Attack the message....not the messenger


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
I have mentioned this before but I wonder why it is allowed on here?......attack the message not the messenger is a golden rule of message boards going way back. Just common sense.

It seems about half the posts on this board are those who attack the messenger but ignore the message.

This board would be much better if such frivolous posts were deleted....just a waste of board space.

If you do not like the message eiher ignore it or attack the message .attacking the messenger is disruptive and non productive

I would like to see some mods weigh in on this.
I have mentioned this before but I wonder why it is allowed on here?......attack the message not the messenger is a golden rule of message boards going way back. Just common sense.

It seems about half the posts on this board are those who attack the messenger but ignore the message.

This board would be much better if such frivolous posts were deleted....just a waste of board space.

If you do not like the message eiher ignore it or attack the message .attacking the messenger is disruptive and non productive

I would like to see some mods weigh in on this.

Go talk about it through the PM system with your favorite Moderator.
I have mentioned this before but I wonder why it is allowed on here?......attack the message not the messenger is a golden rule of message boards going way back. Just common sense.

It seems about half the posts on this board are those who attack the messenger but ignore the message.

This board would be much better if such frivolous posts were deleted....just a waste of board space.

If you do not like the message eiher ignore it or attack the message .attacking the messenger is disruptive and non productive

I would like to see some mods weigh in on this.

It seems about half the posts on this board are those who attack the messenger but ignore the message.-TheGreenHornet

Half the posts on this board are Weatherman2020 topics.
Yeah, you mentioned back on February 23rd:

It wasn't a popular topic then, what makes you think eight days will make a difference?


I have mentioned this before but I wonder why it is allowed on here?......attack the message not the messenger is a golden rule of message boards going way back. Just common sense.

It seems about half the posts on this board are those who attack the messenger but ignore the message.

This board would be much better if such frivolous posts were deleted....just a waste of board space.

If you do not like the message eiher ignore it or attack the message .attacking the messenger is disruptive and non productive

I would like to see some mods weigh in on this.

Go talk about it through the PM system with your favorite Moderator.

This is the feedback forum.

The reaction I see here is indicates to me that most think trying to improve this board is a waste of time and perhaps they are right.....yet since this is the feedback board it would be interesting to get some management reaction to the problem of attacking the messenger.

I can understand some of it but what you see too often is the same posters using this same fallacious response over and over.....not happy unless your source is some liberal msm site.

The purpose of a message board is to have discussion not to come on here and argue about sources.

I say again......if you do not like the message either ignore it or put up some argument to counter it. Do not waste board space whining about the messenger.
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Actual messengers are just delivering a message from one person to aqnother.

When any given poster is editoralizing heavily and acting as a propgandist, they aren't really a messenger, now, are they?

A news site that publishes a story or article written by someone else is a messenger.

A poster who posts a article written by someone else is a messenger.

This is not complicated of course if you do not like the message you may call it propaganda or you may claim it is false....yet...a proper response from you or anyone would be to cite why you think it is propaganda, false or whatever you consider it to be.

A improper response which we see over and over one where the poster does not bother to address the message at all....totally ignores the message and merely says aka.....that is a right wing source, that is a conservative source.....or woids to dat effect.

Then they may commence to attacking the poster......all of which is a complete waste of board space....a message board is meant to induce discussion....if you are not willing or if you are unable to analyze and or discuss the should just ignore it and move on .....instead of attempting to disrupt the thread by attacking the messenger.

If this was enforced this board would benefit immensely.
Yeah, you mentioned back on February 23rd:

It wasn't a popular topic then, what makes you think eight days will make a difference?

Because they were never taught the Einstein rule of insanity where if you keep on repeating the same thing over and over expecting a different result is pure insanity when you know you will get the same result every time!

I have mentioned this before but I wonder why it is allowed on here?......attack the message not the messenger is a golden rule of message boards going way back. Just common sense.

It seems about half the posts on this board are those who attack the messenger but ignore the message.

This board would be much better if such frivolous posts were deleted....just a waste of board space.

If you do not like the message eiher ignore it or attack the message .attacking the messenger is disruptive and non productive

I would like to see some mods weigh in on this.

Maybe if you didn’t repeat yourself daily you would get better responses...
Actual messengers are just delivering a message from one person to aqnother.

When any given poster is editoralizing heavily and acting as a propgandist, they aren't really a messenger, now, are they?

A news site that publishes a story or article written by someone else is a messenger.

A poster who posts a article written by someone else is a messenger.

This is not complicated of course if you do not like the message you may call it propaganda or you may claim it is false....yet...a proper response from you or anyone would be to cite why you think it is propaganda, false or whatever you consider it to be.

A improper response which we see over and over one where the poster does not bother to address the message at all....totally ignores the message and merely says aka.....that is a right wing source, that is a conservative source.....or woids to dat effect.

Then they may commence to attacking the poster......all of which is a complete waste of board space....a message board is meant to induce discussion....if you are not willing or if you are unable to analyze and or discuss the should just ignore it and move on .....instead of attempting to disrupt the thread by attacking the messenger.

If this was enforced this board would benefit immensely.

Well in my personal opinion when you post the same argument over and over and have been given many reasons why it is wrong and you refuse to agree to disagree, well then you will get attacked...
Actual messengers are just delivering a message from one person to aqnother.

When any given poster is editoralizing heavily and acting as a propgandist, they aren't really a messenger, now, are they?

A news site that publishes a story or article written by someone else is a messenger.

A poster who posts a article written by someone else is a messenger.

This is not complicated of course if you do not like the message you may call it propaganda or you may claim it is false....yet...a proper response from you or anyone would be to cite why you think it is propaganda, false or whatever you consider it to be.

A improper response which we see over and over one where the poster does not bother to address the message at all....totally ignores the message and merely says aka.....that is a right wing source, that is a conservative source.....or woids to dat effect.

Then they may commence to attacking the poster......all of which is a complete waste of board space....a message board is meant to induce discussion....if you are not willing or if you are unable to analyze and or discuss the should just ignore it and move on .....instead of attempting to disrupt the thread by attacking the messenger.

If this was enforced this board would benefit immensely.

Well in my personal opinion when you post the same argument over and over and have been given many reasons why it is wrong and you refuse to agree to disagree, well then you will get attacked...

The thread is about attacking the messenger instead of dealing with the message....I think it legit to attack both but to completely ignore the message and attack the messenger instead is the problem.

AKA a poster presents an article about crime from Fox news .......a poster replies fox news is not credible. Yet has no comment on the message about crime.

The the first poster replies.....cnn is not credible.

Now sometimes these type of exchanges go on and on about who is more credible fox news or cnn. Yet the story on crime gets completely ignored.

I can understand if someone starts a post about the credibility of a news site and a discussion gets going on news and which newsites are the most or the least credible....that is a legitimate discussion.
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I have mentioned this before but I wonder why it is allowed on here?......attack the message not the messenger is a golden rule of message boards going way back. Just common sense.

It seems about half the posts on this board are those who attack the messenger but ignore the message.

This board would be much better if such frivolous posts were deleted....just a waste of board space.

If you do not like the message eiher ignore it or attack the message .attacking the messenger is disruptive and non productive

I would like to see some mods weigh in on this.

Go talk about it through the PM system with your favorite Moderator.

This is the feedback forum.

The reaction I see here is indicates to me that most think trying to improve this board is a waste of time and perhaps they are right.....yet since this is the feedback board it would be interesting to get some management reaction to the problem of attacking the messenger.

I can understand some of it but what you see too often is the same posters using this same fallacious response over and over.....not happy unless your source is some liberal msm site.

The purpose of a message board is to have discussion not to come on here and argue about sources.

I say again......if you do not like the message either ignore it or put up some argument to counter it. Do not waste board space whining about the messenger.

The Mods are not going to have long discussion over this in public, that is why I suggested the PM system.
I have mentioned this before but I wonder why it is allowed on here?......attack the message not the messenger is a golden rule of message boards going way back. Just common sense.

It seems about half the posts on this board are those who attack the messenger but ignore the message.

This board would be much better if such frivolous posts were deleted....just a waste of board space.

If you do not like the message eiher ignore it or attack the message .attacking the messenger is disruptive and non productive

I would like to see some mods weigh in on this.

Go talk about it through the PM system with your favorite Moderator.

This is the feedback forum.

The reaction I see here is indicates to me that most think trying to improve this board is a waste of time and perhaps they are right.....yet since this is the feedback board it would be interesting to get some management reaction to the problem of attacking the messenger.

I can understand some of it but what you see too often is the same posters using this same fallacious response over and over.....not happy unless your source is some liberal msm site.

The purpose of a message board is to have discussion not to come on here and argue about sources.

I say again......if you do not like the message either ignore it or put up some argument to counter it. Do not waste board space whining about the messenger.

The Mods are not going to have long discussion over this in public, that is why I suggested the PM system.

True....they need to be more transparent....the message they send out whether intentional or not is one of me vs. you aka moderation vs. I understand where they are coming is a lot of work trying to manage a message board, trying to find good moderators who are willing to work for free etc.

However....I think good frank and honest discussions regarding a lot of matters and especially disciplinary procedures aka deleting posts, moving posts, etc. would be of benefit to everyone....lots of good posters have left here because of a perceived attitude of arrogancy on the part of the staff.

I am considering leaving myself because some of my posts are being deleted and no reason given nor even a notice they have been deleted not even to mention all the posts that have been moved.....sometimes for good reasons sometimes for not good reasons.

All I am saying is essentially this....neither side ...aka moderators or posters are always right....thus I think more transparency is called for and especially what is needed is a method to appeal unfair actions on the part of the staff...I have seen boards that do have that and it is a good thing.

Now watch this post disappear very quickly...hehheh

I will conclude these remarks with the fact that this board is one of the better ones concerning free speech....which is the only thing that keeps me here.

P.S. Many of us are alarmed by where this nation seems to be headed regarding free speech and most especially the demonizing of is really disgusting how the msm continues to propagandize and how conservatives have difficulty responding to these totalitarian actions simply because the T.V. news (where most folks get their news) is dominated by the democrats and their running dogs.
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I have mentioned this before but I wonder why it is allowed on here?......attack the message not the messenger is a golden rule of message boards going way back. Just common sense.

It seems about half the posts on this board are those who attack the messenger but ignore the message.

This board would be much better if such frivolous posts were deleted....just a waste of board space.

If you do not like the message eiher ignore it or attack the message .attacking the messenger is disruptive and non productive

I would like to see some mods weigh in on this.

Go talk about it through the PM system with your favorite Moderator.

This is the feedback forum.

The reaction I see here is indicates to me that most think trying to improve this board is a waste of time and perhaps they are right.....yet since this is the feedback board it would be interesting to get some management reaction to the problem of attacking the messenger.

I can understand some of it but what you see too often is the same posters using this same fallacious response over and over.....not happy unless your source is some liberal msm site.

The purpose of a message board is to have discussion not to come on here and argue about sources.

I say again......if you do not like the message either ignore it or put up some argument to counter it. Do not waste board space whining about the messenger.

The Mods are not going to have long discussion over this in public, that is why I suggested the PM system.

True....they need to be more transparent....the message they send out whether intentional or not is one of me vs. you aka moderation vs. I understand where they are coming is a lot of work trying to manage a message board, trying to find good moderators who are willing to work for free etc.

However....I think good frank and honest discussions regarding a lot of matters and especially disciplinary procedures aka deleting posts, moving posts, etc. would be of benefit to everyone....lots of good posters have left here because of a perceived attitude of arrogancy on the part of the staff.

I am considering leaving myself because some of my posts are being deleted and no reason given nor even a notice they have been deleted not even to mention all the posts that have been moved.....sometimes for good reasons sometimes for not good reasons.

All I am saying is essentially this....neither side ...aka moderators or posters are always right....thus I think more transparency is called for and especially what is needed is a method to appeal unfair actions on the part of the staff...I have seen boards that do have that and it is a good thing.

Now watch this post disappear very quickly...hehheh

I will conclude these remarks with the fact that this board is one of the better ones concerning free speech....which is the only thing that keeps me here.

P.S. Many of us are alarmed by where this nation seems to be headed regarding free speech and most especially the demonizing of is really disgusting how the msm continues to propagandize and how conservatives have difficulty responding to these totalitarian actions simply because the T.V. news (where most folks get their news) is dominated by the democrats and their running dogs.

Make smarter posts...In one of your recent OPs you suggested either joining a militia or starting one as the best solution. When you present idiotic get called an idiot. The so-called cancel culture is not great but it's not always wrong. Some statement require you to be honest with the presenter and call that person an idiot. Your idea about militias is one of them.

Now, to the point of this're 100% right about most of what you've said here. I recall stating that I heard a guest on the Michael Smerconish program wanting to tie stimulus checks to getting the vaccine when it becomes available. His idea was that the more people we get vaccinated, the quicker we get through the pandemic and if we're going to put the money out there anyway..why not get "more bang for the buck"? I said in the OP I was against it because it is just ghoulish to pay someone to take a vaccine and that Smerconish was against it too. About 18 responders didn't read that part...they simply read part of it and decided that both Smerconish and I were for it.

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