As Republicans imagine the post-Trump era...

race card still in the deck

‘Tom Cotton's most notable racial dog whistle was a controversial New York Times column calling for sending in federal troops to put down any violence in the racial justice protests after the murder of George Floyd.
Cotton's description of a country ablaze with violence was grossly exaggerated; he cherry picked polls to buttress the military take over of major American cities and distorted historical parallels.
Cotton's proposals - opposed by leading military leaders like former defense chief James Mattis - had a racial predicate.
[Josh] Hawley sided with President Trump in strongly opposing removing the names of Confederate generals from current military bases. His stance was in contrast to most Republican congressional leaders and prominent military figures like Gen. David Petraeus, who said replacing those names is long overdue.

The 38-year-old Missouri lawmaker charges this is an effort to "erase that part of our history," and proponents are "using their position to divide us."

Sorry, Senator, this doesn't erase any history and the most bitter division is to celebrate traitors who fought to maintain slavery.
This isn't a one-off, race-centered trope for Hawley. He also criticized the NBA for allowing professional basketball players to celebrate Black Lives Matter with racial justice pledges on their uniforms - but not slogans opposing China on human rights or supporting police.
As Republicans sort out their post-Trump posture, there are many more important matters than NBA jerseys or teaching a course on the 1619 project: the Pandemic, the economy, relations with China.

But racial issues continue to plague America; would-be successors should seek to erase Trump's stain of bigotry, not pander to it.’

But Republicans will continue to pander to Trump’s stain of bigotry – as a means to appeal to the ignorance, fear, and hate of the GOP’s base, and to deflect from the real problems facing America; problems for which Republicans have no solution.
Nixon's Southern Strategy began the GOP's pandering to the white supremacists, and Republican politicians have cultivated the racism and bigotry in their right wing voter base ever since.

The support of many so-called centrist voters has also been won by the GOP's open contempt for people of color.

The impeached president trump took advantage of five decades of the Republican Party's hard work and turned it against the GOP's 2016 presidential hopefuls. He proved to right-wingers he was eager to offend civilized Americans to win the votes of the deplorable racists/bigots that populate the rank-and-file Republican voters.

The impeached president trump's continuing success is obvious by how well received his hate-filled, racist rhetoric remains with his devoted fanatics and the so-called centrists.


Wow. That's amazingly false.

But you believe it. Implicitly. Without a single question.
white supremacists murder less than 10 blacks per year
blacks murder over 3000 per year!!!
cops murder less than 5 blacks per year
blacks murder over 3000 blacks per year

Planned Parenthood murders a lot more blacks than that.

What do Conservatives call Poor black women who choose to keep their babies?

Welfare Queens

That's why you don't have children you can't afford. If you're low income or broke, keep your legs closed. Problem solved.

Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner!

That is why black women get abortions
Margaret Sanger thought abortions for blacks was a great idea. A solution.

A Final Solution, if you will.

You leftists sure do like to eliminate those you believe aren't quite human.

Baseless propaganda
Sanger opposed abortion you moron
Is there any particular reason you expect people to believe that blatant lie?

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