As is the case very often the comments to articles are quite informative


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Why is it in there? How could I put it in there? I am authority. I do not listen to you. You are still confused. When will you ever get this right? I do the talking around here. And you do the obeying. That is what authority is here for. Why dont you respect us? You stupid curious ones. We know it is for your best good to receive our concoctions, when we say. Why should you question authority, you know where that leads you to. Ridicule, jail, shame. It just causes confusion and that is why we silence you specifically. We know all about you and how you think. We know you too can and do give in. We know we get away with nearly everything which equates to the why. We know you know this and are confounded by this and we personally enjoy this deeply . You will forget. We know your memories are short short short. We lurk, you purchase over and over. You cant. We can. That is why we do and have authority. We got your psychology pegged centuries ago. You are weak and disgusting, you know it and we know it. You are the sale-outs! We are authority, we have our experts and we know you need us. Now, take the shots or dont. We ain’t ever going away and you will die off and/or we will get you some other way. We live for this very reason. You should just cut the crap and save yourself the hassle and get the shots man woman. Just do what we say and when we say it and you are good to Go. Be like the others that already have. You too will be good to Go.

Shocker: Why is this substance in the Moderna COVID vaccine?

It'll make your liver glow of you are a mouse, but that is about it.

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