Aug. 8th, 1945 USSR declared war on Japan.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
The next day, the US dropped the second bomb. Coincidence? Really?

Aug 08, 1945 Soviets declare war on Japan; invade Manchuria
Aug 09, 1945 Atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki
Aug 10, 1945 Japan accepts Potsdam terms, agrees to unconditional surrender
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It probably had something to do with it, although, I can point to nothing other the coincidence to make the case.

In any case, I'm happy Japan didn't fall into Soviet hands like we allowed to happen with Korea. Dare I say many more people have died in Korea over that mistake than any number of Atomic bombs. But there will always be leftists who think otherwise and lament that the Soviet model could not spread throughout South East Asia.

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