As a Black voter, I find this offensive: ‘What about 9/11?’ Twitter furious after Biden calls Capitol storming ‘worst attack since Civil War"

I personally consider 1/6 worse than 9/11dueto the fact that it was a domestic attack supported by our own leaders.

...1814 - 2021

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Who could deny it? The spectacle of Trump goons attacking Congress in January, 2021 was disgusting, indeed, but one can justifiably quibble over the primacy of the Trump goons' attack. As a direct assault upon our democratic institution, it vies with the August, 1814 White House conflagration ignited by the forces of King George III.

In any event, hundreds of the Trump goons have been identified, tracked down, arrested, and are being prosecuted. The royal arsonists are all beyond the statute of limitations.

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Joe Biden said during his first address to a joint session of Congress on Wednesday evening that the Capitol storming on January 6 was the ‘worst attack’ on democracy since the Civil War.

Joe Biden is a walking corpse. Simple as that.

As an Educated Black man, I find this offensive and I urge all Fellow Black voters to reject the Democratic Policy.

I know as you do the election was rigged and Trump will win it for the third time.

All Democratic Cities are over run by crime and filth.

It is time for a change.


No doubt you could recall a greater threat to democracy. I'll wait here.

How is grace involved in what he said?
you could argue the civil war was good. it ended slavery!

the civil war was a good thing.
53,000 Americans died in 1 day at Gettysburg during the civil war.
What's so freaking good about it?
millions of Americans were freed from being slaves in 1 day

what's so freaking bad about it?
"millions"? how many MILLIONS? I have no idea just how many MILLIONS
there were. Is there a statistic?
you could argue the civil war was good. it ended slavery!

the civil war was a good thing.
53,000 Americans died in 1 day at Gettysburg during the civil war.
What's so freaking good about it?
millions of Americans were freed from being slaves in 1 day

what's so freaking bad about it?
"millions"? how many MILLIONS? I have no idea just how many MILLIONS
there were. Is there a statistic?
there were trillions all over the world over the history of time, and every life is precious and priceless whether it's in "Gaetzsburg" or Ghana
you could argue the civil war was good. it ended slavery!

the civil war was a good thing.
53,000 Americans died in 1 day at Gettysburg during the civil war.
What's so freaking good about it?
millions of Americans were freed from being slaves in 1 day

what's so freaking bad about it?
"millions"? how many MILLIONS? I have no idea just how many MILLIONS
there were. Is there a statistic?
there were trillions all over the world over the history of time, and every life is precious and priceless whether it's in "Gaetzsburg" or Ghana
the question I have is what was the population of black african slaves in the USA ---"freed" by
the civil war?
you could argue the civil war was good. it ended slavery!

the civil war was a good thing.
53,000 Americans died in 1 day at Gettysburg during the civil war.
What's so freaking good about it?
millions of Americans were freed from being slaves in 1 day

what's so freaking bad about it?
"millions"? how many MILLIONS? I have no idea just how many MILLIONS
there were. Is there a statistic?
there were trillions all over the world over the history of time, and every life is precious and priceless whether it's in "Gaetzsburg" or Ghana
the question I have is what was the population of black african slaves in the USA ---"freed" by
the civil war?
100 bazillion
you could argue the civil war was good. it ended slavery!

the civil war was a good thing.
53,000 Americans died in 1 day at Gettysburg during the civil war.
What's so freaking good about it?
millions of Americans were freed from being slaves in 1 day

what's so freaking bad about it?
"millions"? how many MILLIONS? I have no idea just how many MILLIONS
there were. Is there a statistic?
there were trillions all over the world over the history of time, and every life is precious and priceless whether it's in "Gaetzsburg" or Ghana
the question I have is what was the population of black african slaves in the USA ---"freed" by
the civil war?
why does that matter?
Sometimes people let their emotions get the best of them and they say things that are 'over the top'.
Other times people allow their intense stances / opinions about issues get the best of them, and they 'exaggerate'.
Still other times there are times when, for their own benefit, people - especially politicians - just flat-out LIE.

THEN there are other times when arrogant, pathological liars say the DUMBEST SHIT, either because they are brain-damaged POSes or they think people are stupid enough to believe them.

Since there is NO ONE - not even snowflakes - stupid enough to believe 'the 1/6 riot is the worst attack on the US since the Civil War'- the only explanation for this statement is that Joe Biden is completely f*ing INSANE, dementia-ravaged to the point of being capable of hurting himself and thus should be bound in a straight-jacket and placed in a rubber room.....and anyone who believes the crap he spewed should be placed the same way next to him in that room.

SERIOUSLY - think about it for a second:

Prior to 1/6, the FBI learned of potential violence on that day.
- Instead of attempting to prevent the violence, they attempted to hire former SpecOps guys to infiltrate conservative groups
Prior to 1/6 President Trump DID recommend National Guard members be called up and present
Prior to 1/6 The Capitol Police, the Sergeant-at-Arms of both House & Senate, Pelosi, & the DC Mayor rejected this idea
Prior to 1/6 he Capitol police did NOTHING to prepare for the 'potential violence'

On 1/6, according to the bipartisan Committee report

- UNARMED American citizens illegally entered the Capitol
- Capitol Police had not called enough police to work to handle the large crowd
- Capitol Police did not have a plan, did not have the equipment they needed, did not have any leaders, did not have a way to communicate with the FBI, local police, or National Guard
- Capitol Police moved barriers to give rioters easier access to the Capitol
- Capitol police opened the door for and held the Capitol door open for people / rioters to enter
- Once inside, Capitol Police led people / rioters through the Capitol
- Video footage shows known Antifa members at and inside the Capitol
- Video shows conservatives / Trump supporters asking why they are not trying to stop masked thugs breaking windows
- Video and photographs show the 'trespassers' wandering around TAKING SELFIES & STEALING 'SOUVENIRS'

- Known Antifa members caught / detained for being in the Capitol have already been released
- Peaceful conservatives/Trump supporters who trespassed, took selfies, and did no damage are still being held in 'prison'
- The bipartisan Committee report cites the majority of the fault of the 1/6 violence on the capitol Police

One Capitol Policeman on duty that day died, NOT from any violence / attack, despite what Dems/the WH/Media claimed

An unarmed, petite, white female US Military veteran was shot and killed by an incompetent black Capitol policeman who used excessive force

According to Biden, the 1/6 event is worse than:
- The attack on Pearl Harbor

- 4 US Presidents being assassinated since the Civil War

- The 1915 bombing of the Capitol by Erich Muenter

- The 1971 Domestic terrorist 'Weatherman Underground' (Barry's Pal Bill Ayers's group) bombing of the Capitol

- The Left-Wing terrorist (The 'Armed Resistance') BOMB that detonated and tore through the Capitol in 1983 (Bill Clinton pardoned the terrorist)

- 9/11/01, a terrorist attack during which 3,000 Americans were killed


If you agree with Biden you are just as brain damaged as Biden is.

Damn straight we need change from this Reagan brainwashed functional moron GOP mess of the last 30 years... Tax the rich and giant corporations and invest in America again. And bring back the fairness doctrine so the GOP brainwash is made much more difficult. We need debate on Tucker Carlson hanratty and whoever on the internet oh my God. There's just too much political argument and no news on cable news etc etc.
franco what about the left wing brainwashing?.....can we make that more difficult too?....

Joe Biden said during his first address to a joint session of Congress on Wednesday evening that the Capitol storming on January 6 was the ‘worst attack’ on democracy since the Civil War.

Joe Biden is a walking corpse. Simple as that.

As an Educated Black man, I find this offensive and I urge all Fellow Black voters to reject the Democratic Policy.

I know as you do the election was rigged and Trump will win it for the third time.

All Democratic Cities are over run by crime and filth.

It is time for a change.

Screw you. You forgot Pearl Harbor, The Alamo and other attacks by foreign countries. The Civil War and the Insurrection were attacks on our Constitution by traitors.
Joe Biden said during his first address to a joint session of Congress on Wednesday evening that the Capitol storming on January 6 was the ‘worst attack’ on democracy since the Civil War. Joe Biden is a walking corpse. Simple as that.

Worse than that, Joe doesn't even have his history right! Not only did he forget 9/11, but the Civil War wasn't any attack on democracy---- the South wanted to go their own way, to exercise their right as the North had in breaking off from Britain and it was the North which attacked them, out of fear of losing so much land to the Confederacy, nothing more.
The Civil War and the Insurrection were attacks on our Constitution by traitors.

How did the Civil War, started by the North, attack the Constitution?

The only one that switched was Strom Thrumond. All those racist politicians remained life long Democrats.
How did the Civil War, started by the North, attack the Constitution?

Ah, so much history, so much ignorance. In re Slavery:

Easy reads, for those who want to understand the precursors to the Civil War.
Damn straight we need change from this Reagan brainwashed functional moron GOP mess of the last 30 years... Tax the rich and giant corporations and invest in America again. And bring back the fairness doctrine so the GOP brainwash is made much more difficult. We need debate on Tucker Carlson hanratty and whoever on the internet oh my God. There's just too much political argument and no news on cable news etc etc.
Then you'd better not vote democrat, because you've been doing that for decades and not gotten anything you wanted. They're still scared that a Republican might look at them funny.

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