Assholes from cali breaking up Reno.


Gold Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2010
My daughter got a great lesson in the difference between progressive scum, and liberals.

Right now Reno is under curfew thanks to rioting in Reno. First time she has witnessed this sort of behavior so we have been watching and talking.

So thanks progressives, you lost another possible recruit tonight.
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Cali critters messing up your town? Who ya gonna call? RENO 911 !!!
My daughter got a great lesson in the difference between progressive scum, and liberals.

Right now Reno is under curfew thanks to rioting in Reno. First time she has witnessed this sort of behavior so we have been watching and talking.

So thanks progressives, you lost another possible recruit tonight.

Curfew and "stay at home" seem to be the answer to EVERYTHING in LaLa land... I thought Reno was still a responsible city...
Think about all the data that is going to be collected from these events. It might just be me to think this, but it seems this is a test run for future operations and the next false flag.



Let’s see what happens when the cops beat the charges…
Good on your daughter westwall!!

Progressives are total and undiluted scum!

Evil and disgusting scum.
Damn that progressive Teddy Roosevelt!

He was a REPUBLICAN....., for many years, even when he was a two term President.


He formed the Progressive Party in 1912 as a way to get around Howard Taft, a Republican Teddy himself originally endorsed to win the White House.
My daughter got a great lesson in the difference between progressive scum, and liberals.

Right now Reno is under curfew thanks to rioting in Reno. First time she has witnessed this sort of behavior so we have been watching and talking.

So thanks progressives, you lost another possible recruit tonight.

As they move from their bases in Democrat controlled cities people will start to fear and then respond. Hopefully a lesson learned.
My daughter got a great lesson in the difference between progressive scum, and liberals.

Right now Reno is under curfew thanks to rioting in Reno. First time she has witnessed this sort of behavior so we have been watching and talking.

So thanks progressives, you lost another possible recruit tonight.

Progtards never had a prayer with our children. They're viewing all this with disgust and contempt.

It's all how you raise them....and right now it's obvious a lot were not raised right
My daughter got a great lesson in the difference between progressive scum, and liberals.

Right now Reno is under curfew thanks to rioting in Reno. First time she has witnessed this sort of behavior so we have been watching and talking.

So thanks progressives, you lost another possible recruit tonight.

Curfew and "stay at home" seem to be the answer to EVERYTHING in LaLa land... I thought Reno was still a responsible city...

Nope. The progressive leadership alliance of Nevada has been subverting the city for 20 years.
Good on your daughter westwall!!

Progressives are total and undiluted scum!

Evil and disgusting scum.
Damn that progressive Teddy Roosevelt!

Yeah, no. That progressive party was a Party about individual responsibilities. The modern day progressive party is fascist.
Not me, but she is an impressionable 13 year old. She now understands that progressives are scumbags.

westwall it's a full time job so stay with it... I lost my daughter when she was in High School... Schools are breeding grounds for the looney left and she fell into the peer pressure that was applied by not only her friends but most of the teachers were union trolls preaching the DNC gospel... Now my son (13 months older than his sister) was a straight up Constitutional Conservative and still is... Couple of years ago my daughter and I didn't speak for 6 months or so because of a discussion re: the Second Amendment... She is close to 40 years old and as stubborn as her Dad... :dunno:

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