Are you living a Peaceful Life.

Are you living a Peaceful LIFE.
Dang straight, and intend to keep it that way. We are quiet types and just do our own thing. Been doing a lot of leaf blowing and Christmas decorating inside and out, mostly out for me, as PJ does the inside stuff. But all the lights are up. The yards are pretty clean, (though I find yard work relaxing) and it is going to rain here every day this week. We are in kick-back mode except for remaining Christmas shopping, and not planning any travel until late January.

I work, damn near every day with regular hours and overtime. I have no home life, no wife, no kids, nothing. I work day in and day out and I don't know why. Am I doing it for myself? For my future? Goodness knows gas isn't getting cheaper.

I'm spiraling into a deeper and deeper depression it seems, alone and bitter at the world. On the rare night off, I drink a bit, smoke some, and read. I can find nothing better to do. My friends at work all have fun, outgoing lives, and I hide in my bunker, knowing that I am holding back for no good reason. Not much makes me truly happy anymore. The current world I live in is so chaotic, idiotic, despotic, quixotic and psychotic. The war on traditions, patriotism and decency are burdensome. Morals have gone out the window when it comes to the sexual depravity of the so called "lgbtq" movement. People call for more government interference in the lives of the common man, and it is most disconcerting.

As the great Virginian Patrick Henry once nobly spoke, "Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, that it be purchased at the chains of Slavery? Forbid it almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!"

Such vigor, patriotism, and passion is lacking in todays society. As a part of the younger generation, I feel as if I am an alien in a land of fools. I do not identify with my generation one bit, not in their manner, dialect, views or attitudes. How is one to feel a part of the world, when the world rejects you?

That is why I feel nothing but depression and angst at my place in this world. I am not living a life of inner peace. As I finish off the last of this bottle of Calico Jack while I write this, I bid the readers peace, and do not fear for me. I am not suicidal, just freaking depressed. about myself, my nation, and my world.

I work, damn near every day with regular hours and overtime. I have no home life, no wife, no kids, nothing. I work day in and day out and I don't know why. Am I doing it for myself? For my future? Goodness knows gas isn't getting cheaper.

I'm spiraling into a deeper and deeper depression it seems, alone and bitter at the world. On the rare night off, I drink a bit, smoke some, and read. I can find nothing better to do. My friends at work all have fun, outgoing lives, and I hide in my bunker, knowing that I am holding back for no good reason. Not much makes me truly happy anymore. The current world I live in is so chaotic, idiotic, despotic, quixotic and psychotic. The war on traditions, patriotism and decency are burdensome. Morals have gone out the window when it comes to the sexual depravity of the so called "lgbtq" movement. People call for more government interference in the lives of the common man, and it is most disconcerting.

As the great Virginian Patrick Henry once nobly spoke, "Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, that it be purchased at the chains of Slavery? Forbid it almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!"

Such vigor, patriotism, and passion is lacking in todays society. As a part of the younger generation, I feel as if I am an alien in a land of fools. I do not identify with my generation one bit, not in their manner, dialect, views or attitudes. How is one to feel a part of the world, when the world rejects you?

That is why I feel nothing but depression and angst at my place in this world. I am not living a life of inner peace. As I finish off the last of this bottle of Calico Jack while I write this, I bid the readers peace, and do not fear for me. I am not suicidal, just freaking depressed. about myself, my nation, and my world.
Young man, it is time to take up a hobby, outside the home or bunker as you call it. Lots of interesting crap to do and places to visit, that if you are young, you haven't been there or done it yet, and none of it involve culture wars, depravity or the LGBTQ community. You just got to get off your ass, make time for yourself and go find it.

Cheer up, and Merry Christmas to ya.:hhello:

I work, damn near every day with regular hours and overtime. I have no home life, no wife, no kids, nothing. I work day in and day out and I don't know why. Am I doing it for myself? For my future? Goodness knows gas isn't getting cheaper.

I'm spiraling into a deeper and deeper depression it seems, alone and bitter at the world. On the rare night off, I drink a bit, smoke some, and read. I can find nothing better to do. My friends at work all have fun, outgoing lives, and I hide in my bunker, knowing that I am holding back for no good reason. Not much makes me truly happy anymore. The current world I live in is so chaotic, idiotic, despotic, quixotic and psychotic. The war on traditions, patriotism and decency are burdensome. Morals have gone out the window when it comes to the sexual depravity of the so called "lgbtq" movement. People call for more government interference in the lives of the common man, and it is most disconcerting.

As the great Virginian Patrick Henry once nobly spoke, "Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, that it be purchased at the chains of Slavery? Forbid it almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!"

Such vigor, patriotism, and passion is lacking in todays society. As a part of the younger generation, I feel as if I am an alien in a land of fools. I do not identify with my generation one bit, not in their manner, dialect, views or attitudes. How is one to feel a part of the world, when the world rejects you?

That is why I feel nothing but depression and angst at my place in this world. I am not living a life of inner peace. As I finish off the last of this bottle of Calico Jack while I write this, I bid the readers peace, and do not fear for me. I am not suicidal, just freaking depressed. about myself, my nation, and my world.
You're living with animals. Come back to the south. You'll be just fine in 3 months.
Young man, it is time to take up a hobby, outside the home or bunker as you call it. Lots of interesting crap to do and places to visit, that if you are young, you haven't been there or done it yet, and none of it involve culture wars, depravity or the LGBTQ community. You just got to get off your ass, make time for yourself and go find it.

Cheer up, and Merry Christmas to ya.:hhello:


I do photography a lot and metal detecting. I have hobbies. I just take them too seriously.

I work, damn near every day with regular hours and overtime. I have no home life, no wife, no kids, nothing. I work day in and day out and I don't know why. Am I doing it for myself? For my future? Goodness knows gas isn't getting cheaper.

I'm spiraling into a deeper and deeper depression it seems, alone and bitter at the world. On the rare night off, I drink a bit, smoke some, and read. I can find nothing better to do. My friends at work all have fun, outgoing lives, and I hide in my bunker, knowing that I am holding back for no good reason. Not much makes me truly happy anymore. The current world I live in is so chaotic, idiotic, despotic, quixotic and psychotic. The war on traditions, patriotism and decency are burdensome. Morals have gone out the window when it comes to the sexual depravity of the so called "lgbtq" movement. People call for more government interference in the lives of the common man, and it is most disconcerting.

As the great Virginian Patrick Henry once nobly spoke, "Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, that it be purchased at the chains of Slavery? Forbid it almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!"

Such vigor, patriotism, and passion is lacking in todays society. As a part of the younger generation, I feel as if I am an alien in a land of fools. I do not identify with my generation one bit, not in their manner, dialect, views or attitudes. How is one to feel a part of the world, when the world rejects you?

That is why I feel nothing but depression and angst at my place in this world. I am not living a life of inner peace. As I finish off the last of this bottle of Calico Jack while I write this, I bid the readers peace, and do not fear for me. I am not suicidal, just freaking depressed. about myself, my nation, and my world.

I understand this, and I'm older than you.

I belong to a denomination that might appeal to you. Scriptural, grounded in good theology, but not charismatic. Get thee to church. All of this madness only makes sense when you look at it through an eternal lens. God knows (literally) that without that, I'd be at a loss too.
I understand this, and I'm older than you.

I belong to a denomination that might appeal to you. Scriptural, grounded in good theology, but not charismatic. Get thee to church. All of this madness only makes sense when you look at it through an eternal lens. God knows (literally) that without that, I'd be at a loss too.
Yes, if he wants to meet a decent woman, he needs to go where decent women go.

It's just that simple.

I work, damn near every day with regular hours and overtime. I have no home life, no wife, no kids, nothing. I work day in and day out and I don't know why. Am I doing it for myself? For my future? Goodness knows gas isn't getting cheaper.

I'm spiraling into a deeper and deeper depression it seems, alone and bitter at the world. On the rare night off, I drink a bit, smoke some, and read. I can find nothing better to do. My friends at work all have fun, outgoing lives, and I hide in my bunker, knowing that I am holding back for no good reason. Not much makes me truly happy anymore. The current world I live in is so chaotic, idiotic, despotic, quixotic and psychotic. The war on traditions, patriotism and decency are burdensome. Morals have gone out the window when it comes to the sexual depravity of the so called "lgbtq" movement. People call for more government interference in the lives of the common man, and it is most disconcerting.

As the great Virginian Patrick Henry once nobly spoke, "Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, that it be purchased at the chains of Slavery? Forbid it almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!"

Such vigor, patriotism, and passion is lacking in todays society. As a part of the younger generation, I feel as if I am an alien in a land of fools. I do not identify with my generation one bit, not in their manner, dialect, views or attitudes. How is one to feel a part of the world, when the world rejects you?

That is why I feel nothing but depression and angst at my place in this world. I am not living a life of inner peace. As I finish off the last of this bottle of Calico Jack while I write this, I bid the readers peace, and do not fear for me. I am not suicidal, just freaking depressed. about myself, my nation, and my world.
Now I know why you want a nuclear war.

My advice…
1. Find a good woman and keep her.
2. If you can’t do 1, start taking psychedelic drugs ASAP. They will give you a new meaning on life.
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