Attention Ladies!

One week off each month...paid.

Some of us need this for a week a month, others for the entire month! :lol:

If WE ran the World, things would be so much better!

What would you do if you ran the USA, and/or the World?


You're joking, right? Every 28 days another country would go up in smoke.

Personally, I'd hand control right back over to the guys. I'm smart enough to know there are just some things women have no business sticking their over-emotional, PMSing noses in.

Suggestion...if the women wanted to keep control, they could just give over control for that one week a month to the gays.

The emphasis would always remain on fashion.
If WE ran the World, things would be so much better!

What would you do if you ran the USA, and/or the World?


You're joking, right? Every 28 days another country would go up in smoke.

Personally, I'd hand control right back over to the guys. I'm smart enough to know there are just some things women have no business sticking their over-emotional, PMSing noses in.

Suggestion...if the women wanted to keep control, they could just give over control for that one week a month to the gays.

The emphasis would always remain on fashion.

That would be represent an acceptable hegemonic duality.
If WE ran the World, things would be so much better!

What would you do if you ran the USA, and/or the World?


You're joking, right? Every 28 days another country would go up in smoke.

Personally, I'd hand control right back over to the guys. I'm smart enough to know there are just some things women have no business sticking their over-emotional, PMSing noses in.

Suggestion...if the women wanted to keep control, they could just give over control for that one week a month to the gays.

The emphasis would always remain on fashion.

I can picture the formation of an actual fashion police ... drapes don't match your couch? Life in prison!
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If women ran things they'd be able to look at any problem and see what did and what didn't belong there, they'd get rid of what didn't belong and they'd make sure that what did belong was in the right place and working correctly. The stuff that didn't belong would be thrown out or put into its proper place. They'd declutter the whole damn system. And that one week a month? That's when the most work would get done cause women wouldn't be putting up with any shit, not no way not no how.
If women ran things they'd be able to look at any problem and see what did and what didn't belong there, they'd get rid of what didn't belong and they'd make sure that what did belong was in the right place and working correctly. The stuff that didn't belong would be thrown out or put into its proper place. They'd declutter the whole damn system. And that one week a month? That's when the most work would get done cause women wouldn't be putting up with any shit, not no way not no how.

You do not have 'junk drawer(s)? :eek:
One week off each month...paid.

Some of us need this for a week a month, others for the entire month! :lol:


Hey if we could pay the politicians to not come to work, we'd be money ahead...maybe 2 times per year, to you know, pass legislation they'd have time to read?
Good one. Full time making up what do we do next we're bored, let us see what can we tax and screw up next is not working very well.
men have hormonal mood swings..they just physical with it in that manner..but we have all seen men snap..and then within 5 minutes be cool and collective again. it hardly a sexually issue...its a human species issue.
According to Graci, as men age their hormonal health changes dramatically as testosterone levels are depleted and estrogen levels rise, known as andropause. What men eat - and when - affects the major hormones that help keep men emotionally fit - testosterone, estrogen and progesterone.

These hormones not only control sex drive, energy levels and mood swings, they are critical to building and maintaining lean muscle mass and strong bones.

Men Have Mood Swings Too :: ::
If women ran things they'd be able to look at any problem and see what did and what didn't belong there, they'd get rid of what didn't belong and they'd make sure that what did belong was in the right place and working correctly. The stuff that didn't belong would be thrown out or put into its proper place. They'd declutter the whole damn system. And that one week a month? That's when the most work would get done cause women wouldn't be putting up with any shit, not no way not no how.

You do not have 'junk drawer(s)? :eek:

Of course . . . where do you think the stuff that doesn't belong anywhere else goes? :lol:
My sole ambition is to change the world into a Little House On The Prairie episode. Even if for just a day, a week maybe. Couple of months. We'll see how it goes.

Just a thought! Love that show.. :)

Anne Marie
My sole ambition is to change the world into a Little House On The Prairie episode. Even if for just a day, a week maybe. Couple of months. We'll see how it goes.

Just a thought! Love that show.. :)

Anne Marie

Well shit, if you accomplish that you'll have tears streaming down every face in this country. Especially when you start calling people 'half-pint'.
You're joking, right? Every 28 days another country would go up in smoke.

Personally, I'd hand control right back over to the guys. I'm smart enough to know there are just some things women have no business sticking their over-emotional, PMSing noses in.
Speak for yourself Dis I have met more idiotic men out there that have no business in their positions than women.

You must have missed the "personally, I'd..", and "I'm smart enough to know..." I was under the impression I was clearly speaking for myself on what I'd do.

As for the PMS thing, anyone that thinks they're a constant bowl of cherries is likely lying, or single.

Guess you overlooked the part that followed the "I'm smart enough to know...."
Speak for yourself Dis I have met more idiotic men out there that have no business in their positions than women.

You must have missed the "personally, I'd..", and "I'm smart enough to know..." I was under the impression I was clearly speaking for myself on what I'd do.

As for the PMS thing, anyone that thinks they're a constant bowl of cherries is likely lying, or single.

Guess you overlooked the part that followed the "I'm smart enough to know...."

Nope.. I didn't miss it at all.. In fact, I wrote it, and I stand by it. Luckily everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I think a woman president would make a shitty president.

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