Assuming Zimmerman Not Guilty.Then What?Flash Mobs 2.0?Armed Convenient Store Clerks?

One Zombie claimed this is racism if they don't throw Zimmerman in prison.. If that's the case, YOU IDIOT, then your entire argument shows BLACKS are most racist up against crime statistics. You race pimps cherry pick ONE incident that you think the media has your back on and run with it..

The “New Century Foundation” studies Federal crime reports, and found significant differences in crime ratio between races, verified by the FBI’s NCVS, National Crime Victimization Survey, and The Department of Justice’s UCR, Uniform Crime Reports, FBI Communication’s Division, 304-625-4995.

They state emphatically that the Judicial System is not biased against minorities.

Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.

Blacks are three times more likely to use a hand gun, and twice more likely to use a knife.

Hispanics commit three times more violent crimes than whites, but the statistics are nebulous because sometimes they are classified as white, so it could be far higher.

The best indicator of violent crime levels in an area is the percent of the population that is black and Hispanic.

Blacks are 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against whites then vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit a robbery.
Forty-five percent of black crime is against whites, 43 against other blacks, and 10 percent against Hispanic.

Blacks are seven times more likely to go to prison, Hispanics three times, and the reason is clear, because from 1980 to 2003 the US incarceration rate has tripled, and so proves that Justice is not only hard won, but well served.
Federal Statistics of black on white violence, with links and mathematical extrapolation formulas. - Lafayette Political Buzz |
You run around screeching RACISM every single day and then wonder why people threaten to riot over race??

And this is the very core of the problem.

The PC Police find every last excuse to scream about racism and bring race into every last possible situation, whether it exists or not, creating three problems:

First, it dilutes the real racism that does exist.

Second, it puts blacks even more on edge from the real racism that does exist, creating a powder keg situation that doesn't need to be there.

Third, it creates animosity against blacks where it did not exist before, with whites growing more and more tired of being intimidated when race is brought into every last issue.

The race pimps and the division pimps keep it going because it's their livelihood. The PC Police keep it going because they have somehow convinced themselves that, despite all evidence to the contrary, it is "helping". There has never been a better example of the law of unintended consequences, and it's a damn shame to see it rip this country apart.



I never understood how those that continually bring race into every discussion do not realize that is exactly what creates racial division.

You are not born a racist, you are made a racist by having the race of other continually pointed out to you over and over and over and…
Facts SUCK, don't they?? Leftists want any excuse to push and PIMP racial divides.. FACTS and STATISTICS don't line up with their propaganda.. NEVER have and never will.
And this is the very core of the problem.

The PC Police find every last excuse to scream about racism and bring race into every last possible situation, whether it exists or not, creating three problems:

First, it dilutes the real racism that does exist.

Second, it puts blacks even more on edge from the real racism that does exist, creating a powder keg situation that doesn't need to be there.

Third, it creates animosity against blacks where it did not exist before, with whites growing more and more tired of being intimidated when race is brought into every last issue.

The race pimps and the division pimps keep it going because it's their livelihood. The PC Police keep it going because they have somehow convinced themselves that, despite all evidence to the contrary, it is "helping". There has never been a better example of the law of unintended consequences, and it's a damn shame to see it rip this country apart.


Trayvon was walking down the street, simply going home. No crime was being committed by him. Zimmerman gets on the horn and calls the cops because of this.

If that's not racism, then racism does not exist.

That's your skewed perception and quite frankly coming from a lying leftist, it doesn't mean shit. We have to abide by the SCOTUS decision on same sex marriage.. GUESS WHAT BUFFOON? The same applies to you liberal dickheads who think when you don't get your way it's ok to commit crimes and tear people's shit up, bully people, threaten people.. WRONG ANSWER.

When did I argue that rioting is okay? I'm simply asking that you conservatives stop calling the cops when you see a black person walking down the street. That's not too much to ask. If Zimmerman had simply waited to see if Martin committed some crime, he'd be free, and Martin would be alive. Stop being racists like Zimmerman was.
Trayvon was walking down the street, simply going home. No crime was being committed by him. Zimmerman gets on the horn and calls the cops because of this.

If that's not racism, then racism does not exist.

That's your skewed perception and quite frankly coming from a lying leftist, it doesn't mean shit. We have to abide by the SCOTUS decision on same sex marriage.. GUESS WHAT BUFFOON? The same applies to you liberal dickheads who think when you don't get your way it's ok to commit crimes and tear people's shit up, bully people, threaten people.. WRONG ANSWER.

When did I argue that rioting is okay? I'm simply asking that you conservatives stop calling the cops when you see a black person walking down the street. That's not too much to ask. If Zimmerman had simply waited to see if Martin committed some crime, he'd be free, and Martin would be alive. Stop being racists like Zimmerman was.

Show us the statistics on conservatives calling the cops the moment a black person is on a street???? DON'T TELL ME, SHOW ME.. Put up or shut up RACE PIMP. lol
Trayvon was walking down the street, simply going home. No crime was being committed by him. Zimmerman gets on the horn and calls the cops because of this.

If that's not racism, then racism does not exist.

That's your skewed perception and quite frankly coming from a lying leftist, it doesn't mean shit. We have to abide by the SCOTUS decision on same sex marriage.. GUESS WHAT BUFFOON? The same applies to you liberal dickheads who think when you don't get your way it's ok to commit crimes and tear people's shit up, bully people, threaten people.. WRONG ANSWER.

When did I argue that rioting is okay? I'm simply asking that you conservatives stop calling the cops when you see a black person walking down the street. That's not too much to ask. If Zimmerman had simply waited to see if Martin committed some crime, he'd be free, and Martin would be alive. Stop being racists like Zimmerman was.

I would ask that you just consider the possibility that the current racial environment that I described contributes to decisions such as Zimmerman's.

That's my point.

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That's your skewed perception and quite frankly coming from a lying leftist, it doesn't mean shit. We have to abide by the SCOTUS decision on same sex marriage.. GUESS WHAT BUFFOON? The same applies to you liberal dickheads who think when you don't get your way it's ok to commit crimes and tear people's shit up, bully people, threaten people.. WRONG ANSWER.

When did I argue that rioting is okay? I'm simply asking that you conservatives stop calling the cops when you see a black person walking down the street. That's not too much to ask. If Zimmerman had simply waited to see if Martin committed some crime, he'd be free, and Martin would be alive. Stop being racists like Zimmerman was.

I would ask that you just consider the possibility that the current racial environment that I described contributes to decisions such as Zimmerman's.

That's my point.


I have considered it, and remain unconvinced.

Stop doing racist things instead. Like calling the cops on black kids walking down the street. That's the best way to decrease racism, and charges of racism.

The roly poly 30 year old community college student Zimmerman made a string of poor decisions that night, starting with calling the cops on someone for walking down the street. He is entirely to blame for his predicament.
When did I argue that rioting is okay? I'm simply asking that you conservatives stop calling the cops when you see a black person walking down the street. That's not too much to ask. If Zimmerman had simply waited to see if Martin committed some crime, he'd be free, and Martin would be alive. Stop being racists like Zimmerman was.

Of course, Zimmerman was not a con but don’t let that stop you from making this some sort of bullshit partisan point…
I can't wait until Sharpton's followers riot

The sad part is that they are too stupid to realize that this isn't Rodney King. This is post 911 police state America and the powesr that be are field stripping their AR's, M16's, Glock 9's etc and chomping at the bit to put anyone down.

That black uncle tom in the white house won't be coming to their aid.

I'm just going to sit back, laugh, puke, and eventually cry.

Obama's last act will undoubtedly be throwing the african american people under the bus. In many ways he already has by not warning them about the race war they may be facing in the future.

I'm not sure how or when the Mexican Mafia became arch enemies of the african american leaders in America but they are and it is no small thing. ( Al Sharpton is afraid to even say Zimmerman and Latino in the same sentence )

The beginning of the conflict was Mexican Mafia orders to MS13 gangs and other Latino gangs to wage war on the African American gangs. This probably started in prison a couple of decades ago. Then it spilled over into civilian population. Add to this Obama trying to set up the cartels to turn on each other with the Fast and Furious Gun Runner scandal - where the cartels had one of their own go on youtube and out Eric Holder and Obama. ( you have to admit THAT was funny )

The only people the Mexican Mafia seems to hate more than the African American people are law enforcement, HLS, Military higher ups such as the Pentagon because they used the Mexican people for frontlines in wars but refused to give them citizenship. Had Obama really wanted to give the Mexican people citizenship he would have done it during his first term in office or prior to his re-election. There is no reason for him to do it now as the chatter from SA Cartels claim he has no intention of leaving!

I believe that is why the Obama administration tried to compensate them by giving the illegals aliens tax returns on money they didn't earn. They could claim as many relatives as they wanted back in Mexico, etc. It seems that made some of the Latino gangs even more angry as they believe the Obama Administration was trying to buy them off.

If there is ever a race war in the United States of America it will be between the African American race and the Latino race and the sad part is the African American people have no idea the Mexican cartels feel this way about them because the past three adminstrations have told HLS to keep it a secret and not inform the American people about what was going on. Now that it is out of control with Mexican Mafia driving out african americans from neighborhoods in the USA the truth is coming to the surface and many are wondering, when did this all of this begin?

I asked someone in the military about it yesterday and he said he believes it got started during the Viet Nam war and the Mexicans never forgot about it. Evidently the Mexicans were treated very badly and that was when the bad blood started.

If it were a matter of a race war between white people and african american I doubt it would be but an isolated incident here or there. I believe there is far more unity than disunity between races here in America.

But if we are speaking about Latino gangs vs african americans - it could go far beyond that. Let's hope everyone stays calm after Zimmerman trial - I believe the saying, Whatsoever a man sows that also shall he reap is about to become a reality in more than one way.
Let's hope everyone stays calm after Zimmerman trial - I believe the saying, Whatsoever a man sows that also shall he reap is about to become a reality in more than one way.

The PC Police and the race pimps have American blacks so angry and on edge that violence is certainly not out of the question. Let's keep our fingers crossed - if Zimmerman's verdict is not acceptable, whatever that is, hopefully cooler heads will prevail.

You run around screeching RACISM every single day and then wonder why people threaten to riot over race??

And this is the very core of the problem.

The PC Police find every last excuse to scream about racism and bring race into every last possible situation, whether it exists or not, creating three problems:

First, it dilutes the real racism that does exist.

Second, it puts blacks even more on edge from the real racism that does exist, creating a powder keg situation that doesn't need to be there.

Third, it creates animosity against blacks where it did not exist before, with whites growing more and more tired of being intimidated when race is brought into every last issue.

The race pimps and the division pimps keep it going because it's their livelihood. The PC Police keep it going because they have somehow convinced themselves that, despite all evidence to the contrary, it is "helping". There has never been a better example of the law of unintended consequences, and it's a damn shame to see it rip this country apart.


Trayvon was walking down the street, simply going home. No crime was being committed by him. Zimmerman gets on the horn and calls the cops because of this.

If that's not racism, then racism does not exist.

He wasn't going home. He was not a familiar face in the community. He was walking in the rain. Zimmerman didn't call because Martin was black.
And this is the very core of the problem.

The PC Police find every last excuse to scream about racism and bring race into every last possible situation, whether it exists or not, creating three problems:

First, it dilutes the real racism that does exist.

Second, it puts blacks even more on edge from the real racism that does exist, creating a powder keg situation that doesn't need to be there.

Third, it creates animosity against blacks where it did not exist before, with whites growing more and more tired of being intimidated when race is brought into every last issue.

The race pimps and the division pimps keep it going because it's their livelihood. The PC Police keep it going because they have somehow convinced themselves that, despite all evidence to the contrary, it is "helping". There has never been a better example of the law of unintended consequences, and it's a damn shame to see it rip this country apart.


Trayvon was walking down the street, simply going home. No crime was being committed by him. Zimmerman gets on the horn and calls the cops because of this.

If that's not racism, then racism does not exist.

He wasn't going home. He was not a familiar face in the community. He was walking in the rain. Zimmerman didn't call because Martin was black.
Didn't they find a "slim jim" in the area where Trayvon was hiding?
Who walks to the store in the rain to buy some Skittles for a brother and doesn't even go directly home?
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Trayvon was walking down the street, simply going home. No crime was being committed by him. Zimmerman gets on the horn and calls the cops because of this.

If that's not racism, then racism does not exist.

No it is not racism. You are nuts.
You run around screeching RACISM every single day and then wonder why people threaten to riot over race??

And this is the very core of the problem.

The PC Police find every last excuse to scream about racism and bring race into every last possible situation, whether it exists or not, creating three problems:

First, it dilutes the real racism that does exist.

Second, it puts blacks even more on edge from the real racism that does exist, creating a powder keg situation that doesn't need to be there.

Third, it creates animosity against blacks where it did not exist before, with whites growing more and more tired of being intimidated when race is brought into every last issue.

The race pimps and the division pimps keep it going because it's their livelihood. The PC Police keep it going because they have somehow convinced themselves that, despite all evidence to the contrary, it is "helping". There has never been a better example of the law of unintended consequences, and it's a damn shame to see it rip this country apart.


It took me a while.....but I am now convinced.
Blaming the existence of racism on the people who are pointing out racism. It is a wonderful disconnect that some people have.

If people would only stop witnessing and then commenting on that which they see, no bad things will ever happen in life.

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