Atheism: See Spot Laugh

Atheism is an intellectual dead end.

It literally condemns any evaluation into the origin questions and leads to a permanent state of ignorance.

Anything which quashes investigations can’t be good.

Precisely! For example, examine what rightwing wrote in response to your post:

Doesn’t squash them
Just doesn’t find them credible without evidence

What does any of this mean? It's gibberish, almost as incoherent and meaningless as BreezeWood's typical meanderings.

What is them? Credible evidence for what exactly? Define evidence?
The worst part of it is that RW rationalizes his choice by blaming God for not giving him enough evidence for his existence.

Like, I would have believed in you if you had given me more proof.

That sounds like Adam did you eat the apple? The woman you made gave it to me. :lol:
I don’t blame God

I have just heard all the rationalizations for his existence and they just don’t convince me....not even close
So you’ve considered the possibility that mind rather being a late outgrowth of the evolution of space and time is the source or matrix of physical stuff such that mind created the physical world such that beings that know and create could exist?
That word salad means absolutely nothing to me
Atheism is an intellectual dead end.

It literally condemns any evaluation into the origin questions and leads to a permanent state of ignorance.

Anything which quashes investigations can’t be good.
Doesn’t squash them
Just doesn’t find them credible without evidence
What fucking evidence are you expecting to find of the supernatural?

What’s wrong with saying you don’t want to believe in God and be done with it. Why are you rationalizing your decision?

"What’s wrong with saying you don’t want to believe in God and be done with it."

I can't speak for my friend rightwinger but for me it is not a matter of WANT...

I just DON'T!
I’d like to believe in God

I just don’t.
No offense but I don’t believe you are being honest with yourself.
I am being perfectly honest

I realized it at about age 12, nothing has changed
Atheism is an intellectual dead end.

It literally condemns any evaluation into the origin questions and leads to a permanent state of ignorance.

Anything which quashes investigations can’t be good.

Precisely! For example, examine what rightwing wrote in response to your post:

Doesn’t squash them
Just doesn’t find them credible without evidence

What does any of this mean? It's gibberish, almost as incoherent and meaningless as BreezeWood's typical meanderings.

What is them? Credible evidence for what exactly? Define evidence?
The worst part of it is that RW rationalizes his choice by blaming God for not giving him enough evidence for his existence.

Like, I would have believed in you if you had given me more proof.

That sounds like Adam did you eat the apple? The woman you made gave it to me. :lol:
I don’t blame God

I have just heard all the rationalizations for his existence and they just don’t convince me....not even close
So you’ve considered the possibility that mind rather being a late outgrowth of the evolution of space and time is the source or matrix of physical stuff such that mind created the physical world such that beings that know and create could exist?
That word salad means absolutely nothing to me
It’s like you avoid the origin questions like the plague. What’s not to understand?

It goes to the perception of God question. Are you using a reasonable perception of God. You can’t say you considered it without actually having the most reasonable and valid perception of God that you can. Otherwise you aren’t making a fair comparison and you might as well be saying you don’t want to believe in God.
Doesn’t squash them
Just doesn’t find them credible without evidence
What fucking evidence are you expecting to find of the supernatural?

What’s wrong with saying you don’t want to believe in God and be done with it. Why are you rationalizing your decision?

"What’s wrong with saying you don’t want to believe in God and be done with it."

I can't speak for my friend rightwinger but for me it is not a matter of WANT...

I just DON'T!
I’d like to believe in God

I just don’t.
No offense but I don’t believe you are being honest with yourself.
I am being perfectly honest

I realized it at about age 12, nothing has changed
You just proved you aren’t honest with your last post.

You have never really considered the evidence for God. So stop acting like you did. It’s not God’s fault that your mind is closed and you have made zero effort to discover him.
I’d like to believe in God

I just don’t.

Okay. But you previously claimed or insinuated that there's no evidence for God's existence. Then you asked me to define gibberish. By gibberish I mean complaining about a satirical piece about something you think doesn't exist in the first place and then going on to claim or insinuate that there's no evidence for that something sans defining that something or defining what would constitute evidence for it. I. Don't. Get. It. Why bother contributing anything to the thread if you're not going to contribute anything of value to the thread.

It's like popping into the middle of a conversation about X and telling everybody the sky's blue.

Just saying, you know, after all, this is a discussion board.
Shirley you jest

Are you actually trying to engage me in a serious discussion on the imperatives of the First Amendment, rightwinger? I've never seen you lift a thought heavier than a mindless slogan off the ground. I don't think you're up to it.

From the OP:

“Is that why humanists exclusively impose their ideology on us in the state schools and say that the teaching of the theological perspective and an open-ended, methodological naturalism for science in the same are unconstitutional?” Dick wondered.

“Yes, Dick,” Spot sighed. "I’m afraid so. You see, children, the way the principle of the separation of church and state works according to the humanist’s ‘logic’, Christians don’t have any inalienable rights in the state schools. The public education system is the humanist’s church and humanism is it’s religion.“​

You do understand that institutions of education do not and cannot exist in ideological vacuums, don't you?

Here's a novel idea for ya, lefty: the variously disparate, religious and philosophical views of the people are not unconstitutional!

Isn't that a daisy?

In the series of decisions of the 50s and 60s that saddled us with an education system that turns out dumbed-down socialists and sexual degenerates, the leftist Warren Court failed to declare the only constitutional remedy that would have satisfied the imperatives of the First Amendment for all: either the public education system in and of itself is unconstitutional or a public education system without universal school choice is unconstitutional.

One size does not and cannot fit all.
The courts in the 50s stood up for freedom of religion. You could no longer force your religion down other people’s throats

It was one of their finest hours
Atheism is an intellectual dead end.

It literally condemns any evaluation into the origin questions and leads to a permanent state of ignorance.

Anything which quashes investigations can’t be good.

Precisely! For example, examine what rightwing wrote in response to your post:

Doesn’t squash them
Just doesn’t find them credible without evidence

What does any of this mean? It's gibberish, almost as incoherent and meaningless as BreezeWood's typical meanderings.

What is them? Credible evidence for what exactly? Define evidence?
The worst part of it is that RW rationalizes his choice by blaming God for not giving him enough evidence for his existence.

Like, I would have believed in you if you had given me more proof.

That sounds like Adam did you eat the apple? The woman you made gave it to me. :lol:
I don’t blame God

I have just heard all the rationalizations for his existence and they just don’t convince me....not even close
So you’ve considered the possibility that mind rather being a late outgrowth of the evolution of space and time is the source or matrix of physical stuff such that mind created the physical world such that beings that know and create could exist?
So you’ve considered the possibility that mind rather being a late outgrowth of the evolution of space and time is the source or matrix of physical stuff

the actual evolutionary path first creates the living elements of the periodic table that then is responsible for the advent of biological life, matter creating the physiology if not the spiritual that likewise is incorporated in the elements.
The courts in the 50s stood up for freedom of religion. You could no longer force your religion down other people’s throats

It was one of their finest hours

No one was shoving their religion down anyone's throats in the first place. The government via the public schools was shoving a semblance of Christianity down most everybody's throats. The Court's "solution" was to expel God and shove your religion down everybody's throats instead, Mr. Humanist, and just like I said in the OP, you think that's just peachy. It's one of the most infamous hours of the Court! The Court didn't resolve the problem at all. It just pulled a bait and switch con, which was the agenda of the socialist progressives of the likes of John Dewey, for example, all along.

Now define God.
Magical Sky daddy did everything I cant understand! Prollum solved!!!
The courts in the 50s stood up for freedom of religion. You could no longer force your religion down other people’s throats

It was one of their finest hours

No one was shoving their religion down anyone's throats in the first place. The government via the public schools was shoving a semblance of Christianity down most everybody's throats. The Court's "solution" was to expel God and shove your religion down everybody's throats instead, Mr. Humanist, and just like I said in the OP, you think that's just peachy. It's one of the most infamous hours of the Court! The Court didn't resolve the problem at all. It just pulled a bait and switch con, which was the agenda of the socialist progressives of the likes of John Dewey, for example, all along.

Now define God.
The Court didn't resolve the problem at all. It just pulled a bait and switch con, which was the agenda of the socialist progressives of the likes of John Dewey, for example, all along.

you are referring to public education being the same as your church, the ruling is a separation to prevent establishment of any religion, the correct decision - the courts allow you your private religious schools that you seem illcontent to be grateful for. too bad for you.
The courts in the 50s stood up for freedom of religion. You could no longer force your religion down other people’s throats

It was one of their finest hours

No one was shoving their religion down anyone's throats in the first place. The government via the public schools was shoving a semblance of Christianity down most everybody's throats. The Court's "solution" was to expel God and shove your religion down everybody's throats instead, Mr. Humanist, and just like I said in the OP, you think that's just peachy. It's one of the most infamous hours of the Court! The Court didn't resolve the problem at all. It just pulled a bait and switch con, which was the agenda of the socialist progressives of the likes of John Dewey, for example, all along.

Now define God.
Students were required to start the day with “The Lords Prayer “ whether they were. Christian or not

The Courts rightfully said the schools had no business in endorsing Christianity
you are referring to public education being the same as your church, the ruling is a separation to prevent establishment of any religion, the correct decision - the courts allow you your private religious schools that you seem illcontent to be grateful for. too bad for you.

"The Warren Court separated 'church' and state," BreezeWood said.

Spot let out a barking stream of laughter that went on and on.

“Laugh, Spot, Laugh at BreezeWood!” Jane giggled.

“See Spot laugh at BreezeWood,” said Dick.

Spot couldn’t stop laughing. He rolled onto his back and just laughed and laughed until his belly ached and tears streamed down his face.

“Oh, my goodness,” said Jane. “Are you okay, Spot?”

“Oh, I’m fine,” said Spot as he wiped the tears from his eyes.

“Whew! Oh, my . . . just let me catch my breath.”

Dick chuckled.

“You see, children, BreezeWood is a naive simpleton,” Spot observed.

"But the Court allows persons to educate their children in private schools," Breezewood obtusely whimpered.

"Ah, yes," Spot chuckled. "Spoken like a true statist bootlck, a worm, an obedient little weazel, a good little conformist, a pliant little sneak of a fascist snitch."

"You see, children," Spot continued, "the leftist Warren Court empowered the government to impose the religion of humanism on the people in the public education system—the state's church!—instead of ordering the state schools to provide for a system of universal school choice per the imperatives of natural and constitutional law."

"But why did it do that?" Dick wondered as the light of day began to dawn on him.

BreezeWood mined his nose and played with the fuzz in his belly button.

"Well, Dick, the Bill of Rights were in the way of the government establishing a socialist indoctrination system for all the social engineering that was to come. . . ."

you are referring to public education being the same as your church, the ruling is a separation to prevent establishment of any religion, the correct decision - the courts allow you your private religious schools that you seem illcontent to be grateful for. too bad for you.

"The Warren Court separated 'church' and state," BreezeWood said.

Spot let out a barking stream of laughter that went on and on.

“Laugh, Spot, Laugh at BreezeWood!” Jane giggled.

“See Spot laugh at BreezeWood,” said Dick.

Spot couldn’t stop laughing. He rolled onto his back and just laughed and laughed until his belly ached and tears streamed down his face.

“Oh, my goodness,” said Jane. “Are you okay, Spot?”

“Oh, I’m fine,” said Spot as he wiped the tears from his eyes.

“Whew! Oh, my . . . just let me catch my breath.”

Dick chuckled.

“You see, children, BreezeWood is a naive simpleton,” Spot observed.

"But the Court allows persons to educate their children in private schools," Breezewood obtusely whimpered.

"Ah, yes," Spot chuckled. "Spoken like a true statist bootlck, a worm, an obedient little weazel, a good little conformist, a pliant little sneak of a fascist snitch."

"You see, children," Spot continued, "the leftist Warren Court empowered the government to impose the religion of humanism on the people in the public education system—the state's church!—instead of ordering the state schools to provide for a system of universal school choice per the imperatives of natural and constitutional law."

"But why did it do that?" Dick wondered as the light of day began to dawn on him.

BreezeWood mined his nose and played with the fuzz in his belly button.

"Well, Dick, the Bill of Rights were in the way of the government establishing a socialist indoctrination system for all the social engineering that was to come. . . ."​

the leftist Warren Court

—instead of ordering the state schools to provide for a system of universal school choice per the imperatives of natural and constitutional law."

that is their rulling - "universal school choice per the imperatives of natural and constitutional law." which excludes specific, organized religions - from public schools. your spot character as yourself at best is a thinly disguised zealot.
'Theology should not be left to the theists.'
(Shults, Iconoclastic Theology: Gilles Deleuze and the Secretion of Atheism)
Rome left those with beliefs in Jesus Christ to the Lions. Hitler left those with beliefs in the God Jesus believed in to the camps in 500 Eastern European camps, and were going to go to the Mullah of Jerusalem's territory to do more gassings of innocent Jews when that was accomplished, except for 1 thing: Eisenhower prevented it, so Hitler committed suicide. In 1948, the Jews took their country back from people who deported Jews to Europe and were going to finally end the life of every last Jew in the twentieth century.

Trust me, theology has still not been left to theists, Mr. badger. So sorry. On a happier note, though, when I was cleaning up my southwest field, near the live oak tree, a dozen checkerspots graced me with their flitting about the newly mowed grounds in which every wildflower and blooming weed was avoided with obvious green spots left by grossly curved swipes. I think they were thanking me. Lepidoptera are almost human. They didn't tell me in words. But they made it clear with their sheer beauty in enough numbers I just knew. That's as close as I can come to telling a man of science not everything people know in their hearts requires overstudy. ;)
Edit: cleaned up a typo.
Re-edit. I found a picture that looks identical to the ones I saw flitting around, bringing me joy:

I can't even tell you how beautiful they were en mass. Not even close.​
Last edited:
'Theology should not be left to the theists.'
(Shults, Iconoclastic Theology: Gilles Deleuze and the Secretion of Atheism)
Rome left those with beliefs in Jesus Christ to the Lions. Hitler left those with beliefs in the God Jesus believed in to the camps in 500 Eastern European camps, and were going to go to the Mullah of Jerusalem's territory to do more gassings of innocent Jews when that was accomplished, except for 1 thing: Eisenhower prevented it, so Hitler committed suicide. In 1948, the Jews took their country back from people who deported Jews to Europe and were going to finally end the life of every last Jew in the twentieth century.

Trust me, theology has still not been left to theists, Mr. badger. So sorry. On a happier note, though, when I was cleaning up my southwest field, near the live oak tree, a dozen checkerspots graced me with their flitting about the newly mowed grounds in which every wildflower and blooming weed was avoided with obvious green spots left by grossly curved swipes. I think they were thanking me. Lepidoptera are almost human. They didn't tell me in words. But they made it clear with their sheer beauty in enough numbers I just knew. That's as close as I can come to telling a man of science not everything people know in their hearts requires overstudy. ;)
Edit: cleaned up a typo.

What a beautiful post! Thank you, beautress.

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