Are You Happy To Vote For Hillary, Or Are You Just Voting Against Any Republican?

What is your gut feeling on the general election

  • I'm voting for Hillary because I feel she'll do the best job

  • I'm voting for Hillary because I don't want any Republican to win

  • I'm voting for the Republican I feel has the best chance to win

  • I'm voting for any Republican over any Democrat

  • I'm voting for any Democrat over any Republican

  • I'm not voting

Results are only viewable after voting.
I like Trump....he can't be bought. But...I don't know yet if he would make a good POTUS. Depends on who he gets in his cabinet..who he chooses as VP....on what else he says or does.

I like Carson....but he is too mild, mellow and laid back. And again, it depends on his cabinet, his pick for VP, etc.

Dems...anyone besides Hillary. Still waiting to see who steps up.

Gomer Pyle would be better than what we now have.

The media is depressing the Republican vote. That's their job. Democrats have no decent candidate running for office right now. None of them have America's best interests in mind, but it appears that the only thing they do have going for them is a willing press that is happy to tear down every Republican, while propping up Democrats. It's not what reality is that matters, it's what they think they can convince you idiot voters into believing.


This is for Liberals mainly, but also for Republicans. Are you happy with your choices, or are you just scared that the other side's candidate might win?

I couldn't vote cuz you didn't have one last option:

I am voting for whomever I think will do best, regardless of party.
Considering the fact that the parties control their candidates.....the best bet is vote for the ones that aren't party of the establishment.

Without a doubt......if you vote for a Bush or a Clinton, they're going to do what the political establishment wants.

Because the candidate is not part of the establishment does notmake him/her the best choice. You could have an insane nutjob that will try to abolish the constitution and set themself up as dictator.

You still have to judge the person, part of the establishment or not.

P.S. I favor Kasich over Clinton. Fiorina is fast approaching that status as well.

Too bad you guys are going stick us with Trump, Bush or Carson. Even worst, that Canadian.
Actually, the candidates you are scared of are the candidates that this country needs. You just want someone who won't make waves.......and thus this country will continue to roll downhill under them.
I am just going to vote against any loserterian that wants to harm the things that I love.

This idea that we should cut everything across the board is just retarded.

I hope we cut everything in the budget....everything takes a hit.
We need to stop spending more then what we take in....

The President's Budget for Fiscal Year 2016

It looks like more spending.....more spending....and even more spending...
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