Ark of the Covenant


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013

Ok. Where is it? What is it? Does it still exist or did it disintegrate?

Whatcha think?
LOts of speculation, under the Temple Mount, somewhere in Ethiopia. Head scratcher.
View attachment 505843

Ok. Where is it? What is it? Does it still exist or did it disintegrate?

Whatcha think?
Ok. Where is it? What is it? Does it still exist or did it disintegrate?
most misunderstood - historical artifact ...

how about - as well, the guy that disintegrated the tablets etched in heaven, now indistinguishable pieces in that box who then wrote their own version for his desert religion that then claims they are special people ...

* good luck finding the box - it had a predestination all of its own - (true) judaism took care of it.
Ok. Where is it? What is it? Does it still exist or did it disintegrate?
Rational answer? Never existed, neither did the ten commandment tablets. Even if the other tales of Moses and his flock were true, they were almost certainly, to a man, illiterate. Written language didn't even really exist in that area of the world, as far as we can tell. If it did, only a very few people could write or read it. So the idea that god wrote rules on stone tablets and gifted them to a group of illiterate people is absurd on its face.
Sumer had written language and so did Ras Shamra and Dilmun.. No way of knowing how much of the populations were literate.
But these people did not have written language. You make my point for me, in showing we know where and when early written language existed. Thank you for that. .

And yes we know most people were illiterate. In fact, nearly all. Institutions for spreading literacy did not exist in almost all of the world for millenia after these mythical events.
The fact that you would have to make the hugely improbable leaps to pretending written language existed in these people's culture (it didn't) and then an even larger, specious leap to assuming any of them were literate (in a written language thay doesn't appear even to have existed at the time) should be your first strong clue that these are mythical events.

That's how a rational person would think. Then faith enters the picture and displaces reason.
If Moses existed , he was raised in Pharaoh's court so its likely he was literate.
In what language? You are being cutesy, here. Flesh out your fantasy in detail about a literate moses and lets compare it both to the myths and to our archaeological knowledge.

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