As Evidence of Election Fraud Emerges, the Media Wants to Keep You in the Dark

What about the video of the workers clapping as observers were kicked out?

Are you talking about the observers who kept getting closer than the 6 feet CDC guidelines. I would clap too if a bunch of possible COVID carriers were no longer going to get close enough to infect me.
What about the video of the workers clapping as observers were kicked out?

Are you talking about the observers who kept getting closer than the 6 feet CDC guidelines. I would clap too if a bunch of possible COVID carriers were no longer going to get close enough to infect me.
You should work for the DNC. You're very creative at excuses.
You should work for the RNC. You're dumb as a post. And as gullible as a sailor on shore leave 1,000 miles from home with $200 in his pocket.
What about the video of the workers clapping as observers were kicked out?

Are you talking about the observers who kept getting closer than the 6 feet CDC guidelines. I would clap too if a bunch of possible COVID carriers were no longer going to get close enough to infect me.
You mean the observers that actually wanted to see something? There was massive fraud and the audits will prove it.
What about the video of the workers clapping as observers were kicked out?

Are you talking about the observers who kept getting closer than the 6 feet CDC guidelines. I would clap too if a bunch of possible COVID carriers were no longer going to get close enough to infect me.
You should work for the DNC. You're very creative at excuses.
You should work for the RNC. You're dumb as a post.
I expected a more creative insult. You're slipping.

Nonetheless, you're also tiresome and not worth my time.
Are you talking about the observers who kept getting closer than the 6 feet CDC guidelines. I would clap too if a bunch of possible COVID carriers were no longer going to get close enough to infect me.
You mean the observers that actually wanted to see something? There was massive fraud and the audits will prove it.
Have you ever gone bird watching? You don't have to get within 6 feet to see what's going on. If the vote counting was done outdoors, we could monitor what was happening from space. We have the technology to see what's going on from a distance of more than six feet.
Yes, there are many problems with our voting system and it makes it all too easy for many to commit fraud. Only way to fix it is to start with updating voter rolls. Do away with motor voter registration and have people register on their own, providing all necessary ID when doing so. That way, only those who vote will bother to register and they will have to prove who they are in order to register.

Voter ID is more likely to encourage people to vote because they will feel that their vote actually counts instead of feeling like the duplicate voters, dead voters, illegal voters and other cheating will void their valid vote.

Anyone against updating voter rolls and double checking that all voters are legitimate likely want that room to cheat.

"If you have no idea what happened at the second meeting of President Donald Trump’s Advisory Commission on Election Integrity in New Hampshire on Sept. 12, I’m not surprised.

Though a horde of reporters attended the meeting, almost all of the media stories that emerged from it simply repeated the progressive left’s mantra that the Commission is a “sham.”

Almost no one covered the substantive and very concerning testimony of 10 expert witnesses on the problems that exist in our voter registration and election system.

The witnesses included academics, election lawyers, state election officials, data analysts, software experts, and computer scientists.

The existing and potential problems they exposed would give any American with any common sense and any concern for our democratic process cause for alarm.

The first panel included Dr. Andrew Smith of the University of New Hampshire, Kimball Brace of Election Data Services, Inc., and Dr. John Lott. They testified about historical election turnout statistics and the effects of election integrity issues on voter confidence.

Lott also testified that his statistical analyses show that contrary to the narrative myth pushed by some, voter ID does not depress voter turnout. In fact, there is some evidence that it may increase turnout because it increases public confidence in elections."

As Evidence of Election Fraud Emerges, the Media Wants to Keep You in the Dark
You don't think people prove who they are when getting a license? Motor Voter is an excellent opportunity to register voters.
That's fine as long as we make sure that it only registers citizens. In a lot of areas, you can get a driver's license as a non-citizen. So, a safeguard needs to be in place.

What makes you think safeguards aren't in place.

It never ceases to astonish me the extent to which Americans have been convinced that millions of illegals are voting. What an assinnine point of view? Why would illegals vote? Why would they risk getting caught?

There is not and has never been any evidence whatsoever that illegal aliens are voting. But Republicans are obsessed with the idea that illegals are voting in massive numbers, sufficient to determine the outcome of elections.

It makes no logical sense, whatsoever.
It's hard to find evidence of something a system isn't designed to find.

If I ran a store without security cameras and things started going missing, I wouldn't have any evidence of theft, but I'd have a reasonable suspicion of it.
You would have evidence that things were missing. What evidence do you have that illegals are voting, other than one or two who are expected in a country of hundreds of millions of people? Just because your party didn't win is not proof of widespread illegal voting.
Yes, there are many problems with our voting system and it makes it all too easy for many to commit fraud. Only way to fix it is to start with updating voter rolls. Do away with motor voter registration and have people register on their own, providing all necessary ID when doing so. That way, only those who vote will bother to register and they will have to prove who they are in order to register.

Voter ID is more likely to encourage people to vote because they will feel that their vote actually counts instead of feeling like the duplicate voters, dead voters, illegal voters and other cheating will void their valid vote.

Anyone against updating voter rolls and double checking that all voters are legitimate likely want that room to cheat.

"If you have no idea what happened at the second meeting of President Donald Trump’s Advisory Commission on Election Integrity in New Hampshire on Sept. 12, I’m not surprised.

Though a horde of reporters attended the meeting, almost all of the media stories that emerged from it simply repeated the progressive left’s mantra that the Commission is a “sham.”

Almost no one covered the substantive and very concerning testimony of 10 expert witnesses on the problems that exist in our voter registration and election system.

The witnesses included academics, election lawyers, state election officials, data analysts, software experts, and computer scientists.

The existing and potential problems they exposed would give any American with any common sense and any concern for our democratic process cause for alarm.

The first panel included Dr. Andrew Smith of the University of New Hampshire, Kimball Brace of Election Data Services, Inc., and Dr. John Lott. They testified about historical election turnout statistics and the effects of election integrity issues on voter confidence.

Lott also testified that his statistical analyses show that contrary to the narrative myth pushed by some, voter ID does not depress voter turnout. In fact, there is some evidence that it may increase turnout because it increases public confidence in elections."

As Evidence of Election Fraud Emerges, the Media Wants to Keep You in the Dark
You don't think people prove who they are when getting a license? Motor Voter is an excellent opportunity to register voters.
That's fine as long as we make sure that it only registers citizens. In a lot of areas, you can get a driver's license as a non-citizen. So, a safeguard needs to be in place.

What makes you think safeguards aren't in place.

It never ceases to astonish me the extent to which Americans have been convinced that millions of illegals are voting. What an assinnine point of view? Why would illegals vote? Why would they risk getting caught?

There is not and has never been any evidence whatsoever that illegal aliens are voting. But Republicans are obsessed with the idea that illegals are voting in massive numbers, sufficient to determine the outcome of elections.

It makes no logical sense, whatsoever.
It's hard to find evidence of something a system isn't designed to find.

If I ran a store without security cameras and things started going missing, I wouldn't have any evidence of theft, but I'd have a reasonable suspicion of it.
But there is observation in vote counting, and it's overseen by an elected official
Of which there is bias. There were a lot of political shenanigans that happened in Michigan, for example.

It's like how people believed the explanations of vote security given to them by the people who would be implicated if any improprieties occurred.
What a load of shit.
Yes, there are many problems with our voting system and it makes it all too easy for many to commit fraud. Only way to fix it is to start with updating voter rolls. Do away with motor voter registration and have people register on their own, providing all necessary ID when doing so. That way, only those who vote will bother to register and they will have to prove who they are in order to register.

Voter ID is more likely to encourage people to vote because they will feel that their vote actually counts instead of feeling like the duplicate voters, dead voters, illegal voters and other cheating will void their valid vote.

Anyone against updating voter rolls and double checking that all voters are legitimate likely want that room to cheat.

"If you have no idea what happened at the second meeting of President Donald Trump’s Advisory Commission on Election Integrity in New Hampshire on Sept. 12, I’m not surprised.

Though a horde of reporters attended the meeting, almost all of the media stories that emerged from it simply repeated the progressive left’s mantra that the Commission is a “sham.”

Almost no one covered the substantive and very concerning testimony of 10 expert witnesses on the problems that exist in our voter registration and election system.

The witnesses included academics, election lawyers, state election officials, data analysts, software experts, and computer scientists.

The existing and potential problems they exposed would give any American with any common sense and any concern for our democratic process cause for alarm.

The first panel included Dr. Andrew Smith of the University of New Hampshire, Kimball Brace of Election Data Services, Inc., and Dr. John Lott. They testified about historical election turnout statistics and the effects of election integrity issues on voter confidence.

Lott also testified that his statistical analyses show that contrary to the narrative myth pushed by some, voter ID does not depress voter turnout. In fact, there is some evidence that it may increase turnout because it increases public confidence in elections."

As Evidence of Election Fraud Emerges, the Media Wants to Keep You in the Dark
You don't think people prove who they are when getting a license? Motor Voter is an excellent opportunity to register voters.
That's fine as long as we make sure that it only registers citizens. In a lot of areas, you can get a driver's license as a non-citizen. So, a safeguard needs to be in place.

What makes you think safeguards aren't in place.

It never ceases to astonish me the extent to which Americans have been convinced that millions of illegals are voting. What an assinnine point of view? Why would illegals vote? Why would they risk getting caught?

There is not and has never been any evidence whatsoever that illegal aliens are voting. But Republicans are obsessed with the idea that illegals are voting in massive numbers, sufficient to determine the outcome of elections.

It makes no logical sense, whatsoever.
It's hard to find evidence of something a system isn't designed to find.

If I ran a store without security cameras and things started going missing, I wouldn't have any evidence of theft, but I'd have a reasonable suspicion of it.
But there is observation in vote counting, and it's overseen by an elected official
Of which there is bias. There were a lot of political shenanigans that happened in Michigan, for example.

It's like how people believed the explanations of vote security given to them by the people who would be implicated if any improprieties occurred.

Every election count in the USA was overseen by poll watchers from BOTH parties, Skippy. They all signed off that the count was fair. Thousands and thousands of them.
Yes, there are many problems with our voting system and it makes it all too easy for many to commit fraud. Only way to fix it is to start with updating voter rolls. Do away with motor voter registration and have people register on their own, providing all necessary ID when doing so. That way, only those who vote will bother to register and they will have to prove who they are in order to register.

Voter ID is more likely to encourage people to vote because they will feel that their vote actually counts instead of feeling like the duplicate voters, dead voters, illegal voters and other cheating will void their valid vote.

Anyone against updating voter rolls and double checking that all voters are legitimate likely want that room to cheat.

"If you have no idea what happened at the second meeting of President Donald Trump’s Advisory Commission on Election Integrity in New Hampshire on Sept. 12, I’m not surprised.

Though a horde of reporters attended the meeting, almost all of the media stories that emerged from it simply repeated the progressive left’s mantra that the Commission is a “sham.”

Almost no one covered the substantive and very concerning testimony of 10 expert witnesses on the problems that exist in our voter registration and election system.

The witnesses included academics, election lawyers, state election officials, data analysts, software experts, and computer scientists.

The existing and potential problems they exposed would give any American with any common sense and any concern for our democratic process cause for alarm.

The first panel included Dr. Andrew Smith of the University of New Hampshire, Kimball Brace of Election Data Services, Inc., and Dr. John Lott. They testified about historical election turnout statistics and the effects of election integrity issues on voter confidence.

Lott also testified that his statistical analyses show that contrary to the narrative myth pushed by some, voter ID does not depress voter turnout. In fact, there is some evidence that it may increase turnout because it increases public confidence in elections."

As Evidence of Election Fraud Emerges, the Media Wants to Keep You in the Dark
You don't think people prove who they are when getting a license? Motor Voter is an excellent opportunity to register voters.
That's fine as long as we make sure that it only registers citizens. In a lot of areas, you can get a driver's license as a non-citizen. So, a safeguard needs to be in place.

What makes you think safeguards aren't in place.

It never ceases to astonish me the extent to which Americans have been convinced that millions of illegals are voting. What an assinnine point of view? Why would illegals vote? Why would they risk getting caught?

There is not and has never been any evidence whatsoever that illegal aliens are voting. But Republicans are obsessed with the idea that illegals are voting in massive numbers, sufficient to determine the outcome of elections.

It makes no logical sense, whatsoever.
It's hard to find evidence of something a system isn't designed to find.

If I ran a store without security cameras and things started going missing, I wouldn't have any evidence of theft, but I'd have a reasonable suspicion of it.
But there is observation in vote counting, and it's overseen by an elected official
Of which there is bias. There were a lot of political shenanigans that happened in Michigan, for example.

It's like how people believed the explanations of vote security given to them by the people who would be implicated if any improprieties occurred.

This is just bullshit. There is absolutely no evidence of "shenanigans" anywhere in Michigan. NONE.

Instead of becoming a responsible political party, with values they live by, principles they honour, and laws they respect, Republicans are now the party of "power at all costs". They refuse to either relinguish power, or to change their platform and try to earn peoples' votes.

They have demonized Democrats to the point the right wingers have a better opinion of Putin than they do of Democrats. Now that Republicans have basically alienated 3/4 of the American public with their lies, gaslighting, and disastrous economic policies, They're busy passing laws to keep anyone but their base from voting.

Republicans were all in favour of mail-in voting, as they closed polling stations in poor neighbourhoods. Even as the urban populations grew, the places for city dwellers to vote, dwindled, they were difficult to access by public transit, and their hours made it difficult for working people to vote.

But that didn't work this election, because of vote by mail. Democrats always voted in person and Republicans voted by mail. This time the opposite happened and Republicans lost, so now they want to end vote by mail.

This is what Republicans do. They find ways to keep poor people from voting.
I'd post the video of the shenanigans, but I get the impression you'd just deny it all with mental gymnastics.
"video of the shenanigans"

Yes, there are many problems with our voting system and it makes it all too easy for many to commit fraud. Only way to fix it is to start with updating voter rolls. Do away with motor voter registration and have people register on their own, providing all necessary ID when doing so. That way, only those who vote will bother to register and they will have to prove who they are in order to register.

Voter ID is more likely to encourage people to vote because they will feel that their vote actually counts instead of feeling like the duplicate voters, dead voters, illegal voters and other cheating will void their valid vote.

Anyone against updating voter rolls and double checking that all voters are legitimate likely want that room to cheat.

"If you have no idea what happened at the second meeting of President Donald Trump’s Advisory Commission on Election Integrity in New Hampshire on Sept. 12, I’m not surprised.

Though a horde of reporters attended the meeting, almost all of the media stories that emerged from it simply repeated the progressive left’s mantra that the Commission is a “sham.”

Almost no one covered the substantive and very concerning testimony of 10 expert witnesses on the problems that exist in our voter registration and election system.

The witnesses included academics, election lawyers, state election officials, data analysts, software experts, and computer scientists.

The existing and potential problems they exposed would give any American with any common sense and any concern for our democratic process cause for alarm.

The first panel included Dr. Andrew Smith of the University of New Hampshire, Kimball Brace of Election Data Services, Inc., and Dr. John Lott. They testified about historical election turnout statistics and the effects of election integrity issues on voter confidence.

Lott also testified that his statistical analyses show that contrary to the narrative myth pushed by some, voter ID does not depress voter turnout. In fact, there is some evidence that it may increase turnout because it increases public confidence in elections."

As Evidence of Election Fraud Emerges, the Media Wants to Keep You in the Dark
You don't think people prove who they are when getting a license? Motor Voter is an excellent opportunity to register voters.
That's fine as long as we make sure that it only registers citizens. In a lot of areas, you can get a driver's license as a non-citizen. So, a safeguard needs to be in place.

What makes you think safeguards aren't in place.

It never ceases to astonish me the extent to which Americans have been convinced that millions of illegals are voting. What an assinnine point of view? Why would illegals vote? Why would they risk getting caught?

There is not and has never been any evidence whatsoever that illegal aliens are voting. But Republicans are obsessed with the idea that illegals are voting in massive numbers, sufficient to determine the outcome of elections.

It makes no logical sense, whatsoever.
It's hard to find evidence of something a system isn't designed to find.

If I ran a store without security cameras and things started going missing, I wouldn't have any evidence of theft, but I'd have a reasonable suspicion of it.
But there is observation in vote counting, and it's overseen by an elected official
Of which there is bias. There were a lot of political shenanigans that happened in Michigan, for example.

It's like how people believed the explanations of vote security given to them by the people who would be implicated if any improprieties occurred.

This is just bullshit. There is absolutely no evidence of "shenanigans" anywhere in Michigan. NONE.

Instead of becoming a responsible political party, with values they live by, principles they honour, and laws they respect, Republicans are now the party of "power at all costs". They refuse to either relinguish power, or to change their platform and try to earn peoples' votes.

They have demonized Democrats to the point the right wingers have a better opinion of Putin than they do of Democrats. Now that Republicans have basically alienated 3/4 of the American public with their lies, gaslighting, and disastrous economic policies, They're busy passing laws to keep anyone but their base from voting.

Republicans were all in favour of mail-in voting, as they closed polling stations in poor neighbourhoods. Even as the urban populations grew, the places for city dwellers to vote, dwindled, they were difficult to access by public transit, and their hours made it difficult for working people to vote.

But that didn't work this election, because of vote by mail. Democrats always voted in person and Republicans voted by mail. This time the opposite happened and Republicans lost, so now they want to end vote by mail.

This is what Republicans do. They find ways to keep poor people from voting.
I'd post the video of the shenanigans, but I get the impression you'd just deny it all with mental gymnastics.

There were no shenanigans. Period.

The videos are live streamed videos of the actual accounts with a voiceover lying about what is really happening. Trump tried to introduce a few of these into court and then the election officials came in and explained what was really going on in the videos and the case was tossed.

There are lots of these videos around. They’re easy to make and you can say anything in them and have it sound reasonable but the bold fact is that there were pole watchers from both parties over seeing all of the counts and every single one of these people signed off that they saw nothing amiss in anything.

Tens of thousands of poll watchers signed affidavits saying that the count they witnessed was fair and legal. Tens of thousands of county officials certified the elections. 50 secretaries of State certified the elections.

Not one of these people has come forward to recant their affidavit in the wake of everything that has happened since the election.

Not one person has presented evidence of any sort of massive fraud in the election such that it would change the outcome of ANY race.

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