Atheist 10 Commandments

Atheists write better commandments than God

LOL! Except they're not Atheists, they're Anti-theists. A-theists have no concern with or use for theism, thus are rarely found discussing such, let alone laying down "Commandments"... to oppose that for which they've no concern.

1? Their minds have never been open and they do not possess the means to learn, this to alter their beliefs when faced with new evidence.

2? They're incapable of recognizing truth, thus their need to qualify truth as that which is 'most likely' true. By that very qualification, they open the door to the belief in that which is false. (Which is Evil)

3? The Scientific Method is only worthy when the scientific method is objective. And The Anti-theism is steeped in Relativism, which AXIOMATICALLY REJECTS Objectivity. Thus, their appeal to science is fallacious, thus false... despite being represented as TRUTH. Therefore it is a deceit, Fraudulently advanced as a means to influence the Ignorant. OKA: Evil.

And so goes the balance of the 'suggestions', offered up by the Anti-theists; animated by Evil and demonstrated to be such by the deceit common to such.

Lets look at what an all knowing God came up with:

You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.

Taking out the sins of the fathers on innocent children for generations. All from a jealous God who can't stand the thought of someone carving an image

And here we find the core bitch of the anti-theist... which is "They're NOT God."

LOL! Thank God...

God was suffering a major case of butthurt when he wrote the commandments

We would be a better world following the Atheist 10 Commandments
Even in the can't miss "Thou shall not kill"....God kind of messes it up

When put into historical context, God had just finished killing the firstborn of Egypt. Killing innocent children to punish a pharaoh is inexcusable

Then he has the gall to tell Moses "Thou shall not kill"

Again, the Anti-theist is offended that they can't kill... while God can. (Of course, the commandment was to not murder... a distinction of no small significance, which is lost upon the limited intellect of those animated by evil.)

So God gets to kill innocent babies and then turns around a short time later and declares....Thou shall not kill?

Worship a hypocrite?
(Of course, the commandment was to not murder... a distinction of no small significance,

So when Moses came down from his meeting with god and found the former enslaved Israelites making merry and frolicking around a golden calf, what ensued was not murder then? Just trying to find out where killing and murder differ?
Exodus 27 Then he said to them, “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘Each man strap a sword to his side. Go back and forth through the camp from one end to the other, each killing his brother and friend and neighbor.’” 28 The Levites did as Moses commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people died. 29 Then Moses said, “You have been set apart to the Lord today, for you were against your own sons and brothers, and he has blessed you this day.”
Looks like murder to me, I must be lacking in intellect :dunno:
See how quickly the 'Suggesters' run for shade when the Light is present?

And that readers is the nature of how things are.
You're as coherent as that magic book they call the Bible. :slap:

So you feel the story of the Creator of the Universe represents Magic?

LOL! You people truly are helpless, aren't ya scamp?

Not magic. Imagination.

And what is Imagination?

Imagination: the act or power of forming a mental image of something not present to the senses or never before wholly perceived in reality.
Atheists write better commandments than God

LOL! Except they're not Atheists, they're Anti-theists. A-theists have no concern with or use for theism, thus are rarely found discussing such, let alone laying down "Commandments"... to oppose that for which they've no concern.

1? Their minds have never been open and they do not possess the means to learn, this to alter their beliefs when faced with new evidence.

2? They're incapable of recognizing truth, thus their need to qualify truth as that which is 'most likely' true. By that very qualification, they open the door to the belief in that which is false. (Which is Evil)

3? The Scientific Method is only worthy when the scientific method is objective. And The Anti-theism is steeped in Relativism, which AXIOMATICALLY REJECTS Objectivity. Thus, their appeal to science is fallacious, thus false... despite being represented as TRUTH. Therefore it is a deceit, Fraudulently advanced as a means to influence the Ignorant. OKA: Evil.

And so goes the balance of the 'suggestions', offered up by the Anti-theists; animated by Evil and demonstrated to be such by the deceit common to such.

Lets look at what an all knowing God came up with:

You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.

Taking out the sins of the fathers on innocent children for generations. All from a jealous God who can't stand the thought of someone carving an image

And here we find the core bitch of the anti-theist... which is "They're NOT God."

LOL! Thank God...

God was suffering a major case of butthurt when he wrote the commandments

We would be a better world following the Atheist 10 Commandments

We would be a better world if we all treated each other with respect and love. We're not going to. You might as well wish for unicorns and chocolate rainbows.
Atheists write better commandments than God

LOL! Except they're not Atheists, they're Anti-theists. A-theists have no concern with or use for theism, thus are rarely found discussing such, let alone laying down "Commandments"... to oppose that for which they've no concern.

1? Their minds have never been open and they do not possess the means to learn, this to alter their beliefs when faced with new evidence.

2? They're incapable of recognizing truth, thus their need to qualify truth as that which is 'most likely' true. By that very qualification, they open the door to the belief in that which is false. (Which is Evil)

3? The Scientific Method is only worthy when the scientific method is objective. And The Anti-theism is steeped in Relativism, which AXIOMATICALLY REJECTS Objectivity. Thus, their appeal to science is fallacious, thus false... despite being represented as TRUTH. Therefore it is a deceit, Fraudulently advanced as a means to influence the Ignorant. OKA: Evil.

And so goes the balance of the 'suggestions', offered up by the Anti-theists; animated by Evil and demonstrated to be such by the deceit common to such.
I find it funny that so called atheists fight someone they claim not to believe in.
The idea of atheist "commandments" amuses me and I cannot see many atheists I know or have read about taking these seriously. For instance Nietzsche would disagree with most of these. Anyway this is my 2 pence worth on an amusing list.

Behold atheists new Ten Commandments -

1. Be open-minded and be willing to alter your beliefs with new evidence.

Sounds like they will be changing their minds rather a lot if every time someone makes a compelling case they have to alter their beliefs

2. Strive to understand what is most likely to be true, not to believe what you wish to be true.

Who imposes the expectations of what is most likely to be true?

3. The scientific method is the most reliable way of understanding the natural world.

God created, sustains everything , knows the code better than anyone else and will bring everything to the conclusion he has purposed for it. Science has been very helpful and can open our eyes but its methodology is of limited usefulness when considering human nature, remote cosmology or origins for instance where the normal rules of predictable and repeatable experimentation are suspended. Also there is a reductionism implicit in scientific assumptions that makes the merely material all important when actually it is only a significant part of the whole. Also this way of looking at the natural world teaches us to seek analogies rather than the rare and the beautiful and the one offs. We can look at nature in this way when we want rules and predictability but sometimes we want to see more and an artist or a poet might be more helpful.

4. Every person has the right to control of their body.

Control is a myth. We do not control when we are born nor in the main when we die. The circumstances of our lives are altooften imposed on us rather than chosen. But in the midst of that we do have real choices and those choices make a difference. The freewill choice to murder the child growing in ones womb or to stare into the lonely abyss of old age and shout out to God I have no meaning or hope and want to die now are two examples of choices that harm rather than bless and bring damnation rather than salvation.

5. God is not necessary to be a good person or to live a full and meaningful life.

No one is good except God. The concept has no anchor in reality without Him.

6. Be mindful of the consequences of all your actions and recognize that you must take responsibility for them.

We are accountable but thankfully not for all the rubbish we have done with our lives cause Jesus has paid the price for our sins. Think this commandment would cultivate a type of self righteous atheist Pharisee that I would not want to hang around with. Much better a Christian who lives in the grace and mercy of God. Who knows he is not perfect but also knows that he is forgiven and does not carry the burden of his sins into every conversation.

7. Treat others as you would want them to treat you, and can reasonably expect them to want to be treated. Think about their perspective.

Do unto others as you would have them do to you. Fine makes sense but the Christian understanding of the golden rule is also informed by a perfect example of what it means in practice and some peoples perspectives are not worth getting too wrapped up in e.g. Islamic Terrorists and Satanists.

8. We have the responsibility to consider others, including future generations.

Devil is in the details on that one. The days concerns are enough for the day. But if you living the Christian life then your life will be a blessing to those that come after also.

9. There is no one right way to live.

Great so you won't mind if I seek the God who is only actually accessible through Jesus Christ for my life

10. Leave the world a better place than you found it.

What the whole world! Well I pray for the grace to make a positive difference. But while the church grows year on year my impression is the world if anything grows ever more dangerous.
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Atheists write better commandments than God

LOL! Except they're not Atheists, they're Anti-theists. A-theists have no concern with or use for theism, thus are rarely found discussing such, let alone laying down "Commandments"... to oppose that for which they've no concern.

1? Their minds have never been open and they do not possess the means to learn, this to alter their beliefs when faced with new evidence.

2? They're incapable of recognizing truth, thus their need to qualify truth as that which is 'most likely' true. By that very qualification, they open the door to the belief in that which is false. (Which is Evil)

3? The Scientific Method is only worthy when the scientific method is objective. And The Anti-theism is steeped in Relativism, which AXIOMATICALLY REJECTS Objectivity. Thus, their appeal to science is fallacious, thus false... despite being represented as TRUTH. Therefore it is a deceit, Fraudulently advanced as a means to influence the Ignorant. OKA: Evil.

And so goes the balance of the 'suggestions', offered up by the Anti-theists; animated by Evil and demonstrated to be such by the deceit common to such.

Lets look at what an all knowing God came up with:

You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.

Taking out the sins of the fathers on innocent children for generations. All from a jealous God who can't stand the thought of someone carving an image

And here we find the core bitch of the anti-theist... which is "They're NOT God."

LOL! Thank God...

God was suffering a major case of butthurt when he wrote the commandments

We would be a better world following the Atheist 10 Commandments

We would be a better world if we all treated each other with respect and love. We're not going to. You might as well wish for unicorns and chocolate rainbows.

You might as well wish for unicorns and chocolate rainbows

or pray to the baby Jesus
LOL! Except they're not Atheists, they're Anti-theists. A-theists have no concern with or use for theism, thus are rarely found discussing such, let alone laying down "Commandments"... to oppose that for which they've no concern.

1? Their minds have never been open and they do not possess the means to learn, this to alter their beliefs when faced with new evidence.

2? They're incapable of recognizing truth, thus their need to qualify truth as that which is 'most likely' true. By that very qualification, they open the door to the belief in that which is false. (Which is Evil)

3? The Scientific Method is only worthy when the scientific method is objective. And The Anti-theism is steeped in Relativism, which AXIOMATICALLY REJECTS Objectivity. Thus, their appeal to science is fallacious, thus false... despite being represented as TRUTH. Therefore it is a deceit, Fraudulently advanced as a means to influence the Ignorant. OKA: Evil.

And so goes the balance of the 'suggestions', offered up by the Anti-theists; animated by Evil and demonstrated to be such by the deceit common to such.

Lets look at what an all knowing God came up with:

You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.

Taking out the sins of the fathers on innocent children for generations. All from a jealous God who can't stand the thought of someone carving an image

And here we find the core bitch of the anti-theist... which is "They're NOT God."

LOL! Thank God...

God was suffering a major case of butthurt when he wrote the commandments

We would be a better world following the Atheist 10 Commandments

We would be a better world if we all treated each other with respect and love. We're not going to. You might as well wish for unicorns and chocolate rainbows.

You might as well wish for unicorns and chocolate rainbows

or pray to the baby Jesus

From my perspective, yep.
Atheists write better commandments than God

LOL! Except they're not Atheists, they're Anti-theists. A-theists have no concern with or use for theism, thus are rarely found discussing such, let alone laying down "Commandments"... to oppose that for which they've no concern.

1? Their minds have never been open and they do not possess the means to learn, this to alter their beliefs when faced with new evidence.

2? They're incapable of recognizing truth, thus their need to qualify truth as that which is 'most likely' true. By that very qualification, they open the door to the belief in that which is false. (Which is Evil)

3? The Scientific Method is only worthy when the scientific method is objective. And The Anti-theism is steeped in Relativism, which AXIOMATICALLY REJECTS Objectivity. Thus, their appeal to science is fallacious, thus false... despite being represented as TRUTH. Therefore it is a deceit, Fraudulently advanced as a means to influence the Ignorant. OKA: Evil.

And so goes the balance of the 'suggestions', offered up by the Anti-theists; animated by Evil and demonstrated to be such by the deceit common to such.

Lets look at what an all knowing God came up with:

You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.

Taking out the sins of the fathers on innocent children for generations. All from a jealous God who can't stand the thought of someone carving an image

And here we find the core bitch of the anti-theist... which is "They're NOT God."

LOL! Thank God...

God was suffering a major case of butthurt when he wrote the commandments

We would be a better world following the Atheist 10 Commandments

God doesn't suffer... you suffer as a result of your foolishness, which causes you to reject God.

Really simple stuff here, it's not God's fault you refuse to accept it.
LOL! Except they're not Atheists, they're Anti-theists. A-theists have no concern with or use for theism, thus are rarely found discussing such, let alone laying down "Commandments"... to oppose that for which they've no concern.

1? Their minds have never been open and they do not possess the means to learn, this to alter their beliefs when faced with new evidence.

2? They're incapable of recognizing truth, thus their need to qualify truth as that which is 'most likely' true. By that very qualification, they open the door to the belief in that which is false. (Which is Evil)

3? The Scientific Method is only worthy when the scientific method is objective. And The Anti-theism is steeped in Relativism, which AXIOMATICALLY REJECTS Objectivity. Thus, their appeal to science is fallacious, thus false... despite being represented as TRUTH. Therefore it is a deceit, Fraudulently advanced as a means to influence the Ignorant. OKA: Evil.

And so goes the balance of the 'suggestions', offered up by the Anti-theists; animated by Evil and demonstrated to be such by the deceit common to such.

Lets look at what an all knowing God came up with:

You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.

Taking out the sins of the fathers on innocent children for generations. All from a jealous God who can't stand the thought of someone carving an image

And here we find the core bitch of the anti-theist... which is "They're NOT God."

LOL! Thank God...

God was suffering a major case of butthurt when he wrote the commandments

We would be a better world following the Atheist 10 Commandments

We would be a better world if we all treated each other with respect and love. We're not going to. You might as well wish for unicorns and chocolate rainbows.

You might as well wish for unicorns and chocolate rainbows

or pray to the baby Jesus

There's no such thing as Chocolate Rainbows, you can either have chocolate or rainbows. Unicorns, that's the stuff of fantasy... Jesus is Nature... he is the personification of the Creator of the Universe, OKA: reality which you seem to feel is also the stuff of fantasy, despite your being present in that reality.

But hey... such is the nature of evil.
The idea of atheist "commandments" amuses me and I cannot see many atheists I know or have read about taking these seriously. For instance Nietzsche would disagree with most of these. Anyway this is my 2 pence worth on an amusing list.

Behold atheists new Ten Commandments -

1. Be open-minded and be willing to alter your beliefs with new evidence.

Sounds like they will be changing their minds rather a lot if every time someone makes a compelling case they have to alter their beliefs


Anti-theists aren't telling you that THEY're open-minded. They're telling YOU to be open minded, so that you can change YOUR mind. There's nothing more closed than that which stands for a 'mind' of an anti-theist.
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Atheists write better commandments than God

LOL! Except they're not Atheists, they're Anti-theists. A-theists have no concern with or use for theism, thus are rarely found discussing such, let alone laying down "Commandments"... to oppose that for which they've no concern.

1? Their minds have never been open and they do not possess the means to learn, this to alter their beliefs when faced with new evidence.

2? They're incapable of recognizing truth, thus their need to qualify truth as that which is 'most likely' true. By that very qualification, they open the door to the belief in that which is false. (Which is Evil)

3? The Scientific Method is only worthy when the scientific method is objective. And The Anti-theism is steeped in Relativism, which AXIOMATICALLY REJECTS Objectivity. Thus, their appeal to science is fallacious, thus false... despite being represented as TRUTH. Therefore it is a deceit, Fraudulently advanced as a means to influence the Ignorant. OKA: Evil.

And so goes the balance of the 'suggestions', offered up by the Anti-theists; animated by Evil and demonstrated to be such by the deceit common to such.
I find it funny that so called atheists fight someone they claim not to believe in.
Like so-called Christians relative to Shiva.
Lets look at what an all knowing God came up with:

You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.

Taking out the sins of the fathers on innocent children for generations. All from a jealous God who can't stand the thought of someone carving an image

And here we find the core bitch of the anti-theist... which is "They're NOT God."

LOL! Thank God...

God was suffering a major case of butthurt when he wrote the commandments

We would be a better world following the Atheist 10 Commandments

We would be a better world if we all treated each other with respect and love. We're not going to. You might as well wish for unicorns and chocolate rainbows.

You might as well wish for unicorns and chocolate rainbows

or pray to the baby Jesus

There's no such thing as Chocolate Rainbows, you can either have chocolate or rainbows. Unicorns, that's the stuff of fantasy... Jesus is Nature... he is the personification of the Creator of the Universe, OKA: reality which you seem to feel is also the stuff of fantasy, despite your being present in that reality.

But hey... such is the nature of evil.
Actually, your beliefs have the same merits as chocolate rainbows and unicorns
And here we find the core bitch of the anti-theist... which is "They're NOT God."

LOL! Thank God...

God was suffering a major case of butthurt when he wrote the commandments

We would be a better world following the Atheist 10 Commandments

We would be a better world if we all treated each other with respect and love. We're not going to. You might as well wish for unicorns and chocolate rainbows.

You might as well wish for unicorns and chocolate rainbows

or pray to the baby Jesus

There's no such thing as Chocolate Rainbows, you can either have chocolate or rainbows. Unicorns, that's the stuff of fantasy... Jesus is Nature... he is the personification of the Creator of the Universe, OKA: reality which you seem to feel is also the stuff of fantasy, despite your being present in that reality.

But hey... such is the nature of evil.
Actually, your beliefs have the same merits as chocolate rainbows and unicorns

Do they?

How so?
God was suffering a major case of butthurt when he wrote the commandments

We would be a better world following the Atheist 10 Commandments

We would be a better world if we all treated each other with respect and love. We're not going to. You might as well wish for unicorns and chocolate rainbows.

You might as well wish for unicorns and chocolate rainbows

or pray to the baby Jesus

There's no such thing as Chocolate Rainbows, you can either have chocolate or rainbows. Unicorns, that's the stuff of fantasy... Jesus is Nature... he is the personification of the Creator of the Universe, OKA: reality which you seem to feel is also the stuff of fantasy, despite your being present in that reality.

But hey... such is the nature of evil.
Actually, your beliefs have the same merits as chocolate rainbows and unicorns

Do they?

How so?

I have faith that unicorns exist

Same credibility as your beliefs now.....
We would be a better world if we all treated each other with respect and love. We're not going to. You might as well wish for unicorns and chocolate rainbows.

You might as well wish for unicorns and chocolate rainbows

or pray to the baby Jesus

There's no such thing as Chocolate Rainbows, you can either have chocolate or rainbows. Unicorns, that's the stuff of fantasy... Jesus is Nature... he is the personification of the Creator of the Universe, OKA: reality which you seem to feel is also the stuff of fantasy, despite your being present in that reality.

But hey... such is the nature of evil.
Actually, your beliefs have the same merits as chocolate rainbows and unicorns

Do they?

How so?

I have faith that unicorns exist

Same credibility as your beliefs now.....

Huh... Well, my faith requires that God is the Creator of the Universe.

You're therefore saying that you believe that the Universe is a function of your fantastic imagination.

Now, FYI: That is yet another demonstration of your suffering delusion. But hey... in your defense, Left-think is the personification of delusion; as that is the basis of evil.
Who issues commandants to atheists and what consequence is there for not following them? Who will adopt these commandments?

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