Atheism: See Spot Laugh

Can you imagine how AWFUL it must be to be a faithless, heathen atheist? My sister is an atheist and she's sullen and disagreeable almost all the time. She has very little happiness in her life. I feel sorry for her.

In addition to pseudoscience, atheism breeds nihilism and despair, and leads to the oppression, deprivation and atrocity of collectivistic think, to the dehumanizing reductionism of rank statism. Atheism is the death of virtue, poetry, music, beauty, romance. Atheism is sheer madness.

In addition to pseudoscience, atheism breeds nihilism and despair, and leads to the oppression, deprivation and atrocity of collectivistic think, to the dehumanizing reductionism of rank statism. Atheism is the death of virtue, poetry, music, beauty, romance. Atheism is sheer madness.

the recorded history of christianity is uninterrupted persecution and victimization of the innocent begun from its beginning to the present day.


Can you imagine how AWFUL it must be to be a faithless, heathen atheist? My sister is an atheist and she's sullen and disagreeable almost all the time.

... she needs to get out more often.
"just deny the following things;
god, your eyes, common sense, probabilities, rationality and logic"

I'm sorry but if that actually makes sense to you then your brain is malfunctioning.

My eyes see no god.

Neither do yours.

common sense tells me there is no god

probabilities tell me there is no god

rationality tells me there is no god

logic tells me there is no god

and the very fact that you would use such deranged logic as PROOF is just more reason why I embrace atheism.

Oh, look, more slogan speak! Now all you need is a black block outfit and a sign.
Atheism: See Spot Laugh


Has Science Buried God?

Has the scientifically unfalsifiable apriority of metaphysical naturalism—the ontologically, empirically and rationally unjustified presupposition that all of cosmological and biological history is necessarily an unbroken chain of natural cause and effect—buried God? In other words, has the notion that metaphysical naturalism is true … because metaphysical naturalism is true buried God?

The atheistic cultists of scientism think so.

In the meantime, Dick and Jane played with Spot.

Spot is a creature of logic and reason and facts.

Spot likes to think.

He’s a very bright boy that Spot.

He observed that every time the atheist denies God’s existence, the atheist necessarily concedes that the existence of the cosmos and everything in it, including the imperatives of human consciousness, are the evidence for God’s existence, that the idea of God imposes itself on the human mind—gee wiz!—without the human mind willing that it do so.

Spot concluded that the idea of God objectively exists in and of itself, and, therefore, the substance of that idea can't be logically ruled out.

Dick asked Spot why the atheist insisted on believing that God didn’t exist.

“Well,” said Spot. “The atheist believes he knows what no human being can possibly known, don’t you see?”

Dick hesitantly nodded, not at all sure what Spot was getting at, as Dick was a product of the public education system.

“I’m not sure I do either,” Jane said. “We’re not required to think at Mr. Frankfurt’s School of Critical Theory.”

“Yeah. The teachers tell us what to think,” Dick affirmed.

Spot crawled into Jane’s lap and gave her lots of kisses.

She giggled.

“Oh!" Jane said. "I get it now. The atheist presupposes that he is God teleologically; that it to say, he imagines that he stands above it all, above all time and space, rather, outside of time and space… . ”

“Just like God!” Dick exclaimed.

“That’s right,” said Spot. “Just like God, who, according to the atheist, doesn’t exist in the first place … though, of course, it’s irrational to hold that God doesn’t exist.”

“So … the atheist … thinks he’s God?” Jane timidly ventured—a little afraid of the answer.

“I’m afraid so, Sweetheart,” Spot said sadly. “In a very real sense that effects your lives everyday, that’s exactly the way the atheist thinks In fact, that's the way all humanists think.”

“Is that why humanists exclusively impose their ideology on us in the state schools and say that the teaching of the theological perspective and an open-ended, methodological naturalism for science in the same are unconstitutional?” Dick wondered.

“Yes, Dick,” Spot sighed. "I’m afraid so. You see, children, the way the principle of the separation of church and state works according to the humanist’s ‘logic’, Christians don’t have any inalienable rights in the state schools. The public education system is the humanist’s church and humanism is it’s religion.“

"Run, Spot, run!” Jane exclaimed.

“See Spot run!” Dick echoed.

"But when the atheist says that God the Creator doesn’t exist, isn’t that the same thing as saying that God’s creation doesn’t exist?” Jane wondered.

"“Why, yes,” Spot ran with it. “Every time the atheist opens his silly yap to deny the existence of God, who, by definition, is the indivisibly transcendent and eternally self-subsistent Creator, he necessarily denies the existence of the creation.”

“The declaration is illogical,” Dick pointed out. “It’s inherently self-negating on the very face of it!”

“That’s right,” said Spot. “Good boy!”

"Dick is so cleaver. He’s my hero,” Jane said.

"The rational forms and logical categories of human consciousness,” Spot continued, “including the universally absolute and neurologically hardwired organic laws of logic—the law of identity, the law of contradiction and the law of the excluded middle—don’t permit a human being to logically deny God’s existence.”

“Not only does the silly atheist deny God’s existence,” Jane averred. “The atheist denies his very own existence in the very same thought, which is absurd… .”

“Golly!" Dick said. "I see.”

“I see too,” said Jane. "Look, Spot, we see. Dick and I see.“

"Logically, the atheist declares that God necessarily exists every time he declares that God doesn’t exist,” Spot concluded.

“That’s weird,” Jane said. “Look, Dick, do you see? That’s weird.”

“I do see," Dick said, then called Spot to him and looked deep into Wisdom’s bright eyes … at first, as one looking through a glass, darkly, then, as if the sun had suddenly arisen out of the pebbly depths of those eyes, Dick's face lit up with a great smile.

Dick sprang to his feet and exclaimed: "That’s an incontrovertible axiom of human consciousness!”

“Yes, I see it,” Jane said. “Humanity is hardwired with the idea that God must be!”

“That’s right!” said Spot.

“It’s as if atheists were lobotomized zombies or something,” Jane opined as she thought about the feminazi who taught her social studies class.

“That’s right,” said Spot. “The ramifications of their very own thought, if you can call it that, fly right over their little pinheads."

"But I thought atheists were free thinkers,” Dick said with a furrowed brow.

Jane looked confused.

Spot let out a barking stream of laughter that went on and on.

“Laugh, Spot, Laugh!” Jane giggled.

“See Spot laugh,” said Dick.

Spot couldn’t stop laughing. He rolled on his back and just laughed and laughed until his belly ached and tears streamed down his face.

“Oh, my goodness,” said Jane. “Are you okay, Spot?”

“Oh, I’m fine,” said Spot as he wiped the tears from his eyes.

“Whew! Oh, my … just let me catch my breath.”

Dick chuckled.

“You see, children, atheists are slogan spouters.”

“Slogan spouters?” Dick said.

“Yes, slogan spouters,” answered Spot. “Atheists presuppose that all of cosmological and biological history is necessarily an unbroken chain of natural cause and effect, which redundantly begs the question.”

Dick thought about the feminazi who taught his sex education class and encouraged the children to embrace their sexuality, averred that sexual promiscuity and polymorphous perversity were perfectly acceptable behavior in human beings.

“Just be sure that you’re safe when you have loveless, recreational sex,” she subversively told them. “Death to the oppressive monogamy of the patriarchy! Death to the sexual virtue of high love and romance! You're just a glorified animal lucky enough not to have been aborted! Get used to it!”​

“Slogan spouters,” Dick thought out loud.

“That’s right,” Spot said. “Slogan Spouters.”

“So humanists insist that God doesn’t exist … because God doesn’t exist?”, Jane asked.

“That’s pretty much all there is to it,” Spot answered.

insulting me
personal attacks
rude commentary

is NOT going to make me change my mind.

as long as you insist upon attacking me and insulting me I shall continue to disbelieve in your god. If you represent your god and religion then your god and religion is rotten
Atheism: See Spot Laugh


Has Science Buried God?

Has the scientifically unfalsifiable apriority of metaphysical naturalism—the ontologically, empirically and rationally unjustified presupposition that all of cosmological and biological history is necessarily an unbroken chain of natural cause and effect—buried God? In other words, has the notion that metaphysical naturalism is true … because metaphysical naturalism is true buried God?

The atheistic cultists of scientism think so.

In the meantime, Dick and Jane played with Spot.

Spot is a creature of logic and reason and facts.

Spot likes to think.

He’s a very bright boy that Spot.

He observed that every time the atheist denies God’s existence, the atheist necessarily concedes that the existence of the cosmos and everything in it, including the imperatives of human consciousness, are the evidence for God’s existence, that the idea of God imposes itself on the human mind—gee wiz!—without the human mind willing that it do so.

Spot concluded that the idea of God objectively exists in and of itself, and, therefore, the substance of that idea can't be logically ruled out.

Dick asked Spot why the atheist insisted on believing that God didn’t exist.

“Well,” said Spot. “The atheist believes he knows what no human being can possibly known, don’t you see?”

Dick hesitantly nodded, not at all sure what Spot was getting at, as Dick was a product of the public education system.

“I’m not sure I do either,” Jane said. “We’re not required to think at Mr. Frankfurt’s School of Critical Theory.”

“Yeah. The teachers tell us what to think,” Dick affirmed.

Spot crawled into Jane’s lap and gave her lots of kisses.

She giggled.

“Oh!" Jane said. "I get it now. The atheist presupposes that he is God teleologically; that it to say, he imagines that he stands above it all, above all time and space, rather, outside of time and space… . ”

“Just like God!” Dick exclaimed.

“That’s right,” said Spot. “Just like God, who, according to the atheist, doesn’t exist in the first place … though, of course, it’s irrational to hold that God doesn’t exist.”

“So … the atheist … thinks he’s God?” Jane timidly ventured—a little afraid of the answer.

“I’m afraid so, Sweetheart,” Spot said sadly. “In a very real sense that effects your lives everyday, that’s exactly the way the atheist thinks In fact, that's the way all humanists think.”

“Is that why humanists exclusively impose their ideology on us in the state schools and say that the teaching of the theological perspective and an open-ended, methodological naturalism for science in the same are unconstitutional?” Dick wondered.

“Yes, Dick,” Spot sighed. "I’m afraid so. You see, children, the way the principle of the separation of church and state works according to the humanist’s ‘logic’, Christians don’t have any inalienable rights in the state schools. The public education system is the humanist’s church and humanism is it’s religion.“

"Run, Spot, run!” Jane exclaimed.

“See Spot run!” Dick echoed.

"But when the atheist says that God the Creator doesn’t exist, isn’t that the same thing as saying that God’s creation doesn’t exist?” Jane wondered.

"“Why, yes,” Spot ran with it. “Every time the atheist opens his silly yap to deny the existence of God, who, by definition, is the indivisibly transcendent and eternally self-subsistent Creator, he necessarily denies the existence of the creation.”

“The declaration is illogical,” Dick pointed out. “It’s inherently self-negating on the very face of it!”

“That’s right,” said Spot. “Good boy!”

"Dick is so cleaver. He’s my hero,” Jane said.

"The rational forms and logical categories of human consciousness,” Spot continued, “including the universally absolute and neurologically hardwired organic laws of logic—the law of identity, the law of contradiction and the law of the excluded middle—don’t permit a human being to logically deny God’s existence.”

“Not only does the silly atheist deny God’s existence,” Jane averred. “The atheist denies his very own existence in the very same thought, which is absurd… .”

“Golly!" Dick said. "I see.”

“I see too,” said Jane. "Look, Spot, we see. Dick and I see.“

"Logically, the atheist declares that God necessarily exists every time he declares that God doesn’t exist,” Spot concluded.

“That’s weird,” Jane said. “Look, Dick, do you see? That’s weird.”

“I do see," Dick said, then called Spot to him and looked deep into Wisdom’s bright eyes … at first, as one looking through a glass, darkly, then, as if the sun had suddenly arisen out of the pebbly depths of those eyes, Dick's face lit up with a great smile.

Dick sprang to his feet and exclaimed: "That’s an incontrovertible axiom of human consciousness!”

“Yes, I see it,” Jane said. “Humanity is hardwired with the idea that God must be!”

“That’s right!” said Spot.

“It’s as if atheists were lobotomized zombies or something,” Jane opined as she thought about the feminazi who taught her social studies class.

“That’s right,” said Spot. “The ramifications of their very own thought, if you can call it that, fly right over their little pinheads."

"But I thought atheists were free thinkers,” Dick said with a furrowed brow.

Jane looked confused.

Spot let out a barking stream of laughter that went on and on.

“Laugh, Spot, Laugh!” Jane giggled.

“See Spot laugh,” said Dick.

Spot couldn’t stop laughing. He rolled on his back and just laughed and laughed until his belly ached and tears streamed down his face.

“Oh, my goodness,” said Jane. “Are you okay, Spot?”

“Oh, I’m fine,” said Spot as he wiped the tears from his eyes.

“Whew! Oh, my … just let me catch my breath.”

Dick chuckled.

“You see, children, atheists are slogan spouters.”

“Slogan spouters?” Dick said.

“Yes, slogan spouters,” answered Spot. “Atheists presuppose that all of cosmological and biological history is necessarily an unbroken chain of natural cause and effect, which redundantly begs the question.”

Dick thought about the feminazi who taught his sex education class and encouraged the children to embrace their sexuality, averred that sexual promiscuity and polymorphous perversity were perfectly acceptable behavior in human beings.

“Just be sure that you’re safe when you have loveless, recreational sex,” she subversively told them. “Death to the oppressive monogamy of the patriarchy! Death to the sexual virtue of high love and romance! You're just a glorified animal lucky enough not to have been aborted! Get used to it!”​

“Slogan spouters,” Dick thought out loud.

“That’s right,” Spot said. “Slogan Spouters.”

“So humanists insist that God doesn’t exist … because God doesn’t exist?”, Jane asked.

“That’s pretty much all there is to it,” Spot answered.

insulting me
personal attacks
rude commentary

is NOT going to make me change my mind.

as long as you insist upon attacking me and insulting me I shall continue to disbelieve in your god. If you represent your god and religion then your god and religion is rotten


of course.

like trump,like trumpette....

the shit doesn't fall far from the donkeys ass

I no longer expect any conservative to behave with any decency or civility.
Atheism: See Spot Laugh


Has Science Buried God?

Has the scientifically unfalsifiable apriority of metaphysical naturalism—the ontologically, empirically and rationally unjustified presupposition that all of cosmological and biological history is necessarily an unbroken chain of natural cause and effect—buried God? In other words, has the notion that metaphysical naturalism is true … because metaphysical naturalism is true buried God?

The atheistic cultists of scientism think so.

In the meantime, Dick and Jane played with Spot.

Spot is a creature of logic and reason and facts.

Spot likes to think.

He’s a very bright boy that Spot.

He observed that every time the atheist denies God’s existence, the atheist necessarily concedes that the existence of the cosmos and everything in it, including the imperatives of human consciousness, are the evidence for God’s existence, that the idea of God imposes itself on the human mind—gee wiz!—without the human mind willing that it do so.

Spot concluded that the idea of God objectively exists in and of itself, and, therefore, the substance of that idea can't be logically ruled out.

Dick asked Spot why the atheist insisted on believing that God didn’t exist.

“Well,” said Spot. “The atheist believes he knows what no human being can possibly known, don’t you see?”

Dick hesitantly nodded, not at all sure what Spot was getting at, as Dick was a product of the public education system.

“I’m not sure I do either,” Jane said. “We’re not required to think at Mr. Frankfurt’s School of Critical Theory.”

“Yeah. The teachers tell us what to think,” Dick affirmed.

Spot crawled into Jane’s lap and gave her lots of kisses.

She giggled.

“Oh!" Jane said. "I get it now. The atheist presupposes that he is God teleologically; that it to say, he imagines that he stands above it all, above all time and space, rather, outside of time and space… . ”

“Just like God!” Dick exclaimed.

“That’s right,” said Spot. “Just like God, who, according to the atheist, doesn’t exist in the first place … though, of course, it’s irrational to hold that God doesn’t exist.”

“So … the atheist … thinks he’s God?” Jane timidly ventured—a little afraid of the answer.

“I’m afraid so, Sweetheart,” Spot said sadly. “In a very real sense that effects your lives everyday, that’s exactly the way the atheist thinks In fact, that's the way all humanists think.”

“Is that why humanists exclusively impose their ideology on us in the state schools and say that the teaching of the theological perspective and an open-ended, methodological naturalism for science in the same are unconstitutional?” Dick wondered.

“Yes, Dick,” Spot sighed. "I’m afraid so. You see, children, the way the principle of the separation of church and state works according to the humanist’s ‘logic’, Christians don’t have any inalienable rights in the state schools. The public education system is the humanist’s church and humanism is it’s religion.“

"Run, Spot, run!” Jane exclaimed.

“See Spot run!” Dick echoed.

"But when the atheist says that God the Creator doesn’t exist, isn’t that the same thing as saying that God’s creation doesn’t exist?” Jane wondered.

"“Why, yes,” Spot ran with it. “Every time the atheist opens his silly yap to deny the existence of God, who, by definition, is the indivisibly transcendent and eternally self-subsistent Creator, he necessarily denies the existence of the creation.”

“The declaration is illogical,” Dick pointed out. “It’s inherently self-negating on the very face of it!”

“That’s right,” said Spot. “Good boy!”

"Dick is so cleaver. He’s my hero,” Jane said.

"The rational forms and logical categories of human consciousness,” Spot continued, “including the universally absolute and neurologically hardwired organic laws of logic—the law of identity, the law of contradiction and the law of the excluded middle—don’t permit a human being to logically deny God’s existence.”

“Not only does the silly atheist deny God’s existence,” Jane averred. “The atheist denies his very own existence in the very same thought, which is absurd… .”

“Golly!" Dick said. "I see.”

“I see too,” said Jane. "Look, Spot, we see. Dick and I see.“

"Logically, the atheist declares that God necessarily exists every time he declares that God doesn’t exist,” Spot concluded.

“That’s weird,” Jane said. “Look, Dick, do you see? That’s weird.”

“I do see," Dick said, then called Spot to him and looked deep into Wisdom’s bright eyes … at first, as one looking through a glass, darkly, then, as if the sun had suddenly arisen out of the pebbly depths of those eyes, Dick's face lit up with a great smile.

Dick sprang to his feet and exclaimed: "That’s an incontrovertible axiom of human consciousness!”

“Yes, I see it,” Jane said. “Humanity is hardwired with the idea that God must be!”

“That’s right!” said Spot.

“It’s as if atheists were lobotomized zombies or something,” Jane opined as she thought about the feminazi who taught her social studies class.

“That’s right,” said Spot. “The ramifications of their very own thought, if you can call it that, fly right over their little pinheads."

"But I thought atheists were free thinkers,” Dick said with a furrowed brow.

Jane looked confused.

Spot let out a barking stream of laughter that went on and on.

“Laugh, Spot, Laugh!” Jane giggled.

“See Spot laugh,” said Dick.

Spot couldn’t stop laughing. He rolled on his back and just laughed and laughed until his belly ached and tears streamed down his face.

“Oh, my goodness,” said Jane. “Are you okay, Spot?”

“Oh, I’m fine,” said Spot as he wiped the tears from his eyes.

“Whew! Oh, my … just let me catch my breath.”

Dick chuckled.

“You see, children, atheists are slogan spouters.”

“Slogan spouters?” Dick said.

“Yes, slogan spouters,” answered Spot. “Atheists presuppose that all of cosmological and biological history is necessarily an unbroken chain of natural cause and effect, which redundantly begs the question.”

Dick thought about the feminazi who taught his sex education class and encouraged the children to embrace their sexuality, averred that sexual promiscuity and polymorphous perversity were perfectly acceptable behavior in human beings.

“Just be sure that you’re safe when you have loveless, recreational sex,” she subversively told them. “Death to the oppressive monogamy of the patriarchy! Death to the sexual virtue of high love and romance! You're just a glorified animal lucky enough not to have been aborted! Get used to it!”​

“Slogan spouters,” Dick thought out loud.

“That’s right,” Spot said. “Slogan Spouters.”

“So humanists insist that God doesn’t exist … because God doesn’t exist?”, Jane asked.

“That’s pretty much all there is to it,” Spot answered.

insulting me
personal attacks
rude commentary

is NOT going to make me change my mind.

as long as you insist upon attacking me and insulting me I shall continue to disbelieve in your god. If you represent your god and religion then your god and religion is rotten


of course.

like trump,like trumpette....

the shit doesn't fall far from the donkeys ass

I no longer expect any conservative to behave with any decency or civility.

of course.

like trump,like trumpette....

the shit doesn't fall far from the donkeys ass

I no longer expect any conservative to behave with any decency or civility.

Now if you could only muster up the courage to produce a civil counterargument without all the womanish drama, actually attempt to give a coherent account as to how an actual infinity were possible, explain why an infinite regress of causality or the notion of existence arising from nonexistence weren't absurd. If only you could tell us from whence the idea of God comes, indeed, define the idea of God without necessarily conceding precisely what the empirical and rational evidence for God's existence is. . . .

crickets chirping

of course.

like trump,like trumpette....

the shit doesn't fall far from the donkeys ass

I no longer expect any conservative to behave with any decency or civility.

Now if you could only muster up the courage to produce a civil counterargument without all the womanish drama, actually attempt to give a coherent account as to how an actual infinity were possible, explain why an infinite regress of causality or the notion of existence arising from nonexistence weren't absurd. If only you could tell us from whence the idea of God comes, indeed, define the idea of God without necessarily conceding precisely what the empirical and rational evidence for God's existence is. . . . Always open to a civil challenge given in the spirit of the OP to sharpen my argument, but you new atheists don't seem to be up to it in my experience.

crickets chirping
Can you imagine how AWFUL it must be to be a faithless, heathen atheist? My sister is an atheist and she's sullen and disagreeable almost all the time. She has very little happiness in her life. I feel sorry for her.

In addition to pseudoscience, atheism breeds nihilism and despair, and leads to the oppression, deprivation and atrocity of collectivistic think, to the dehumanizing reductionism of rank statism. Atheism is the death of virtue, poetry, music, beauty, romance. Atheism is sheer madness.

In addition to pseudoscience, atheism breeds nihilism and despair, and leads to the oppression, deprivation and atrocity of collectivistic think, to the dehumanizing reductionism of rank statism. Atheism is the death of virtue, poetry, music, beauty, romance. Atheism is sheer madness.

the recorded history of christianity is uninterrupted persecution and victimization of the innocent begun from its beginning to the present day.

View attachment 282911

Can you imagine how AWFUL it must be to be a faithless, heathen atheist? My sister is an atheist and she's sullen and disagreeable almost all the time.

... she needs to get out more often.
She DOES get out quite a bit, you atheist a**hole. You're welcome.
Atheism: See Spot Laugh


Has Science Buried God?

Has the scientifically unfalsifiable apriority of metaphysical naturalism—the ontologically, empirically and rationally unjustified presupposition that all of cosmological and biological history is necessarily an unbroken chain of natural cause and effect—buried God? In other words, has the notion that metaphysical naturalism is true … because metaphysical naturalism is true buried God?

The atheistic cultists of scientism think so.

In the meantime, Dick and Jane played with Spot.

Spot is a creature of logic and reason and facts.

Spot likes to think.

He’s a very bright boy that Spot.

He observed that every time the atheist denies God’s existence, the atheist necessarily concedes that the existence of the cosmos and everything in it, including the imperatives of human consciousness, are the evidence for God’s existence, that the idea of God imposes itself on the human mind—gee wiz!—without the human mind willing that it do so.

Spot concluded that the idea of God objectively exists in and of itself, and, therefore, the substance of that idea can't be logically ruled out.

Dick asked Spot why the atheist insisted on believing that God didn’t exist.

“Well,” said Spot. “The atheist believes he knows what no human being can possibly known, don’t you see?”

Dick hesitantly nodded, not at all sure what Spot was getting at, as Dick was a product of the public education system.

“I’m not sure I do either,” Jane said. “We’re not required to think at Mr. Frankfurt’s School of Critical Theory.”

“Yeah. The teachers tell us what to think,” Dick affirmed.

Spot crawled into Jane’s lap and gave her lots of kisses.

She giggled.

“Oh!" Jane said. "I get it now. The atheist presupposes that he is God teleologically; that it to say, he imagines that he stands above it all, above all time and space, rather, outside of time and space… . ”

“Just like God!” Dick exclaimed.

“That’s right,” said Spot. “Just like God, who, according to the atheist, doesn’t exist in the first place … though, of course, it’s irrational to hold that God doesn’t exist.”

“So … the atheist … thinks he’s God?” Jane timidly ventured—a little afraid of the answer.

“I’m afraid so, Sweetheart,” Spot said sadly. “In a very real sense that effects your lives everyday, that’s exactly the way the atheist thinks In fact, that's the way all humanists think.”

“Is that why humanists exclusively impose their ideology on us in the state schools and say that the teaching of the theological perspective and an open-ended, methodological naturalism for science in the same are unconstitutional?” Dick wondered.

“Yes, Dick,” Spot sighed. "I’m afraid so. You see, children, the way the principle of the separation of church and state works according to the humanist’s ‘logic’, Christians don’t have any inalienable rights in the state schools. The public education system is the humanist’s church and humanism is it’s religion.“

"Run, Spot, run!” Jane exclaimed.

“See Spot run!” Dick echoed.

"But when the atheist says that God the Creator doesn’t exist, isn’t that the same thing as saying that God’s creation doesn’t exist?” Jane wondered.

"“Why, yes,” Spot ran with it. “Every time the atheist opens his silly yap to deny the existence of God, who, by definition, is the indivisibly transcendent and eternally self-subsistent Creator, he necessarily denies the existence of the creation.”

“The declaration is illogical,” Dick pointed out. “It’s inherently self-negating on the very face of it!”

“That’s right,” said Spot. “Good boy!”

"Dick is so cleaver. He’s my hero,” Jane said.

"The rational forms and logical categories of human consciousness,” Spot continued, “including the universally absolute and neurologically hardwired organic laws of logic—the law of identity, the law of contradiction and the law of the excluded middle—don’t permit a human being to logically deny God’s existence.”

“Not only does the silly atheist deny God’s existence,” Jane averred. “The atheist denies his very own existence in the very same thought, which is absurd… .”

“Golly!" Dick said. "I see.”

“I see too,” said Jane. "Look, Spot, we see. Dick and I see.“

"Logically, the atheist declares that God necessarily exists every time he declares that God doesn’t exist,” Spot concluded.

“That’s weird,” Jane said. “Look, Dick, do you see? That’s weird.”

“I do see," Dick said, then called Spot to him and looked deep into Wisdom’s bright eyes … at first, as one looking through a glass, darkly, then, as if the sun had suddenly arisen out of the pebbly depths of those eyes, Dick's face lit up with a great smile.

Dick sprang to his feet and exclaimed: "That’s an incontrovertible axiom of human consciousness!”

“Yes, I see it,” Jane said. “Humanity is hardwired with the idea that God must be!”

“That’s right!” said Spot.

“It’s as if atheists were lobotomized zombies or something,” Jane opined as she thought about the feminazi who taught her social studies class.

“That’s right,” said Spot. “The ramifications of their very own thought, if you can call it that, fly right over their little pinheads."

"But I thought atheists were free thinkers,” Dick said with a furrowed brow.

Jane looked confused.

Spot let out a barking stream of laughter that went on and on.

“Laugh, Spot, Laugh!” Jane giggled.

“See Spot laugh,” said Dick.

Spot couldn’t stop laughing. He rolled on his back and just laughed and laughed until his belly ached and tears streamed down his face.

“Oh, my goodness,” said Jane. “Are you okay, Spot?”

“Oh, I’m fine,” said Spot as he wiped the tears from his eyes.

“Whew! Oh, my … just let me catch my breath.”

Dick chuckled.

“You see, children, atheists are slogan spouters.”

“Slogan spouters?” Dick said.

“Yes, slogan spouters,” answered Spot. “Atheists presuppose that all of cosmological and biological history is necessarily an unbroken chain of natural cause and effect, which redundantly begs the question.”

Dick thought about the feminazi who taught his sex education class and encouraged the children to embrace their sexuality, averred that sexual promiscuity and polymorphous perversity were perfectly acceptable behavior in human beings.

“Just be sure that you’re safe when you have loveless, recreational sex,” she subversively told them. “Death to the oppressive monogamy of the patriarchy! Death to the sexual virtue of high love and romance! You're just a glorified animal lucky enough not to have been aborted! Get used to it!”​

“Slogan spouters,” Dick thought out loud.

“That’s right,” Spot said. “Slogan Spouters.”

“So humanists insist that God doesn’t exist … because God doesn’t exist?”, Jane asked.

“That’s pretty much all there is to it,” Spot answered.

insulting me
personal attacks
rude commentary

is NOT going to make me change my mind.

as long as you insist upon attacking me and insulting me I shall continue to disbelieve in your god. If you represent your god and religion then your god and religion is rotten


of course.

like trump,like trumpette....

the shit doesn't fall far from the donkeys ass

I no longer expect any conservative to behave with any decency or civility.
YOU are a f*cking MORON. You're welcome.
Here's a suggestion: why don't the theists leave the non-theists alone? The non-theists do not seem to be running around trying to cause trouble, but the theists are constantly harping on them and babbling at them. The theists seem to want to drive people to atheism.
Here's a suggestion: why don't the theists leave the non-theists alone? The non-theists do not seem to be running around trying to cause trouble, but the theists are constantly harping on them and babbling at them. The theists seem to want to drive people to atheism.
Read this religion board

You don’t see many threads from atheists attacking religion as wrong
What you see are religious nuts attacking atheism

Seems they are insecure in their beliefs
Atheism: See Spot Laugh
by Ringtone

A little thought experiment off the top of my head. . . .


Has Science Buried God?

Has the scientifically unfalsifiable apriority of metaphysical naturalism—the ontologically, empirically and rationally unjustified presupposition that all of cosmological and biological history is necessarily an unbroken chain of natural cause and effect—buried God? In other words, has the notion that metaphysical naturalism is true . . . because metaphysical naturalism is true buried God?

The atheistic cultists of scientism think so.

In the meantime, Dick and Jane played with Spot.

Spot is a creature of logic and reason and facts.

Spot likes to think.

He’s a very bright boy that Spot.

He observed that every time the atheist denies God’s existence, the atheist necessarily concedes that the existence of the cosmos and everything in it, including the imperatives of human consciousness, are the evidence for God’s existence, that the idea of God imposes itself on the human mind—gee wiz!—without the human mind willing that it do so.

Spot concluded that the idea of God objectively exists in and of itself, and, therefore, the substance of that idea can't be logically ruled out.

Dick asked Spot why the atheist insisted on believing that God didn’t exist.

“Well,” said Spot. “The atheist believes he knows what no human being can possibly known, don’t you see?”

Dick hesitantly nodded, not at all sure what Spot was getting at, as Dick was a product of the public education system.

“I’m not sure I do either,” Jane said. “We’re not required to think at Mr. Frankfurt’s School of Critical Theory.”

“Yeah. The teachers tell us what to think,” Dick affirmed.

Spot crawled into Jane’s lap and gave her lots of kisses.

She giggled.

“Oh!" Jane said. "I get it now. The atheist presupposes that he is God teleologically; that it to say, he imagines that he stands above it all, above all time and space, rather, outside of time and space. . . . ”

“Just like God!” Dick exclaimed.

“That’s right,” said Spot. “Just like God, who, according to the atheist, doesn’t exist in the first place.”

“So . . . the atheist . . . thinks he’s God?” Jane timidly ventured—a little afraid of the answer.

“I’m afraid so, Sweetheart,” Spot said sadly. “In a very real sense that effects your lives everyday, that’s exactly the way the atheist thinks. In fact, that's the way all humanists think.”

“Is that why humanists exclusively impose their ideology on us in the state schools and say that the teaching of the theological perspective and an open-ended, methodological naturalism for science in the same are unconstitutional?” Dick wondered.

“Yes, Dick,” Spot sighed. "I’m afraid so. You see, children, the way the principle of the separation of church and state works according to the humanist’s ‘logic’, Christians don’t have any inalienable rights in the state schools. The public education system is the humanist’s church and humanism is it’s religion.“

"Run, Spot, run!” Jane exclaimed.

“See Spot run!” Dick echoed.

"But when the atheist says that God the Creator doesn’t exist, isn’t that the same thing as saying that God’s creation doesn’t exist?” Jane wondered.

"“Why, yes,” Spot ran with it. “Every time the atheist opens his silly yap to deny the existence of God, who, by definition, is the indivisibly transcendent and eternally self-subsistent Creator, he necessarily denies the existence of the creation.”

“The declaration is illogical,” Dick pointed out. “It’s inherently self-negating on the very face of it!”

“That’s right,” said Spot. “Good boy!”

"Dick is so clever. He’s my hero,” Jane said.

"The rational forms and logical categories of human consciousness,” Spot continued, “including the universally absolute and neurologically hardwired organic laws of logic—the law of identity, the law of contradiction and the law of the excluded middle—don’t permit a human being to logically deny God’s existence.”

“Not only does the silly atheist deny God’s existence,” Jane averred. “The atheist denies his very own existence in the very same thought, which is absurd. . . .”

“Golly!" Dick said. "I see.”

“I see too,” said Jane. "Look, Spot, we see. Dick and I see.“

"Logically, the atheist declares that God necessarily exists every time he declares that God doesn’t exist,” Spot concluded.

“That’s weird,” Jane said. “Look, Dick, do you see? That’s weird.”

“I do see," Dick said, then called Spot to him and looked deep into Wisdom’s bright eyes . . . at first, as one looking through a glass, darkly, then, as if the sun had suddenly arisen out of their pebbly depths, Dick's face lit up with a great epiphany.

Dick sprang to his feet and exclaimed: "That’s an incontrovertible axiom of human consciousness!”

“Yes, I see it,” Jane said. “Humanity is hardwired with the idea that God must be!”

“That’s right!” said Spot.

“It’s as if atheists were lobotomized zombies or something,” Jane opined as she thought about the feminazi who taught her social studies class.

“That’s right,” said Spot. “The ramifications of their very own thought, if you can call it that, fly right over their little pinheads."

"But I thought atheists were free thinkers,” Dick said with a furrowed brow.

Jane looked confused.

Spot let out a barking stream of laughter that went on and on.

“Laugh, Spot, Laugh!” Jane giggled.

“See Spot laugh,” said Dick.

Spot couldn’t stop laughing. He rolled on his back and just laughed and laughed until his belly ached and tears streamed down his face.

“Oh, my goodness,” said Jane. “Are you okay, Spot?”

“Oh, I’m fine,” said Spot as he wiped the tears from his eyes.

“Whew! Oh, my . . . just let me catch my breath.”

Dick chuckled.

“You see, children, atheists are slogan spouters.”

“Slogan spouters?” Dick said.

“Yes, slogan spouters,” answered Spot. “Atheists presuppose that all of cosmological and biological history is necessarily an unbroken chain of natural cause and effect, which redundantly begs the question.”

Dick thought about the feminazi who taught his sex education class and encouraged the children to embrace their sexuality, averred that sexual promiscuity and polymorphous perversity were perfectly acceptable behavior in human beings.

“Just be sure that you’re safe when you have loveless, recreational sex,” she subversively told them. “Death to the oppressive monogamy of the patriarchy! Death to the sexual virtue of high love and romance! You're just a glorified animal lucky enough to not have been aborted! It's all down hill from here on out. Get used to it!”​

“Slogan spouters,” Dick thought out loud.

“That’s right,” Spot said. “Slogan Spouters.”

“So humanists insist that God doesn’t exist . . . because God doesn’t exist?”, Jane asked.

“That’s pretty much all there is to it,” Spot answered.
The slogan spouting bit made me chuckle.

It reminded me of the sheep in animal farm.

of course.

like trump,like trumpette....

the shit doesn't fall far from the donkeys ass

I no longer expect any conservative to behave with any decency or civility.

Now if you could only muster up the courage to produce a civil counterargument without all the womanish drama, actually attempt to give a coherent account as to how an actual infinity were possible, explain why an infinite regress of causality or the notion of existence arising from nonexistence weren't absurd. If only you could tell us from whence the idea of God comes, indeed, define the idea of God without necessarily conceding precisely what the empirical and rational evidence for God's existence is. . . .

crickets chirping
Atheism is an intellectual dead end.

It literally condemns any evaluation into the origin questions and leads to a permanent state of ignorance.

Anything which quashes investigations can’t be good.
Here's a suggestion: why don't the theists leave the non-theists alone? The non-theists do not seem to be running around trying to cause trouble, but the theists are constantly harping on them and babbling at them. The theists seem to want to drive people to atheism.
Read this religion board

You don’t see many threads from atheists attacking religion as wrong
What you see are religious nuts attacking atheism

Seems they are insecure in their beliefs

I am tempted to say to people who act as though religious/non-religious thought is a competition "die and find out." They are dealing in an area of human thought that has no right answers.
Here's a suggestion: why don't the theists leave the non-theists alone? The non-theists do not seem to be running around trying to cause trouble, but the theists are constantly harping on them and babbling at them. The theists seem to want to drive people to atheism.
Read this religion board

You don’t see many threads from atheists attacking religion as wrong
What you see are religious nuts attacking atheism

Seems they are insecure in their beliefs

I am tempted to say to people who act as though religious/non-religious thought is a competition "die and find out." They are dealing in an area of human thought that has no right answers.
And yet the benefits of faith far outweigh the benefits of no faith. So much so that it is illogical to have no faith.
And yet the benefits of faith far outweigh the benefits of no faith.

faith without accomplishing its objective is no different than no faith at all, giving christians their fraudulent self rewarding dogmas they impose on others the results of which they have not accomplished themselves. ringtone. the interpretive false christian messiah.

as faith to land on the moon can be accomplished in script before the event the false religions have not accomplished in their script the same results. faith in evolution, ToE has.
Here's a suggestion: why don't the theists leave the non-theists alone? The non-theists do not seem to be running around trying to cause trouble, but the theists are constantly harping on them and babbling at them. The theists seem to want to drive people to atheism.
Read this religion board

You don’t see many threads from atheists attacking religion as wrong
What you see are religious nuts attacking atheism

Seems they are insecure in their beliefs

I am tempted to say to people who act as though religious/non-religious thought is a competition "die and find out." They are dealing in an area of human thought that has no right answers.
And yet the benefits of faith far outweigh the benefits of no faith. So much so that it is illogical to have no faith.

Sometimes faith does outweigh the benefits of no faith, sometimes not. Depends on how one approaches faith and it very much depends on the content of that faith. I can only speak about Christianity because I am not so familiar with other faiths. Christianity has been so crapped up with garbage like popes, grahams, jeffresses, and the rest of the barking boys throughout history carrying on and trying to tell everybody what it's all about, as if they know, that the only thing that a person can do is strip it down to bare essentials and start again, consider spiritual thoughts that originate among other Christians and other non-Christian peoples the world over, or become an atheist.

of course.

like trump,like trumpette....

the shit doesn't fall far from the donkeys ass

I no longer expect any conservative to behave with any decency or civility.

Now if you could only muster up the courage to produce a civil counterargument without all the womanish drama, actually attempt to give a coherent account as to how an actual infinity were possible, explain why an infinite regress of causality or the notion of existence arising from nonexistence weren't absurd. If only you could tell us from whence the idea of God comes, indeed, define the idea of God without necessarily conceding precisely what the empirical and rational evidence for God's existence is. . . .

crickets chirping
Atheism is an intellectual dead end.

It literally condemns any evaluation into the origin questions and leads to a permanent state of ignorance.

Anything which quashes investigations can’t be good.
Doesn’t squash them
Just doesn’t find them credible without evidence
Here's a suggestion: why don't the theists leave the non-theists alone? The non-theists do not seem to be running around trying to cause trouble, but the theists are constantly harping on them and babbling at them. The theists seem to want to drive people to atheism.
Read this religion board

You don’t see many threads from atheists attacking religion as wrong
What you see are religious nuts attacking atheism

Seems they are insecure in their beliefs

I am tempted to say to people who act as though religious/non-religious thought is a competition "die and find out." They are dealing in an area of human thought that has no right answers.
And yet the benefits of faith far outweigh the benefits of no faith. So much so that it is illogical to have no faith.

That is not logical

If believing something is true that is not, has benefits, it does not make it true
Here's a suggestion: why don't the theists leave the non-theists alone? The non-theists do not seem to be running around trying to cause trouble, but the theists are constantly harping on them and babbling at them. The theists seem to want to drive people to atheism.

I just posted a bit of satire about, among other things, educational tyranny, which most atheists are perfectly okay with.

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