"Are You Well Read:" Appealing The Decision


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
A pal sent me this 'challenge,' about books I have read...

If You've Read 10% of These Books You're Very Well Read
Ten percent? That's only fifty books! You've read at least fifty of these books right? I'm sure you have.

I hate to lose at anything.....but I couldn't resist taking the test.

I got 20%....but my pal got 25%!!!!!!

Here is the basis of my appeal: it is nearly all fiction, and my pal, an NYU Prof, had a book club (that I was in).......
....and tons of my reading is non-fiction!!!!!

Anyway......you can take that test yourself (since Liberals don't read, they are excused from the exercise).
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Someone makes a list of books that they know and we are supposed to acquire knowledge by only reading the list a person has submitted, yet the list doesn't have all the books one can read...Then we have a delectable juicy insult from the OP in an education thread...She violates TOS and yet still thinks she is well read...

I have read several of the books on the list yet have read more books that are not on the list.
Define "well"- I read a lot and the funny thing about knowledge is, it isn't biased in its origin- and, can manifest itself in ways unimaginable-

well: 1. in a good or satisfactory way.

2. in a thorough manner.

I'm a pretty thorough reader, which is satisfactory to me, which is what counts- what others read is their business although I have suggested particular books to others and I do swap books with a long time friend-
Define "well"- I read a lot and the funny thing about knowledge is, it isn't biased in its origin- and, can manifest itself in ways unimaginable-

well: 1. in a good or satisfactory way.

2. in a thorough manner.

I'm a pretty thorough reader, which is satisfactory to me, which is what counts- what others read is their business although I have suggested particular books to others and I do swap books with a long time friend-

"...I'm a pretty thorough reader, which is satisfactory to me, which is what counts- what others read is their business ..."

Sounds an awful lot like the excuses I made when I lost the challenge to my pal.....
Sci-fi and fantasy were not very well represented on that list. :p

I have read 21 of the 500. There may be 5 or so that I read when I was young but don't remember: some 'classics' that I may have read in school.

Twilight was on the list, but Anne Rice wasn't? Bah! What a crappy list. :lol:

And political science and science, as well....

So....do I win my appeal??????
Sounds an awful lot like the excuses I made when I lost the challenge to my pal.
Call it what your little heart desires- it doesn't change anything I said- an excuse, BTW, is a lame attempt to justify- I stated facts- as well as the definition of "well"- and, I don't need to justify to you or anyone else about anything I say or do- therefore your incorrect use of excuse is moot.
A pal sent me this 'challenge,' about books I have read...

If You've Read 10% of These Books You're Very Well Read
Ten percent? That's only fifty books! You've read at least fifty of these books right? I'm sure you have.

I hate to lose at anything.....but I couldn't resist taking the test.

I got 20%....but my pal got 25%!!!!!!

Here is the basis of my appeal: it is nearly all fiction, and my pal, an NYU Prof, had a book club (that I was in).......
....and tons of my reading is non-fiction!!!!!

Anyway......you can take that test yourself (since Liberals don't read, they are excused from the exercise).

I'm surprised Watership Down wasn't on the list.
Neither was Battlefield Earth.
Nor was The Illustrated Man
A pal sent me this 'challenge,' about books I have read...

If You've Read 10% of These Books You're Very Well Read
Ten percent? That's only fifty books! You've read at least fifty of these books right? I'm sure you have.

I hate to lose at anything.....but I couldn't resist taking the test.

I got 20%....but my pal got 25%!!!!!!

Here is the basis of my appeal: it is nearly all fiction, and my pal, an NYU Prof, had a book club (that I was in).......
....and tons of my reading is non-fiction!!!!!

Anyway......you can take that test yourself (since Liberals don't read, they are excused from the exercise).

I'm surprised Watership Down wasn't on the list.
Neither was Battlefield Earth.
Nor was The Illustrated Man

You can come sit at the table with those of us grumbling about the books not on the list.....

...were any Dumas books there???

Early on, I decided to pick the fattest book in the library....it was The Count Of Monte Cristo......not on the list.
A pal sent me this 'challenge,' about books I have read...

If You've Read 10% of These Books You're Very Well Read
Ten percent? That's only fifty books! You've read at least fifty of these books right? I'm sure you have.

I hate to lose at anything.....but I couldn't resist taking the test.

I got 20%....but my pal got 25%!!!!!!

Here is the basis of my appeal: it is nearly all fiction, and my pal, an NYU Prof, had a book club (that I was in).......
....and tons of my reading is non-fiction!!!!!

Anyway......you can take that test yourself (since Liberals don't read, they are excused from the exercise).

I'm surprised Watership Down wasn't on the list.
Neither was Battlefield Earth.
Nor was The Illustrated Man

I've only read Watership Down of those 3. I should probably read Battlefield Earth, just to see how good or bad it actually is.
Sci-fi and fantasy were not very well represented on that list. :p

I have read 21 of the 500. There may be 5 or so that I read when I was young but don't remember: some 'classics' that I may have read in school.

Twilight was on the list, but Anne Rice wasn't? Bah! What a crappy list. :lol:

And political science and science, as well....

So....do I win my appeal??????

In the sense that it's just a question of who read more books from the list, no. In the sense of does the list really make one more "well read," yes. ;)
Sci-fi and fantasy were not very well represented on that list. :p

I have read 21 of the 500. There may be 5 or so that I read when I was young but don't remember: some 'classics' that I may have read in school.

Twilight was on the list, but Anne Rice wasn't? Bah! What a crappy list. :lol:

And political science and science, as well....

So....do I win my appeal??????

In the sense that it's just a question of who read more books from the list, no. In the sense of does the list really make one more "well read," yes. ;)

Can't we just give it a 'maybe'???
A pal sent me this 'challenge,' about books I have read...

If You've Read 10% of These Books You're Very Well Read
Ten percent? That's only fifty books! You've read at least fifty of these books right? I'm sure you have.

I hate to lose at anything.....but I couldn't resist taking the test.

I got 20%....but my pal got 25%!!!!!!

Here is the basis of my appeal: it is nearly all fiction, and my pal, an NYU Prof, had a book club (that I was in).......
....and tons of my reading is non-fiction!!!!!

Anyway......you can take that test yourself (since Liberals don't read, they are excused from the exercise).

I'm surprised Watership Down wasn't on the list.
Neither was Battlefield Earth.
Nor was The Illustrated Man

I've only read Watership Down of those 3. I should probably read Battlefield Earth, just to see how good or bad it actually is.
The movie sucked....the book was pretty good.
A pal sent me this 'challenge,' about books I have read...

If You've Read 10% of These Books You're Very Well Read
Ten percent? That's only fifty books! You've read at least fifty of these books right? I'm sure you have.

I hate to lose at anything.....but I couldn't resist taking the test.

I got 20%....but my pal got 25%!!!!!!

Here is the basis of my appeal: it is nearly all fiction, and my pal, an NYU Prof, had a book club (that I was in).......
....and tons of my reading is non-fiction!!!!!

Anyway......you can take that test yourself (since Liberals don't read, they are excused from the exercise).

I'm stuck in a Nietzsche, Milton, Jung, Faulkner loop with a dash of Poe and Homer. Plus, we're in a winter reading program due by February 21, 21. Read ten books and get a free coffee mug. We do it every year. Maybe I'll take a closer look at lists like these for next year's program.
A pal sent me this 'challenge,' about books I have read...

If You've Read 10% of These Books You're Very Well Read
Ten percent? That's only fifty books! You've read at least fifty of these books right? I'm sure you have.

I hate to lose at anything.....but I couldn't resist taking the test.

I got 20%....but my pal got 25%!!!!!!

Here is the basis of my appeal: it is nearly all fiction, and my pal, an NYU Prof, had a book club (that I was in).......
....and tons of my reading is non-fiction!!!!!

Anyway......you can take that test yourself (since Liberals don't read, they are excused from the exercise).

I'm stuck in a Nietzsche, Milton, Jung, Faulkner loop with a dash of Poe and Homer. Plus, we're in a winter reading program due by February 21, 21. Read ten books and get a free coffee mug. We do it every year. Maybe I'll take a closer look at lists like these for next year's program.

....then you can complain about the list, as the rest of us have.
A pal sent me this 'challenge,' about books I have read...

If You've Read 10% of These Books You're Very Well Read
Ten percent? That's only fifty books! You've read at least fifty of these books right? I'm sure you have.

I hate to lose at anything.....but I couldn't resist taking the test.

I got 20%....but my pal got 25%!!!!!!

Here is the basis of my appeal: it is nearly all fiction, and my pal, an NYU Prof, had a book club (that I was in).......
....and tons of my reading is non-fiction!!!!!

Anyway......you can take that test yourself (since Liberals don't read, they are excused from the exercise).
I wouldn't be too sure what the score means since even a government-schooled ignoramus like me read 61 of the books.

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