Are you one of the 53%

What's unfair is to tax the money people need for the basic necessities of life. The argument is then what should reasonably qualify as necessities.
Excuse me? But when does need give you the right to someone else's labor or wealth?

That is called a justification of slavery.

So, massah... who do you wish to enslave to your or someone else's 'need' today?

Doan whip me none, massah! I's be a good slave fo you!

You just rejected the legitimacy of a democratic constitutional government. So now tell me,

what government do you replace it with, and how do you get to that government?
No. I did not. I rejected a totalitarian state where the government controls it's citizens, not one that serves it's citizens best interests by letting them live their lives best as they see fit because too many of the citizenry cannot abide others choosing something different from them.

You preach control and slavery when you preach that need has supremacy over individual freedom, property ownership and choice.
Yes, leaving the bottom 47% EARNING $1, $10 or hundreds of dollars by 'doing their taxes'. Meanwhile the top 10% of all taxpayers pay about 60% of the tab.

How the fuck is that fair?

It may not be 'fair' that someone with kids might pay 1/4 of the income tax I pay, all else being equal,

but it's futile to argue against that and foolish to think it will ever change.

The only unfair part of that is that the GOVT can USE tax policy to influence the number of kids people have. Either by expanding or cutting those subsidies..
Or changing behaviour of businesses.
It may not be 'fair' that someone with kids might pay 1/4 of the income tax I pay, all else being equal,

but it's futile to argue against that and foolish to think it will ever change.
oh yes, wise sahib! The tax code is written in stone, is it not? It is futile to argue against something that never can change!.

Did you crack your skull on the shallow end again?

Life ain't fair. Anyone who tells you otherwise, is selling something.

You're a fool if you think the voting bloc represented by Americans with children will ever vote away their preferential tax treatment in numbers sufficient to change that circumstance.
Hence the law was supposed to prevent the tyranny of the mob at the expense of the minority or the corruption of the minority oppressing the rich.

THAT is the purpose of the much despised separation of powers by the left. They want an all powerful benign benevolant 'administrator' that takes care of all their needs from cradle to grave at the discretion of that individual. They also hope they get to BE that individual, lest they suffer under him.
Oh, btw, sort of on the subject, Rick Perry is coming out with a flat tax plan modeled after creepy Steve Forbe's timeworn flat tax,

and guess what?

...if it does follow that model it will include a big first income/low income exemption that will result in millions of American households STILL paying no federal income taxes.
Then it is fatally flawed. All Americans must pay or none should. That is equality you so want.
The only unfair part of that is that the GOVT can USE tax policy to influence the number of kids people have. Either by expanding or cutting those subsidies..
I will toss out the same challenge I give to Carbie he runs from every time:

I am in favor of ending ALL subsidies and tax breaks to ALL citizens and corporations and everyone pays their fair share in a single flat tax for all.

What could be more fair than that?

You willing to sign on to that, or is social engineering still more important than fairness and equality under the law.

Still chanting Social Justice instead of Equal Justice?

The only diff between Social Justice and Equal Justice is that the types that support the former have to PERPETUATE a class difference to stay in biz..

Now to be fair -- ERADICATING class diffs is a fools errand. But working to REDUCE them sure isn't.... So MY question to NYCarbo would be -- Aren't we ALL working to minimize class diffs? And I don't mean just sheer redistribution schemes.. Biggest impact on class diffs is education.. Want to make the case that the NYCarbo team does a better job?
Realize that the classes are not permanent, and class mobility invalidates the need for class warfare and envy.
oh yes, wise sahib! The tax code is written in stone, is it not? It is futile to argue against something that never can change!.

Did you crack your skull on the shallow end again?

Life ain't fair. Anyone who tells you otherwise, is selling something.

You're a fool if you think the voting bloc represented by Americans with children will ever vote away their preferential tax treatment in numbers sufficient to change that circumstance.
Hence the law was supposed to prevent the tyranny of the mob at the expense of the minority or the corruption of the minority oppressing the rich.

THAT is the purpose of the much despised separation of powers by the left. They want an all powerful benign benevolant 'administrator' that takes care of all their needs from cradle to grave at the discretion of that individual. They also hope they get to BE that individual, lest they suffer under him.
And I have to ask what is next for the left? Getting rid of the Electoral College? How Representatives are apportioned? Why just two Senators? How about whatever the POTUS decides? His way or the highway? And How about that Judicial? Everything they decide is it...and neither one of the other two branches can challange?

Despotism...the word of the day and what the left seems to want...hand in hand with Mob Rule and Democracy...sure why not? Laws are for sissies...for that matter so is the Constitution...:eusa_whistle:
The economy crshing in part because of the GOP Congress's dereliction of duty from 1994 to 2006, then the dems in 2007 to 2010: we are all at fault.


gov't spending is the problem

Of course Bush did have 911, two wars and overall avg did better than Papa Obama so far

If fact ....

CBO: Eight Years of Iraq War Cost Less Than Stimulus Act
- According to CBO numbers in its Budget and Economic Outlook published this month, the cost of Operation Iraqi Freedom was $709 billion for military and related activities, including training of Iraqi forces and diplomatic operations.
- The projected cost of the stimulus, which passed in February 2009, and is expected to have a shelf life of two years, was $862 billion.

Papa Obama leftist policies just don't work

Only a fool would believe that we are only one tax on the rich or one spending cut from some program from fixing our problems

I certainly agree BHO has not done as well as he should have, but he was having to take care of the Congressional mess from 1994 to 2008. Left and Right Wing progressivist programs have shattered the economy along with common American greed, from the poorest to the richest.

Papa Obama adding more progressive crap is not taking care of it
It just makes things worse

Please name the specific right wing and left wing "progressivist" programs, as you say...
What are they and who has more?
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And I have to ask what is next for the left? Getting rid of the Electoral College?

Great idea, long overdue.

How Representatives are apportioned? Why just two Senators?

For that matter, why a Senate? As for the Representatives, I would suggest, on the less-radical end of possibility, some form of proportional representation like what happens in Europe and most other democracies. That would break the stranglehold of the Demopublicans on our politics and make more room for minor parties, and it's the only thing that would. Along with campaign finance reform, it's the one best change we could make. (By comparison, abolishing the electoral college is relatively trivial; presidential elections that depart from the popular vote are rare -- although we did see one in 2000.)

On the more-radical end, see the link in my signature.

How about whatever the POTUS decides? His way or the highway?

Pass on that one, thanks just the same. The problem is lack of public accountability and the fact we have a plutocracy rather than a democracy. I don't think a dictatorship would be any more democratic.

And How about that Judicial? Everything they decide is it...and neither one of the other two branches can challange?

Isn't that what we have now? Other than amending the Constitution or replacing judges when they retire.

Despotism...the word of the day and what the left seems to want...hand in hand with Mob Rule and Democracy...sure why not?

To say that the left wants "despotism" betrays utter ignorance about the left. Truly. Nothing could be further from the truth. The fear of democracy on the part of the rich, privileged, and powerful is simply a fear that their privileges will be taken away, and it's a well-based fear, but for anyone else, those privileges themselves are the problem. Democracy, historically (I'm thinking ancient Athens for example) has not shown itself to be any worse than other forms of government w/r/t treatment of minorities. As long as we preserve the Bill of Rights, there's nothing to fear on that score.

Unless you're a Wall Street gazillionaire used to being able to buy government officials, of course.
I will toss out the same challenge I give to Carbie he runs from every time:

I am in favor of ending ALL subsidies and tax breaks to ALL citizens and corporations and everyone pays their fair share in a single flat tax for all.

What could be more fair than that?

You willing to sign on to that, or is social engineering still more important than fairness and equality under the law.

Still chanting Social Justice instead of Equal Justice?

Your 'plan' is based on the faulty premise that income being taxed the same is 'fair'.

Do you want to end all religious exemptions? All charitable deductions?

Oh, btw I'll tell you what would actually be more 'fair' than what you propose, and what proves that not even your plan is 'fair' despite your repeatedly claims.

A set dollar amount tax for every citizen, regardless of income.

If we need 2 trillion dollars to pay for the government for a year, then we divide 2 trillion by the number of adults in the country and whatever that number is, that is your FAIR share. That means that if that number comes to 10,000 dollars, then everyone from you to me to Bill Gates to Warren Buffett owes 10,000 dollars. Or whatever the number is.

Yep. End them all. You able to stomach that? End the government 'charitable' programs and let people keep their own money. Charity cannot come from force anyway. This way charities people support get funded, while wastes wither on the vine and die.

If we need 2 trillion dollars to pay for the government for a year, then we divide 2 trillion by the number of adults in the country and whatever that number is, that is your FAIR share.

Except if you ended all the social spending as is constitutionally correct, the cost of government would be about 400 billion or less. So, no need for 2 trillion, therefore the burden on the citizenry shrinks.

Oh, btw I'll tell you what would actually be more 'fair' than what you propose, and what proves that not even your plan is 'fair' despite your repeatedly claims.

A set dollar amount tax for every citizen, regardless of income.

You're right. That IS the most fair. It's a regressive tax though. Is that fair? Yes, when you look at the population at large. So to compromise on fairness and equality you must look at a flat rate... like 10% for everyone. It's the least unequal or unfair, since the concept of equality and fairness are mutually exclusive.

What is constitutionally correct is not determined by crackpots on the internet.
Your 'plan' is based on the faulty premise that income being taxed the same is 'fair'.

Do you want to end all religious exemptions? All charitable deductions?

Oh, btw I'll tell you what would actually be more 'fair' than what you propose, and what proves that not even your plan is 'fair' despite your repeatedly claims.

A set dollar amount tax for every citizen, regardless of income.

If we need 2 trillion dollars to pay for the government for a year, then we divide 2 trillion by the number of adults in the country and whatever that number is, that is your FAIR share. That means that if that number comes to 10,000 dollars, then everyone from you to me to Bill Gates to Warren Buffett owes 10,000 dollars. Or whatever the number is.

Yep. End them all. You able to stomach that? End the government 'charitable' programs and let people keep their own money. Charity cannot come from force anyway. This way charities people support get funded, while wastes wither on the vine and die.

Except if you ended all the social spending as is constitutionally correct, the cost of government would be about 400 billion or less. So, no need for 2 trillion, therefore the burden on the citizenry shrinks.

Oh, btw I'll tell you what would actually be more 'fair' than what you propose, and what proves that not even your plan is 'fair' despite your repeatedly claims.

A set dollar amount tax for every citizen, regardless of income.

You're right. That IS the most fair. It's a regressive tax though. Is that fair? Yes, when you look at the population at large. So to compromise on fairness and equality you must look at a flat rate... like 10% for everyone. It's the least unequal or unfair, since the concept of equality and fairness are mutually exclusive.

What is constitutionally correct is not determined by crackpots on the internet.

No of course not

we save that for crackpot politicians and judges
Your 'plan' is based on the faulty premise that income being taxed the same is 'fair'.

Do you want to end all religious exemptions? All charitable deductions?

Oh, btw I'll tell you what would actually be more 'fair' than what you propose, and what proves that not even your plan is 'fair' despite your repeatedly claims.

A set dollar amount tax for every citizen, regardless of income.

If we need 2 trillion dollars to pay for the government for a year, then we divide 2 trillion by the number of adults in the country and whatever that number is, that is your FAIR share. That means that if that number comes to 10,000 dollars, then everyone from you to me to Bill Gates to Warren Buffett owes 10,000 dollars. Or whatever the number is.

Yep. End them all. You able to stomach that? End the government 'charitable' programs and let people keep their own money. Charity cannot come from force anyway. This way charities people support get funded, while wastes wither on the vine and die.

Except if you ended all the social spending as is constitutionally correct, the cost of government would be about 400 billion or less. So, no need for 2 trillion, therefore the burden on the citizenry shrinks.

Oh, btw I'll tell you what would actually be more 'fair' than what you propose, and what proves that not even your plan is 'fair' despite your repeatedly claims.

A set dollar amount tax for every citizen, regardless of income.

You're right. That IS the most fair. It's a regressive tax though. Is that fair? Yes, when you look at the population at large. So to compromise on fairness and equality you must look at a flat rate... like 10% for everyone. It's the least unequal or unfair, since the concept of equality and fairness are mutually exclusive.

What is constitutionally correct is not determined by crackpots on the internet.

Thank you for self identifying as a crackpot. I just take the founding fathers as their word.
Yep. End them all. You able to stomach that? End the government 'charitable' programs and let people keep their own money. Charity cannot come from force anyway. This way charities people support get funded, while wastes wither on the vine and die.

Except if you ended all the social spending as is constitutionally correct, the cost of government would be about 400 billion or less. So, no need for 2 trillion, therefore the burden on the citizenry shrinks.

You're right. That IS the most fair. It's a regressive tax though. Is that fair? Yes, when you look at the population at large. So to compromise on fairness and equality you must look at a flat rate... like 10% for everyone. It's the least unequal or unfair, since the concept of equality and fairness are mutually exclusive.

What is constitutionally correct is not determined by crackpots on the internet.

Thank you for self identifying as a crackpot. I just take the founding fathers as their word.

That's fine if you're living in the 18th century or fine if you don't believe it was the founding fathers who decided that constitutionality would be determined by a Supreme Court appointed by the president and approved by the Senate.
No. I did not. I rejected a totalitarian state where the government controls it's citizens, not one that serves it's citizens best interests by letting them live their lives best as they see fit because too many of the citizenry cannot abide others choosing something different from them.

You preach control and slavery when you preach that need has supremacy over individual freedom, property ownership and choice.

How would a government actually function that wasn't based on the principle that the majority should rule?

Specifically and coherently please.
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No. I did not. I rejected a totalitarian state where the government controls it's citizens, not one that serves it's citizens best interests by letting them live their lives best as they see fit because too many of the citizenry cannot abide others choosing something different from them.

You preach control and slavery when you preach that need has supremacy over individual freedom, property ownership and choice.

How would a government actually function that wasn't based on the principle that the majority should rule?

Specifically and coherently please.

See US Gov't

gov't spending is the problem

Of course Bush did have 911, two wars and overall avg did better than Papa Obama so far

If fact ....

CBO: Eight Years of Iraq War Cost Less Than Stimulus Act
- According to CBO numbers in its Budget and Economic Outlook published this month, the cost of Operation Iraqi Freedom was $709 billion for military and related activities, including training of Iraqi forces and diplomatic operations.
- The projected cost of the stimulus, which passed in February 2009, and is expected to have a shelf life of two years, was $862 billion.

Papa Obama leftist policies just don't work

Only a fool would believe that we are only one tax on the rich or one spending cut from some program from fixing our problems

hooray for our side... while the misbegotten, stupid, unnecessary, counterproductive Iraq war has cost $709 Billion (to date)... it's a bargain compared to Obama's Stimulus Package... I feel so proud to be on the side that throws money down the toilet slightly less fast than the other side...

Valid source for the $709 billion?

The Iraq War is a bargain compared to the stimulus package?

How much were we told the Iraq War would cost before we went in?

What is the price tag of over 4,000 American lives?

What is the price tag of the tens of thousands of other causalities we will be caring for for the rest of their lives?

The Iraq war was a bargain compared to the stimulus lol.......give me a fucking break.

it's called sarcasm... :eusa_whistle:

gov't spending is the problem

Of course Bush did have 911, two wars and overall avg did better than Papa Obama so far

If fact ....

CBO: Eight Years of Iraq War Cost Less Than Stimulus Act
- According to CBO numbers in its Budget and Economic Outlook published this month, the cost of Operation Iraqi Freedom was $709 billion for military and related activities, including training of Iraqi forces and diplomatic operations.
- The projected cost of the stimulus, which passed in February 2009, and is expected to have a shelf life of two years, was $862 billion.

Papa Obama leftist policies just don't work

Only a fool would believe that we are only one tax on the rich or one spending cut from some program from fixing our problems

I certainly agree BHO has not done as well as he should have, but he was having to take care of the Congressional mess from 1994 to 2008. Left and Right Wing progressivist programs have shattered the economy along with common American greed, from the poorest to the richest.

Papa Obama adding more progressive crap is not taking care of it
It just makes things worse

Please name the specific right wing and left wing "progressivist" programs, as you say...
What are they and who has more?

You made the original assertions, so we will begin with you defining which "Papa Obama leftist policies just don't work" and your solutions, with suggestions for fixing them. I can then respond with more than assertions. Go for it, you started it.
I certainly agree BHO has not done as well as he should have, but he was having to take care of the Congressional mess from 1994 to 2008. Left and Right Wing progressivist programs have shattered the economy along with common American greed, from the poorest to the richest.

Papa Obama adding more progressive crap is not taking care of it
It just makes things worse

Please name the specific right wing and left wing "progressivist" programs, as you say...
What are they and who has more?

You made the original assertions, so we will begin with you defining which "Papa Obama leftist policies just don't work" and your solutions, with suggestions for fixing them. I can then respond with more than assertions. Go for it, you started it.

Pork BIll
Papa Obama Care
to just name a few
Of course, a "Republican" like you might think they are great successes

As usual, you have little real substance to back your own claims
Of course, no one expects "less" from you

NeoSilly posts assertions, does not back them up, and then makes silly of others.

Nothing new here.
NeoSilly posts assertions, does not back them up, and then makes silly of others.

Nothing new here.



Please name the specific right wing and left wing "progressivist" programs, as you say...
What are they and who has more?​

Your words back it up- no assertions on my part whatsoever
Should be fairly easy to do


Truth is hard for some
in fact it is their worst enemy

Your shtick is getting pretty old
but at least we can count on it

Defending the Left while pretending to be a Republican
pushing your radical leftist ideas
You still think Papa Obama Care was a good idea
As opposed to the majority of the country

You are like the "David Brooks" of this posting board
Liberal approved "conservative"

No doubt, you too liked the crease in Papa Obama's pants

I could be wrong
perhaps your only non radical Republican idea is that you are Pro Life
You are Pro Life, correct; sorry, in radical leftist terms. You are not Pro- Choice, correct ?

but with you, who knows
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I have posted it at times elsewhere with examples, and you have seen it before and ran away.

Progressivism is a process of reform of economics, culture, and society through political means. Thus some examples in the beginning of the Progressive Age would by the Meat Act (1906), the Pure Food and Drug Act
(1906), the Mann Act (1910), Prohibition (1919), Federal Reserve Act (1913), Women's Suffrage (1920), and on down today.

Progressivism is best described as a reform process rather than an ideology.

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