As Warned Months Ago, Lib Media / Dems Declaring Red Wave Shrinking - Only Way To Steal An Election

As I predicted months ago, Democrats are pushing rhe lib lie / propaganda that the Red Wave is shrinking as the election draws closer.

Latinos and blacks are fleeing the Democrat Party in record numbers.

Democrats are flleeing Biden, wanting nothing to do with him in their primaries.

Democrats are being roasted for their lying to the American people (what they are calling a 'Marketing Tool) by calling the NON-Inflation Reduction Green Fantasy Advancement Bill the 'Inflation Reduction Bill'...


There is no way to steal an election that is not even close. It has to be 'within striking distance', even if only reported as such in the fake news media and via Democrat word of mouth.

Before the election is here the Democrats and fake news media will declare, with the Democrats' / Biden's horrible record, that the Democrats are neck-and-neck with the GOP, if not ahead.

The groundwork for the next Dem steal is being laid now, just as predicted.

Biden isn’t running. This is going to come down to whether the Trump-endorsed candidates are as terrible as they appear to be. If the red wave doesn’t materialize, it won’t be because of cheating, but because their major qualification is how soft their lips were when they kissed Trump’s a**.
As I predicted months ago, Democrats are pushing rhe lib lie / propaganda that the Red Wave is shrinking as the election draws closer.

Latinos and blacks are fleeing the Democrat Party in record numbers.

Democrats are flleeing Biden, wanting nothing to do with him in their primaries.

Democrats are being roasted for their lying to the American people (what they are calling a 'Marketing Tool) by calling the NON-Inflation Reduction Green Fantasy Advancement Bill the 'Inflation Reduction Bill'...


There is no way to steal an election that is not even close. It has to be 'within striking distance', even if only reported as such in the fake news media and via Democrat word of mouth.

Before the election is here the Democrats and fake news media will declare, with the Democrats' / Biden's horrible record, that the Democrats are neck-and-neck with the GOP, if not ahead.

The groundwork for the next Dem steal is being laid now, just as predicted.

The only way they have a shot is to cheat again
The only way they have a shot is to cheat again
Oh, that's in place, buddy. If you believe that we cheated when your orange douche bag was in power, what makes you think we can't do it again with our guy in power?

My advice. Take election day off. We. Got. This.
Well done. have all the excuses lined up and ready for when your beloved party does not win as many seats as you think they should.

This is the new norm, any time your beloved candidate does not win, just claim there was cheating.
Gosh, owning the media, the crooked polls, and fooling even a few Republicans, people won't catch onto the attempted communistic society that has been propagandized and self-fulfilling prophecy-riddled to death, the Democrats will even be shocked when they see a free people be transformed for slavery rolls to the topcats in the DNC party, who will fight each other to the death to be top leader. I'm not sure where this communism it-takes-a-village socialism will get us, but it will destroy a society that has been the world's most admired place on the planet for the last century. The Democrats want us to be a European boot-scrape district. So as they run polls that lies, voting precincts that cheats and lies, have a POTUS who will try to sweet talk lies into daily el-switcho-changeos, I just don't know. Right now, they're trying to kill off Donald Trump, which puts his supporters next, and to the surprise of Demmies, all but a few of them plan on becoming Oligarchs, lining their pockets and building their fantasy estates with forced labor.

We're just not Europe. Maybe we could make sure the socio-communists go to communist countries when the civil war is over.
Bwahahahahaha. You fuckers have no inner strength. You are so FRAGILE that the reality that the election is closing frightens you. Biden made some serious inroads in legislation, gas prices are dropping, inflation is moderating, AND employment is high. You guys are screwed. Instead of facing up to having no vision or policies except hate you scream “cheaters”.

I guess it’s easier being a victim than a verified 2 time loser.
Victims....Iike the Americans the FBI illegally spied the innocent Americans the FBI put in jail?

Democrats have proven to be liars, users, thieves, and traitors who protect each other from equal punishment / justice.

Do me a favor, with integrity / honesty between just us two, and don't pretend they haven't.
Biden isn’t running. This is going to come down to whether the Trump-endorsed candidates are as terrible as they appear to be. If the red wave doesn’t materialize, it won’t be because of cheating, but because their major qualification is how soft their lips were when they kissed Trump’s a**.
If voters judge Democrats on their actions and Merritt, if Americans ask one question - 'are we better off"' - Democrats will go down in historic fashion.
Victims....Iike the Americans the FBI illegally spied the innocent Americans the FBI put in jail?

Democrats have proven to be liars, users, thieves, and traitors who protect each other from equal punishment / justice.

Do me a favor, with integrity / honesty between just us two, and don't pretend they haven't.
Yep. Just like them Jan 6ers. Almost all have begged for leniency and have disavowed Trump. They know. They damn well know.
Sure, sweetheart. But do use the cream, ok? And stock up. You retards are in for another massive butt hurt. :itsok:
So you are so familiar with the product you know it comes in a cream....and of course you would use a 'cream'..

Thanks for self-identifying ... 'sweetheart'.

Gosh, owning the media, the crooked polls, and fooling even a few Republicans, people won't catch onto the attempted communistic society that has been propagandized and self-fulfilling prophecy-riddled to death, the Democrats will even be shocked when they see a free people be transformed for slavery rolls to the topcats in the DNC party, who will fight each other to the death to be top leader. I'm not sure where this communism it-takes-a-village socialism will get us, but it will destroy a society that has been the world's most admired place on the planet for the last century. The Democrats want us to be a European boot-scrape district. So as they run polls that lies, voting precincts that cheats and lies, have a POTUS who will try to sweet talk lies into daily el-switcho-changeos, I just don't know. Right now, they're trying to kill off Donald Trump, which puts his supporters next, and to the surprise of Demmies, all but a few of them plan on becoming Oligarchs, lining their pockets and building their fantasy estates with forced labor.

We're just not Europe. Maybe we could make sure the socio-communists go to communist countries when the civil war is over.
This is your future. A better and non communist world. One where liberal improve things and conservatives cry sweet tears.

Gosh, owning the media, the crooked polls, and fooling even a few Republicans, people won't catch onto the attempted communistic society that has been propagandized and self-fulfilling prophecy-riddled to death, the Democrats will even be shocked when they see a free people be transformed for slavery rolls to the topcats in the DNC party, who will fight each other to the death to be top leader. I'm not sure where this communism it-takes-a-village socialism will get us, but it will destroy a society that has been the world's most admired place on the planet for the last century. The Democrats want us to be a European boot-scrape district. So as they run polls that lies, voting precincts that cheats and lies, have a POTUS who will try to sweet talk lies into daily el-switcho-changeos, I just don't know. Right now, they're trying to kill off Donald Trump, which puts his supporters next, and to the surprise of Demmies, all but a few of them plan on becoming Oligarchs, lining their pockets and building their fantasy estates with forced labor.

We're just not Europe. Maybe we could make sure the socio-communists go to communist countries when the civil war is over.

You remind me of fans of shitty football teams that have all the excuses lined up before the game in case they lose.
The Red Wave was built on record gas prices and decades high inflation.
Dems we’re taking the blame

Now, Gas Prices are down $1 and inflation is subsiding

Meanwhile Republicans are running on criminalizing Abortion, opposing caps on insulin and drug prices, opposing infrastructure

November is no longer a sure thing, especially the Senate
Trump had all prices down, Biden screwed the pooch as always.
Bwahahahahaha. You fuckers have no inner strength. You are so FRAGILE that the reality that the election is closing frightens you. Biden made some serious inroads in legislation, gas prices are dropping, inflation is moderating, AND employment is high. You guys are screwed. Instead of facing up to having no vision or policies except hate you scream “cheaters”.

I guess it’s easier being a victim than a verified 2 time loser.
Still spewing bullshit. Gas prices are still mores than double than under Trump. 50 year high inflation. Unemployment claims rising. A huge tax increase on the middle class rammed through. You’re screwed and are desperately trying to spin things.
Yep. Just like them Jan 6ers. Almost all have begged for leniency and have disavowed Trump. They know. They damn well know.
Nobody wants to go to jail on false accusations, Mr. Gator. And when your bully leaders get rid of the little people in the Republican Party, don't be surprised if U-R-next.
So you are so familiar with the product you know it comes in a cream....and of course you would use a 'cream'..

Thanks for self-identifying ... 'sweetheart'.

Sure, retard. But you are going to stock up, right? You are going to need it... :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:
Sure, retard. But you are going to stock up, right? You are going to need it... :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:
1st you are obsessed with Trump now butt cream.

Bwuhahahaha .... it would be funnier if it wasn't creepy and sick.

TMI, snowflake. How about we stop talking about your anal obsession and get back to the thread topic.
Nobody wants to go to jail on false accusations, Mr. Gator. And when your bully leaders get rid of the little people in the Republican Party, don't be surprised if U-R-next.
I won’t be storming the capital if my candidate loses. If I go to protest how much of an idiot he or she is then I’ll make sure I don’t storm anything. It’s not that hard.

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