Assuming Zimmerman Not Guilty.Then What?Flash Mobs 2.0?Armed Convenient Store Clerks?

You run around screeching RACISM every single day and then wonder why people threaten to riot over race??

And this is the very core of the problem.

The PC Police find every last excuse to scream about racism and bring race into every last possible situation, whether it exists or not, creating three problems:

First, it dilutes the real racism that does exist.

Second, it puts blacks even more on edge from the real racism that does exist, creating a powder keg situation that doesn't need to be there.

Third, it creates animosity against blacks where it did not exist before, with whites growing more and more tired of being intimidated when race is brought into every last issue.

The race pimps and the division pimps keep it going because it's their livelihood. The PC Police keep it going because they have somehow convinced themselves that, despite all evidence to the contrary, it is "helping". There has never been a better example of the law of unintended consequences, and it's a damn shame to see it rip this country apart.



I never understood how those that continually bring race into every discussion do not realize that is exactly what creates racial division.

You are not born a racist, you are made a racist by having the race of other continually pointed out to you over and over and over and…

There are two groups of these people: The race pimps who have a vested interest in keeping blacks as angry as possible (Sharpton, Jackson, etc.); and the well-meaning (I think) people whose emotions on the topic of race have taken over, prohibiting them from recognizing the obvious unintended consequences of their "caring".

You're not going to talk either group out of their crusade, period. And worse, they only get stronger when they can use a case like this to their political advantage. Young Mr. Martin's memory is being used for racial, PC and political leverage, and I'll bet it works.

Blaming the existence of racism on the people who are pointing out racism. It is a wonderful disconnect that some people have.

If people would only stop witnessing and then commenting on that which they see, no bad things will ever happen in life.


Actually, no. It is being pointed out that consistently screaming racism without any real racism actually occurring, creating institutionalized racism by requiring one race be treated differently and dividing everything into race issues creates racism. But you knew that was what we were saying.
Blaming the existence of racism on the people who are pointing out racism. It is a wonderful disconnect that some people have.

If people would only stop witnessing and then commenting on that which they see, no bad things will ever happen in life.


Actually, no. It is being pointed out that consistently screaming racism without any real racism actually occurring, creating institutionalized racism by requiring one race be treated differently and dividing everything into race issues creates racism. But you knew that was what we were saying.

And how would all of this have played out if Zimmermans name was "Jose Miguel Gonzales"? would PMS-NBC be referring to him as a "White Hispanic"? would the trial be on TV?
Maybe they can hold off on the decision till after school starts, at least all the thugs will be in school, summer is the worst time to decide on this case. Thugs are bored now, they are just looking for something to do! they didn't seem very occupied when the cops were sent free after the Rodney King debacle.
Please......stop being ridiculous.

American minority citizens are capable of reasoned responses to things like this. The way that assholes like you speak of your fellow citizens is bullshit.
When Zimmerman is not convicted of any crimes, I will be carrying my weapon on my hip at all times for at least 72 hours.

I will be advising my son to not be going anywhere except work for those three days also. He's not 21 yet, so he doesn't have a license.

The White Right's racial paranoia at fever pitch.

I was alive and watching what happened in LA after the initial Rodney King trial.

Thanks to people like Obama, this has the makings to be even worse. It could be Nation wide.
When nothing happens, will you shut the fuck up?

Well did you see LA after the rodney king verdict?

did you see the black community after OJ got off?

we're talking about people who arent concerned with facts, which is why they vote for the same people you do.
When Zimmerman is not convicted of any crimes, I will be carrying my weapon on my hip at all times for at least 72 hours.

I will be advising my son to not be going anywhere except work for those three days also. He's not 21 yet, so he doesn't have a license.

The White Right's racial paranoia at fever pitch.

I was alive and watching what happened in LA after the initial Rodney King trial.

Thanks to people like Obama, this has the makings to be even worse. It could be Nation wide.

Will be nation wide as black youth unemployment rate is 40+ per cent. There's alot of pent up frustration and anger waiting to be misplaced on Zimmerman when it should be directed at Obie.
If some African Americans riot when George Zimmerman is found innocent, it will only cement the fact that they alone are the ones responsible for damaging any possibility of being treated with equality in America. They have been given the tools to succeed -and many have, but if the majority of the black community remains silent if there is a riot -it will be the same as condoning it. I really hope that stealing a new TV set is worth setting race relations back twenty years... It certainly doesn't seem like a fair trade to me.
You run around screeching RACISM every single day and then wonder why people threaten to riot over race??

And this is the very core of the problem.

The PC Police find every last excuse to scream about racism and bring race into every last possible situation, whether it exists or not, creating three problems:

First, it dilutes the real racism that does exist.

Second, it puts blacks even more on edge from the real racism that does exist, creating a powder keg situation that doesn't need to be there.

Third, it creates animosity against blacks where it did not exist before, with whites growing more and more tired of being intimidated when race is brought into every last issue.

The race pimps and the division pimps keep it going because it's their livelihood. The PC Police keep it going because they have somehow convinced themselves that, despite all evidence to the contrary, it is "helping". There has never been a better example of the law of unintended consequences, and it's a damn shame to see it rip this country apart.


Trayvon was walking down the street, simply going home. No crime was being committed by him. Zimmerman gets on the horn and calls the cops because of this.

If that's not racism, then racism does not exist.

What utter nonsense! If Martin had been been the neighborhood watch, and called the police on a suspicious Hispanic Zimmerman, would that be racism?

And, it Martin had just walked on home, like a sensible person, none of this would have happened.
What is important, as usual, we be lost.
There will be riots and lots of looting and their will be innocent white people who will be beaten etc.
What is important? is ALL THE MEDIA'S FAULT.
This event should never have gotten past the legal notices in the local newspaper, but because his last name was Zimmerman and there was confusion on the first reports that a white guy gunned down a black "kid' - the media jumped all over it.
So whatever happens in the aftermath - blame the media...again.

If Zimmerman were charged with manslaughter within a few days of the shooting, the media would not have HAD TO BE ALERTED to the suspected injustice.

Once the dude was let go.....and no charges became a story.

The media is driven by the dollar.....not by a racist agenda.

No innocent white people will be beaten

it wont be a safe week to be walking into the wrong neighborhood. wasn't there a payback incident in Virginia? two people got attacked by thugs because of this event?

If Zimmerman were charged with manslaughter within a few days of the shooting, the media would not have HAD TO BE ALERTED to the suspected injustice.

Once the dude was let go.....and no charges became a story.

The media is driven by the dollar.....not by a racist agenda.

No innocent white people will be beaten


That requires that you ignore the fact that tapes were specifically cut off to make him look racist, that he was reported as whit instead of Mexican and that the media tried everything they could to force race into this before any real racist connections could be shown.
Please......stop being ridiculous.

American minority citizens are capable of reasoned responses to things like this. The way that assholes like you speak of your fellow citizens is bullshit.

SOME people can. Others cannot. Have you missed the massive amounts of death threats and threats of violence that have surfaced over this? Some are going to use it aws an excuse, you can bet your ass on that.

I doubt it still get out of hand though – riots take more than this. LA was primed for it and would have broke with or without Rodney.
Z is not Mexican. he is a multiracial guy with the Peruvian mother and American father. Peruvian mother has a black mother of her own which makes Z a quarter black a quarter Latino and a half white

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