Are you going to vote?

Alot of people talk but then do nothing. If we don't vote then we can't complain what happens in the future..

In order to be "electable" a candidate must be either really really socialist (Obama) or just plain socialist (Romney).

That 's what will be in the menu.

So when our national debt rises up to a gazillion dollars you will be able to say that we voted for the fuckers.

It is a case of damned if you do, damned if you don't.


Vote FOR Whom?
There is nothing but crap running.

What if we had an election and only single digits worth of voters showed up?

Maybe the best option since we do not have a none of the above oprion on the ballot.
Alot of people talk but then do nothing. If we don't vote then we can't complain what happens in the future.
Do you like having a muslim for a leader? Do you like his giving the muslim brother hood 1.2 million. Do you like the millions he just gave egypt? Is it more important he help foreigners amd muslims then to us americans. Do you like his atrocious obamacare that will ruin all our lives.
How on earth could anyone with half a brain vote again for obama. He has done nothing for you or any of us. Why would anyone vote for him just boggles my mind. Is it because they are democrats and mentally controlled by their party, or do they honest think in their minds that obama is helping them and this country.
Obama is not helping anyone except his muslim friends and crooks, and he could care less about you, me or anyone else.
God help us all if the people don't wake up and vote this mad man outta office. Now obama is appointing people to count the votes.....duh...and the election will be crooked as heck. This man has got to go.

I understand completely....

I just can't see myself voting for Romney....

I just might have to suffer another 4 years of Obama in office.
Then the next election hope the GOP get's it's shit together and
does everything and then do some more to take back the WH... :mad:
Alot of people talk but then do nothing. If we don't vote then we can't complain what happens in the future.
Do you like having a muslim for a leader? Do you like his giving the muslim brother hood 1.2 million. Do you like the millions he just gave egypt? Is it more important he help foreigners amd muslims then to us americans. Do you like his atrocious obamacare that will ruin all our lives.
How on earth could anyone with half a brain vote again for obama. He has done nothing for you or any of us. Why would anyone vote for him just boggles my mind. Is it because they are democrats and mentally controlled by their party, or do they honest think in their minds that obama is helping them and this country.
Obama is not helping anyone except his muslim friends and crooks, and he could care less about you, me or anyone else.
God help us all if the people don't wake up and vote this mad man outta office. Now obama is appointing people to count the votes.....duh...and the election will be crooked as heck. This man has got to go.

You can be you A## I'm going to vote. This is the most important election in modern history. Like you said, this man has to go!
I plan on voting, multiple times, for the Mooslim Comme Obama. You should plan on moving out of the country before you are evicted. Hate is a terrible thing to waste.

I heard that instead of coloring eggs for Easter, that Obama simply tears the heads off little chicks and eats them, while kids watch. Unbelievable, isn't it?

Of course you do, thats what low life do to undermine a system of government.

I see the usual low life thanked you for that too.
Whoa is me. The liberals have a pretty good guy in charge and my nutter friends chose this tool Romney! I will just bitch and moan about how BOTH parties suck and don't know how to run things so I can at least say I didn't vote vote the loser. Poor, poor me. But wait! I am really fucking filthy rich. It seems that somehow, these two parties have been able to run shit at least good enough to help make my bank account HUGE! D'oh!

Last time I checked I haven't gotten anything from the government that made my business more profitable. All I get from government are tax bills

And I don't consider myself to be rich but If i was able to keep the 15% of my lifetime income that the government steals from me to fund their off the books slush fund that you sheep call social security I'd be worth a couple million more and already be retired.

And really if you think then you obviously haven't noticed that no matter who is in power government is unceasingly getting more expensive and more intrusive then it's about time you were led to slaughter like the good little sheep you are. It is Easter after all and I love roast lamb for dinner. bastion of personal responsibility you! Rugged, self-made man! Think you don't benefit AT ALL from the fact that Americans pay taxes. are special. You are so great....I bet you don't even need customers to make your business a success!

We are in this together, bro. Join the team.

How much of your money did you risk for me to start my business? Oh yeah none. And the government doesn't give me customers of give my customers tax breaks for buying my services. I get customers because i give them what they want at a fair price and with excellent service.

And yeah people pay taxes big deal. I have yet to see any of you tell me that you pay a higher percentage of your income in taxes than I do. So until you and I pay the same percentage you are the ones not paying your fair share.

And.......what part of your tiny brain told you that last line was funny?

Who said I was trying to be funny? The truth isn't always amusing. Most of you that believe the government has your best interests at heart are just like the sheep who trust the shepherd not to eat you in the spring.
Of course you do, thats what low life do to undermine a system of government.

wtf. Here I thought it was corporations paying lobbyists to pay politicians to pass legislation that only benefits the corporation and the people of the corporation cause corporations are people to. Which "corporation" you having to your house for Easter dinner?

Now you want to say that because I vote multiple times for many dead people, that somehow that is undermining the country. What bullshit and nonsense.
Well I assume it's going to be Romney vs. Obama, and I certainly won't vote for either of them. It looks like Gary Johnson is going to get the Libertarian Party nomination, and I won't vote for him either. So as of right now I can't really say whether or not I'm going to vote for anybody for President. Since I'm sure I'll be voting in other races I may end up writing somebody in just to do it, or I may leave it blank.
nitroz, old rocks, sallow,

Made you all laugh eh? And a HappeY Easter to you all.

Gotta go get a new box of chicks. Kids coming over. Later.
Of course you do, thats what low life do to undermine a system of government.

wtf. Here I thought it was corporations paying lobbyists to pay politicians to pass legislation that only benefits the corporation and the people of the corporation cause corporations are people to. Which "corporation" you having to your house for Easter dinner?

Now you want to say that because I vote multiple times for many dead people, that somehow that is undermining the country. What bullshit and nonsense.

Dont try to deflect worm, or try to use any other excuse for voting more them once.

Alot of people talk but then do nothing. If we don't vote then we can't complain what happens in the future.
Do you like having a muslim for a leader? Do you like his giving the muslim brother hood 1.2 million. Do you like the millions he just gave egypt? Is it more important he help foreigners amd muslims then to us americans. Do you like his atrocious obamacare that will ruin all our lives.
How on earth could anyone with half a brain vote again for obama. He has done nothing for you or any of us. Why would anyone vote for him just boggles my mind. Is it because they are democrats and mentally controlled by their party, or do they honest think in their minds that obama is helping them and this country.
Obama is not helping anyone except his muslim friends and crooks, and he could care less about you, me or anyone else.
God help us all if the people don't wake up and vote this mad man outta office. Now obama is appointing people to count the votes.....duh...and the election will be crooked as heck. This man has got to go.

You know, comrades," says Stalin, "that I think in regard to this: I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this — who will count the votes, and how.
Which liberal has a gun to your head making you post a compilation of all the dumb-assed things that real nutters say here every day?

I don't think it is a liberal. I think he has put the gun to his own head. He seems cornfused. And scared. Maybe he is a Christian suicide shooter.

It's a she and she is an old AOL message board GOP misinformation sponge. Weak minded folks gravitate to the GOP...thank god.

Erin, Obama is not a Muslim, and you are wrong.

Yes, I am going to vote every time I can legally in every election I can legally.

I will vote for Romney, but against candidates who think like you and Ted Nugent.
I plan on voting, multiple times, for the Mooslim Comme Obama. You should plan on moving out of the country before you are evicted. Hate is a terrible thing to waste.

I heard that instead of coloring eggs for Easter, that Obama simply tears the heads off little chicks and eats them, while kids watch. Unbelievable, isn't it?

Of course you do, thats what low life do to undermine a system of government.

I see the usual low life thanked you for that too.

Well it seems the humor of the despicable unpatriotic low life characterization that many conservatives have put on one of the better Presidents in my lifetime went a little above your head.

I guess when he rights the country in his second term by using both moderate and "conservative" ideas that conservatives used to embrace..conservatives will be patting themselves on the back like they did with Clinton..who they wanted to run out on a rail.

Erin, Obama is not a Muslim, and you are wrong.

Yes, I am going to vote every time I can legally in every election I can legally.

I will vote for Romney, but against candidates who think like you and Ted Nugent.

Is that the same Ted Nugent who is a pedophile? The same Ted Nugent who pissed and shit himself for two weeks to avoid going to Vietnam?

Man..what a role model!
Alot of people talk but then do nothing. If we don't vote then we can't complain what happens in the future.
Do you like having a muslim for a leader? Do you like his giving the muslim brother hood 1.2 million. Do you like the millions he just gave egypt? Is it more important he help foreigners amd muslims then to us americans. Do you like his atrocious obamacare that will ruin all our lives.
How on earth could anyone with half a brain vote again for obama. He has done nothing for you or any of us. Why would anyone vote for him just boggles my mind. Is it because they are democrats and mentally controlled by their party, or do they honest think in their minds that obama is helping them and this country.
Obama is not helping anyone except his muslim friends and crooks, and he could care less about you, me or anyone else.
God help us all if the people don't wake up and vote this mad man outta office. Now obama is appointing people to count the votes.....duh...and the election will be crooked as heck. This man has got to go.

Good OP (opening Post). True.

I am saddened about the fact that this president has turned out to be such a fail on so many plains; lying to NASA and then cutting it, only to find had he left it alone, the increase in revenue to god would have ben higher than shutting it down, for savings concerns......

The false statements he has made on our nation, lacking a total lack of fact on history of us.

The contempt for free enterprise.

The fact of entering into hyperinflation and thus, a socialist oligarchy.

the abandonment of a constitutional Federal Republic--the core of our framing as a nation state.

...and on it goes.

I wanted so bad to have our first black president to be like some James Earl Jones type, or a Denzel Washington, Morgan Freeman or a few others, as in the character they often play; in that they became an inspiration, they were conservative, they were intoned with rational thought and reason.

Then, to acknowedge that from a nation that embraced slavery that nearly destroyed us, to a black man becoming the President of our mysteriously wonderful nation, like no other in history.

$15,677,600,745,000+ and counting at 6 million a minute, in debt.


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