As More Time Goes By, More Truth Comes Out: Ex-Mueller Team Member - 'Mueller Team Had 'Get Trump' Attitude'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
File this story in the 'Obama Failed Coup' cabinet under 'No Shit'!

With all the overwhelming, undeniable evidence that has been released and one f the Conspirators having plead guilty and is naming names, everyone knows Hillary lackey Weissmann was really running the 'Special Counsel' piece, Mueller was a puppet, they all knew the 'Russia Collusion' argument was false before Mueller was even named 'Special Counsel', and their mission from Day 1 was to take down Trump.

Bruce Ohr testified under oath that Mueller had already been working with him, Steele, and the FBI on the Russian Intelligence Service Dossier BEFORE Mueller was named Special Counsel. He testified that the FBI already knew tha the Dossier was Russian-supplied propaganda - a fact confirmed / supported by former FBI Page's testimony. Page testified under oath that the FBI conducted its own internal investigation BEFORE Mueller was appointed SpecialCounsel and concluded there had been NO collusion with Russia by the President.

The FBI knew - which means Comey knew. Comey called in his former mentor, Mueller, which means Mueller knew. Comey had him work with Steele and Ohr on the Dossier. Again, all the evidence shows the 'Russian Collusion' story was a known false narrative based on known false Russian Intel Service propaganda given to Obama / the FBI through a foreign Ex-spy they KNEW hated Trump, who wanted to prevent him from being President, who was at the time working for Russians. (The State Dept Deputy Director testified she warned Clapper, Brennan, and Comey after an interview with Steele that Steele was lying and could not be trusted.)

So now this ex-Mueller Special Counsel team member publicly tells us all what we already knew: Weissmann's and Mueller's job from Day 1 was to 'GET TRUMP'.


Ex-special counsel member slams 'not there' Russia probe, claims Mueller team had 'get Trump' attitude

Ex-special counsel member slams 'not there' Russia probe, claims Mueller team had 'get Trump' attitude

File this story in the 'Obama Failed Coup' cabinet under 'No Shit'!

With all the overwhelming, undeniable evidence that has been released and one f the Conspirators having plead guilty and is naming names, everyone knows Hillary lackey Weissmann was really running the 'Special Counsel' piece, Mueller was a puppet, they all knew the 'Russia Collusion' argument was false before Mueller was even named 'Special Counsel', and their mission from Day 1 was to take down Trump.

Bruce Ohr testified under oath that Mueller had already been working with him, Steele, and the FBI on the Russian Intelligence Service Dossier BEFORE Mueller was named Special Counsel. He testified that the FBI already knew tha the Dossier was Russian-supplied propaganda - a fact confirmed / supported by former FBI Page's testimony. Page testified under oath that the FBI conducted its own internal investigation BEFORE Mueller was appointed SpecialCounsel and concluded there had been NO collusion with Russia by the President.

The FBI knew - which means Comey knew. Comey called in his former mentor, Mueller, which means Mueller knew. Comey had him work with Steele and Ohr on the Dossier. Again, all the evidence shows the 'Russian Collusion' story was a known false narrative based on known false Russian Intel Service propaganda given to Obama / the FBI through a foreign Ex-spy they KNEW hated Trump, who wanted to prevent him from being President, who was at the time working for Russians. (The State Dept Deputy Director testified she warned Clapper, Brennan, and Comey after an interview with Steele that Steele was lying and could not be trusted.)

So now this ex-Mueller Special Counsel team member publicly tells us all what we already knew: Weissmann's and Mueller's job from Day 1 was to 'GET TRUMP'.


Ex-special counsel member slams 'not there' Russia probe, claims Mueller team had 'get Trump' attitude'not there' Russia probe, claims Mueller team had 'get Trump' attitude

Ex-special counsel member slams 'not there' Russia probe, claims Mueller team had 'get Trump' attitude

Comey really disadvantaged Hillary, without him Hillary would of won. But anyway now Biden will take tramps place.
File this story in the 'Obama Failed Coup' cabinet under 'No Shit'!

With all the overwhelming, undeniable evidence that has been released and one f the Conspirators having plead guilty and is naming names, everyone knows Hillary lackey Weissmann was really running the 'Special Counsel' piece, Mueller was a puppet, they all knew the 'Russia Collusion' argument was false before Mueller was even named 'Special Counsel', and their mission from Day 1 was to take down Trump.

Bruce Ohr testified under oath that Mueller had already been working with him, Steele, and the FBI on the Russian Intelligence Service Dossier BEFORE Mueller was named Special Counsel. He testified that the FBI already knew tha the Dossier was Russian-supplied propaganda - a fact confirmed / supported by former FBI Page's testimony. Page testified under oath that the FBI conducted its own internal investigation BEFORE Mueller was appointed SpecialCounsel and concluded there had been NO collusion with Russia by the President.

The FBI knew - which means Comey knew. Comey called in his former mentor, Mueller, which means Mueller knew. Comey had him work with Steele and Ohr on the Dossier. Again, all the evidence shows the 'Russian Collusion' story was a known false narrative based on known false Russian Intel Service propaganda given to Obama / the FBI through a foreign Ex-spy they KNEW hated Trump, who wanted to prevent him from being President, who was at the time working for Russians. (The State Dept Deputy Director testified she warned Clapper, Brennan, and Comey after an interview with Steele that Steele was lying and could not be trusted.)

So now this ex-Mueller Special Counsel team member publicly tells us all what we already knew: Weissmann's and Mueller's job from Day 1 was to 'GET TRUMP'.


Ex-special counsel member slams 'not there' Russia probe, claims Mueller team had 'get Trump' attitude'not there' Russia probe, claims Mueller team had 'get Trump' attitude

Ex-special counsel member slams 'not there' Russia probe, claims Mueller team had 'get Trump' attitude

So the attitude of some investigators somehow magically made Flynn confessed to wrongdoing long before Donald Trump took office?
File this story in the 'Obama Failed Coup' cabinet under 'No Shit'!

With all the overwhelming, undeniable evidence that has been released and one f the Conspirators having plead guilty and is naming names, everyone knows Hillary lackey Weissmann was really running the 'Special Counsel' piece, Mueller was a puppet, they all knew the 'Russia Collusion' argument was false before Mueller was even named 'Special Counsel', and their mission from Day 1 was to take down Trump.

Bruce Ohr testified under oath that Mueller had already been working with him, Steele, and the FBI on the Russian Intelligence Service Dossier BEFORE Mueller was named Special Counsel. He testified that the FBI already knew tha the Dossier was Russian-supplied propaganda - a fact confirmed / supported by former FBI Page's testimony. Page testified under oath that the FBI conducted its own internal investigation BEFORE Mueller was appointed SpecialCounsel and concluded there had been NO collusion with Russia by the President.

The FBI knew - which means Comey knew. Comey called in his former mentor, Mueller, which means Mueller knew. Comey had him work with Steele and Ohr on the Dossier. Again, all the evidence shows the 'Russian Collusion' story was a known false narrative based on known false Russian Intel Service propaganda given to Obama / the FBI through a foreign Ex-spy they KNEW hated Trump, who wanted to prevent him from being President, who was at the time working for Russians. (The State Dept Deputy Director testified she warned Clapper, Brennan, and Comey after an interview with Steele that Steele was lying and could not be trusted.)

So now this ex-Mueller Special Counsel team member publicly tells us all what we already knew: Weissmann's and Mueller's job from Day 1 was to 'GET TRUMP'.


Ex-special counsel member slams 'not there' Russia probe, claims Mueller team had 'get Trump' attitude'not there' Russia probe, claims Mueller team had 'get Trump' attitude'not there' Russia probe, claims Mueller team had 'get Trump' attitude'not there' Russia probe, claims Mueller team had 'get Trump' attitude

Ex-special counsel member slams 'not there' Russia probe, claims Mueller team had 'get Trump' attitude

Comey really disadvantaged Hillary, without him Hillary would of won. But anyway now Biden will take tramps place.

I should know better, but I am going to ask - TRUMP ASIDE / OUT OF THE EQUATION....

HONESTLY...Do you think an elderly, frail man showing all the symptoms of Dementia, who can not leave his basement for very long, who does not have the energy to campaign, who needs the assistance of a teleprompter to give speeches and to answer questions from the media - when he does answer questions, which are usually pre-scripted and coordinated, should be the President of the United States?
File this story in the 'Obama Failed Coup' cabinet under 'No Shit'!

With all the overwhelming, undeniable evidence that has been released and one f the Conspirators having plead guilty and is naming names, everyone knows Hillary lackey Weissmann was really running the 'Special Counsel' piece, Mueller was a puppet, they all knew the 'Russia Collusion' argument was false before Mueller was even named 'Special Counsel', and their mission from Day 1 was to take down Trump.

Bruce Ohr testified under oath that Mueller had already been working with him, Steele, and the FBI on the Russian Intelligence Service Dossier BEFORE Mueller was named Special Counsel. He testified that the FBI already knew tha the Dossier was Russian-supplied propaganda - a fact confirmed / supported by former FBI Page's testimony. Page testified under oath that the FBI conducted its own internal investigation BEFORE Mueller was appointed SpecialCounsel and concluded there had been NO collusion with Russia by the President.

The FBI knew - which means Comey knew. Comey called in his former mentor, Mueller, which means Mueller knew. Comey had him work with Steele and Ohr on the Dossier. Again, all the evidence shows the 'Russian Collusion' story was a known false narrative based on known false Russian Intel Service propaganda given to Obama / the FBI through a foreign Ex-spy they KNEW hated Trump, who wanted to prevent him from being President, who was at the time working for Russians. (The State Dept Deputy Director testified she warned Clapper, Brennan, and Comey after an interview with Steele that Steele was lying and could not be trusted.)

So now this ex-Mueller Special Counsel team member publicly tells us all what we already knew: Weissmann's and Mueller's job from Day 1 was to 'GET TRUMP'.


Ex-special counsel member slams 'not there' Russia probe, claims Mueller team had 'get Trump' attitude'not there' Russia probe, claims Mueller team had 'get Trump' attitude'not there' Russia probe, claims Mueller team had 'get Trump' attitude'not there' Russia probe, claims Mueller team had 'get Trump' attitude

Ex-special counsel member slams 'not there' Russia probe, claims Mueller team had 'get Trump' attitude

Comey really disadvantaged Hillary, without him Hillary would of won. But anyway now Biden will take tramps place.
Comey gave Hillary a get out of jail free card. Anyone else would have been spending the rest of their life in jail.
File this story in the 'Obama Failed Coup' cabinet under 'No Shit'!

With all the overwhelming, undeniable evidence that has been released and one f the Conspirators having plead guilty and is naming names, everyone knows Hillary lackey Weissmann was really running the 'Special Counsel' piece, Mueller was a puppet, they all knew the 'Russia Collusion' argument was false before Mueller was even named 'Special Counsel', and their mission from Day 1 was to take down Trump.

Bruce Ohr testified under oath that Mueller had already been working with him, Steele, and the FBI on the Russian Intelligence Service Dossier BEFORE Mueller was named Special Counsel. He testified that the FBI already knew tha the Dossier was Russian-supplied propaganda - a fact confirmed / supported by former FBI Page's testimony. Page testified under oath that the FBI conducted its own internal investigation BEFORE Mueller was appointed SpecialCounsel and concluded there had been NO collusion with Russia by the President.

The FBI knew - which means Comey knew. Comey called in his former mentor, Mueller, which means Mueller knew. Comey had him work with Steele and Ohr on the Dossier. Again, all the evidence shows the 'Russian Collusion' story was a known false narrative based on known false Russian Intel Service propaganda given to Obama / the FBI through a foreign Ex-spy they KNEW hated Trump, who wanted to prevent him from being President, who was at the time working for Russians. (The State Dept Deputy Director testified she warned Clapper, Brennan, and Comey after an interview with Steele that Steele was lying and could not be trusted.)

So now this ex-Mueller Special Counsel team member publicly tells us all what we already knew: Weissmann's and Mueller's job from Day 1 was to 'GET TRUMP'.


Ex-special counsel member slams 'not there' Russia probe, claims Mueller team had 'get Trump' attitude'not there' Russia probe, claims Mueller team had 'get Trump' attitude'not there' Russia probe, claims Mueller team had 'get Trump' attitude'not there' Russia probe, claims Mueller team had 'get Trump' attitude

Ex-special counsel member slams 'not there' Russia probe, claims Mueller team had 'get Trump' attitude

Comey really disadvantaged Hillary, without him Hillary would of won. But anyway now Biden will take tramps place.
File this story in the 'Obama Failed Coup' cabinet under 'No Shit'!

With all the overwhelming, undeniable evidence that has been released and one f the Conspirators having plead guilty and is naming names, everyone knows Hillary lackey Weissmann was really running the 'Special Counsel' piece, Mueller was a puppet, they all knew the 'Russia Collusion' argument was false before Mueller was even named 'Special Counsel', and their mission from Day 1 was to take down Trump.

Bruce Ohr testified under oath that Mueller had already been working with him, Steele, and the FBI on the Russian Intelligence Service Dossier BEFORE Mueller was named Special Counsel. He testified that the FBI already knew tha the Dossier was Russian-supplied propaganda - a fact confirmed / supported by former FBI Page's testimony. Page testified under oath that the FBI conducted its own internal investigation BEFORE Mueller was appointed SpecialCounsel and concluded there had been NO collusion with Russia by the President.

The FBI knew - which means Comey knew. Comey called in his former mentor, Mueller, which means Mueller knew. Comey had him work with Steele and Ohr on the Dossier. Again, all the evidence shows the 'Russian Collusion' story was a known false narrative based on known false Russian Intel Service propaganda given to Obama / the FBI through a foreign Ex-spy they KNEW hated Trump, who wanted to prevent him from being President, who was at the time working for Russians. (The State Dept Deputy Director testified she warned Clapper, Brennan, and Comey after an interview with Steele that Steele was lying and could not be trusted.)

So now this ex-Mueller Special Counsel team member publicly tells us all what we already knew: Weissmann's and Mueller's job from Day 1 was to 'GET TRUMP'.


Ex-special counsel member slams 'not there' Russia probe, claims Mueller team had 'get Trump' attitude'not there' Russia probe, claims Mueller team had 'get Trump' attitude'not there' Russia probe, claims Mueller team had 'get Trump' attitude'not there' Russia probe, claims Mueller team had 'get Trump' attitude'not there' Russia probe, claims Mueller team had 'get Trump' attitude'not there' Russia probe, claims Mueller team had 'get Trump' attitude'not there' Russia probe, claims Mueller team had 'get Trump' attitude'not there' Russia probe, claims Mueller team had 'get Trump' attitude

Ex-special counsel member slams 'not there' Russia probe, claims Mueller team had 'get Trump' attitude

Comey really disadvantaged Hillary, without him Hillary would of won. But anyway now Biden will take tramps place.

I should know better, but I am going to ask - TRUMP ASIDE / OUT OF THE EQUATION....

HONESTLY...Do you think an elderly, frail man showing all the symptoms of Dementia, who can not leave his basement for very long, who does not have the energy to campaign, who needs the assistance of a teleprompter to give speeches and to answer questions from the media - when he does answer questions, which are usually pre-scripted and coordinated, should be the President of the United States?
The guy is a sock puppet but none of the left want to know who is behind the curtain and pulling the strings is or what they really want.
All that matters is the D behind the name.
Funny how when Trump got elected all the left did was cut him down as a draft dodger, a draft dodger should not be president. They tried to cover for Slick Willy, and now that Biden is the chosen draft dodging doesn’t matter. They claimed that we would end up in a nuclear war but not only did we not but we are being pulled out of wars. They claimed that NAFTA was the gold standard of trade agreements but when Trump replaced it with better they claimed it wasn’t enough.
in short the left will believe anything as long it is convenient. They believe everyone has as short of memories as they do
We the people are screwed. A corrupt congress is in cahoots with the corrupt government agencies they are charged with overseeing. Seems like the people's only hope is the SCOTUS which these politicians are also trying to corrupt and rig.
File this story in the 'Obama Failed Coup' cabinet under 'No Shit'!

With all the overwhelming, undeniable evidence that has been released and one f the Conspirators having plead guilty and is naming names, everyone knows Hillary lackey Weissmann was really running the 'Special Counsel' piece, Mueller was a puppet, they all knew the 'Russia Collusion' argument was false before Mueller was even named 'Special Counsel', and their mission from Day 1 was to take down Trump.

Bruce Ohr testified under oath that Mueller had already been working with him, Steele, and the FBI on the Russian Intelligence Service Dossier BEFORE Mueller was named Special Counsel. He testified that the FBI already knew tha the Dossier was Russian-supplied propaganda - a fact confirmed / supported by former FBI Page's testimony. Page testified under oath that the FBI conducted its own internal investigation BEFORE Mueller was appointed SpecialCounsel and concluded there had been NO collusion with Russia by the President.

The FBI knew - which means Comey knew. Comey called in his former mentor, Mueller, which means Mueller knew. Comey had him work with Steele and Ohr on the Dossier. Again, all the evidence shows the 'Russian Collusion' story was a known false narrative based on known false Russian Intel Service propaganda given to Obama / the FBI through a foreign Ex-spy they KNEW hated Trump, who wanted to prevent him from being President, who was at the time working for Russians. (The State Dept Deputy Director testified she warned Clapper, Brennan, and Comey after an interview with Steele that Steele was lying and could not be trusted.)

So now this ex-Mueller Special Counsel team member publicly tells us all what we already knew: Weissmann's and Mueller's job from Day 1 was to 'GET TRUMP'.


Ex-special counsel member slams 'not there' Russia probe, claims Mueller team had 'get Trump' attitude'not there' Russia probe, claims Mueller team had 'get Trump' attitude'not there' Russia probe, claims Mueller team had 'get Trump' attitude'not there' Russia probe, claims Mueller team had 'get Trump' attitude

Ex-special counsel member slams 'not there' Russia probe, claims Mueller team had 'get Trump' attitude

Comey really disadvantaged Hillary, without him Hillary would of won. But anyway now Biden will take tramps place.
Nope. You don’t know that. Another wild and crazy guess from the crazy Penelope. She disadvantaged herself with her private server and calling Trump supporters “deplorables”.
We the people are screwed. A corrupt congress is in cahoots with the corrupt government agencies they are charged with overseeing. Seems like the people's only hope is the SCOTUS which these politicians are also trying to corrupt and rig.
Wow Dude, are you like frickin clueless to what has been said about our govt. for two hundred years? Your enlightenment is new yet the corruption is not.
We the people are screwed. A corrupt congress is in cahoots with the corrupt government agencies they are charged with overseeing. Seems like the people's only hope is the SCOTUS which these politicians are also trying to corrupt and rig.

Nice rant, brau...but perhaps you could share with us your irrational thinking and tell us why the President of the United States fulfilling his obligation to fill a USSC vacancy as quickly as possible - which RBG herself declared was a Constitutional obligation, even in his last year in office - is 'screwing 'people'', makes the govt 'corrupt' and is 'corrupting the USSC'...

Barak Obama declaring he would fill a vacancy in 2016 given the chance was supported by Democrats / snowflakes.

The only conclusion to be had is whiny-ass criminal Democrat-supporting snowflakes only think a good time for a Republican President to fill a USSC vacancy is...well, NEVER.
Last edited:
We the people are screwed. A corrupt congress is in cahoots with the corrupt government agencies they are charged with overseeing. Seems like the people's only hope is the SCOTUS which these politicians are also trying to corrupt and rig.
Wow Dude, are you like frickin clueless to what has been said about our govt. for two hundred years? Your enlightenment is new yet the corruption is not.

Shut up you blithering idiot Dem moron. Adults are discussing the corrupt Mueller probe.
File this story in the 'Obama Failed Coup' cabinet under 'No Shit'!

With all the overwhelming, undeniable evidence that has been released and one f the Conspirators having plead guilty and is naming names, everyone knows Hillary lackey Weissmann was really running the 'Special Counsel' piece, Mueller was a puppet, they all knew the 'Russia Collusion' argument was false before Mueller was even named 'Special Counsel', and their mission from Day 1 was to take down Trump.

Bruce Ohr testified under oath that Mueller had already been working with him, Steele, and the FBI on the Russian Intelligence Service Dossier BEFORE Mueller was named Special Counsel. He testified that the FBI already knew tha the Dossier was Russian-supplied propaganda - a fact confirmed / supported by former FBI Page's testimony. Page testified under oath that the FBI conducted its own internal investigation BEFORE Mueller was appointed SpecialCounsel and concluded there had been NO collusion with Russia by the President.

The FBI knew - which means Comey knew. Comey called in his former mentor, Mueller, which means Mueller knew. Comey had him work with Steele and Ohr on the Dossier. Again, all the evidence shows the 'Russian Collusion' story was a known false narrative based on known false Russian Intel Service propaganda given to Obama / the FBI through a foreign Ex-spy they KNEW hated Trump, who wanted to prevent him from being President, who was at the time working for Russians. (The State Dept Deputy Director testified she warned Clapper, Brennan, and Comey after an interview with Steele that Steele was lying and could not be trusted.)

So now this ex-Mueller Special Counsel team member publicly tells us all what we already knew: Weissmann's and Mueller's job from Day 1 was to 'GET TRUMP'.


Ex-special counsel member slams 'not there' Russia probe, claims Mueller team had 'get Trump' attitude'not there' Russia probe, claims Mueller team had 'get Trump' attitude'not there' Russia probe, claims Mueller team had 'get Trump' attitude'not there' Russia probe, claims Mueller team had 'get Trump' attitude'not there' Russia probe, claims Mueller team had 'get Trump' attitude'not there' Russia probe, claims Mueller team had 'get Trump' attitude'not there' Russia probe, claims Mueller team had 'get Trump' attitude'not there' Russia probe, claims Mueller team had 'get Trump' attitude

Ex-special counsel member slams 'not there' Russia probe, claims Mueller team had 'get Trump' attitude

Comey really disadvantaged Hillary, without him Hillary would of won. But anyway now Biden will take tramps place.

I should know better, but I am going to ask - TRUMP ASIDE / OUT OF THE EQUATION....

HONESTLY...Do you think an elderly, frail man showing all the symptoms of Dementia, who can not leave his basement for very long, who does not have the energy to campaign, who needs the assistance of a teleprompter to give speeches and to answer questions from the media - when he does answer questions, which are usually pre-scripted and coordinated, should be the President of the United States?
Honestly, you jest. Nothing in your post is anything near honest. You simply echo one talking point lie after another like a good little trumpoholic sucking, slurping, drooling teabagger.
FBI Agent William Barnett worked on both General Flynn’s investigation before the election and then for the Mueller gang after the election.

General Flynn was accused of leaving an event in 2014 with an undisclosed person. This no doubt is in reference to Svetlana Lokhova who was accused of this lie by Stefan Halper who was paid handsomely for making it. The FBI later assessed the information to NOT be accurate.
-- The now known to be illegal operation, consisting of illegally spying on Trump and his team through illegal FISA Court warrants based on the known false Steele-Russia Dossier, was called 'Crossfire Razor' or 'Razor'.

Despite the information believed NOT to be accurate project 'Razor' remained open, most probably to justify the continued spying on of Trump and his team. Barnett suggested the FBI ask for an interview with Flynn, but an official interview was denied. At this point Agent Barnett voiced his opposition to keeping the case open, arguing there was “nothing left to do”.
-- Denied an official interview, the conspirators decided to by-pass the WH and go directly to Flynn, ambushing him, telling him he needed no counsel...

"In late December corrupt agent Peter Strzok ordered the Flynn case closed. But then on January 4, 2017, Strzok tells Barnett to keep the case open. This was the day before the infamous meeting in the White House with Obama, Biden, Yates, Comey, Susan Rice, Brennan and a few others. They kept the Flynn case open based on the Logan Act which Barnett thought was questionable."
-- The 'Logan Act' angle was later dismissed - ruled 'nothing to it'.

Corrupt FBI Agent Kevin Clinesmith was involved in the case along with Jean Rhee, the corrupt Mueller attorney on the case. He told Rhee there was no evidence of a crime.

"Barnett briefed Special Counsel Rhee on the Flynn case. He told Rhee there was “no evidence of a crime.”

"Barnett noted Mueller crook Weissmann thought there was going to be proof of collusion related to a yacht in Greece. This fizzled out two days later."

Honestly, you jest. Nothing in your post is anything near honest.
Then provide the links, the evidence, the witnesses, etc... to debunk it. You claim it is false as if you have such evidence - provide it ... otherwise you just wasted everyone's time with another useless snowflake 'Nuh-Uh' rant.

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