Aussies reject trumps risible wuhan conspiracy report - akin to WMD dossier

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

The Australian government has pushed back at US claims the coronavirus may have originated in a Wuhan lab and has determined that a “dossier” giving weight to the theory is not a Five Eyes intelligence document.

It is understood the Morrison government sees the promotion of the theory the virus leaked out of a laboratory in Wuhan, China, as counterproductive to Australia’s push to gain broad international support for an independent inquiry into the origins and overall handling of the pandemic.

Well first of all Pompeo soft-pedalled the veracity of the conspiracy theory and now the Aussies are politely saying that its bollox.

Dubya was able to get support for his lies because the US still had some credibility and standing in the world. Donny has spent 3 years isolating the US and is now scratching around for a fwend. Maybe he should call that psycho in the Philippines?

This will enrage his devotees who need a good conspiracy to get the useless fuck re-elected.

The Australian government has pushed back at US claims the coronavirus may have originated in a Wuhan lab and has determined that a “dossier” giving weight to the theory is not a Five Eyes intelligence document.

It is understood the Morrison government sees the promotion of the theory the virus leaked out of a laboratory in Wuhan, China, as counterproductive to Australia’s push to gain broad international support for an independent inquiry into the origins and overall handling of the pandemic.

Well first of all Pompeo soft-pedalled the veracity of the conspiracy theory and now the Aussies are politely saying that its bollox.

Dubya was able to get support for his lies because the US still had some credibility and standing in the world. Donny has spent 3 years isolating the US and is now scratching around for a fwend. Maybe he should call that psycho in the Philippines?

This will enrage his devotees who need a good conspiracy to get the useless fuck re-elected.

Any other source of this other than the Guardian? I don't like to click their links as they are generally alt-left. Has the Australian government openly stated this disagreement?
Scott Morrison has carefully declined to buy into the lab origin theory over the past week, saying he had “not seen anything that suggests that conclusively”.

“There’s been no change to the Australian position on this … which was to say that we can’t rule out any of these arrangements … but the most likely has been in a wildlife wet market,” the prime minister told reporters in Canberra on Tuesday.

“What’s really important is that we have a proper review, an independent review, which looks into the sources of these things in a transparent way so we can learn the lessons to ensure that were there to be a virus of pandemic potential that would originate anywhere else in the world, we can learn the lessons from that.”

Scott Morrison has carefully declined to buy into the lab origin theory over the past week, saying he had “not seen anything that suggests that conclusively”.

“There’s been no change to the Australian position on this … which was to say that we can’t rule out any of these arrangements … but the most likely has been in a wildlife wet market,” the prime minister told reporters in Canberra on Tuesday.

“What’s really important is that we have a proper review, an independent review, which looks into the sources of these things in a transparent way so we can learn the lessons to ensure that were there to be a virus of pandemic potential that would originate anywhere else in the world, we can learn the lessons from that.”

Thank you for that.

He doesn't suggest it wasn't a Five Eyes leak, it very well could have been and he might be deciding to balance this with political diplomacy, at least publicly. Thus, he carefully suggested it wasn't yet "conclusive". Which, in many ways provides motivation for an independent review while not at all negating the possibility that it was.

The Australian government has pushed back at US claims the coronavirus may have originated in a Wuhan lab and has determined that a “dossier” giving weight to the theory is not a Five Eyes intelligence document.

It is understood the Morrison government sees the promotion of the theory the virus leaked out of a laboratory in Wuhan, China, as counterproductive to Australia’s push to gain broad international support for an independent inquiry into the origins and overall handling of the pandemic.

Well first of all Pompeo soft-pedalled the veracity of the conspiracy theory and now the Aussies are politely saying that its bollox.

Dubya was able to get support for his lies because the US still had some credibility and standing in the world. Donny has spent 3 years isolating the US and is now scratching around for a fwend. Maybe he should call that psycho in the Philippines?

This will enrage his devotees who need a good conspiracy to get the useless fuck re-elected.

Any other source of this other than the Guardian? I don't like to click their links as they are generally alt-left. Has the Australian government openly stated this disagreement?
Decades ago US intelligence determined that the Guardian was a KGB propaganda front for disseminating crude, defamatory anti-USA disinformation. AKA a fake news organization.
Yes, this was really reckless and stupid on the part of Trump.

Australia has been the leader in trying to get an international investigation into how China handled this pandemic outbreak, and then Trump makes all these idiot accusations with no evidence playing into the Chinese narrative any investigation would be a US witch hunt simply to divert attention away from how bad the US is doing in the pandemic to get Trump re-elected.
This is obviously trumps failure. But I think that there is a wider distrust of the information coming out of the US since the notorious WMD lie. The US has credibility issues.
This is obviously trumps failure. But I think that there is a wider distrust of the information coming out of the US since the notorious WMD lie. The US has credibility issues.

Trump failure for what Tommy?

China failed and you know this and had this happened when Obama was President you would have blamed China and believed it was a WMD attack...

The Australian government has pushed back at US claims the coronavirus may have originated in a Wuhan lab and has determined that a “dossier” giving weight to the theory is not a Five Eyes intelligence document.

It is understood the Morrison government sees the promotion of the theory the virus leaked out of a laboratory in Wuhan, China, as counterproductive to Australia’s push to gain broad international support for an independent inquiry into the origins and overall handling of the pandemic.

Well first of all Pompeo soft-pedalled the veracity of the conspiracy theory and now the Aussies are politely saying that its bollox.

Dubya was able to get support for his lies because the US still had some credibility and standing in the world. Donny has spent 3 years isolating the US and is now scratching around for a fwend. Maybe he should call that psycho in the Philippines?

This will enrage his devotees who need a good conspiracy to get the useless fuck re-elected.
good for them sucking up to china who controls and manipulates them . even Chinese scientist whomfled china say it was in a lab and got out
Scott Morrison has carefully declined to buy into the lab origin theory over the past week, saying he had “not seen anything that suggests that conclusively”.

“There’s been no change to the Australian position on this … which was to say that we can’t rule out any of these arrangements … but the most likely has been in a wildlife wet market,” the prime minister told reporters in Canberra on Tuesday.

“What’s really important is that we have a proper review, an independent review, which looks into the sources of these things in a transparent way so we can learn the lessons to ensure that were there to be a virus of pandemic potential that would originate anywhere else in the world, we can learn the lessons from that.”
We have among us a Chinese scientist who said her government was experimenting with viruses, came up with a virulent and deadly covid virus cousin called covid19. It became a quick death not only to its experimental lab workers, but into the entire intellectual community in Wuhan, to caregivers and their families. The death rate was so egregious they begin sending foreigners back to their country practically overnight. Was it panic or hatred for foreigners?

We're disenchanted because the Chinese knew the vector route was person to person and failed to tell countries receiving sick or exposed people were the spreaders. It cost recipient countries hundreds of thousands of lives.

The Australian government has pushed back at US claims the coronavirus may have originated in a Wuhan lab and has determined that a “dossier” giving weight to the theory is not a Five Eyes intelligence document.

It is understood the Morrison government sees the promotion of the theory the virus leaked out of a laboratory in Wuhan, China, as counterproductive to Australia’s push to gain broad international support for an independent inquiry into the origins and overall handling of the pandemic.

Well first of all Pompeo soft-pedalled the veracity of the conspiracy theory and now the Aussies are politely saying that its bollox.

Dubya was able to get support for his lies because the US still had some credibility and standing in the world. Donny has spent 3 years isolating the US and is now scratching around for a fwend. Maybe he should call that psycho in the Philippines?

This will enrage his devotees who need a good conspiracy to get the useless fuck re-elected.
Bollocks!! Oz thinks no such thing; we just have an open mind and consider it only ONE option. We await ALL the FACTS!!!

Scott Morrison has carefully declined to buy into the lab origin theory over the past week, saying he had “not seen anything that suggests that conclusively”.

“There’s been no change to the Australian position on this … which was to say that we can’t rule out any of these arrangements … but the most likely has been in a wildlife wet market,” the prime minister told reporters in Canberra on Tuesday.

“What’s really important is that we have a proper review, an independent review, which looks into the sources of these things in a transparent way so we can learn the lessons to ensure that were there to be a virus of pandemic potential that would originate anywhere else in the world, we can learn the lessons from that.”

"conclusively"? That is some excellent weasel wording there.

Such a statement actually, makes me MORE likely to believe the lab theory.

The Australian government has pushed back at US claims the coronavirus may have originated in a Wuhan lab and has determined that a “dossier” giving weight to the theory is not a Five Eyes intelligence document.

It is understood the Morrison government sees the promotion of the theory the virus leaked out of a laboratory in Wuhan, China, as counterproductive to Australia’s push to gain broad international support for an independent inquiry into the origins and overall handling of the pandemic.

Well first of all Pompeo soft-pedalled the veracity of the conspiracy theory and now the Aussies are politely saying that its bollox.

Dubya was able to get support for his lies because the US still had some credibility and standing in the world. Donny has spent 3 years isolating the US and is now scratching around for a fwend. Maybe he should call that psycho in the Philippines?

This will enrage his devotees who need a good conspiracy to get the useless fuck re-elected.

The US Department of Energy, along with the FBI, now believe it was leaked from the Wuhan lab. Would you like to apologize to everyone now for making this thread? You mocked people who were 100% correct.


The Australian government has pushed back at US claims the coronavirus may have originated in a Wuhan lab and has determined that a “dossier” giving weight to the theory is not a Five Eyes intelligence document.

It is understood the Morrison government sees the promotion of the theory the virus leaked out of a laboratory in Wuhan, China, as counterproductive to Australia’s push to gain broad international support for an independent inquiry into the origins and overall handling of the pandemic.

Well first of all Pompeo soft-pedalled the veracity of the conspiracy theory and now the Aussies are politely saying that its bollox.

Dubya was able to get support for his lies because the US still had some credibility and standing in the world. Donny has spent 3 years isolating the US and is now scratching around for a fwend. Maybe he should call that psycho in the Philippines?

This will enrage his devotees who need a good conspiracy to get the useless fuck re-elected.
Would you care to explain yourself? You were dead wrong, yet you mocked people who were right. You arent really going to slink away from your own thread, are you?
FBI Director Christopher Wray has said that the bureau believes Covid-19 most likely originated in a Chinese government-controlled lab.

"The FBI has for quite some time now assessed that the origins of the pandemic are most likely a potential lab incident," he told Fox News.

The lab leak theory turned out to be a credible one. Even the FBI believes that Covid-19 most likely originated in a Wuhan lab. Covid-19 is too potent for a virus naturally jumped from animals to humans.
Oh look. Tainty was wrong again. How predictable.
Would you care to explain yourself? You were dead wrong, yet you mocked people who were right. You arent really going to slink away from your own thread, are you?
That isnt the view of the US govt. You want me to believe the FBI today but usually describe them as criminals.
Go and fuck yourself.

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