mean, they stole an election from right under your noses and what did you do?

Pussied. That's what you did.
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If I was Prez, I'd knock Australia out of the '5 eye's' Intel group!
They're probably giving info to China!!
Lol. The Ozzies get all the gratitude they deserve for selling their foreign policy to the US.
What a hoot.
If I was Prez, I'd knock Australia out of the '5 eye's' Intel group!
They're probably giving info to China!!

Yeah sure, that's why China's blocking loads of goods from China, like coal.... because China loves Australia.
Hitler would be proud.

I am disgusted. :mad-61:

The right: Oh no, you're imposing measure on me because people are dying: HITLER, YOU'RE FUCKING HITLER. HOW DARE YOU?

Then the right again: I don't like gay people, let's POUND THEM. No health risks, no problems, but POUND THE FUCK OUT OF THEM.

Are Australian citizens "taken" to COVID camps free to leave at any time of their own choosing? If not then all the Nazi comparisons are warranted.
I'm still waiting for some keyboard warrior here to show me proof positive that SARSCoV2 exists or to tell me what's in the "vaccine". Everyone wants you to believe they know, but they can't tell you how they know. "Experts" is all they've got. People with shiny gold things on their walls. Well, we've got people with shiny gold things too, but they scream that our gold isn't as shiny.

The Australians taken to the camps are just the camel's nose.
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