As expected, Egypt's military dictatorship is going after the pro-Democracy secularists.

It was a retrial. He received a reduced sentence. From 15 years down to 5 years.

He should be a happy camper with the reduced sentence. This was no Arab Spring. That was all bullshit to hand Egypt over to the MB.

Now the AJ reporters are in deep shit because they had been stirring the pot for Qatar's leaders who backed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. AJ has just been a mouthpiece for Qatar for forever.

I realize that maniacs like John McCain attempted to convince the west that the Muslim Brotherhood was a secular organization but only the dumbest fucks on the planet could buy into that pile of shit.


P.S. Your own link blows away your OP. You really should read what you link to.

But Haniya might have joined up with the Muslim Brotherhood here in the U.S. and that is why she is against General Al-Sisi. I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case for many converts.

I am against military dictators in general. Your friends ISIS in Syria captured close to 100 Christians, mostly women and children, gloating about your heroes fighting against that evil secularist Assad?.

Then mass murdered them isn't that right Abdul ?
It was a retrial. He received a reduced sentence. From 15 years down to 5 years.

He should be a happy camper with the reduced sentence. This was no Arab Spring. That was all bullshit to hand Egypt over to the MB.

Now the AJ reporters are in deep shit because they had been stirring the pot for Qatar's leaders who backed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. AJ has just been a mouthpiece for Qatar for forever.

I realize that maniacs like John McCain attempted to convince the west that the Muslim Brotherhood was a secular organization but only the dumbest fucks on the planet could buy into that pile of shit.


P.S. Your own link blows away your OP. You really should read what you link to.

But Haniya might have joined up with the Muslim Brotherhood here in the U.S. and that is why she is against General Al-Sisi. I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case for many converts.

I am against military dictators in general. Your friends ISIS in Syria captured close to 100 Christians, mostly women and children, gloating about your heroes fighting against that evil secularist Assad?.

The Sissi dictatorship is backed by USrael, his role is to persecute the pro democracy militants whatever they are islamists or nationalists.

In Syria the regime formed ISIS to subvert the opposition.
According to the Guardian and Telegraph newspaper the government of Morsi was the only democratic government in the history of Egypt.

Then why did the people want them out if they were so good
The secular pro-democracy leaders helped overthrow the first democratically elected government in Egypt's history and welcomed the military coup and the return to military rule. Now the the military are going after them.

"Egyptian Court Sentences Activist to 5 Years in Prison"

"State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said the United States was "deeply troubled by the new harsh sentences."

"These sentences and others under the (demonstrations) law have had a chilling effect on key freedoms of expression and assembly," she told reporters in Washington."

What did the State Department expect after the military coup?


But wait, weren't you, THE SCUMBAG, who claimed Assad protects Christians, and since he protects Christians, you don't care if he's killed over 200,000 of his own people in order to hold on to his illegitimate power? Yet here we have a great Egyptian leader who defends Christians from Islamist animals, and hasn't killed tens of thousands of his own people, you attack him.

Oh, I forgot, Assad is an enemy of the Jews, and you're just an imposter Muslim, posing as a Christian.

The Syrian Government is secular and defends minorities, including Christians. Christians are part of the Syrian armed forces, particularly in the officer corps, and Christian militias are allied with the Government. I don't know what the military dictator of Egypt has to do with Syria.

Yes, I attack military dictators especially after Egypt had their first democratic elections, because it means that Egypt will be under military dictatorship again for the long term.

And you think SYRIA isn't a military dictator? Ha ha ha. How did Assad become ruler? His father the Hafez Assad the butcher was ruler, and when he died his son took over, thats how. And Bashar has now murdered over 200,000 of his own people, exceeding the savagery his father committed, by far.

And Egypt has not done any of that.

But, we know that the only reason you hate Egypt is because they are against Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood and at peace with Israel. So who cares if Syria's Bashar Assad is slaughtering 200,000 of his people? He's an enemy of Israel, and that's all that counts as far as you're concerned.

You are pure SCUM.

You and your extended family are the scum.
:cuckoo: ^^^^^^^^^ :cuckoo:
Bullshit propagandist having a mental breakdown, just because someone mentions that the current Egyptian regime is both protecting its Christians without killing hundreds of thousands of its own innocent civilians.
It was a retrial. He received a reduced sentence. From 15 years down to 5 years.

He should be a happy camper with the reduced sentence. This was no Arab Spring. That was all bullshit to hand Egypt over to the MB.

Now the AJ reporters are in deep shit because they had been stirring the pot for Qatar's leaders who backed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. AJ has just been a mouthpiece for Qatar for forever.

I realize that maniacs like John McCain attempted to convince the west that the Muslim Brotherhood was a secular organization but only the dumbest fucks on the planet could buy into that pile of shit.


P.S. Your own link blows away your OP. You really should read what you link to.

But Haniya might have joined up with the Muslim Brotherhood here in the U.S. and that is why she is against General Al-Sisi. I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case for many converts.

I am against military dictators in general. Your friends ISIS in Syria captured close to 100 Christians, mostly women and children, gloating about your heroes fighting against that evil secularist Assad?.

The Sissi dictatorship is backed by USrael, his role is to persecute the pro democracy militants whatever they are islamists or nationalists.

In Syria the regime formed ISIS to subvert the opposition.
According to the Guardian and Telegraph newspaper the government of Morsi was the only democratic government in the history of Egypt.

This is such a lie I don't know where to begin. I have no dog in this hunt. YET.

To say Assad formed ISIS is beyond outrageous. It is beyond insane.

To attempt to acclaim that Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood formed the first democratic government in the history of Egypt is so out of line it begs defiance.

And trust me. I defy daily because I am sick of the lies perpetrated on us.
ok this is odd how I am seeing this post of mine. I shall re post.

"This is such a lie I don't know where to begin. I have no dog in this hunt. YET.

To say Assad formed ISIS is beyond outrageous. It is beyond insane.

To attempt to acclaim that Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood formed the first democratic government in the history of Egypt is so out of line it begs defiance.

And trust me. I defy daily because I am sick of the lies perpetrated on us."
President Sissi is the best thing that has happened to Egypt and the Middle East!!! :eusa_clap:

His courageous viewpoint in favor of moderate Islam is outstanding and deserves support from the whole world!

Only idiots like Hussein Obama and other lapdogs of the Muslim Brotherhood, have of course seen fit to criticize him, but then coming from Hussein Obama this is predictable and won't change anything.

Way to go President Sissi!!!
President Sissi is the best thing that has happened to Egypt and the Middle East!!! :eusa_clap:

His courageous viewpoint in favor of moderate Islam is outstanding and deserves support from the whole world!

Only idiots like Hussein Obama and other lapdogs of the Muslim Brotherhood, have of course seen fit to criticize him, but then coming from Hussein Obama this is predictable and won't change anything.

Way to go President Sissi!!!

I am surprised that poor Sissi is still alive----he is too damned good
President Sissi is the best thing that has happened to Egypt and the Middle East!!! :eusa_clap:

His courageous viewpoint in favor of moderate Islam is outstanding and deserves support from the whole world!

Only idiots like Hussein Obama and other lapdogs of the Muslim Brotherhood, have of course seen fit to criticize him, but then coming from Hussein Obama this is predictable and won't change anything.

Way to go President Sissi!!!

I am surprised that poor Sissi is still alive----he is too damned good

I agree!

I hope he lives longer and outlasts all his enemies!
Muslim Brotherhood is not pro-democracy secularists, peace be upon your head.
Muslim Brotherhood is not pro-democracy secularists, peace be upon your head.

jake------if you continue to bang your head against the wall----you
will cause damage to the long tracts of your frontal and parietal
lobes------such damage leads to a kind of creeping dementia
Muslim Brotherhood is not pro-democracy secularists, peace be upon your head.

jake------if you continue to bang your head against the wall----you
will cause damage to the long tracts of your frontal and parietal
lobes------such damage leads to a kind of creeping dementia
That makes sense only to the mentally damaged like you, dear. I don't bang my head on walls.
Muslim Brotherhood is not pro-democracy secularists, peace be upon your head.

jake------if you continue to bang your head against the wall----you
will cause damage to the long tracts of your frontal and parietal
lobes------such damage leads to a kind of creeping dementia
That makes sense only to the mentally damaged like you, dear. I don't bang my head on walls.

concussive damage to long tracts is the mechanism which leads to
brain damage in football players. I think it makes some sense to
neuroscientists. Your attempt to convince muslims that the muslim
brotherhood is NOT SECULAR and NOT PRODEMOCRACY is tantamount
to banging your head against the wall.........carry on, sailor
Nope, the Muslim Brother is neither secular nor democratic.

It is a gangster religious brotherhood, nothing more, and is being dealt with as it should.
Nope, the Muslim Brother is neither secular nor democratic.

It is a gangster religious brotherhood, nothing more, and is being dealt with as it should.

I will help you to understand----JAKIE-----I learned islam from muslims from muslim
countries. ISLAM IS THE MOST TOLERANT------(got that?) ALL PEOPLE
delirious with joy at being ruled by the law of ALLAH ----(got that?)
thus---LOGICALLY---the brotherhood motivated for the good of mankind (got that?)

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