At what point does the President admit that he is a fail?


Locked Account.
Jun 28, 2009
Mansion in Ravi's Head
You don't hear much about this, but the chance still exists.

Sooner or later even this delusional President is going to have to come to grips with his own ineptitude.

If and when he finally admits (first to himself) that he is a massive fail as President, is there any chance that he will do the right thing and decide NOT to seek re-election?

I mean, sure. He's a narcissist. But even so: who thinks that he might pull an LBJ and someday announce that he will not seek a second term?
You don't hear much about this, but the chance still exists.

Sooner or later even this delusional President is going to have to come to grips with his own ineptitude.

If and when he finally admits (first to himself) that he is a massive fail as President, is there any chance that he will do the right thing and decide NOT to seek re-election?

I mean, sure. He's a narcissist. But even so: who thinks that he might pull an LBJ and someday announce that he will not seek a second term?

What does George Soros say?
You don't hear much about this, but the chance still exists.

Sooner or later even this delusional President is going to have to come to grips with his own ineptitude.

If and when he finally admits (first to himself) that he is a massive fail as President, is there any chance that he will do the right thing and decide NOT to seek re-election?

I mean, sure. He's a narcissist. But even so: who thinks that he might pull an LBJ and someday announce that he will not seek a second term?

What does George Soros say?

Deep pockets do have a way of talking.
Jimmy Carter still blames others for his own failures. Obama is a worse narcissist than Jimmy. Hell, he blames his current failures on ATM machines and Japanese typhoons. Why do you think he will announce anythng different?
Jimmy Carter still blames others for his own failures. Obama is a worse narcissist than Jimmy. Hell, he blames his current failures on ATM machines and Japanese typhoons. Why do you think he will announce anythng different?

I am not sure that I DO think he ever will.

I just think it is a possibility.

Perhaps his narcissism will lead him to seek to avoid a public thumping on Election Day.

When you see public polls declaring voter regret ("damn, I wish I had voted for Hillary Clinton in the primaries" type stuff from remorseful Democratics) and when you see The NY Slimes publicly addressing the huge doubts about his President's re-electability this far in advance of even the Primary season, I do see some potential for him to be gently shown the door.
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Jimmy Carter still blames others for his own failures. Obama is a worse narcissist than Jimmy. Hell, he blames his current failures on ATM machines and Japanese typhoons. Why do you think he will announce anythng different?

I am not sure that I DO think he ever will.

I just think it is a possibility.

Perhaps his narcissism will lead him to seek to avoid a public thumping on Election Day.

When you see public polls declaring voter regret ("damn, I wish I had voted for Hillary Clinto in the primaries" type stuff from remorseful Democratics) and when you see The NY Slimes publicly addressing the huge doubts about his President's re-electability this far in advance of even the Primary season, I do see some potential for him to be gently shown the door.

The Party sees this train wreck coming and they are powerless to stop it. There is not another Democratic candidate to take Obama's place. Obama's strategy is to propose his stupid "jobs' bill and then blame the GOP for the bad economy when they fail to pass it. It is typically cynical and weak.

Of course the Dems deserve this richly. Nancy Pelosi told them Americans would eat up free health care and assure the party dominance for years and like fools they believed her.
Obama will never ever in a gazillion years admit that he is a failure. He will go to his grave (and beyond) blaming BOOOOSSSHHHH, the GOP, bitter bible gun clingers, private jet owners, Billionaire-Millionaires, the GOP, Congress, Big Corporations, Wall St., and pretty much all of humanity for not cooperating in violating the laws of physics, economics, history and other measures of reality to conform the Universe to His Will.
Jimmy Carter still blames others for his own failures. Obama is a worse narcissist than Jimmy. Hell, he blames his current failures on ATM machines and Japanese typhoons. Why do you think he will announce anythng different?

I am not sure that I DO think he ever will.

I just think it is a possibility.

Perhaps his narcissism will lead him to seek to avoid a public thumping on Election Day.

When you see public polls declaring voter regret ("damn, I wish I had voted for Hillary Clinto in the primaries" type stuff from remorseful Democratics) and when you see The NY Slimes publicly addressing the huge doubts about his President's re-electability this far in advance of even the Primary season, I do see some potential for him to be gently shown the door.
Can you define narcissism for the rest of us "Libs?"
Obama will never ever in a gazillion years admit that he is a failure. He will go to his grave (and beyond) blaming BOOOOSSSHHHH, the GOP, bitter bible gun clingers, private jet owners, Billionaire-Millionaires, the GOP, Congress, Big Corporations, Wall St., and pretty much all of humanity for not cooperating in violating the laws of physics, economics, history and other measures of reality to conform the Universe to His Will.

But if the Party Elders talk gently to HIS Ego, and the ONE does get politely shown the door, maybe HE needs a graceful way to announce HIS exit?

I propose that HE declare that HE has a burning desire to retire to his Texas ranch to clear brush.
Jimmy Carter still blames others for his own failures. Obama is a worse narcissist than Jimmy. Hell, he blames his current failures on ATM machines and Japanese typhoons. Why do you think he will announce anythng different?

I am not sure that I DO think he ever will.

I just think it is a possibility.

Perhaps his narcissism will lead him to seek to avoid a public thumping on Election Day.

When you see public polls declaring voter regret ("damn, I wish I had voted for Hillary Clinto in the primaries" type stuff from remorseful Democratics) and when you see The NY Slimes publicly addressing the huge doubts about his President's re-electability this far in advance of even the Primary season, I do see some potential for him to be gently shown the door.
Can you define narcissism for the rest of us "Libs?"

Sure. Google is your friend, dopey.
1. inordinate fascination with oneself; excessive self-love; vanity.
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Obama will never ever in a gazillion years admit that he is a failure. He will go to his grave (and beyond) blaming BOOOOSSSHHHH, the GOP, bitter bible gun clingers, private jet owners, Billionaire-Millionaires, the GOP, Congress, Big Corporations, Wall St., and pretty much all of humanity for not cooperating in violating the laws of physics, economics, history and other measures of reality to conform the Universe to His Will.

But if the Party Elders talk gently to HIS Ego, and the ONE does get politely shown the door, maybe HE needs a graceful way to announce HIS exit?

I propose that HE declare that HE has a burning desire to retire to his Texas ranch to clear brush.

...or his Kenyan roots.
Obama will never ever in a gazillion years admit that he is a failure. He will go to his grave (and beyond) blaming BOOOOSSSHHHH, the GOP, bitter bible gun clingers, private jet owners, Billionaire-Millionaires, the GOP, Congress, Big Corporations, Wall St., and pretty much all of humanity for not cooperating in violating the laws of physics, economics, history and other measures of reality to conform the Universe to His Will.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, come on!......It's all "bad luck", DAMMIT!:evil:
You don't hear much about this, but the chance still exists.

Sooner or later even this delusional President is going to have to come to grips with his own ineptitude.

If and when he finally admits (first to himself) that he is a massive fail as President, is there any chance that he will do the right thing and decide NOT to seek re-election?

I mean, sure. He's a narcissist. But even so: who thinks that he might pull an LBJ and someday announce that he will not seek a second term?

What does George Soros say?

Deep pockets do have a way of talking.
But even deep pockets eventually cut thier losses.
You don't hear much about this, but the chance still exists.

Sooner or later even this delusional President is going to have to come to grips with his own ineptitude.

If and when he finally admits (first to himself) that he is a massive fail as President, is there any chance that he will do the right thing and decide NOT to seek re-election?

I mean, sure. He's a narcissist. But even so: who thinks that he might pull an LBJ and someday announce that he will not seek a second term?

I don't think there's even a remote change that O is going to not seek re-election.
You don't hear much about this, but the chance still exists.

Sooner or later even this delusional President is going to have to come to grips with his own ineptitude.

If and when he finally admits (first to himself) that he is a massive fail as President, is there any chance that he will do the right thing and decide NOT to seek re-election?

I mean, sure. He's a narcissist. But even so: who thinks that he might pull an LBJ and someday announce that he will not seek a second term?

Obama admitting he is a failure is as likely as you being Spartacus...Which we know you cannot be.....:up:

BTW....Long are things with you?
Maybe after you admit that this thread is a fail
Jimmy Carter still blames others for his own failures. Obama is a worse narcissist than Jimmy. Hell, he blames his current failures on ATM machines and Japanese typhoons. Why do you think he will announce anythng different?

I am not sure that I DO think he ever will.

I just think it is a possibility.

Perhaps his narcissism will lead him to seek to avoid a public thumping on Election Day.

When you see public polls declaring voter regret ("damn, I wish I had voted for Hillary Clinto in the primaries" type stuff from remorseful Democratics) and when you see The NY Slimes publicly addressing the huge doubts about his President's re-electability this far in advance of even the Primary season, I do see some potential for him to be gently shown the door.
Can you define narcissism for the rest of us "Libs?"

You have to look it up as "dog whistle for uppity"...
If he is such a big "failure" the ballot box will decide.


These calls of "resignation" go nicely along with the Right wings method of dealing with a Democratic President. Nullification of the popular vote.

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