Atheism Is Not A Religion!!!

There you go again with silly analogies, likely generated by your observance of the dogma of the Atheist Pope Dawkins. Not one of the things you use in the silly analogies has any significant resemblance to God. They are just imaginary physical creatures and things that exist in individual minds only.

This might help: Structure of Intelligence Chapter 6 - Analogy
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Atheism CAN be a religion if the tenets of atheism are followed religiously.

Well no, atheism cannot be a religion. There are no specific tenets for atheists.

I think the point is, atheism can become the focus of a religion - you can build tenets, dogma and a belief system around rejection of theism. But that doesn't make the general concept of atheism a religion, any more than building a religion around sex would make all sexual activity a religion.

Atheism CAN be a religion if the tenets of atheism are followed religiously.

Well no, atheism cannot be a religion. There are no specific tenets for atheists.

I think the point is, atheism can become the focus of a religion - you can build tenets, dogma and a belief system around rejection of theism. But that doesn't make the general concept of atheism a religion, any more than building a religion around sex would make all sexual activity a religion.

So, people actually build tenets, dogma and a belief system around the rejection of Bigfoot?
There you go again with silly analogies, likely generated by your observance of the dogma of the Atheist Pope Dawkins. Not one of the things you use in the silly analogies has any significant resemblance to God. They are just imaginary physical creatures and things that exist in individual minds only.

Sounds to me like you're a religious atheist. Thanks for making my point.
Perhaps you have me confused with someone that believes God does not exist.
Atheism CAN be a religion if the tenets of atheism are followed religiously.

Well no, atheism cannot be a religion. There are no specific tenets for atheists.

I think the point is, atheism can become the focus of a religion - you can build tenets, dogma and a belief system around rejection of theism. But that doesn't make the general concept of atheism a religion, any more than building a religion around sex would make all sexual activity a religion.

So, people actually build tenets, dogma and a belief system around the rejection of Bigfoot?

Some may very well do just that. The world is full of religions. Some spend their entire life diligently trying to prove that God doesn't exist. It's an obsession with many. For them, the rejection of God IS a religion. They read anti-God books; they think anti-God thoughts; the preach anti-God messages; and some even go so far as to purposely live in a manner that's diametrically opposed to the written Word of God.
That has been part of my argument here. Just because the religion of Atheism exists does not mean that all Atheists are religious.

I think that maybe one unwarranted fear in the Atheist's mind is that defining Atheism as a religion makes him/her a religious person. It does not. Other than some rituals such as baptisms, believing in the things that any religion does makes you a follower or member of that religion.

It is only when you act on those beliefs that you become "religious".
"FIRST: Religious humanists regard the universe as self-existing and not created."

"EIGHTH: Religious Humanism considers the complete realization of human personality to be the end of man's life and seeks its development and fulfillment in the here and now. This is the explanation of the humanist's social passion."

Humanist Manifesto I

Sorry you religious atheists. If you don't want to be seen as a religion then stop defining yourselves as such.

'The philosophy or life stance of secular humanism (alternatively known by some adherents as Humanism, specifically with a capital H to distinguish it from other forms of humanism) embraces human reason, ethics, and philosophical naturalism while specifically rejecting religious dogma, supernaturalism, pseudoscience, or superstition as the basis of morality and decision making."

Secular humanism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
There you go again with silly analogies, likely generated by your observance of the dogma of the Atheist Pope Dawkins. Not one of the things you use in the silly analogies has any significant resemblance to God. They are just imaginary physical creatures and things that exist in individual minds only.

This might help: Structure of Intelligence Chapter 6 - Analogy
You got your quotes phucked up.

Thanks. Corrected. Now...

Take my stinging retort like a man! ;)
Atheism CAN be a religion if the tenets of atheism are followed religiously.

Well no, atheism cannot be a religion. There are no specific tenets for atheists.

I think the point is, atheism can become the focus of a religion - you can build tenets, dogma and a belief system around rejection of theism. But that doesn't make the general concept of atheism a religion, any more than building a religion around sex would make all sexual activity a religion.

So, people actually build tenets, dogma and a belief system around the rejection of Bigfoot?

Some may very well do just that. The world is full of religions. Some spend their entire life diligently trying to prove that God doesn't exist. It's an obsession with many. For them, the rejection of God IS a religion. They read anti-God books; they think anti-God thoughts; the preach anti-God messages; and some even go so far as to purposely live in a manner that's diametrically opposed to the written Word of God.
You mean like not owning slaves and wearing more than one type of cloth. Oh no, the horror.
Atheism CAN be a religion if the tenets of atheism are followed religiously.

That's not Christianity. Those were the requirements of the Old Covenant which ultimately didn't work out for the Israelites. They aren't required under the New Covenant written in the blood of Jesus Christ.

Well no, atheism cannot be a religion. There are no specific tenets for atheists.

I think the point is, atheism can become the focus of a religion - you can build tenets, dogma and a belief system around rejection of theism. But that doesn't make the general concept of atheism a religion, any more than building a religion around sex would make all sexual activity a religion.

So, people actually build tenets, dogma and a belief system around the rejection of Bigfoot?

Some may very well do just that. The world is full of religions. Some spend their entire life diligently trying to prove that God doesn't exist. It's an obsession with many. For them, the rejection of God IS a religion. They read anti-God books; they think anti-God thoughts; the preach anti-God messages; and some even go so far as to purposely live in a manner that's diametrically opposed to the written Word of God.
You mean like not owning slaves and wearing more than one type of cloth. Oh no, the horror.
Atheism CAN be a religion if the tenets of atheism are followed religiously.

Well no, atheism cannot be a religion. There are no specific tenets for atheists.

I think the point is, atheism can become the focus of a religion - you can build tenets, dogma and a belief system around rejection of theism. But that doesn't make the general concept of atheism a religion, any more than building a religion around sex would make all sexual activity a religion.


DriftingSand. Can I PM you ?
Steven Hales is taking this in the wrong direction at every turn. Here is one false example he portrays.

1. If unicorns had existed, then there is evidence
in the fossil record.

2. There is no evidence of unicorns in the fossil

3. Therefore, unicorns never existed.

It should be
Person 1 states "Unicorns exist"
Person 2 states "Unicorns do not exist"
Person 1 States "Then prove they don't exist"

Why do you get to define the parameters of logic when they were already defined before you came along? Proving a negative is pretty easy, if you know how to think.

For example, I can prove that the universe is not deterministic, even though cause and effect exist. This can easily be demonstrated by the various experiments regarding the evolution of single celled organisms and how they adapt to new environments.

You are 100% wrong about this, you should just shut up.
Prove that all the other gods ever described don't exist. Either you believe in all of them or show me proof that they do not exist. I love using people's own argument against them. Oh and until you provide proof, shut up.
Atheism CAN be a religion if the tenets of atheism are followed religiously.

Well no, atheism cannot be a religion. There are no specific tenets for atheists.

I think the point is, atheism can become the focus of a religion - you can build tenets, dogma and a belief system around rejection of theism. But that doesn't make the general concept of atheism a religion, any more than building a religion around sex would make all sexual activity a religion.

So, people actually build tenets, dogma and a belief system around the rejection of Bigfoot?
There you go again with silly analogies, likely generated by your observance of the dogma of the Atheist Pope Dawkins. Not one of the things you use in the silly analogies has any significant resemblance to God. They are just imaginary physical creatures and things that exist in individual minds only.

There you go again, being completely wrong. Actually, you're again confusing your religion with my non religion. I think there's just as much of a chance we'll be able to prove Bigfoot exists, as we are that God exists...two imaginary creatures that exist in the mind only.
Atheism CAN be a religion if the tenets of atheism are followed religiously.

Well no, atheism cannot be a religion. There are no specific tenets for atheists.

I think the point is, atheism can become the focus of a religion - you can build tenets, dogma and a belief system around rejection of theism. But that doesn't make the general concept of atheism a religion, any more than building a religion around sex would make all sexual activity a religion.

So, people actually build tenets, dogma and a belief system around the rejection of Bigfoot?
There you go again with silly analogies, likely generated by your observance of the dogma of the Atheist Pope Dawkins. Not one of the things you use in the silly analogies has any significant resemblance to God. They are just imaginary physical creatures and things that exist in individual minds only.

Sounds to me like you're a religious atheist. Thanks for making my point.

Couldn't come up with any, huh? Just like the clicking noises your keyboard makes? There's no such thing as a religious atheist.
Well no, atheism cannot be a religion. There are no specific tenets for atheists.

I think the point is, atheism can become the focus of a religion - you can build tenets, dogma and a belief system around rejection of theism. But that doesn't make the general concept of atheism a religion, any more than building a religion around sex would make all sexual activity a religion.

So, people actually build tenets, dogma and a belief system around the rejection of Bigfoot?

Some may very well do just that. The world is full of religions. Some spend their entire life diligently trying to prove that God doesn't exist. It's an obsession with many. For them, the rejection of God IS a religion. They read anti-God books; they think anti-God thoughts; the preach anti-God messages; and some even go so far as to purposely live in a manner that's diametrically opposed to the written Word of God.

There may be many religions, but atheism isn't one of them.

Who are these "many" people you speak of?

Read Humanist Manifesto 1. They refer to themselves as "religious Humanists." Yup ... it's a fact.

That's a contradiction in terms.
Atheism CAN be a religion if the tenets of atheism are followed religiously.

Well no, atheism cannot be a religion. There are no specific tenets for atheists.

I think the point is, atheism can become the focus of a religion - you can build tenets, dogma and a belief system around rejection of theism. But that doesn't make the general concept of atheism a religion, any more than building a religion around sex would make all sexual activity a religion.

So, people actually build tenets, dogma and a belief system around the rejection of Bigfoot?

Some may very well do just that. The world is full of religions. Some spend their entire life diligently trying to prove that God doesn't exist. It's an obsession with many. For them, the rejection of God IS a religion. They read anti-God books; they think anti-God thoughts; the preach anti-God messages; and some even go so far as to purposely live in a manner that's diametrically opposed to the written Word of God.

What are anti god thoughts? Seems to me every day I hear Christians admitting that they are and will never be perfect and that's why Jesus died for them. Sort of a free pass to continue having those sick thoughts.

The only thing I say that is anti god is that there is no god. I don't preach rape, lying, stealing, fucking your neighbors wife.

Oh do you mean gay sex or pro choice? Well we don't have a problem with gay sex or abortion because there is no god.

Notice the things that you say are anti god are also legal? That's why we don't care what your religion says or thinks. We have laws. We are a secular "atheist" society in that respect.
Well no, atheism cannot be a religion. There are no specific tenets for atheists.

I think the point is, atheism can become the focus of a religion - you can build tenets, dogma and a belief system around rejection of theism. But that doesn't make the general concept of atheism a religion, any more than building a religion around sex would make all sexual activity a religion.

So, people actually build tenets, dogma and a belief system around the rejection of Bigfoot?
There you go again with silly analogies, likely generated by your observance of the dogma of the Atheist Pope Dawkins. Not one of the things you use in the silly analogies has any significant resemblance to God. They are just imaginary physical creatures and things that exist in individual minds only.

Sounds to me like you're a religious atheist. Thanks for making my point.

Couldn't come up with any, huh? Just like the clicking noises your keyboard makes? There's no such thing as a religious atheist.

Maybe a militant atheist but not a religious one.

And notice a "militant" atheist is one who passionately debates a theist that there is no god, god is unnecessary and in a lot of cases god is not good for people. Just look at the Muslims in Syria and Iraq. How's god doing for them?

We don't bomb churches or start wars over there being no god.
I think the point is, atheism can become the focus of a religion - you can build tenets, dogma and a belief system around rejection of theism. But that doesn't make the general concept of atheism a religion, any more than building a religion around sex would make all sexual activity a religion.

So, people actually build tenets, dogma and a belief system around the rejection of Bigfoot?
There you go again with silly analogies, likely generated by your observance of the dogma of the Atheist Pope Dawkins. Not one of the things you use in the silly analogies has any significant resemblance to God. They are just imaginary physical creatures and things that exist in individual minds only.

Sounds to me like you're a religious atheist. Thanks for making my point.

Couldn't come up with any, huh? Just like the clicking noises your keyboard makes? There's no such thing as a religious atheist.

Maybe a militant atheist but not a religious one.

And notice a "militant" atheist is one who passionately debates a theist that there is no god, god is unnecessary and in a lot of cases god is not good for people. Just look at the Muslims in Syria and Iraq. How's god doing for them?

We don't bomb churches or start wars over there being no god.

I have no proof, one way or another. I simply do not believe in God, and I reject the literal interpretation of the Bible.

You can't twist that into a religion. :biggrin:
I think the point is, atheism can become the focus of a religion - you can build tenets, dogma and a belief system around rejection of theism. But that doesn't make the general concept of atheism a religion, any more than building a religion around sex would make all sexual activity a religion.

So, people actually build tenets, dogma and a belief system around the rejection of Bigfoot?
There you go again with silly analogies, likely generated by your observance of the dogma of the Atheist Pope Dawkins. Not one of the things you use in the silly analogies has any significant resemblance to God. They are just imaginary physical creatures and things that exist in individual minds only.

Sounds to me like you're a religious atheist. Thanks for making my point.

Couldn't come up with any, huh? Just like the clicking noises your keyboard makes? There's no such thing as a religious atheist.

Maybe a militant atheist but not a religious one.

And notice a "militant" atheist is one who passionately debates a theist that there is no god, god is unnecessary and in a lot of cases god is not good for people. Just look at the Muslims in Syria and Iraq. How's god doing for them?

We don't bomb churches or start wars over there being no god.

God is necessary if you seek eternal life in His Kingdom. If that doesn't interest you then He's allowed you to reject Him. You may want to stock up on plenty of sun block.
So, people actually build tenets, dogma and a belief system around the rejection of Bigfoot?
There you go again with silly analogies, likely generated by your observance of the dogma of the Atheist Pope Dawkins. Not one of the things you use in the silly analogies has any significant resemblance to God. They are just imaginary physical creatures and things that exist in individual minds only.

Sounds to me like you're a religious atheist. Thanks for making my point.

Couldn't come up with any, huh? Just like the clicking noises your keyboard makes? There's no such thing as a religious atheist.

Maybe a militant atheist but not a religious one.

And notice a "militant" atheist is one who passionately debates a theist that there is no god, god is unnecessary and in a lot of cases god is not good for people. Just look at the Muslims in Syria and Iraq. How's god doing for them?

We don't bomb churches or start wars over there being no god.

I have no proof, one way or another. I simply do not believe in God, and I reject the literal interpretation of the Bible.

You can't twist that into a religion. :biggrin:

I love it when theists get excited when we admit that we can not know 100% for sure there is no god. For us to know that we would have to be gods ourselves and be able to see in every corner of the universe and beyond to know if there is an invisible man hiding inside black holes.

But they do say they know 100% there is a god because he visited Adam, Moses, Noah & Jesus. In other words they believe a lie is a fact.

This is why we say we are atheists when we really are agnostic atheists. Because as far as the bible stories go, that we are certain is bullshit.

Big diff between generic god and Jesus/Mohammad god. I'm an atheist when it comes to Jesus and Mo, an agnostic atheist when it comes to some generic force that people say must have created us. I don't think there is one but I can't know for sure so I lean towards atheists.

No, this isn't religious thinking. This is phylisophical debate.
So, people actually build tenets, dogma and a belief system around the rejection of Bigfoot?
There you go again with silly analogies, likely generated by your observance of the dogma of the Atheist Pope Dawkins. Not one of the things you use in the silly analogies has any significant resemblance to God. They are just imaginary physical creatures and things that exist in individual minds only.

Sounds to me like you're a religious atheist. Thanks for making my point.

Couldn't come up with any, huh? Just like the clicking noises your keyboard makes? There's no such thing as a religious atheist.

Maybe a militant atheist but not a religious one.

And notice a "militant" atheist is one who passionately debates a theist that there is no god, god is unnecessary and in a lot of cases god is not good for people. Just look at the Muslims in Syria and Iraq. How's god doing for them?

We don't bomb churches or start wars over there being no god.

God is necessary if you seek eternal life in His Kingdom. If that doesn't interest you then He's allowed you to reject Him. You may want to stock up on plenty of sun block.

Wow, your God is scary. He/She doesn't sound very loving. Why would I want to worship something like that?

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