As senator, Clinton promised 200,000 jobs in Upstate New York. Her efforts fell flat.


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Show ALL just how good she is at GROWING JOBS that she promises in the general election...she lied then, and she LIES now!

Wshington Post after vetting by DNC ^ | Aug 7,2016 | Wshington Post after vetting by DNC
In her presidential bid, Hillary Clinton has made job creation a centerpiece of her platform, casting herself as a pragmatist who would inspire “the biggest investment in new, good-paying jobs since World War II.’’ Her argument that she would put more Americans to work has focused on her time in the Senate, when she took on the mission of creating jobs in chronically depressed Upstate New York. As her husband, former president Bill Clinton, put it recently, she became the region’s “de facto economic development officer.” But nearly eight years after Clinton’s Senate exit, there is little evidence that her...

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