Attempts to Roll Back Marriage Equality since the Trump Election.

While Trump himself has been pretty quiet on the subject of same sex marriage and LGBT rights in general, we know that he has surrounded himself with some of the most opprobrious bigots - both religious and those that are just far right-or alt right -ideologues and hate mongers.

There was the recent report - a resulted from a leak from the White House- that an executive order was being drafted to overturn Obamas EO prohibiting discrimination against Federal LGBT employees and contractors. If put in front of Trump, the lazy and incurious plutocrat might have mindlessly signed it. Fortunately, Jerod and Ivanka Kushner- two of the few rational and decent people on his inner circle interceded and it was quashed.

Nevertheless, the knowledge of the anti gay forces lurking in the White House, have , apparently ,emboldened ideological bigots and religious zealots across the country to take new aim at marriage equality.

There are at least three attempts in progress to do so. All have been launched since the election, and I can't help but to believe that they have been inspired and encouraged by the reactionary forces that have gained power and influence recently. No doubt that the prospect of tipping the balance of the Supreme Court is also a factor. Consider:

Tennessee Bill Would Undo Marriage Equality
A bill making its way through the Tennessee state legislature aims to roll back marriage equality in the Volunteer State. But LGBT advocates say the legislation is an unconstitutional attempt to overrule the U.S. Supreme Court.
Tennessee Republican Rep. Mark Pody, who claims God has called him to stop same-sex marriages, introduced House Bill 1412, the Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act, last September. At the same time, Sen. Mae Beavers, also a Republican, introduced companion legislation in the Senate.

This is really stupid and unconstitutional is light of the Obergefell ruling. What are these people thinking and do they not have anything better to do? Are there not some actual problems to address that they will spent time, money and energy on this??

As written, the bill seeks to declare it "the policy of Tennessee to defend natural marriage between one man and one woman regardless of any court decision to the contrary." It requires state officials, including the attorney general, to "defend any state or local government official from any lawsuit" arising from an official's refusal to marry a same-sex couple. The bill also seeks to prevent state and local agencies from implementing any punishment for those violating the Supreme Court's June 2015 ruling that mandated legal marriage equality nationwide.

They cannot possibly get away with this unless they can get Obergefell and Windsor overturned, and that is not happening. Similarly, the City of Houston is trying to undermine the right of same sex partners of city employees to recieve spousal benefits, also in violation of Obergefell:

Amid GOP Pressure, Texas High Court to Hear Challenge to Spousal Benefits

The Texas Supreme Court Friday agreed to hear a case challenging some of the rights gained with marriage equality.
The case involves whether the city of Houston is obligated to provide benefits to same-sex spouses of city employees, The Dallas Morning News reports. In September the high court had declined to hear the case, but justices reversed that decision amid pressure from top Republican state officials, including Gov. Greg Abbott, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, and Attorney General Ken Paxton.

Then we have this out of Arkansas.
Seriously, Arkansas? Even Trump Knows Same-Sex Marriage Is Done Deal
Guys, you aren’t actually going to even believe this. There are still people trying to get rid of same-sex marriage. If you’re all, “didn’t we already fight about this a long time ago?” you’d be right. Except that news apparently hasn’t hit Arkansas just yet. One of its esteemed legislators just filed a Senate Joint Resolution requesting the United States Congress to start working on a Constitutional Amendment defining marriage as the “union of one man and one woman.” How positively late-90s of him.

Yes, it is unlikely to go anywhere, and even congressional Republicans know that it is unpopular and a colossal waste of time. However, the point is, as I have said, that there has been a flurry of this type of activity since the election. Does anyone deny the obvious connection given that fact that no such attempts to roll back marriage equality in the 18 months or so since the Obergefell ruling were introduced until now.??
You are OBSESSED with being gay!
Seems to me you're feeling a tremendous amount of guilt.
Maybe you should get some mental help.
Stop trying to justify your guilt with every thread you put up.
YES YES you're "the only gay in the village!".
So fucking what?
While Trump himself has been pretty quiet on the subject of same sex marriage and LGBT rights in general, we know that he has surrounded himself with some of the most opprobrious bigots - both religious and those that are just far right-or alt right -ideologues and hate mongers.

There was the recent report - a resulted from a leak from the White House- that an executive order was being drafted to overturn Obamas EO prohibiting discrimination against Federal LGBT employees and contractors. If put in front of Trump, the lazy and incurious plutocrat might have mindlessly signed it. Fortunately, Jerod and Ivanka Kushner- two of the few rational and decent people on his inner circle interceded and it was quashed.

Nevertheless, the knowledge of the anti gay forces lurking in the White House, have , apparently ,emboldened ideological bigots and religious zealots across the country to take new aim at marriage equality.

There are at least three attempts in progress to do so. All have been launched since the election, and I can't help but to believe that they have been inspired and encouraged by the reactionary forces that have gained power and influence recently. No doubt that the prospect of tipping the balance of the Supreme Court is also a factor. Consider:

Tennessee Bill Would Undo Marriage Equality
A bill making its way through the Tennessee state legislature aims to roll back marriage equality in the Volunteer State. But LGBT advocates say the legislation is an unconstitutional attempt to overrule the U.S. Supreme Court.
Tennessee Republican Rep. Mark Pody, who claims God has called him to stop same-sex marriages, introduced House Bill 1412, the Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act, last September. At the same time, Sen. Mae Beavers, also a Republican, introduced companion legislation in the Senate.

This is really stupid and unconstitutional is light of the Obergefell ruling. What are these people thinking and do they not have anything better to do? Are there not some actual problems to address that they will spent time, money and energy on this??

As written, the bill seeks to declare it "the policy of Tennessee to defend natural marriage between one man and one woman regardless of any court decision to the contrary." It requires state officials, including the attorney general, to "defend any state or local government official from any lawsuit" arising from an official's refusal to marry a same-sex couple. The bill also seeks to prevent state and local agencies from implementing any punishment for those violating the Supreme Court's June 2015 ruling that mandated legal marriage equality nationwide.

They cannot possibly get away with this unless they can get Obergefell and Windsor overturned, and that is not happening. Similarly, the City of Houston is trying to undermine the right of same sex partners of city employees to recieve spousal benefits, also in violation of Obergefell:

Amid GOP Pressure, Texas High Court to Hear Challenge to Spousal Benefits

The Texas Supreme Court Friday agreed to hear a case challenging some of the rights gained with marriage equality.
The case involves whether the city of Houston is obligated to provide benefits to same-sex spouses of city employees, The Dallas Morning News reports. In September the high court had declined to hear the case, but justices reversed that decision amid pressure from top Republican state officials, including Gov. Greg Abbott, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, and Attorney General Ken Paxton.

Then we have this out of Arkansas.
Seriously, Arkansas? Even Trump Knows Same-Sex Marriage Is Done Deal
Guys, you aren’t actually going to even believe this. There are still people trying to get rid of same-sex marriage. If you’re all, “didn’t we already fight about this a long time ago?” you’d be right. Except that news apparently hasn’t hit Arkansas just yet. One of its esteemed legislators just filed a Senate Joint Resolution requesting the United States Congress to start working on a Constitutional Amendment defining marriage as the “union of one man and one woman.” How positively late-90s of him.

Yes, it is unlikely to go anywhere, and even congressional Republicans know that it is unpopular and a colossal waste of time. However, the point is, as I have said, that there has been a flurry of this type of activity since the election. Does anyone deny the obvious connection given that fact that no such attempts to roll back marriage equality in the 18 months or so since the Obergefell ruling were introduced until now.??

Hey Dip Shit.

Marriage is between a man and a woman…

You guys can have a civil union.


The Left Wing Bigot Democrats relentlessly bash white Voters and then they complain when they lose elections. People get it. The Left sees white Voters as the problem and their enemy....Troglocrats are dumb

The left lacks the ability to decode and see the information fed to them on a daily basis. The truth lays right in front of them but because of their brain damages they can't figure out what others see not even picture stories. lol




  • upload_2018-6-1_8-19-48.png
    1.1 MB · Views: 41
More Left Wing amoral psychosis: The Left says that an unmarried couple having children is no big deal, but two men marrying is a big deal lol

Horseshit!! That would be you and your ilk that are destroying this once great nation.!!

You don't even know what you don't know and obviously are not very. good at understanding how psychological warfare works. Just like all the rest of the clueless sheep who don't understand how it works, how it can be used etc. That is how we have fallen as far as we have.
Psychological warfare? You mean like your pathetic attempts to gaslight me? You have no idea how firm I am in my values. You cannot shake me or cause me to doubt myself. Ever!

Now why don't you tell us all about "how far we've fallen" because of gay rights. . Be specific
Psychological warfare? You mean like your pathetic attempts to gaslight me? You have no idea how firm I am in my values. You cannot shake me or cause me to doubt myself. Ever!

Now why don't you tell us all about "how far we've fallen" because of gay rights. . Be specific

You are a Stalinist, what "values" do you have?

Your dedication to enslaving your fellow man to your own benefit and that of your filthy party is hardly a "value," comrade.

Evil is not virtue.
We don't want to take away your rights to marry. God sakes, who gave you that idea?

We just want some common sense restrictions. You know, like the kind that progressives always chirp about.

That's all.
Psychological warfare? You mean like your pathetic attempts to gaslight me? You have no idea how firm I am in my values. You cannot shake me or cause me to doubt myself. Ever!

Now why don't you tell us all about "how far we've fallen" because of gay rights. . Be specific

You are a Stalinist, what "values" do you have?

Your dedication to enslaving your fellow man to your own benefit and that of your filthy party is hardly a "value," comrade.

Evil is not virtue.
Psychological warfare? You mean like your pathetic attempts to gaslight me? You have no idea how firm I am in my values. You cannot shake me or cause me to doubt myself. Ever!

Now why don't you tell us all about "how far we've fallen" because of gay rights. . Be specific

You are a Stalinist, what "values" do you have?

Your dedication to enslaving your fellow man to your own benefit and that of your filthy party is hardly a "value," comrade.

Evil is not virtue.
View attachment 196194

Couldn't come up with an answer, huh comrade?
We don't want to take away your rights to marry. God sakes, who gave you that idea?

We just want some common sense restrictions. You know, like the kind that progressives always chirp about.

That's all.
Right, and the racist bigots of the old confederacy did not try to take freedom away from blacks after slavery ended. Not exactly anyway.


The Left Wing Bigot Democrats relentlessly bash white Voters and then they complain when they lose elections. People get it. The Left sees white Voters as the problem and their enemy....Troglocrats are dumb

The left lacks the ability to decode and see the information fed to them on a daily basis. The truth lays right in front of them but because of their brain damages they can't figure out what others see not even picture stories. lol

View attachment 196184

View attachment 196185
The hysteria is astounding. !!! Over the top paranoid schizophrenic hogwash.
We don't want to take away your rights to marry. God sakes, who gave you that idea?

We just want some common sense restrictions. You know, like the kind that progressives always chirp about.

That's all.
Right, and the racist bigots of the old confederacy did not try to take freedom away from blacks after slavery ended. Not exactly anyway.

You mean, the democrats?

You haven't changed at all, you just want to enslave different people now. You are still the party of slavery.
We don't want to take away your rights to marry. God sakes, who gave you that idea?

We just want some common sense restrictions. You know, like the kind that progressives always chirp about.

That's all.
Right, and the racist bigots of the old confederacy did not try to take freedom away from blacks after slavery ended. Not exactly anyway.

Wow, is there anything else you'd like to pull out of your ass instead of addressing my post?
We don't want to take away your rights to marry. God sakes, who gave you that idea?

We just want some common sense restrictions. You know, like the kind that progressives always chirp about.

That's all.
Right, and the racist bigots of the old confederacy did not try to take freedom away from blacks after slavery ended. Not exactly anyway.

Wow, is there anything else you'd like to pull out of your ass instead of addressing my post?
That does address your post. If you're not astute enough to see the parallel I can't help you.
We don't want to take away your rights to marry. God sakes, who gave you that idea?

We just want some common sense restrictions. You know, like the kind that progressives always chirp about.

That's all.
Right, and the racist bigots of the old confederacy did not try to take freedom away from blacks after slavery ended. Not exactly anyway.

You mean, the democrats?

You haven't changed at all, you just want to enslave different people now. You are still the party of slavery.
We don't want to take away your rights to marry. God sakes, who gave you that idea?

We just want some common sense restrictions. You know, like the kind that progressives always chirp about.

That's all.
Right, and the racist bigots of the old confederacy did not try to take freedom away from blacks after slavery ended. Not exactly anyway.

Wow, is there anything else you'd like to pull out of your ass instead of addressing my post?
That does address your post. If you're not astute enough to see the parallel I can't help you.

That ass is getting pretty empty, huh?

Progressives TODAY claim that taking some ability to a right is OK, as long as that right is just a shell of what it was. They call it "common sense".

Try to stay up with current norms, K?
We don't want to take away your rights to marry. God sakes, who gave you that idea?

We just want some common sense restrictions. You know, like the kind that progressives always chirp about.

That's all.
Right, and the racist bigots of the old confederacy did not try to take freedom away from blacks after slavery ended. Not exactly anyway.

Wow, is there anything else you'd like to pull out of your ass instead of addressing my post?
That does address your post. If you're not astute enough to see the parallel I can't help you.

That ass is getting pretty empty, huh?

Progressives TODAY claim that taking some ability to a right is OK, as long as that right is just a shell of what it was. They call it "common sense".

Try to stay up with current norms, K?
That makes no sense!! .
We don't want to take away your rights to marry. God sakes, who gave you that idea?

We just want some common sense restrictions. You know, like the kind that progressives always chirp about.

That's all.
Right, and the racist bigots of the old confederacy did not try to take freedom away from blacks after slavery ended. Not exactly anyway.

Wow, is there anything else you'd like to pull out of your ass instead of addressing my post?
That does address your post. If you're not astute enough to see the parallel I can't help you.

That ass is getting pretty empty, huh?

Progressives TODAY claim that taking some ability to a right is OK, as long as that right is just a shell of what it was. They call it "common sense".

Try to stay up with current norms, K?
That makes no sense!! .

I know, but it's your parties norm, not mine. And you know me, I go with the flow.

So, we don't want to take away your right to Marry, we just want common sense restrictions on it.


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