Astonishing Tales Of How The United States And India Are Intertwined


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
The U.S.
I came across this fascinating article. You will be surprised to know the Indian connection to national anthem of the US. Also, there are some other interesting pieces of information such as origin of Yale College.


The Wadia family in India built the HMS Minden, a 74-gun teakwood boat on which attorney Francis Scott Key was held prisoner by the British in Chesapeake Bay on one rainy September night during the War of 1812. In America, everyone knows that as he watched the lone American flag fly atop Ft. McHenry, Key penned a poem which we call the Star Spangled Banner, our national anthem. Today the Wadia (boatman) family, descendants of Persian refugees to India, runs Bombay Dyeing, a textile company and GoAir, an airline.

India Inside Astonishing Tales of How the United States and India Are Intertwined Gunjan Bagla
Our Founding Fathers were a unique group of learned and principled individuals who borrowed from numerous sources to create a new country out of whole cloth.

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