Are you ready to start voting third party yet?

Until a third party presents a candidate that can win, it's a wasted vote.

While the Republicans are not shiny, the point right now is to keep the Democrats at bay.
No vote is wasted if one votes his or her conscience. Except, of course if one is completely locked into the Democrat/Republican (us vs them) mentality.
I hardly ever post anymore, but I felt this was a good time to do so. Wow, who would've ever thought it would be possible to completely outspend the Obama Democrats spending bills? Well guess what? It has been done. The GOP pulled it off! Seriously GOP, nobody will ever believe you again when you say how you're the party of smaller government and fiscal responsibility. I've always stated the two biggest lies are when the Democrats espouse how they are the party for working class America, and when Republicans bloviate about how they are for small government and reduced spending.

Nancy Pelosi stated "we won" with this spending bill. Really Nancy, just who is we? We certainly isn't America. Your definition of we is as follows: you, the Democrats and Republicans, and the most important "we" is the "we" both your party and the GOP are controlled by - the rich global elite. I laugh at the Russian collusion diatribe, it's a joke. The only collusion I see is between Democrats and the GOP in that they make sure the only "we" that wins is them and their rich global elitist masters.

Had enough yet? I've heard many frustrations from those on the left, those on the right, as well as those somewhere in between. Yet every election the majority of Americans fall into the same old trap: "oh those Republicans are pure evil, the Democrats are the good guys", or "oh those Democrats are pure evil, the Republicans are the good guys". Well, the truth is, both parties are pure evil, both are traitors to America and have completely betrayed our Founding Fathers.

So what are you going to do about? Keep falling for the same old rhetoric? Keep falling for the line of one party is more evil than the other? Wake up people and vote third party!!! Maybe, just maybe if enough people say they've had enough and do so, we can make some much needed changes. But if you keep voting Democrat or Republican, it'll just be the same old thing. Make a difference people, take a stand, vote third party. Enough is enough already.
The DNC is certainly corrupt and useless to voters, but I trust some prominent democrats (Nancy is not one). A third progressive party would be great but the likelihood of one becoming popular is next to none. All I can do is examine one democrat at a time and decide if I like them. Of course, even if I don’t trust a democrat, they are still far better than any republican.

If I hated Christians, wealthy, positive contributing, law abiding folks...morality, decency, heterosexuals, white Americans and the nations best I’d vote Mexicrat just like you.
This is so stupid. Many democrats are Christian, are wealthy but want their taxes raised, and are white. The things you people say are so dumb.
I hardly ever post anymore, but I felt this was a good time to do so. Wow, who would've ever thought it would be possible to completely outspend the Obama Democrats spending bills? Well guess what? It has been done. The GOP pulled it off! Seriously GOP, nobody will ever believe you again when you say how you're the party of smaller government and fiscal responsibility. I've always stated the two biggest lies are when the Democrats espouse how they are the party for working class America, and when Republicans bloviate about how they are for small government and reduced spending.

Nancy Pelosi stated "we won" with this spending bill. Really Nancy, just who is we? We certainly isn't America. Your definition of we is as follows: you, the Democrats and Republicans, and the most important "we" is the "we" both your party and the GOP are controlled by - the rich global elite. I laugh at the Russian collusion diatribe, it's a joke. The only collusion I see is between Democrats and the GOP in that they make sure the only "we" that wins is them and their rich global elitist masters.

Had enough yet? I've heard many frustrations from those on the left, those on the right, as well as those somewhere in between. Yet every election the majority of Americans fall into the same old trap: "oh those Republicans are pure evil, the Democrats are the good guys", or "oh those Democrats are pure evil, the Republicans are the good guys". Well, the truth is, both parties are pure evil, both are traitors to America and have completely betrayed our Founding Fathers.

So what are you going to do about? Keep falling for the same old rhetoric? Keep falling for the line of one party is more evil than the other? Wake up people and vote third party!!! Maybe, just maybe if enough people say they've had enough and do so, we can make some much needed changes. But if you keep voting Democrat or Republican, it'll just be the same old thing. Make a difference people, take a stand, vote third party. Enough is enough already.
The DNC is certainly corrupt and useless to voters, but I trust some prominent democrats (Nancy is not one). A third progressive party would be great but the likelihood of one becoming popular is next to none. All I can do is examine one democrat at a time and decide if I like them. Of course, even if I don’t trust a democrat, they are still far better than any republican.

I agree totally, except I don’t trust Republicans, but they are far better than any democrat.
I hardly ever post anymore, but I felt this was a good time to do so. Wow, who would've ever thought it would be possible to completely outspend the Obama Democrats spending bills? Well guess what? It has been done. The GOP pulled it off! Seriously GOP, nobody will ever believe you again when you say how you're the party of smaller government and fiscal responsibility. I've always stated the two biggest lies are when the Democrats espouse how they are the party for working class America, and when Republicans bloviate about how they are for small government and reduced spending.

Nancy Pelosi stated "we won" with this spending bill. Really Nancy, just who is we? We certainly isn't America. Your definition of we is as follows: you, the Democrats and Republicans, and the most important "we" is the "we" both your party and the GOP are controlled by - the rich global elite. I laugh at the Russian collusion diatribe, it's a joke. The only collusion I see is between Democrats and the GOP in that they make sure the only "we" that wins is them and their rich global elitist masters.

Had enough yet? I've heard many frustrations from those on the left, those on the right, as well as those somewhere in between. Yet every election the majority of Americans fall into the same old trap: "oh those Republicans are pure evil, the Democrats are the good guys", or "oh those Democrats are pure evil, the Republicans are the good guys". Well, the truth is, both parties are pure evil, both are traitors to America and have completely betrayed our Founding Fathers.

So what are you going to do about? Keep falling for the same old rhetoric? Keep falling for the line of one party is more evil than the other? Wake up people and vote third party!!! Maybe, just maybe if enough people say they've had enough and do so, we can make some much needed changes. But if you keep voting Democrat or Republican, it'll just be the same old thing. Make a difference people, take a stand, vote third party. Enough is enough already.
The DNC is certainly corrupt and useless to voters, but I trust some prominent democrats (Nancy is not one). A third progressive party would be great but the likelihood of one becoming popular is next to none. All I can do is examine one democrat at a time and decide if I like them. Of course, even if I don’t trust a democrat, they are still far better than any republican.

I agree totally, except I don’t trust Republicans, but they are far better than any democrat.
What prominent democrats do you like?
I hardly ever post anymore, but I felt this was a good time to do so. Wow, who would've ever thought it would be possible to completely outspend the Obama Democrats spending bills? Well guess what? It has been done. The GOP pulled it off! Seriously GOP, nobody will ever believe you again when you say how you're the party of smaller government and fiscal responsibility. I've always stated the two biggest lies are when the Democrats espouse how they are the party for working class America, and when Republicans bloviate about how they are for small government and reduced spending.

Nancy Pelosi stated "we won" with this spending bill. Really Nancy, just who is we? We certainly isn't America. Your definition of we is as follows: you, the Democrats and Republicans, and the most important "we" is the "we" both your party and the GOP are controlled by - the rich global elite. I laugh at the Russian collusion diatribe, it's a joke. The only collusion I see is between Democrats and the GOP in that they make sure the only "we" that wins is them and their rich global elitist masters.

Had enough yet? I've heard many frustrations from those on the left, those on the right, as well as those somewhere in between. Yet every election the majority of Americans fall into the same old trap: "oh those Republicans are pure evil, the Democrats are the good guys", or "oh those Democrats are pure evil, the Republicans are the good guys". Well, the truth is, both parties are pure evil, both are traitors to America and have completely betrayed our Founding Fathers.

So what are you going to do about? Keep falling for the same old rhetoric? Keep falling for the line of one party is more evil than the other? Wake up people and vote third party!!! Maybe, just maybe if enough people say they've had enough and do so, we can make some much needed changes. But if you keep voting Democrat or Republican, it'll just be the same old thing. Make a difference people, take a stand, vote third party. Enough is enough already.

I've been talking about Proportional Representation for years, and most people just ignore it or reject it.

Why? They've been advertised to so much by the two main parties, they're so brainwashed they can't think of anything they're not told to think.
I hardly ever post anymore, but I felt this was a good time to do so. Wow, who would've ever thought it would be possible to completely outspend the Obama Democrats spending bills? Well guess what? It has been done. The GOP pulled it off! Seriously GOP, nobody will ever believe you again when you say how you're the party of smaller government and fiscal responsibility. I've always stated the two biggest lies are when the Democrats espouse how they are the party for working class America, and when Republicans bloviate about how they are for small government and reduced spending.

Nancy Pelosi stated "we won" with this spending bill. Really Nancy, just who is we? We certainly isn't America. Your definition of we is as follows: you, the Democrats and Republicans, and the most important "we" is the "we" both your party and the GOP are controlled by - the rich global elite. I laugh at the Russian collusion diatribe, it's a joke. The only collusion I see is between Democrats and the GOP in that they make sure the only "we" that wins is them and their rich global elitist masters.

Had enough yet? I've heard many frustrations from those on the left, those on the right, as well as those somewhere in between. Yet every election the majority of Americans fall into the same old trap: "oh those Republicans are pure evil, the Democrats are the good guys", or "oh those Democrats are pure evil, the Republicans are the good guys". Well, the truth is, both parties are pure evil, both are traitors to America and have completely betrayed our Founding Fathers.

So what are you going to do about? Keep falling for the same old rhetoric? Keep falling for the line of one party is more evil than the other? Wake up people and vote third party!!! Maybe, just maybe if enough people say they've had enough and do so, we can make some much needed changes. But if you keep voting Democrat or Republican, it'll just be the same old thing. Make a difference people, take a stand, vote third party. Enough is enough already.
The DNC is certainly corrupt and useless to voters, but I trust some prominent democrats (Nancy is not one). A third progressive party would be great but the likelihood of one becoming popular is next to none. All I can do is examine one democrat at a time and decide if I like them. Of course, even if I don’t trust a democrat, they are still far better than any republican.

I agree totally, except I don’t trust Republicans, but they are far better than any democrat.
What prominent democrats do you like?

None come to mind. Besides, In our system, party trumps person, at least in the legislative branch.
I hardly ever post anymore, but I felt this was a good time to do so. Wow, who would've ever thought it would be possible to completely outspend the Obama Democrats spending bills? Well guess what? It has been done. The GOP pulled it off! Seriously GOP, nobody will ever believe you again when you say how you're the party of smaller government and fiscal responsibility. I've always stated the two biggest lies are when the Democrats espouse how they are the party for working class America, and when Republicans bloviate about how they are for small government and reduced spending.

Nancy Pelosi stated "we won" with this spending bill. Really Nancy, just who is we? We certainly isn't America. Your definition of we is as follows: you, the Democrats and Republicans, and the most important "we" is the "we" both your party and the GOP are controlled by - the rich global elite. I laugh at the Russian collusion diatribe, it's a joke. The only collusion I see is between Democrats and the GOP in that they make sure the only "we" that wins is them and their rich global elitist masters.

Had enough yet? I've heard many frustrations from those on the left, those on the right, as well as those somewhere in between. Yet every election the majority of Americans fall into the same old trap: "oh those Republicans are pure evil, the Democrats are the good guys", or "oh those Democrats are pure evil, the Republicans are the good guys". Well, the truth is, both parties are pure evil, both are traitors to America and have completely betrayed our Founding Fathers.

So what are you going to do about? Keep falling for the same old rhetoric? Keep falling for the line of one party is more evil than the other? Wake up people and vote third party!!! Maybe, just maybe if enough people say they've had enough and do so, we can make some much needed changes. But if you keep voting Democrat or Republican, it'll just be the same old thing. Make a difference people, take a stand, vote third party. Enough is enough already.
The DNC is certainly corrupt and useless to voters, but I trust some prominent democrats (Nancy is not one). A third progressive party would be great but the likelihood of one becoming popular is next to none. All I can do is examine one democrat at a time and decide if I like them. Of course, even if I don’t trust a democrat, they are still far better than any republican.

I agree totally, except I don’t trust Republicans, but they are far better than any democrat.
What prominent democrats do you like?

None come to mind. Besides, In our system, party trumps person, at least in the legislative branch.
Do you don’t have any admiration whatsoever for Bernie Sanders?
What do you think would of happened if Trump ran third party instead of republican in the last election?
He would have split the Republican vote and Crazy Hillary would have won.
You don’t think he would have pulled the Bernie crew in? He would have taken a much more moderate view on many issues. It would have been interesting
Sanders is a socialist, so I don't see Trump being attractive to many of them.
I hardly ever post anymore, but I felt this was a good time to do so. Wow, who would've ever thought it would be possible to completely outspend the Obama Democrats spending bills? Well guess what? It has been done. The GOP pulled it off! Seriously GOP, nobody will ever believe you again when you say how you're the party of smaller government and fiscal responsibility. I've always stated the two biggest lies are when the Democrats espouse how they are the party for working class America, and when Republicans bloviate about how they are for small government and reduced spending.

Nancy Pelosi stated "we won" with this spending bill. Really Nancy, just who is we? We certainly isn't America. Your definition of we is as follows: you, the Democrats and Republicans, and the most important "we" is the "we" both your party and the GOP are controlled by - the rich global elite. I laugh at the Russian collusion diatribe, it's a joke. The only collusion I see is between Democrats and the GOP in that they make sure the only "we" that wins is them and their rich global elitist masters.

Had enough yet? I've heard many frustrations from those on the left, those on the right, as well as those somewhere in between. Yet every election the majority of Americans fall into the same old trap: "oh those Republicans are pure evil, the Democrats are the good guys", or "oh those Democrats are pure evil, the Republicans are the good guys". Well, the truth is, both parties are pure evil, both are traitors to America and have completely betrayed our Founding Fathers.

So what are you going to do about? Keep falling for the same old rhetoric? Keep falling for the line of one party is more evil than the other? Wake up people and vote third party!!! Maybe, just maybe if enough people say they've had enough and do so, we can make some much needed changes. But if you keep voting Democrat or Republican, it'll just be the same old thing. Make a difference people, take a stand, vote third party. Enough is enough already.
The DNC is certainly corrupt and useless to voters, but I trust some prominent democrats (Nancy is not one). A third progressive party would be great but the likelihood of one becoming popular is next to none. All I can do is examine one democrat at a time and decide if I like them. Of course, even if I don’t trust a democrat, they are still far better than any republican.

I agree totally, except I don’t trust Republicans, but they are far better than any democrat.
What prominent democrats do you like?

None come to mind. Besides, In our system, party trumps person, at least in the legislative branch.
Do you don’t have any admiration whatsoever for Bernie Sanders?
Sanders only looks good when he's standing next to Crazy Hillary.
What do you think would of happened if Trump ran third party instead of republican in the last election?
He would have split the Republican vote and Crazy Hillary would have won.
You don’t think he would have pulled the Bernie crew in? He would have taken a much more moderate view on many issues. It would have been interesting
Sanders is a socialist, so I don't see Trump being attractive to many of them.

Many of Bernie supporters were young voters, and thus idealistic. They are also easily swayed. The question- could Trump have sold himself as the ideal third party canidate to the young. Who knows, he is quite the barker.
What do you think would of happened if Trump ran third party instead of republican in the last election?
He would have split the Republican vote and Crazy Hillary would have won.
You don’t think he would have pulled the Bernie crew in? He would have taken a much more moderate view on many issues. It would have been interesting
Sanders is a socialist, so I don't see Trump being attractive to many of them.

Many of Bernie supporters were young voters, and thus idealistic. They are also easily swayed. The question- could Trump have sold himself as the ideal third party canidate to the young. Who knows, he is quite the barker.
Sanders supporters were young liberals, even socialists, so if Trump had tried to change his message to appeal to them, he would have lost his right wing supporters and Crazy Hillary would have won.
What do you think would of happened if Trump ran third party instead of republican in the last election?
He would have split the Republican vote and Crazy Hillary would have won.
You don’t think he would have pulled the Bernie crew in? He would have taken a much more moderate view on many issues. It would have been interesting
Sanders is a socialist, so I don't see Trump being attractive to many of them.
Bernie had a large anti establishment following. Trump did as well. Difference was Bernie had the liberals and trump had the conservatives.
I’ve been voting third-party for years. The last presidential election I voted for either a Republican or Democrat was 2004
I seriously don't understand voting for some one you know can't win.

I can't understand voting for someone you know is going to be shit, and screw you over, and not do their job properly and not represent the people they're supposed to represent.

Your attitude is the very attitude the two main parties encourage.

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