Armed Protests Being Planned in all 50 States

...I thought you Nazis claimed that there was an attempted coup? Get your lies straight.
Is there a psychiatrist in the house? :auiqs.jpg:

No, I'm quite sure you Nazis have been claiming an attempted coup.

Get your lies straight.
Goodness, the liar can't come up with an answer!

You threatened to come to a state protest locked and loaded, an implied threat of violence. Ane because you're a squealing beta, you're now lying about doing that.

Remember. Federal-pound-me-in-the-ass-prison. If you act up, you go there. I'm just looking out for your welfare.
But those who attacked the White House in July are not subject to the law. The KGB refuses to apprehend them.

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo ...

You teling the dumbest lies to justify your open lust for fascism.

Now run along. Your masters need your oral services. They speak highly of your technique, which comes from extensive experience.

it's okay to not support a fascist coup, you know. Just say it. "Only my party has tried a murderous fascist coup, and I condemn that with no qualifications."
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Did Trump lose? Sounds to me like you are trying to convince yourself--every other thinking human being knows the truth--that CCP Joe and Kameltoe are going to be installed in a BS inauguration after a sham election.

At this point, it appears that the results of the fraudulent election will stand, that Joe Biden will be inaugurated as President, and that shortly thereafter, he will be compelled to step down, and let the whore take his place. But for the coming four years, notwithstanding what anyone will or will not admit, everyone will know that it is an illegitimate administration, that only got into place by openly cheating. Furthermore, once Biden steps down, everyone will know that we have a President who would never have amounted to anything more than a below-mediocre ambulance chaser, had she not sold sexual favors to a powerful married man in exchange for political appointments and opportunities for which she was wholly unqualified and incompetent.

Whatever talk may have come of scandals that have happened under previous administrations, this is one that is deeply tainted by scandal even before it is put in place.
But those who attacked the White House in July are not subject to the law. The KGB refuses to apprehend them.

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo ...

You teling the dumbest lies to justify your open lust for fascism.

Now run along. Your masters need your oral services. They speak highly of your technique, which comes from extensive experience.

it's okahy to not support a fascist coup, you know. Just say it. "Only my party has tried a murderous fascist coup, and I condemn that with no qualifications."
Your cult has attempted a murderous communist coup that you seem okay with.
When you all stop acting like fascist brownshirts…

You seem to be confusing us with the subhuman “Black Lies Matter” and “Antifa” filth that your own side has supported. They are truly the closest thing that has been seen within my lifetime or yours, to the Nazi Sturmabteilung.
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But those who attacked the White House in July are not subject to the law. The KGB refuses to apprehend them.

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo ...

You teling the dumbest lies to justify your open lust for fascism.

Now run along. Your masters need your oral services. They speak highly of your technique, which comes from extensive experience.

it's okahy to not support a fascist coup, you know. Just say it. "Only my party has tried a murderous fascist coup, and I condemn that with no qualifications."
Did you say that when BLM attacked the capitol with the DC mayor's consent and support?
and let the whore take his place.

What an ugly soul you have.

I have an ugly soul? I'm not on the side that has put that filthy slut an unreliable heartbeat away from this nation's highest and most important political office. That would be you and your side.

For that matter, I'm also not the one who is expressing his light-loafered sexual fantasies in this thread. Again, that would be you.

You telling me that I have an ugly soul is like a supermassive galactic core black-hole calling a blue supergiant star “black”.

The motions of your spirit are dull as night. And your affections dark as Erebus. Let no such man be trusted.
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Also, from the story above....

" The FBI has also received information in recent days on a group calling for “storming” state, local and federal government courthouses and administrative buildings in the event President Donald Trump is removed from office prior to Inauguration Day. The group is also planning to “storm” government offices in every state the day President-elect Joe Biden will be inaugurated, regardless of whether the states certified electoral votes for Biden or Trump. "

More "law and order" from the right wing losers.
This is a false flag operation organized by BLM and antifa (also the Democrat party, of course). Democrats are trying to lure gullible Republicans into staging more protests, where they can instigate and facilitate riots, so they can justify more Persecution of Republicans.

Don't fall for it.
and let the whore take his place.

What an ugly soul you have.

I hear they're building a new wing in Hell to hold the Trump traitors.
I'm sure you and your ilk will be there to greet us, hypocrite. This is the first election in modern times where the ENTIRE nation knows that it is illegitimate. IMHO There will be four years of unrest for the next four years and hopefully the next election will see an end of the democrats/republicans--they and their minions (thats you) have trashed this country--hopefully not beyond repair.
I'm sure you and your ilk will be there to greet us, hypocrite.

I suggest you read about the story of Lazarus. You'll be roasting, and begging God to have Hillary Clinton or some other liberal come over from heaven to give you a drink of water, but there will be a great chasm between us, and we will be unable to reach you.

This is the first election in modern times where the ENTIRE nation knows that it is illegitimate.

Just stop. We know you're lying about that, basically because you're too cowardly to not lie along with the rest of your cult. Only your fellow hellbound cultists still pretend to believe your lies.

Also, from the story above....

" The FBI has also received information in recent days on a group calling for “storming” state, local and federal government courthouses and administrative buildings in the event President Donald Trump is removed from office prior to Inauguration Day. The group is also planning to “storm” government offices in every state the day President-elect Joe Biden will be inaugurated, regardless of whether the states certified electoral votes for Biden or Trump. "

More "law and order" from the right wing losers.
This is a false flag operation organized by BLM and antifa (also the Democrat party, of course). Democrats are trying to lure gullible Republicans into staging more protests, where they can instigate and facilitate riots, so they can justify more Persecution of Republicans.

Don't fall for it.
Gullible Republicans is redundant.
See? It's not just an ugly soul. It reeks of excrement, decay and pustulence.

Again, look who you're supporting and defending. A whore who only ever got anywhere into politics by being a whore. If she had not sucked Brown's Willie, and otherwise sold herself sexually to him, her entire career would have consisted of the pursuit of emergency medical vehicles.

Be known by the company that you keep.

Also, from the story above....

" The FBI has also received information in recent days on a group calling for “storming” state, local and federal government courthouses and administrative buildings in the event President Donald Trump is removed from office prior to Inauguration Day. The group is also planning to “storm” government offices in every state the day President-elect Joe Biden will be inaugurated, regardless of whether the states certified electoral votes for Biden or Trump. "

More "law and order" from the right wing losers.
Trump, and all of his supporters personify cowardice and treason.

Impotent little toads.
I suggest you read about the story of Lazarus. You'll be roasting, and begging God to have Hillary Clinton or some other liberal come over from heaven to give you a drink of water, but there will be a great chasm between us, and we will be unable to reach you.

A godless piece of shit such as you is in no position to lecture Christians on what our scriptures tell us. Like the Devil himself, you would only ever quote scripture for the purpose of twisting and perverting it to your own evil purposes.
I'm sure you and your ilk will be there to greet us, hypocrite.

I suggest you read about the story of Lazarus. You'll be roasting, and begging God to have Hillary Clinton or some other liberal come over from heaven to give you a drink of water, but there will be a great chasm between us, and we will be unable to reach you.

This is the first election in modern times where the ENTIRE nation knows that it is illegitimate.

Just stop. We know you're lying about that, basically because you're too cowardly to not lie along with the rest of your cult. Only your fellow hellbound cultists still pretend to believe your lies.
HaHaHa, hypocrite, keep rolling in your righteousness. To even suggest that any of these politicians or their minions have a chance of entering heaven shows that you have no concept of God.

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