Are you going to the "support chick fil a day" today?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
I believe it was Huckabee who tried to organize it. I'm going for lunch today out of both support for a legit business and curiosity to see if the message was widespread.
I will probably only support in Spirit. I just dont have the money unfortunately. but if I can find a few spare dollars...
Nah.. I don't feel like Chicken today...

Even though I support the freedom of the company boss to have whatever personal feelings he wants to have in regards to gay marriage, religion, or whatever else... as popular or as unpopular as it may be
I'd go for lunch and dinner if there was one in my state.

I'm listening to Huckabee's radio show as I write this, and people are calling in who are standing in lines at Chik.
Reports are sales are over the top. :clap2:
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I believe it was Huckabee who tried to organize it. I'm going for lunch today out of both support for a legit business and curiosity to see if the message was widespread.

I try to avoid all purveyors of mass-produced calorie-bombs. Eat at home. There's much better ways to show political support.
I vote with my fork. I don't support or eat fast food, most those corps have right-leaning tendencies anyway. But over this issue if I did, no, I would not eat there anymore. Love is love.

They have been camped out since this morning. The line is at least 3 or 4 blocks long. They are passing out thankyou cards for free food because of the wait.
No. I don't support people who practice hate speech.

So then I assume you dont suppoort people like Rahm Emanuel who made it clear that he hates those that think differently than he does?

Obama said he was for gay marriage...and therefore against those that believe in the traditional marriage.

How is that showing any less hate than a man who says he believes in traditional marriage?

Exactly what is hateful about saying you are for OR against gay marriage?
I heard a little of the Mike Gallagher(sp?) Show on the radio today, he was actually suggesting that people in the drive through should pay for the car behind them as a nice gesture. You guys are weird.

I'm just glad Operation Artery Clog is running smoothly.
I believe it was Huckabee who tried to organize it. I'm going for lunch today out of both support for a legit business and curiosity to see if the message was widespread.

Sure... Why not...

There's one down the road and I'm willing to skip a night of turning on the oven for dinner...:thup:

Chicken Sammiches...Mmmmmmm
I heard a little of the Mike Gallagher(sp?) Show on the radio today, he was actually suggesting that people in the drive through should pay for the car behind them as a nice gesture. You guys are weird.

I'm just glad Operation Artery Clog is running smoothly.

Chicken is healthy eats...

True Story...

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